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  • rotflol Keith!!!  Can I ask for the real estate and Wall Street too????

  • My guess would be that this is disinfo. If Russia were really planning to assassinate our leaders and topple our government I think they would be in for a shock. There is probably much more than 1.2 billion rounds in the hands of American civilians themselves right now, good luck to any outside force trying to take over this country. I am personally much more worried about my own government being out of control then Spetznaz commandos. If the threat were really from outside the country then our military could handle it with the help of the numerous militias still operating in the US. Unfortunately, I don't believe that is what the ammo is for...

  • Sounds scary on paper, BUT, it would be a BIG mistake by the commies.   They can't win! 

  • The purchasing of Ammo rounds (hollow point?) by these government agencies has not gone unnoticed by the average American.  This is a last grab for power.  But, have they underestimated the civilian's ability to organize a response? The collective power and energy of the people may surprise them.  As you read the article one can see they believe the people to be sleeping, unaware, passe'.  But.... that is where they make their most grave mistake.

  • With recent events in my personal life and the world over, it is about to come to a head.  A lot of people are talking revolution and TPTB are getting scared.  

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