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  • OK ... thanks Morris :)
  • Excellent link for making movies from any of the STEREO instruments.


    Space Physics - USTC

  • So Amy, the image you asked me to comment seems to be Pleiades.

  • One of my friends on another group made a short movie showing this objects ... its here

    Heads up folks ... incoming objects!

    The cluster is just left and up from center

    These are NASA shots from HI1 behind:\


  • Here is the link to the NASA Stereo image browser: Stereo Science Center.

    The first image is from HI1 Behind from September 9, 2011.

    2967650251?profile=RESIZE_320x320The resolution of the archival images is very good, but lags two days behind the real time images.




















    The second image is also from HI1 Behind, but it is from September 11, 2011.


    Same objects, but you'll have to wait for two days to see a better resolution image.


    2967650483?profile=originalA color-composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky Survey.
    Credit: NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech


    Somehow fitting though, that the cause of the flap is one of the most mystical objects in the sky.


    I am off to see if I can get a look at the supernova.

  • Sites down now ... tried 3 times

    Ronald ... did you save the image?  If you did, send me an e-mail and I will post it

  • Yes I just look and when I scroll down, I saw the same one you posted Amy.
  • What, I just came from looking at the pictures again. They are still there.
  • NSA has taken the website down, says that DNS has unresolved name.
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