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  • You can watch sunrise at katlas live cam ( posted below ) You can see the edge of the ice cap at this time, now.
  • John,


    I have heard of the little ice age and it would be horrific but the little ice age may have been caused by the trans atlantic current shutting off which seems to happen more frequently than mega volcanoes going could have been a combination of the two or just the volcano but I am not sure to be honest.....

    I will do a little research and let you know what I find....

  • Katla's history tells us (last 3 eruptions) happened 18 months after Eyjafjallajokull erupts. Which happened 15 months ago. I have been watching Katla for over 1 year. Here is a live cam, I use: . Katla is located under a" ICE CAP ". There will be heavy melt ice (flooding), this will confirm activity. This Volcano could cause 2 years of WINTER, in the northern hemisphere and KILL people EAST, of Katla. Ireland, Scotland, England etc. from Gases released. I've seen lots of Human action the last Month, on live cam. Anyone heard about the "little ice age" ???
  • Buck,

    Yellowstone is a type of volcano known as a caldara.....if it goes, we all go, crops and all....

  • I feel the same way. It is bad enough that we have crop failure due to the weather, we are going to suffer if the sun is blocked by volcanic ash. Might as well eat mushrooms and sprouts.
  • Of all the volcanoes, this one concerns me the most. It is believed that these Icelandic volcanoes caused the great famines of 1315/1316.

    The Vatican has extensive records of this era.

    Now if the New Madrid goes off before the 2011 corp comes in, we will see famine world wide.

    Interesting times we live in :^(

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