New Post From Tolec, About The Ball Of Energy

Another indicator of the coming dimensional shift:

A number of you have asked about a very large 'sphere', a "ball of energy", recently discovered near the Sun, looking like nothing we have ever seen before.  Here is the video you have all referenced:

This is what I have learned about it:   a.)  it is a sphere of higher dimensional energy    b.)  this sphere is a being... a sentient, intelligent life force  c.) this life form comes from Menkent in the Centaurus constellation - in the southern hemisphere [you can research this location using "Stellarium" star chart software]  d.) it is a truly magnificent being whose life force is from 'beyond' the 13th dimension of life   e.) the specific purpose for this being to come here is to assist our solar system, including planet Earth, with the dimensional upward shift & transformation of this world... into that of the next faster/higher frequency/dimension of life.

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  • Kim, how right you are!

  • All I have to say is the time is now for this benevolent energy ball, and or God, to do something NOW as the greed, hatred, abuse, pollution, disease, starvation, and killings have gone on for too long on this planet.  A lot of us on this planet are well beyond sick of it and want something done about it right now...

  • True, Peter.  And I bet we will all be very surprised what that full story will be.

  • No one knows the full story - yet!

  • I agree, Keith.  I almost didn't post it, but then I thought... it's up to each person to decide.

  • What bugs me is the date of most of the pictures. They were from 2009. Is the first  picture the most recent? Knowing that this Ball is actually a being is fantastic. I cannot wait to see what other phenomenon we will be witness to.

  • This large Being is definitely doing something!

  • Keeping fingers crossed.  If so I wonder how long it will sit out there and do nothing.

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