In order to make way for the new, the old has to be swept away. You are anold soul. You were born on an planet and will live and die on a planet.But if you are an eternal soul, all of your lifetimes are like grainsof sand on an endless beach. Nothing that is you will ever be lost. Itcannot be lost, will not be lost, and you will be back, better thanever, forever.
So who is on the front lines? Our astronauts. They go up into space and they see with their own eyes that Planet X is nearthe Sun. They see the tail with hundreds of large moons, thousands ofsmaller moons, and clouds of rocks, hydrocarbons and iron ore dust. Theyknow the tail is made of twin strands rippling so that Planet X appearslike a bird wheeling in the sky; like the 18,000 year old glyph inBolivia warning it will come again. They know the rocks from the tailhave swept through the solar system and are flying free to enter ouratmosphere.
The full article here... J
and, what does this mean: "But this robot is cargo not crew." (found in the full article, through the link provided)