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  • So the question is: ...Human beings also have a sense of balance and direction.  At what point do humans loss orientation of balance from natural occurances.  First the animal kingdom and then us...

  • They will never find out what is infecting the birds because its not an infection ..... it sounds like their internal navigation systems which happen to be tied into the earths magnetic field is failing.....up becomes down and vice versa tends to lead to very dramatic landings, would explain all the broken necks and bones suffered by all the birds that were discovered dead.....I have a really hard time believing that I am the only one who noticed that scene in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".......magnetic field shifting = dead birds/dolphins/whales/fish and just about any other animal that depends on the magnetic field for self location....think that's the term for it....Please correct me if you have a better hypothesis.
  • This is happening in OHIO.  It was reported in RSOE in the mass animal death section as of 19.02.2011..  Very strange.


    Wildlife officials say they have no idea what is killing thousands of ducks and
    geese along Lake Erie and the Maumee River. When they first discovered the trend
    a few weeks ago, only a few birds were infected. As of Friday, around 200 birds
    have been linked to the mystery illness. Infected birds simply throw their heads
    back and lose their motor skills before they die. No one knows how far it could
    spread. "This may be something that's not at all going to affect people, but it
    may be, and we need to figure it out to know what's going on," said Nature's
    Nursery's Laura Zitzelberger. So far, labs tests confirm that the birds did not
    die of the avian flu. State wildlife officials say they may never know what is
    causing the deaths, but that it could be a natural occurrence.

  • Can anyone say Texas Tea......Black Gold......a major contributor without a doubt is the BP - Oil Spill but in all honesty oil vents on the sea floor have existed for longer than we have.....There is much more at play than just the oil and pollutants that were released...... Fertility will be a major issue if solar activity continues as it has been.....bodes ill for many species.
  • Awl that is just sickening.  Poor babies.
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