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  • has anyone noticed the compass needle move the past few days. Mine moved 2 degrees north east from being central about 2 days ago, then swung the opposite  way by 4 degrees north west today. This is a fairly large swing.There is bad windy weather  in the uk today

  • Now that is one scribbly mess!
  • Quick question cheryl is this just a snap shot of a moment or has the magnetic field restructured itself into this formation....?

  • I know when its going to happen.....when it happens.....

  • disclosure, inch by inch..what they don't say is that shifts can be caused by both internal and external activity. If an external trigger like a planet or comet exists, a shift can happen out of the sequenced time that an internal shift might suppose
  • Sectionals (VFR navigation charts) have a shelf-life and are only good for six months from their effective date- so that's a bogus claim to say it's costing money to change the charts. They are regularly updated to reflect new obstructions, roads, communication towers, etc.

    Not I take exception with the claim that hikers and kayakers are going to be hundreds of miles off who hikes a hundred miles or kayaks that far?

  • Very confidant about how long it takes for a reversal!
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