Pilot speaks out about Chemtrails and HAARP

http://www.pakalertpress.com/2011/10/22/pilot-speaks-out-about-chemtrails-and-haarp/?utm_source=feedburner    I have read everything I could about chemtrails for 5 years and have come to the conclusion, that their purpose is to cull the population of the earth either by weather control such as disasters in conjunction with HAARP , changing the soil makeup so as to destroy our food sources and to directly dump toxic chemicals and disease on the people of the world. After searching for countries that are not being sprayed, I have found almost none. Due to the fact 1 of 2 men and 2 of 3 women get cancer. Alzheimers diease caused by aluminum being ingested has trippled in the last decade. Barium hampers your immune system. Morgellens disease is in every countrry of the world. Who ever is behind it will not be able to survive on this planet either, the ecosystem is damaged already. Monsanto corp has already made aluminum resistant seeds. Who ever is responsible is either PSYCHO or ALIEN to this planet. Since 1996 people have been fighting to stop this and have gotten nowhere. Just like 911 it will not be discussed by any top officials.  The Kyoto  treaty of 1999 is the begining of all countries becoming involved. 
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  • Well said Jonas. I agree with you. I say to myself that we came to Earth to experience this change. All of us are gathering strength to move forward. Thanks to Cheryl, we have become a close family. And we are looking out for one another. And we all are going to move throught the events with the knowledge that all of us are doing the same things. We have to believe that we have the physical and mental strength to do it. By understanding what is occurring and what is predicted to occur, we are in a better position to go with the flow instead of fighting all the way.
  • Thanks Rosemary, it is a crazy world we live in. I try to see the humor in it, but it's often a dark humor. I do take comfort in my belief that the world is on the cusp of something better. Like Byron I would really like to see the change. It's very helpful to me to be able to read everybody's ideas and occasionally bounce some of my own ideas off of you guys. I am grateful for this space that Cheryl has provided, and all the wonderful people I have met. It makes the problems of the world easier to accept and deal with.
  • Sorry to hear Jonas. Now we all have to do our best to live healthy, which is rather harder to achieve. Yes that water filter system  is a good idea. Porcelain filters are the best at the moment. The only thing is the measurement of pharmaceutical. They are present in water in parts by trillions.
  • Jim  Thanks  I don't even know I have it anymore but ita still there. It is nano technology and is in the chemtrails. Children have been the worst affected. Their blood is changed. Keith H said its one of the reason he left San Francisco now they are spraying in Mongolia too.
  • Drinking water can be solved with a Big Burkey water filter system.  Sorry to hear about your problem Byron.
  • To go along with every thing that is added as a poison the PTB want to tax us on exhailing carbon dioxide. What an insane world it has become, Without a change coming soon there is not a lot of hope. Everytime I think I have sorted out the toxins from my diet something else pops up to depress me. Our only way to figh this is to keep our immune systems in tact until time comes when the earth can recover. Our food which heals us has been attacked so bad, I look at every bite with discust and wonder if radiation or other poison has entered it. The PTB have taken my right to breath clean air away and I have to live with Morgellons disease until a cure is found. I am able to keep the cancer and bacterium at bay with vitamin D3 but for how long I don't know. I really want to be here for the change   
  • Good point Rosemary. So now the big question for me is, do I drink bottled water which contains BPA and get cancer, or do I drink Tap water which (where I live) contains Fluoride, various prescription drugs and pesticides, and Trihalomethanes (from the use of chlorine as a disinfectant) and get cancer? One has to laugh at just how insane this world has become. I am SO ready for a change..
  • There is another source of pollution that has not been talk about. It is endocrine disruptor. The are present in plastic, every item of toiletry, fragrance, etc. They are the main cause of cancer in developing countries.
  • Jim for a few years now I have thought alien also because there will not be a planet habitabe by humans. David Icke says that the illuninati are part reptillian and other sources say the same. Many sources say reptillians and greys are working for our governments, maybe they are controlling it. Game over is closer than we think my friend.
  • I go with the alien.  Seems that they run everthing and finaly have completely taken over.  Also seems that they gave tptb time to cash out and leave the U. S..  What is left is theirs.  Probably if the tptb did not comply they would have destroyed everything.  Just a thought, I could be wrong, it just seems that way, as being the simpelest, logical, explanation.  The next one would be greed!  Figureing that they will have it all and to hell with the rest of the world.  The ultamate game of manolopy!  When they own it all , game over!
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