Planet X Dream

This was a very vivid dream. I was on another planet. I was walking uphill and came to a summit. There was a small passageway between a large rock outcropping that I barely squeezed through. I was surprised to see a vast city down below me. The sky was dark and turbulent and the city was not lit up but it was easy to see there were many huge statues of people scattered throughout.  We're talking LOTR (remember the statues on the canoe trip?) These statues were so tall they towered above the tallest buildings.

The next scene I remember is looking out over the city and someone telling me that they knew when Planet X would be passing, down to the week.  There seemed to be an red-orange light between and behind the dark clouds.

The next scene I am out by a main road. Chemtrail drones are flying just barely above the rooftops and spraying the streets. The air is thick and foggy with the white smoke being dumped from the drones. I leave there quickly because the air is unbreathable.

There was another scene that I have lost, I think I was inside somewhere and there was a computer or something similar. There was an orange-red monster-type figure up in a green sky.  It was printed on a paper that came from a computer. There was more.  If I remember, I'll add it.

Interesting to note, I had a reading yesterday.  It confirmed I am a contactee and that I am an old soul here to assist in the transformation.  I wonder if the dream had anything to do with the reading? 

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  • Yes, it had that kind of gloom about it, either the sun had just set or it was just about to rise kind of light like we have on Earth.  The sky was dark and forbidding but yet I could see enough to make out buildings and statues.  Maybe that's why the Annunaki are so cranky.  Seasonal affective disorder.
  • Kim, from what I've been reading (and I'm no expert) the subconscious will not allow memories to surface if you are not yet ready to handle them.
  • I agree with you on the Roman aspect.  There was that flavor to it.  It was a dusty, sinister environment.  While I was up above the city, I wasn't able to see the details of the buildings, but they seemed to be very close together.  I don't recall seeing people either.  It seemed like it was either just before dawn or it was twilight, as far as the lighting went (or else it was generated but I couldn't tell from where). 

    Don't let the old path hold you back, Jason.  Just start walking your new path.  Your intentions and motivations now are what count.

  • I kind of shut off dreams like this especially after that horrific tsunami dream I had last year (I think that dream I had might have been Japan's tsunami).  Too damn scary.
  • Jason, you seem to be tuning in to the changes.  I think this might mean you will be/are doing rescue work.  (Sometimes dreams aren't dreams but recall your subconscious is releasing into your conscious mind.)

    I was told that the veil was being lifted for me to catch glimpses of things.  That's wild if that was a glimpse of PX.  It's an unpleasant place.

  • Several people think the planet I saw was Planet X, so I did some research.  This link contains some interesting information:

    "The gigantic race had shrines built in their honor...."  This picture shows what appears to be the size difference between the ruling Annunaki and their servants/slaves:


    2967636366?profile=originalDo you think the "shrines" could be enormous statues of themselves?

  • It does seem that way, Jason.  I rarely if ever have dreams about earthquakes.  Maybe because I lived in southern California for so long.  But I was "in the moment" in last night's earthquake dream.  There is a blackout point right in the middle of a scene that is bugging me.  Perhaps I was somewhere last night and wasn't supposed to remember a certain part.
  • No, nothing that indicated a date.
  • Did you see a date on anything, like a newspaper, was it a weekday or weekend a barbecue get together ?
  • Last night's dreams dealt with massive earthquakes and violence.  They were jarring, frightening, scattered, with missing pieces (there is one part that goes totally blank yet I can feel there is something there but can't get it to come into focus.  I popped awake around 3:30 a.m. and almost got up to see if there had been a massive earthquake somewhere.
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