Ra-El Addresses The World


Don't know who he is or what to make of this...Lord Ra-El Addresses the World on May 21st. 

He claims to be Christ Returned. 

What I know is the return of Christ would be seen in the skies by all nations, not by a limited audience of people who hear a speech on the internet following on the heels of another guy saying the rapture was to happen on May 21st.  I wondered about his use of American vernacular, "I think not!" Just seemed odd, not something I'd expect the KoK and LoL to say.

Wasn't there also a biblical warning that there would be many false Christs coming in his name, and don't be fooled? 

Christ Returned?  I think not.  At least, not on May 21st, 2011.

Just my opinion, but what do I know?

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  • earth bound gods need donations....NOT the boundless..
  • If he is coming from another planet/place/heaven....he needs no donations....he will have all he needs....dont be blinded.......
  • Picture of Ra El Raymond Howard Lear

  • Jesus demonstrated he had no need for money.  Witness the fish and bread. 

    The Disciples had money, remember Judas was the treasurer.  I would think that Jesus wasn't into upsetting society for everyday necessities.

  • oops, helpful
  • Alesiah, I am not Cheryl but I will answer with a yes. Jesus operated with donations.  But he demonstrated that he could manage with out donations. It was not essential but was helful. 
  • Cheryl did you ever read his website? He's looking for donations...LOL http://ra-el.org/

    Would a real Messiah need money?

  • Cheryl, you and I are on the same page re: all of this.  I guess many of us are on the same page.  I got the impression that this was done as an opportunistic moment for Ra-El.  Swinging on the coattails of Camping.  Now Camping looks foolish.  I watch & listen to several different television ministeries.  (Each brings something to the table so to speak.)  Larry Huch always emphasizes that the Christians will suffer due to lack of knowledge as has been quoted in the Bible.  So, if you don't know your Bible you can get easily duped.  I am amazed at how many Christians don't know any better.  It's down right scarey.
  • Yes, I have heard that...but too as we know there were many groups Hilter targeted..and he was trying to create a pour super race..
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