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  • Interesting conversation. We have to give ourselves permission to change things. Here in Canada, we have a government who has put us into slavery to the benefit of the Corporate world. Power come from us. We are starting to say no to the idiot who claims that the cutbacks are good for the economy. We are starting to embrace that the power is inside all of us. Even if our 2 country are different politically, we are becoming more outspoken. The negativity is moving aside because most of us are against a wall. We cannot go any further so might as well push back. This energy will inflame every one. The aces are in our hands.

  • Oh and thanks for sharing that Markus

  • It is said in prophecy after the anti-christ makes his appearance that we will get intervention from a higher source.  Be wary of any man that claims he is Christ as again in prophecy Jesus is not to come in human form (but in a different form as in spiritual).  The anti christ will come in peace first, he will be a peace maker and then will be able to perform miracles but only because of the dark entities giving him the power (don't know if these are bad aliens or what). These miracles will not be of the Light but will appear to be.  Any how, things will change for the better it's just not happening as fast as we would like it to.  :(  Here I am not trying to convert anyone to anything I just want to make sure people are informed about what possibly could happen in the future whether believers or not as if this does come to be then the information is out there.  Prayer, meditions/intentions can always dilute bad times we just have to find patience and believe that we will receive intervention (and that it happens sooner than later).

  • Kim, even though I am an atheist. I can can say "amen" to that. We do need some kind of higher intervention.

  • An act of God is what is needed
  • I've been hearing about mass arrests' now for years and nothing has materialized. Maybe I am cynical, but I think the purse strings of power are above any local politician and perhaps even Washington.  I have lost all hopes on government and the process of voting. To me "green" is the ruler of each party, even if the person has good intention, they are squashed in the end.

  • Many people have stated that mass arrests are the only way to remove the psychopaths and I agree. Changing to a local level should of been done long ago. More people are waking up but only to things that are directly affecting them, they know so little and don't want to hear the rest. We are living in very strange times on this planet with so many things wrong especially the hold media still has. 

  • Byron, that's the hard reality.  I'm not even sure our current political system can be fixed.  But revolution is a very hard path, just more of the same.  In the interim, maybe decentralization of the federal gov't is a better answer... gov't at the state and county level.  The closer to their constituents are, the more accountable gov't reps can be held.

  • Sorry to be so cynical but the real problems will not be addressed by either party and they are, Fukushima, Chemtrails, HAARP, vaccines, fracking,  FDA, water, GMO's and a long list of things that threaten mankind right now and are controlled by globalists that we can't identify on the surface. Until we stop these things and more we will fall back into the same mold of being too sick to even care. A outright revolution or ascension appears to be the only way out.      

  • Yep, W&R.  I see this election as a way to geld the obvious anti-American in the White House.  In two years, states that are normally demo, but voted the demos out this time around, will be voting for Hillary at-this-point-what-does-it-matter Clinton (also an anti-American).  And the demos will be back in power for the following eight years. 

    What can we do?  Grass roots initiatives to clamp down on lobbying, set ceilings on campaign contributions and expenditures (maybe one pool, with each party getting the same amount to spend), outlaw negativity campaigns, ensure the integrity of the voting systems, make it law that any politician who votes in contravention of the US Constitution/will of the People is immediately removed from post, investigated and dealt with, demand that politicians get the same benefits as the rest of us (no special treatment), pass laws that will make it impossible for anyone to ever usurp any public office (esp. POTUS) again.  It's a start.  But what will we do?  Go back to sleep.  Who has time for all that, right?

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