If you aren't pissed-off enough already with the slow-motion disaster in the Gulf, watching this news report might make you let out a few more expletives. The video is genuine, but still unbelievable!
Via WKRG in Mobile, Alabama-Pensacola, Florida.
News Five collected samples of water and sand from Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Katrina Key and Dauphin Island. To our eyes, the samples appeared normal, until we took them to a local lab to be tested.
Water and sand along Alabama's coast should contain no more than five parts per million of oil or petroleum, according to Bob Naman, an analytical chemist. But, the samples we collected tested much higher.
From 16 ppm to 221 ppm, our results are concerning. Even more disturbing is what happened to a sample collected from the Dauphin Island Marina near oil containment boom.
Yes, it exploded. Adding a common organic solvent to separate the oil from the water caused the water sample to explode on contact. Whether from poisonous levels of methane or through the over-use of the dispersant Corexit, serious questions should be raised but mostly aren't. Water shouldn't just "explode"*.
And children are still playing and swimming in this toxic soup.
Read & Watch: http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/scarce/testing-water
The Russians had this same issue when their wells blewout, and 5 times they used mini-nukes to try to fuse the cracks in the seafloor... Most of their experiments failed; but BP and Halburton is ready to test one in the Gulf and they alread have it all set up on a rig in the Gulf!!! Please read the ENTIRE Super Weapons article at the link I posted. I'll be posting the Russian story links later (when I have more time).
Citizens MUST become MORE AWARE... Everyone seem to think that the news media should be feeding them info & educating them! The TV generation is so damn lazy... Locals & Tourists are all letting thier children, EVEN INFANTS swim/soak in this toxic waste!
I am spitting mad at these mothers/parents... but you cant educate most of them, believe me I've tried till I was grinding my teeth and pissing my pants!!! Sorry, I'm so upset about the ignorance... so I'll just help educate you smart people... and we all got to work together to get the word out... DONT SWIM IN THE GULF!