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  • Yeah, I got the snipers were there but were halted, but whatever.  It is apparent that potential big trouble spots are being "headed off at the pass"

  • Never mind I read the post. David Wilcox has said this has happened before also.

  • This is the first I heard of snipers firing at the BLM and supporters is Ashtar saying they stopped this from happening.

    Our “Friends Upstairs,” the Galactics, have also been given much more recent mandated authority to Divinely Intervene, to stop any and all plans and agendas of the cabal, especially where loss of life and the loss of our freedoms are concerned. And they waited right up until the hidden snipers started firing their weapons at the BLM agents and militia...

  • Glad they are trained.  That's what's needed.

  • What most people do not understand is that the Arizona Militia has been protecting the border to Mexico for years. The Oathkeepers are just an unorganized club of members from ex military and police mostly and from all over the country, I was one of the original members. Many would be good fighters but without training with a group they are not as useful as they might think. The AZ militia battles with the drug cartels on a regular basis and are joined by other militia members from most states in the winter months when the desert temperatures go down their leader is an ex special forces colonel called Hammer Down.    

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