This is about the last dream I can remember having at nighttime in 4 anda half years now. I no longer dream nor remember my sleep time in thenight hours. Where before this dream I could be aware while I slept.I’ve tried everything to remember what goes on at nighttime with me butto no prevail. I do know that I now dream/ have visions all the timewhile I’m awake now. So here it goes the dream… (Written from my exactnotes directly upon waking.)
I begin by walking a graveled path to another gravel road. I passed mymailbox, pointless but it reminded me of the past. There were lusciousgreen plants everywhere. I am confused if I really went to sleep? Iwondered. The smell of the air was mystifying, it was clean. So clean itburned my nose. I could feel it permeate my lungs and a refreshingsense came over me. Was I dreaming is what I thought as I walked downthe road? Everything is so vivid and alive, too real to be a dream. Ican see the detail that a dream rarely has. The gravel on the ground, Ipicked some up I felt it run through my fingers, I felt every littlerock. I was utterly amazed that that I knew I could be dreaming I’mfeeling everything , really feeling it as if it was right next to me inreal life. As I walked further across the field I could see theoccasional hill. I was just enjoying the view for it was beautiful. Butthen I let reality set in and I remember going to sleep. I could feelthe sweat dripping off my skin. I am coolly dressed in light clothes.White t-shirt, green pants with lots of pockets and black boots, and abaseball cap worn backwards. My clothes are a little worn. But I couldfeel the sun getting stronger, beating upon my skin. Then I ponderedfurther upon what is really happening to me. I begin to panic, I canfeel my heartbeat, my nerves are shaken…I’m scared, where am I? Where iseveryone else I know? I know I live here but I feel like it was notwhere I remembered with Alex. I know this is my body but I am not where Ishould be I am somewhere else. I then felt an overwhelming explosion ofthoughts and emotions filled me chaotically, but it was understood allin order. #1 the world had a catastrophic moment #2 I was better then Iever was (physically, emotionally, and intellectually) #3 everything wasjust fine-in fact better than before#4 an overwhelming sense of allthis knowledge yet I couldn’t access it.
These feelings dominated my panic and fear of not knowing where I was asmy journey continued. I had a sense that this route I am on I havetaken everyday since I came here. I know the destination that I want togo (my job) this was routine. I felt certain that I knew where I wasgoing. I was realizing that I was remembering memories that I have notlived yet. So remembering things scared the shit out of me because I wasstill trying to come to terms with this dream. I tried waking up but Icouldn’t , I began to think this is not a dream and I should go with itto see where it leads me, I mean I do not even know if I can leave here.Upon my travels down this road I encountered a small creek at which Ijumped over. Upon crossing I can see people at a distance, wondering notaimlessly but productively is what I felt from seeing them. A sense ofcalm came over me because for awhile I was thinking I was the only oneeven though inside I knew others were alive. All races , genders andages varied… but a sense of humanity is strongly felt. People areclothed in modern clothes. Some are walking, some playing, there are afew searching but all seem to be laid back, relax not hurried. I smiledat a few and got a smile back, it felt good. I continued down the roadwhere people are everywhere and hills are present in the distantness’.It is picture perfect. I know I passed over two hills. Passing over thefirst hill I notice a second sun/planet in the sky. I knew it was planetyet it seemed to glow and it was much closer than the sun. it had fivesmaller moons orbiting it. This scene didn’t frighten me but a sense ofurgency passed within me to reach my destination. When I reached thesecond hill I noticed that there was a bunch of crumbled building in thedistance. The sun and sun/planet were higher in the sky when I reachedmy destination. I noticed the detail I see on the buildings, I’m stilltrying to see if this is a dream. But everything is telling me this isreal. I see the plants taking back the building and even the bricks invivid detail, cracks and all. There are kids playing, laughing on thebroken up street. They were jumping off broken parts of buildings, Iyelled to be careful. I cared for them. I knew what building to enter…3rd on the right. There was a gated fence on the windows with woodbehind. Inside was a skateboard shop. Money was useless now I rememberedupon entering. We make trades of useful metals and such. All thebuildings were in bad shape but useable. There were skateboards on thewall and a small room with a table off to the left. The store had fivepeople all in their twenties. Three worked there and two were hangingout. Although I recognized the 3 who worked there I didn’t remembertheir names. But they knew mine and joked with me and spoke to me as ifthey knew me for a long time. For a portion of the day everyone findsshelter from the scorching suns. People did not return outside until theoriginal sun was setting. While we were waiting we were allbullshitting talking pointless crap about skateboards. As the time wasmoving on I began to stand in the middle of the room and panic set in. Ihave been here for hours, I had felt the time actually pass was thisreally a dream? Will I ever go home? In my mind for most of the day Iwas beginning to believe this was my new home. I knew I was not in mytime, but I was really there. I realized then that my former self wastrapped in my future self. I was glimpsing the future. If this wasreally a dream, I could get out I have done it before. I tried to willmy self awake, I even pinched myself but only felt the pinch as if I wasawake. I failed and true panic was coming over me. The owner put hisarm around me just then. I sensed he saw the panic in my eyes. I toldhim in a state of panic that I felt misplaced in time that Irecollection of where I was, how I got here or what occurred. He wasreassuring with his words as he comforted me that I was okay. But itappeared that my plea fell upon deaf ears and he did not go intodetails. He then jokingly reassured me that I was fine and that I knewwhat happened and I did belong there. I did not want to seem crazy so Ipushed my panic aside. I mentally put my self together and made my wayto the room and said my goodbyes and left for home. I started thejourney back home. The journey back home seemed much faster, an hour orso instead of the couple hours I felt pass earlier (by watching the sunearlier). I watch the suns set and the stars rise. I leave the dreamwhere I started by the mailbox. I never see my home nor who is inside ifanyone at all. When I awake from this dream I feel like I have beenwalking for miles, I was tired and exhausted, even though I have beensleeping for a little more than eight hours. My muscles ached for daysafter.if that was really dream, how do remember that much detail? Andwhy? Why did I ache? I have tried to return to this dream/experience butI can not. But I can remember this dream even without my notes. BecauseI do not feel it was a dream but an experience. Yet still I can notseem to have anymore dreams at nighttime. I have been trying to find away to dream that dream again to go in detail but to no prevail. It willnot reoccur, not even in meditation. It would be interesting to findout what others think of this dream.
I think Diana and pb have said somewhere else, maybe in the sensitives group, there is an uncanny coming together of very intuitive people on this ning, almost as if we were being brought together by a larger more spiritual Source. I wonder what any one thinks, feels, or senses about this idea?
The Zetas were having me and a friend do a similar exercise in preparing for the loss of our respective families with the goal of us being able to function after it happens. We went through our respective bereavements and while it is a heavy thought, at least to me, I can confront it without any more emotional reaction.
as for what i found this to mean to me, well let me tell you what occurred... after a long conversation with them about me and my past (Which has been bumpy to say the least.) i started to recite the dream, and a terrified feeling came over me while i recited that i dually noted. but just like that they have given me the answer with great ease, like they knew the answer all along. You see they explained to me that i put up a wall many years ago after my sisters accident which left her handicapped. ( hence i was watching her and this caused great stress on myself) but instead of walking through it i walked around it with the idea that i was to protect them. this idea stuck till the day i made the change within myself. and i have had accordingly to this idea of protector. This dream was to show me that i may not be able to save them and i have to wake up to that reality and deal with those feeling now so i can be more able to help when the time arises. still this was a blow to my heart. i have worked through this within myself to change my thought pattern.
This has been the hardest idea to accept in my life, an idea i made into a reality. And because i did this i feel free, liberated if you will. ever since i made that change i have opened up in ways i could of before only dreamed. i have been remembering glimpses of dreams, a few a night. my psychic energy has increased, my over all mind- body-soul interconnectedness feels like it was never out of sync, and i am able to understand things clearer, i can see all sorts of information hidden to normal eyes, it is as if the world is talking to me ...what i can see and what i can not see. there is so much i can share but only limited in the space and tact in which it would make sense to share. i am still on the journey to open up all of my true potential that lies waiting for me. everyday many things occur to me via visions, daydreams or just plan knowing ( hard to explain, i will in another post about what i just mentioned).
Telepathy, huh????
I get results from the telepathy binaural sound: I downloaded the tester to Windows Media and put it on play (otherwise it will loop to other songs in you list) and repeat, to get a longer test drive.
"I realized then that my former self was
trapped in my future self. I was glimpsing the future."
Although, for now, I can't think of the purpose for this. It seems to be deliberate, somehow, for some reason, from the perspective of your soul. Also, you never went to you home. So, this indicates you were out of body, at least, or perhaps not in your present body. But somehow quite connected to it, since you physically felt the effects of this experience.
I'm curious that you seem to no longer "nighttime" dream. I gather from what you're saying you do have ongoing daytime dreams, or visions. It seems to me that you have mentioned this somewhere else, before. How do these daytime dreams/visions work? What is the experience of them like?
I've been having an unusual difficulty since this past March, remembering my dreams, too. I know I am dreaming, yet, I cannot seem to remember them. Prior to this I had very good recall. In my case, it seems to be related to some sort of mission that I felt I was spiritually approached on back in that time frame. The dreams stopped about the time I accepted the mission. I'm not clear why.
In your case, one of ideas that comes to mind, today, when I read this, and earlier, when I read it in one of your previous posts, is that you may have become more integrated, with the typical divide of the subconsious and conscious functions of the mind are no longer severed the way it typically is in our human minds. Check this out in your heart and see if this resonates with you.
Another possibility is that the lack of memory may be deliberate from your soul's intention.