Sizzle suggested this on-line event:  Many of us have been through a lot together and have truly come to care about each other's well-being, even if we maintain a certain level of privacy for obvious reasons.  This "picnic" gives everyone who's been out of touch, just observing for a while, or busy with preps, or even newcomers, a chance to check in and let the others know "all's well".  Each could, if they wish, bring a little positive "potluck" to the blog in the form of a favorite quote, story, or experience that might be encouraging to the others, in much the same way as a brick-and-mortar reunion would provide.

So, all are welcome.  We'd love to hear from everybody. 




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  • now you tell me....

  • First off thanks Rosemary - great info on waste disposal.....

    Second - I can recommend a few places to get saffron but its an arm and a leg to get an ounce.  Its running for a small fortune since it is all hand picked.....I would definitely recommend saffron from Spain over all others and on a side note......PLEASE DO NOT EAT SAFFRON IF LESS THAN THREE MONTHS PREGNANT .... IT CAN CAUSE A MISCARRIAGE

  • Kim... I have not even been able to find saffron.  I use a pinch in my chicken soup for a nice rich color.
  • Cheryl and Donna, these are the best information I could find on vermicomposting toilet.

    Watch the video first. It give a good idea of the process we have to go through.

    Lovable Loo Eco friendly compost toilet


    The Humanure Headquaters by Joseph C. Jenkins. This handbook is really detailed, but does require quite a bit of work. On a survival note this will work, but it is not as easy to use has a portapotty.


    This one I like because it does not require hauling human waste to a compost bin. Aftereach use, people put saw dust over the waste to keep odor and flies down. Once the container is full, put red wiggler worms and let them digest the waste. Although this video is from Asia, it is the closest I could find if we look at the portapotty concept.


    How many people are we expecting to have for the picnic?



  • So cool!  Iranians are lovely people, aren't they?
  • Thanks.  I actually have a little saffron from Iran (we have Iranian friends that live in MD).
  • And we create our realities.
  • Picnic Contribution:

    As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.
    Emmanuel Teney

  • I also put a smige of chocolate in spaghetti sauce... delightful...
  • Damn... I was out packing the car, getting ready to 'go'.. when I noticed this is an on-line picnic... how cool is that.. I, too, would prefer an in-your-face type gathering, but it is what it is...


    Good one... Keith... 'recipe'... hahaha


    My picnic contribution is... "LOVE is the only reality..." 

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