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  • William you are a good man and your crusade of wakeing people up is helping , I too have the pain of no being able to wake enough people up. I have watched the videos of people who are bleeding to death internaly. Its not fair and certainly not right to let this continue to be covered up, keep doing what you can you are helping more than you think and it will never seem like enough to any of us that want to reach out farther. Kudos my friend  
  •  I fully believe the depopulation agenda is being pushed to the limit very soon. TPTB do not want to come out of their bunkers and have the planet strewn with rotting corpses so they will kill us off very soon and clean up the mess  WW111 is being pushed as fast as they can. Oboma has truely been the GET ER DONE person for TPTB. The new bill ( war without end ) will destroy the war powers act and be our demise. China is being pushed to their limit as you say. China also warned the US to leave Pakistan alone and we just increased drone attacks there.
  • William, I agree with Cheryl. You are doing your best to warn people around you, but because all of us have free will, we do not seem to understand the reason for being attentive to these message. There is a general apathy when people are confronted will something like the Gulf oil spill. It is so overwhelming, that people do not react. The same phenomenon occurred during WWII would you believe.

    My only advise is to keep on spreading the warning. This is your job. If you are able to awaken just a few people that later on will awaken a few more, you did very well. Do not dispare and continue to shine your light

  • Byron, I forgot to mention China in this theory.  Obama in his last state of the union said the we needed to focus on home-building and watching asia....Then he ticks China off by meeting with the Dalai Lama and is with holding 800 million in promised money to Pakistan.  Hmmmmm...I think the "Man-Made" rush to the end is on.
  • TAMMY  You are exactly right. The soldiers that did not die on the battle field were sprayed with agent Orange to die later and Bush Sr. still got his hand in the death game by putting depleted uranium in bombs AKA Gulf war syndrum. Long after the war the people of the land we go to save are dying and having deformed children along with them becoming sterile. Depleted Uranium has a half life of 4 1/2 billion years and now has completly destroyed Iraq and floated in to Saudia Arabia and even come to the west coast of the US. Now for humanitarian reasons we have bombed Libya with the same poison and it is blowing into Tunisia and Egypt. Depleted Uranium is a gas and is banned by the UN. I was a soldier and fully believe, I was meant to die, not fight for freedom. Getting our soldiers out of this country seems to be the game that is being played out, while Hillary is at the UN fighting to pass legislation for a SMALL ARMS TREATY FOR THE WORLD. This means the UN soldiers can come take our weapons away. Every thing that is happening in our world was planned years ago. In 1961 THE REPORT FROM IRON  MOUNTAIN waswriten and is the elites blue print to what has already and what will happen its on video on utube. It even mentions the fake alien invasion.  
  • Forgive me if I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but this sounds very much like one to me.  Throughout history, America has used war as a population control method.  What I mean by this is if you look at the economy before and after both world wars you will see that America's economy was horribly bad.  If you get rid of a certain amount of population then there is room for the economy to grow because you have more jobs available.  Bush Sr tried to get us into a war and failed; Bush Jr took up what his father failed to do and succeeded; Obama is continuing the legacy and added more fields.  The big problem with this is that Americans are not dying off on the battle field as was expected.  The biggest question is this,  when has the National Guard ever been sent overseas to fight a battle that our regular military should be fighting?  The National Guard is for the defense here stateside. The only reason you would send the guard (and I mean no disrespect for them), who doesn't have anywhere near the training as our regular military, is for them to be killed at a higher rate. 

    When the death numbers of the National Guard didn't go as planned, what to do now?  You got it, the government will do it on the homefront.  Take a look just here stateside, what do you see?  The gulf oil spill and the chemicals used, possibility of HAARP to (stretching here on this theory) start massive EQ's, get the American people so riled up about the economy etc to possibly start a revolution perhaps.  The possibilities are endless as is the reasoning behind them.

  • You have done what you could, planted the seeds so to speak.  So, just hope the seeds will take root.
  • For too long I have been warning all I know In Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi about this. Today I have posted it on Facebook to probably little consequence. I have lost most of my friends through these warnings and still I try.

    What can I do? Just watch them all die through ignorance I suppose. I doubt anyone in the coastal areas will believe anything as it happens. I have already heard some of them tell me they have allergies!

    Anyone have a suggestion? I keep waiting to be killed by one of these lying thugs. It is now 1.24am and I can't sleep thinking of what the hell I can do. Tell me it just hopeless?

  • That legacy is awful. The article read like a well manage plot to kill as many innocent people as possible.
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