David Icke and his team have announced plans to start a "free global internet TV & Radio station broadcasting the information, background and opinions the mainstream media won't touch"...
However, he needs our support to get it started.
"We have 30 days from today to raise the money that will put this TV and Radio station on air within months to expose the information across multiple subjects that the mainstream media will not cover and to give a voice to the currently voiceless all over the world.
Let us put aside that which divides us and come together as One Global Human Voice - The People's Voice.
ENOUGH - we are not taking this **** anymore
The people can have a voice that brings us together and bypasses mainstream censorship all over the world - but we need your help to make this happen within months."
For more details and to see the progress of the donations, please visit the below page. As of right now, 37,500 British Pounds have been donated in only 2 days!
Good luck to him as he will need lots of it.
So I find this very interesting having been involved in broadcasting for over 30 years. He is using crowd funding to start the studio. I assume his medium of broadcast will be internet tv and internet radio. These are the least costly to establish and operate, though the endeavor would still be quite expensive day to day. He mentions his "advertising kicking in" .Well, here is where I begin to wonder. Will he sell advertising slots on his 24 hour clock of programming like conventional stations do? If so his channel will fail because this is the most over used model for funding. He might try something more diverse, with lower pricing on ads like google adsense provides, tap into the microtransaction economy asking pennies on the dollar for a much larger volume of much smaller ads, but paying the programming team to keep that kind of thing going would be majorly expensive. The advantage to the microtransaction economy is it decentralizes the income just like crowd funding does. No major advertisers or financial benefactors, which means less pressure to pull controversial programming or lose 20% of your operating capital when that corporation that so graciously advertised heavily on your channel disagrees with what you are running and pulls out to punish you.
I suspect he will go the on-air evangelist route once established, advertising, begging for funds with a fear/guilt/get good with God motivation tag, and establishing a faithful following to tap into. In the US public broadcasting uses this model pretty well too.
I know this is a wall of text (hey this is my line of work) so here is my final observation:
When you call yourself the "People's Voice" that sounds very noble and self sacrificing, but which people? the 99%? Will he give every message of that massive body of "the people" equal consideration for air time? Will the conspiracies of one group of underprivileged against other other groups of underprivileged be ignored for more "global" causes? Who's voice will it really be?
He may find enough people to support him, but I am not the type to give my money away without knowing how it is spent. Why doesn't he let people take stocks or shares? If he doe's get it off the ground wich advertisers will be allowed to advertise? because wich ones has he allready put on an Illuminati/NWO blacklist?
Just my 2 cents.
They will need lots of $$$ to defend against the assaults by every other owned media.
Wow - I'm sure David will get this going.