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  • They said it, not me.


  • And what about the wings they said would be added to the gray one?

  • The population would not even notice if there were turn signals.

  • The thing that amazes me most is how little we all know and how much has been deleted from our history. I have been spending spare time reading about the Jewish holicaust to only find out it did not exhist, what a blow to my mind it has been. That alone tells me the rest of history has been written to read the way the elite want you to see it in your dumbed down state.  The question is why did they not fly this drone to its location instead of driving it through populated areas, some educated moron must of had a reason. 

  • Hard to say, Byron, but I think there is now a program running to put enough of "ours" up there that no one will know for sure if it's real or if it's Memorex.  To make drones in the shape of the best known UFO's is intentional, got the plans from real ones, but most people don't know that.

  • Is  this a drone too

  • On second look, the color may be the color of a tarp.  Hard to tell.  However, considering the military should have known the buzz it would be creating by shipping a UFO-shaped object where it can be seen by many, why is it in a glove-fitting custom tarp?  Why not a big, baggy tarp to hide it?  Except to purposely generate the buzz.  Get people believing anything in that shape is US made.  The US's move to delay the inevitable disclosure...

    My vote is the blue one could be a drone because of its small size, shaped for obvious reasons. However, it's not the same as the gray one.

  • Agreed.  Much larger, paint doesn't look like primer gray, it looks weathered and beat up.  And the tires are certainly bigger.  Is this the V-8 version of a US drone and the other is the Geo Metro?

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