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  • Thanks Jim. I did not think that the signs you mentioned below were part of the magnetic shift.

  • Thanks, again, Jim.  I get it now.

  • Actualy the magnetic shift is happening right now and has been for some time.  This is how it works.  The core is shifting, which causes the magnetic poles to shift.  Now hear this----When the magnetic pole has shifted to a certen point, (the CRUST follows) the magnetic shift, trying to catch up.  The things that I have described below Cheryl (the signs) are both a magnetic shift and a full polar tilt of the entire planet.  

  • Thanks, Jim.

    I thought those signs related to a crustal shift, not a magnetic shift?

  • Rosemary there are other signs, many of them.  Actualy they are all talked about in the bible.  The sun will stand still in the sky.  It will also rise in the west and set in the east.  The moon will be blood red.  The stars will jump around in the sky.  The earth will be groaning very loude like trumpet blasts.  Mountains will rise from the ground.  The earth will shake. There will be three days of darkness, or light depending on which side of the earth you are on.  And the sky will close like a scrowl.  Water will rise up out of the ocian and cover the land.  Some land will sink and some will rise.   All that happends during a shift.

  • Something sure is playing with our magnetosphere.

    Solar winds from the dark side of earth is very interesting.

    Recently it was like it was raining spiders. Never seen so many before. Also bird behavior is strange at times.

    So many things are changing.

  • What are other clues or signs that it is occurring?

  • NO Cheryl it is NOT happening now!  It is a map of the magnetic field, what it will look like during the actual event of a magnetic pole reversal.  This is NOT now.  When you see the north pole on the sims all over the place like this map, that means that it is happening then. 

  • Is this happening now?

  • There are areas on earth that have been doing this for the last 15 years or so.  In the triangle areas they find suddenly that the entire area, which is in the south, is magnatised north.   These areas pop up randomly all over the southern hemisphere.  Magnetic scientests, whome I have taked too, have said that when enough areas in the south become north, a pole shift takes place.  

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