Tolec/A.C. Announcement




Please find this new Tolec video titled:  "Andromeda Council - Preliminary Visitation Report".  Many details are addressed.  It should prove to be both informative & insightful... and could shape the future of this planet.

You can find it at:

Published on Sep 29, 2013

This Andromeda Council - Preliminary - Visitation Report is based on recent information provided by my Andromeda Council contacts within the last couple of days regarding the incoming biosphere Xanterexx, a trailing asteroid behind it... as a result, the possibility of severe earth changes; and what to expect when the visitation of the "good will & liaison team"... and immediately following them the people of the four (4), highly diverse, aligned Andromeda Council member planets... begin their visitation with the people of Earth, and how long it will last...

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  • Wow!! thanks for this information.

  • And the Basque people have the -Rh.

  • And the Etruscan civilization was absorbed into the Roman civilization, and the Etruscan language influenced Latin but later became absorbed by it. 

  • And yet Latin is the base for many Indo-European languages. Another language that has not been decipher yet is Etruscan.

  • That makes sense, Keith.  In Roman time keeping, there were three dates every month:  the 1st day of the month (kalends, thought to be the new moon), 8 days before the Ides (nones, time of the half moon, fell on the 5th or 7th day, depending on the position of the Ides), the ides (13th or 15th day of the month).

    I've read that Latin is an off-world language, or a language that is spoken in other worlds.  No reference, just read it in passing a year or so ago.

  • That is correct after watching us you would be able to understand how we think and act in 3 D and adapt. IMO

  • Yes, that's been the excuse.  But, if they are capable of helping us, wouldn't you think they'd be in tune with how time works for us?

  • I meant Cheryl sorry just woke up.

  • Deep thought Keith.

    Rosemary I think that is probably the answer to why we keep waiting for things to happen that don't. I certainly hope so anyway. That is the excuse they have given us already.

  • Okay, it does seem like there is no perceptible time in dreams and it seems like all kinds of things happen which seem like a long time, but actually happen faster.  I've read that outside of time, an hour could be a hundred years, which kinda explains why ETs think "soon" is much longer than we think?

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