May 25, 2012 Andromeda Council
May 25, 2012 Andromeda Council
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In Star Trek Next Generation, there was a race of cybernetic machines that cruised in space in a giant cube. They were called the Borg. Their famous line was: "Resistance is futile. You will assimilate." They went around accumulating whatever they would find and adding it to their hive-minded collective. Anything they captured were "assimiliated" into the collective.
Their craft looked like this...
It is uncanny how the benevolent ETs were able to includes, in a TV show, elements that are based on realities. We wont be assimilated and resistance is not futile.
Yeah, I thought borg too.
A disclosure would have been welcome, but like Jim said is it really required? Yes it is true that a lot of people are not aware of anything at the moment because they are to overwhelmed by what is going on in their personal lives. When I was listening to Tolec and his description of the reptilian, that reminded me of the Borg.
Good observation, Keith. Keep your eye on it.
Tammy's right. Plus, we see them frequently because we watch SOHO, but most of the public doesn't.
Jim, there are a lot of people out there that believe the government. Those of us that are aware, know that ET's exist and have been here many times. So, IMO, this is mainly for the ones that are still blind. :)
Do we realy need disclosure from the government? We all know that aliens exists! So why do we need the government to tell us so, like some kind of a big brother?
The replicator device mentioned by Tolec has also been mentioned by Sheldan Nidle (see my notes on his 5/20 webinar), so this is a confirmation.
Also, be aware that the Sirius constellation is comprised of many planets and many beings, some good, some not. SaLuSa of Sirius appears to be one of the good ones.
The AC policy of intervening to handle only that which we cannot do for ourselves is a good policy (breaking the bondage to the evil cabal). They aren't our saviors, they're our friends and they're here to help. As I've mentioned before, they (the ETs in general) will help, but we have to take responsibility too.
Quick notes....
No disclosure unless and until more sightings force gov'ts hands.
Mass arrests -- brief version...
Andromeda Council (AC) cleared out last undersea reptilian base. 100+ cabal/illuminati sent off planet. Reptilian and hybrids officers and officials, waiting on Andromeda biosphere, awaiting war crimes tribunal. This represents the reptilian cabal power structure that is directing top down the human side of the cabal.
Is this related to arrests on the human side? Yes, but I don't have info, not my expertise, like Wilcock and Fulford.
What AC would like people to know about them... AC decided to step in on behalf of people of Earth because this malevolent reptilian race has been terrorizing and subjugating a number of planets throughout the galaxy. 20 planets, 3 like Earth. One reason they stepped in is because as the Earth continues to transform, the people have the right to be free, sovereign people, no longer under the malevolent slave dictatorship of the subversive reptilian race and cabal counterpoints... we have a right to not be a slave race ... the war in space has been a war of freedom so that we can evolve as a free and sovereign people, without being further harassed, abused by reptilians and their human lackeys. Reptilians had long-term plan in place to make all human worlds in Milky Way galaxy reptilian. The AC won't allow genocide. Through this process of evolution and eventually transformation to higher-dimensional world, they will help us to understand what our true, cosmic heritage is. Multiple human races on this planet, Causian, Asian, red Native American, there are five or six different races. We don't look the same because we come from other planets. We were seeded by different races from the stars. AC has plans to visit and teach us what our true cosmic heritage is about, understand what the transformation is about.
Are there any good reptilians? The reptilian people responsible on Earth, are from Draco, Hydra, star system Sirius B, Constellation Orion. Undersea bases were from Draco, Hydra systems. We are a natural resource to them. Aware of one good reptilian race, completely vegetarian, think of dinosaurs, they are reptilian. There were carnivorous, but some like brontosaurus were vegetarians. They good reptilians are gentle, intelligent, noble, wise. One of their people helped with backroom intelligence to understand how the Draco, Hydra mind works. They helped with some considerable backroom intel, to help take the bases out.
Draco, Hydras, Orion, Sirius B known to terrorize, convert whole galaxies, so humans take on reptilian vibrations. They consume humans, don't honor human life, they think we're cows. The motivation of the AC is that they thought it appropriate to get these evil beings off our planet before our own evolution happens. Clean up the planet so it's truly our planet. People from Procyon freed themselves from these reptilians 12 years ago, so have experience. AC won't get involved in human issues. Won't get involved in arrests and prosecution. They draw the line in getting involved in human affairs. They felt we have the right to evolve on our own. Bankers have term "chinese wall," AC says it will go up to that line, take out any evil ET force that is further trying to enslave our race. Their whole process of being here is to free you, to enlighten you. Those are their two goals. I have read about other galactic organizations that will do that (get involved), I don't happen to agree with it, I would certainly caution about any galactic that wants to interfere. We're just getting our planet back, it's our job.
Last question about disclosure... It's a no-win scenario for disclosure. The gov't thinking they are in the driver's seat is irrelevant. But disclosure will happen anyway. The pressure will be on Western leaders to surrender their positions of power or agree to participate in the new economy. Tolec: There will be a transition economy, it will take 10-12 years from a money based economy to a collaborative, cooperative economy. By then we will have replicators, and other technology, and have the ability to create what we need.