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  • The day after Joan's German shepard went cuckoo, Virginia had a 3.0 quake.  The dog must have sensed that one.

    Yes Angela something is causing it, and it sure isn't Elenin.  

  • You're setting a deadline?  You know what happens when you do that...  :-)
  • So I guess we will never know for sure about Uranus... But something is causing the uptick in earthquakes in the Canary Islands...

  • here is an update from Mythi and captain Bill. 
    atlanticobr I asked Mythi on Uranus, he said: Uranus declined the axis 98 degrees magnetically reacting by the approach of the spacecrafts Krulian by moving the Dwarf Star. Uranus is a planet with no life so this really did not matter because its orbit was maintained without major changes.
    (1 day ago
  • Kim, thanks for the info. I'm really concerned about the East Coast given the Canary Islands uptick in quakes.
  • Kim   the Yellowstone warning has me on edge 435.4 miles away.
  • There have been quite a few small earthquakes in the states in the past 24 hours.
  • Kim that sounds like something to watch
  • Joan's german shepard is acting strangely today.  Last time he did this was the day before the VA quake.  Also she noticed a bunch of seagulls came inland.  Seagulls will come inland with an approach of a storm.  There is no storm off the MD/DE coast.
  • Angela  thanks  and I believe the PTB are being taken down from the inside and signs should be visible soon the first were the exploded tunnels.  
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