Water: Sacred And Mysterious Life Substance 

MessageToEagle.com – Water covers about 70% of the earth’s surface. From oceans, lakes and rivers, to snow packed mountains and valleys, it moves around the earth in a cycle. During which time, it has not only remained the same amount of water for over two billion years, it is still the same water.

This means that the water you are drinking now could contain the same molecules that dinosaurs drank.

During a 100 year period, a molecule spends around 98 years in the ocean, 20 months as ice, about two weeks in rivers and lakes, and less than a week in the atmosphere.

Water is the only natural substance on earth found in three forms: liquid, solid and gas.

Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen. Yet, while frozen, weighs around 9% less than water which is why ice floats.

Of all the water on our planet, around 97% is salt water and only around 3% is fresh. Two-thirds of that is ice. Approximately 1.6% of water is locked up in polar ice caps and glaciers, 0.36% in underground aquifers and wells while 0.036% is in lakes and rivers.

The rest is either floating in air as clouds or water vapour, or locked up in plants and animals. Our bodies are 65%-70% water. Besides that, there is several billion gallons of water sitting on a shelf at any one time.

Without water, life could not exist.So it is no wonder that through out history it has been revered in every culture in one way or another.Not just because without it life couldn’t exist. But because somehow we all know it has many more mysteries to reveal.

There were ancient cultures that understood water as the blood running through the veins of Mother Earth.

Holy texts speak with great meaning of blessings and baptisms by water.

Artists have been so struck by it’s magnificence and beauty, they have reproduced it’s many facets onto canvas.


They have photographed it, wrote poems and stories about it. From the elixir of life, to the power of thrashing waves against rocks during a storm; Water has proved just as beautifully versatile in art as it is in Nature.

This magical natural substance known in science as H20.

In small amounts, water appears colourless, but has in fact, the faintest tint of blue that only becomes apparent in greater quantities.

The chemical and mineral compositions of our blood, and saline fluids have an amazing similarity to seawater, and despite needing fresh water, we do still need salt. Where fresh water is sparse. Nature has evolved to solve, and penguins are one of the few marine birds which can convert salt water into freshwater by means of a gland which removes sodium chloride from their bloodstream.

In small amounts we ingest water to live. In vast amounts, it is home to some of Nature’s amazing creations, some still waiting to be discovered.

Whether we are reading about water in a science paper, taking in it’s chemical properties and it’s place in the scheme of things, or gazing in awe at the sea reaching out across the miles to meet the horizon, none of us could fail to see the wonder and magic of this amazing life giving substance.

Don’t forget that none has revealed as many of it’s secrets as Masaru Emoto who has shown the world that water is not only alive, it has a memory and many more mysteries to reveal.

It is a living, breathing entity that is just as aware of us, as we are of it, and it has a message for us…

Written by Jedda Challenger – MessageToEagle.com Contributor

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See also:
World’s First High-Tech Underwater “Wonder” Alien-Like SeaOrbiter!

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  • well I am  glad  you  enjoyed  it  Byron  , :)

  • Amazing facts.

  • You must write the word with Love and intention! Just writing a word means nothing, TPTB can write Love all over everything but it is just a deception! The intention of Love is necessary in any case. What is a marraige if it is only words? How long will it last? But the intention of Love endures forever! Do not tell me that you Love me, Show me! What woman would want anything else?

  • susan I just wrote love on my doggies water bowl and that Secret site is amazing saved it for later thanks.

  • desertrose   I just love all the amazing facts that just keep coming about water, thank you so much.  

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