
i just got done posting an earthquake in central ca. a 4.2 mag. i went, just for the heck of it, to the western hemp. and look what i found:



the centeral ca, colorado, and virginia quakes are almost in a straight line.

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  • I turn it on once in awhile to to see how stupid the world has become while they program their minds.
  • Here is a video that brings lite to what disinformation has done to an entire country right in front of our faces. And we are still listening to what MSM tells us.http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2011/08/truth-about-libya... 
  • duane, 90% of the stuff on glp is dog poop. when i saw it on there i just ignored it. some of the 7 and 8 year olds are smarter then that group. i incorparte a lot of earth changes in my lessons.
  • i know i worked with them and there is no after quakes with them. even if it was cluster bombs. unless they were subsurface and a timer was used. and where is the radiation count?
  • Today, I posted an article that said the CO/VA quakes were tactical nukes.  I think it is disinfo because the animals reacted like they normally do after an earthquake.  Are there aftershocks after a tactical nuke is detonated?  I've never heard that.
  • They are still having aftershocks in VA.  On a horse bb that I go to, those who live in VA near the epicenter were reporting they were awoken by a 4.5 aftershock at 1 am over night.  One lady said she could not sleep after that and listened to her house moan and groan for the rest of the night.
  • As I said on several blogs yesterday, VA, CO and FUKUSHIMA are ALL on the 37th parallel, so it's more suspicious than you think. 
  • In the same as the current sun spots!?
  • One of my employees daughters lives in Virginia and told her that a truck fell into the road.  She will be talking to her and letting me know if this was an earth crack.
  • Joe this is excellent and a suspicious find!!  There was a post either Mythi or PS that said that there would be earthquakes in unusual places.  That this would be the sign.
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