This has been on my mind for some time now and I am sure a few others are thinking the same thoughts. First of all, our air, water and food have been purposely poisoned. 1 out of 2 men and 2 of 3 women get cancer. Diseases are emerging that have no cure. The life expectancy for men has gone from 76 to 66 in the last few years. Radiation is flowing from Fukishima all over the world. Nuclear plants all over the US are leaking. While this is happening we are being channeled by many ET's saying everything will be ok we will help you after the shift and the world will be cleansed or the earth is not going to be harmed if we have to redirect Nibiru. The channelings are very nice and make one think everyone think you will be ok if you change your vibrations to a higher frequency or become 50% STO. If we have to live in this world without miraculous help from our star brothers and sisters we are just plain screwed.
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  • Keith  I have a feeling when the chemtrails start to dissapear it will be the sign that the cabal has been taken down from the inside. I know our feelings are the same about the trails and for the life of me can not figure out why they have just recently started in Mongolia. Yes it does not seem possible to clean the earth, even remotly possible. Every post of Duane's and all the ones from 2 years ago to present show how much the food supply has been attacked and I can not immagine there being enough food to feed the world at this time. We are all clinging to the hope the aliens will solve our problems. If they do not we are in deep shit.
  • Wow, beautiful picture, Rosemary!
  • 2967656566?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I took this picture last spring. My husband just notice the Dragon fly and asked me to quickly get the camera. I assumed that the dragon fly would fly away while I was getting the camera from inside the house, but it did not. This is just how I feel at the moment. Poised to take flight. We all are at that stage. We are ready for what is coming. It is the first step in meeting the beneficial ETs. The rest is to plan how we will survive from now to the end of the cycle. We know that we have to do this the best we can. To group our resources together and create a space where we will be safe regardless of the events that are outside our lives. We are on the path right now. We are allow to be angry, but in our anger, we know that we have to focus exclusively of what we have set our mind to do. A friend of mine told me to focus on the most important. The rest is like a movie playing with hardly any one watching.
  • I'm feeling the changes too Byron, and I must admit I am surprised by it. For me it seems to come in waves, some days I feel very connected to this energy, and some days I feel less so. Today I am feeling it:)
  • The elite are trying hard to turn the tide of the protests all over the world and will have a hard tome doing it we already have their number and they are running scared. Like Keith said their Karma has run its cource.
  • Jonas I often wonder at how lucky we are here to see the changes that will take place soon. And to be educated in what is going on with whatever will happen ,we certainly have enough scenarios of what might take place and still may be fooled. We do get to see something not ever seen on earth and a lesson in humanity long overdue for the elite. If all goes well and I think it will the world may be the paradise we have read about our whole life. If things go array at least we will be some what prepared. I have been feeling my vibrations changing for a couple months now and I find that things that have angered me in the past seldom even affect me anymore.  
  • We will find them brother, God helps those who help themselves. We are starting to awaken as a species and when we are finally awake the elites secrets will belong to the people. It is a good time to be alive, despite the trauma that is coming. Keith said that he thought Karma was due, and I agree with him. We are witnessing something truly epic, a shift in the paradigm. I am so ready to see it change! I think most of us here feel that way. If the ET's see us begin to take back the power and the responsibility maybe they will finally intervene and we can live free in the material world like we are in the spirit. That is my sincere hope:)
  • I saw on the news tonight they are going to start screening 4 year olds for adhd and if diagnosed medicating them as early as 4 years old. Sickening!!!!
  • Pan that was good I am a SyFY nut Yellow dwarf. solar flares how did they know.  Jonas all the cures for diseases have been invented and hidden IMO  we will need Help.
  • With the worldwide protests (awakening) that is happening I am beginning to believe that we can survive this Byron. Of course I am hoping the aliens will meet us half way though, we can use any help we can get. It is interesting to me how this global revolution is timed so close to the Oct. 28th date as well. Maybe that will be the catalyst for a change in perception that will make the elites lose their control (fear) over us humans? I so hope so!
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