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  • Cool.  Yeah, I was thinking of the old-timey player pianos.  But today's music boxes run the music part underneath metallic "keys" or something like that. 

    However, the design doesn't seem right for music.  It looks like 12 pie-shaped wedges. 

  • Yes.  But the newer ones were brass.  Actualy I would think that you could do that with any CC.  There is a device that is a plastic strip with bumps on it.  And when you pull it through a plastic celender it actualy talks, usualy says happy birthday.  So I would think that the CC could be set up the same way, to actualy talk to you.
  • You mean the old type that run wires over paper with holes to create music?  That's an intriguing possibility.
  • Could very well be Cheryl!  But to me it reminds me of one of the devices you can find in a music box.  I wonder what the song would be if you spun it?
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