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  • i agree with you i have about six inches where i am i have not heard any planes take off, no cars it is very peaceful.

  • I live just north of Seattle and we have between 6 and 8 inches and it is still coming down. It is a winter wonderland and the world has come to a halt. I love these rare snow days when we can just stop and be still.

  • i live just a little south of seattle, in the city of seatac, right across the street from the airport. we had barely 2 inches. and it melted in less than an hour. and the weather people that i get my weather from, weatherbee, is calling for mixed snow/ with rain. and temp of 32 high and 32 low, i will let you know the results tomorrow. because weather its snow or rain when it its those mountians it will be all snow.

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