Another voice supporting the topics presented by the "DHS Insider" ...
Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding - Why?
Insiders Warn of More False Flags to Confiscate Guns
Absolutely Jim - there is still that "not so small" matter of the Earth still going through it's own adjustments - which could very well include a pole shift. IMO, this is all part of our entire solar system (and everything within it - including us) moving to a higher frequency / vibration.
I think Cheryl sums it up quite well in the header at the top of this website, where she states:
"We are graduating from the fear-based Planet X scenario and moving onwards and upwards. Stop worrying about the end of the world, but keep preparing for localized earth-based events."
So (to quote the 3 minute news) "eyes open, be safe everyone".
And as Cheryl is indicating: "be prepared!"
Thanks, Peter. I knew I had read it somewhere.
Good idea, Rosemary. I'll start looking for that.
Jim, as I said up top of the main page, we all need to stop worrying about the world ending, but be prepared for any event.
All this going on may be to distract us from the real reason this site is here, the pole shift. We still have to get ready for the pole shift. The magnetic pole IS moving, there will be a shift. I also think that HARP has something to do with it, good or bad. They may be trying to prevent it or cause it. But we still have to get prepaired, wether we will stay here on earth or go.
Well said Peter S.
Cheryl, could I suggest that any news that we post in the ning should focus on the end results of the negative action. What did September 11 accomplished. A lot of articles that were published afterwords talk about people change in behavior after this event. A lot of parents went back to being more present to their children. Some couple that had relationship on the rock went back together. Most started to pay attention to their surrounded and counted their blessing.
Now let take September 11 as a must happen event. A group of souls decided to be part of an event so powerful in the human mind, that it would trigger a global change in every one soul evolution. Again we see the same pattern with the incident at Sandy Hook. The outcome is a rethinking of values. Although this event happen in the USA, Canada did react to it.
Cheryl you can publish an article that create fear or other negative emotions. But also publish links to what type of love feeling came out of the event.
Mmmm good question Kim.
TOLEC states that "the molecular & cellular structure of everything on this planet will change to being - crystalline, fine matter essence, spirit matter in nature."
So I don't think our genetic modifications to the plant kingdom will carry forward as the basic structure of plants (and everything else that moves to 4D) will change anyway.
Would genetically modified plants dissipate?
Cheryl / Kim, it was TOLEC who said that anything that is synthetically made or has their chemical structure & composition changed by a manufacturing process "will simply disintegrate & dissipate when this planet becomes 4D world."
Check on the section tilted: "FURTHER QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT - 4D LIFE" on this page of the andromedacouncil website (towards the bottom of the page):
Cheryl, in regards to raising negative issues, I think during this period of raising vibration/awareness and the gradual transition from 3D to 4D it is still worthwhile pointing out these things for what they are. Maybe this is part of the awareness / educational process, not to dwell on these issues, but to recognize them, put them aside and then move on which helps us all move in a positive direction and not get caught in any remain 3D traps.
I believe these issues will fade in number and significance as we move down the transitional path.
Exactly, Jim. Well said.
About all that stuff, gun confiscation, school shootings, etc. Cheryl, it seems that we are allready in another paralell world. The one I remember was a free U.S., and our government went by the constitution, and people were happy. Now all I see is pain. And the reason is that we let them take God out of our thoughts and life. Little by little they stopped prayors in school and look what happened. They stoped Mangers being put up and look what happened. And they are trying to get "IN God We Trust" off of our coins. That will be the last straw in God's eye. Since the U S has abandoned God, God has abandoned us. The very same thing had happened to the Jews when Moses was on the mountain. When he came down from Nebo, Aaron made a gold calf for the people to worship. As a results God made the Jews wander in the wilderness for 40 years! If we don't start praying to God's help we just might end up in a waste land for 40 years too!
That's not negative, Jim. I'm referring to news articles about war, death, gun confiscation, zombies, kids killed at school, that kind of stuff.