Susan was the original person who gave us a link to this Galactic Historian.
Andrew Bartzis was gifted, at a young age, with the ability to access all the Akashic records of Earth..In his detail description of our past history, he tell us what really happened in the past.
In part 8, he mentioned that 65% of the earth population will Ascend. The people that will ascend will be replaced by people who are waiting to take our place. This is a must watch.
Here is the link to part 8
Kim, I don't think anyone knows. Susan appeared to be immersed in an entity named "Abraham." She seemed close-minded to any other theory. I asked her if he was channeled but she never answered. There is such a thing as "false light." Just more infiltration and disinformation, like the Obama-is-a-star-seed-old-soul disinformation. She didn't have a clue if "Abraham" was legit or not (who could?), but was a willing proslytizer nevertheless.
There are a lot of theories out there on ascension, the transformation, etc. etc. Which one is right?
Well said Peter. i am going to re-watch part 9.
Sure sounds like it.
The key thing I picked up from this video is to make sure we all move forward without any fear - ascending with fear will affect an individuals ascension outcome.
The other interesting aspect is that when each individual ascends they have the opportunity to go back to their home planet and / or divide their being into a number of different parts and go to many planets as a multidimensional being including returning to Earth to complete a chosen project. Their avatar, however, can only materialize in the one location - which will need to be selected.
Interesting times ahead.
I haven't tried other parts yet. Today, the videos were running more smoothly. I do want to watch the entire series.
Yes 65% of the Earth population will ascend. It appear that the body is going to be used by some one else. According to Andrew, since it is a planet of free will, there is a line-up to take the place of the soul leaving. Like he said "one leave and another one enters the body". There is no death because the ascended people will go back to their original galactic home. It is sort of like walk-ins, but the one entering the body will continue what the other one started. According to Andrew, this will be really quick. Unless earth people ascend, the other humanoid race like the greys, the pleidians, the sirians will not evolve. This event should have occurred in 2006, but the 15 beings affected the timeline.
The series of videos are very much interesting. It is sad that the video pose so often. Have you tried other parts of the series?
I watched it, but unfortunately it kept briefly pausing every few words, so I'm not sure I got it all. However, and again, it's someone telling us things we can't verify. And again, it's a wait and see what happens.
So, Rosemary, maybe you can fill in the blanks. He says 65% will ascend, but it was unclear to me what happens to one's body. Will there be walk-ins? Or will our bodies just die? Then where does the next class reside?