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Comet Ison and The Event

Unfortunately the audio of this video is in Romanian - however, it has English subtitles.

Interesting none the less!

Through contact with Sirians the presenter explores the two different explanations of Comet ISON by Cobra and TOLEC and explains who is more correct. It also explains what role ISON has to play in the Event and what the Event is and how it will affect us.

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The Race to Save Human Civilization

I have been following this organization for a while.  They seem sincere and good-hearted.  They offer a series of exercises to strengthen your own Knowingness, which will be so important in the days to come.  You can avail yourself of the free exercises without joining their group. 

You cannot sit back idly and believe that everything will work out fine, for that is only a hope that masks fear and uncertainty, and fear and uncertainty will sink the ship.

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Emily Doyle's Gratitude's Vibration

gratitude Emily Doyle ~ Gratitude’s VibrationWhat are you most grateful for? Who are you most grateful for? What experiences do you cherish with all your heart?

The power of gratitude is in align with the power of love, and love is the highest vibration there is. To practice gratitude is to practice love.

When we find ourselves in a negative or positive experience the best action we can take is to take a moment and thank it. By thanking the moment, we let the universe know that we accept and take responsibility for what we have attracted into our human existence. When we have acceptance we are metaphorically saying that we are a co-creator in this life. And as a co-creator, it is up to you to manifest what you want into your life.

Do you want love? Do you want peace? Do you want true, deep relationships? What do you see when you look at your life? How deep are you looking?

When you swim through the depth of your life you realise you are swimming through troughs and crests of your own ocean. We live in cycles, and if we cannot be thankful for both the darkness and the light in and around us, we become out of sync and sometimes deranged.

We can all look back at situations in our lives where we didn’t truly appreciate what life was laying out before us, only to realise later that it was the perfect piece to our puzzle. With that awareness, we can choose to see certain ‘obstacles’ on our path either as obstructions (bad) or as lessons (neutral).

By defining a circumstance as good or bad, we are resisting, and what we resist persists. By allowing the shadow to surface, remaining neutral to it – and even becoming friends with it – we resist no more, and the flow of life force flows through us with ease, raising our vibration.

To learn our lesson is to acknowledge our lesson – by thanking it. And so shall we transcend. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” ~ Wayne Dyer

Gratitude makes all the difference on our path. Gratefulness is love from every inch of our soul. Gratitude is the key to our purpose. It expands our awareness and experience of ourselves.

Gratitude is living through Source.

Source is love, love is a vibration, and gratitude is the practice.

Source doesn’t look for Beauty, source sees Beauty.

Be grateful. Be love. And watch your life transform.

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Sat, January 11, 2014

January 8, 2014 by John Smallman | Thanks to the Galactic Free Press

Love Wins21 John Smallman – Jesus: A Major Turning Point in Humanity’s Spiritual Evolution Has Been ReachedHumanity’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is now becoming far clearer to you.

For eons basic survival was the driving force in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which you had accepted unquestioningly.  You no longer do so and this has and is causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced.

The comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures that are in conflict with its claimed ideals.

As you have so often been told you are divine beings of enormous power, and for eons you have collectively been using that power – without awareness – to maintain and support an illusion that imposes severe restrictions and limitations upon you, not the least of which are time and your human bodies.  Time, which from your perspective can seem endless and overwhelming in respect to the formation of universes, galaxies, and star systems, and bodies which last only a very short time and which during that brief lifespan suffer frequently through illness, accident, or the untoward and unconscionable actions of others.  Not a very encouraging or enticing environment in which to experience your all too brief lives.

You are all eternal beings, and death is but part of the illusion, often an alarming part because it seems so final and inevitable.  And as you have searched widely in recent decades for a culture, a philosophy, or a religion that offers truth and meaning many of you have opened your hearts to love, and have found it in the most unexpected places.  You have realized that without love, forgiveness, and compassion that lasting peace is impossible.  This realization has become apparent and is being acknowledged in personal relationships, has spread to families, to small social groups and organizations, and the wisdom and knowledge it demonstrates is now starting to be put into practice on a much wider scale.  You are changing the world one person at a time, and that is the only way that lasting change can occur.  Each one of you has to embrace and demonstrate love, honesty, integrity, and trust, and each day more and more of you are doing just that.  A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached, and there truly is only spiritual evolution, any other form is of the illusion and does not last.

Spiritual evolution is the path to your awakening, and you are now most firmly established on it with the destination in sight.  You will be pleased to know there is now not the slightest possibility of turning back or of retracing your steps, you are moving firmly forwards and nothing can prevent you from achieving your destiny.

Once you embrace love, God’s Love offered to you in every moment, it is impossible for you not to share It and extend It because your individual energy fields expand every time that you do so, creating for yourself an irresistible space of peace and acceptance that also draws others to you who then do likewise.  The evolutionary progress that humanity has made over the last six or seven decades is quite astounding, and although there are still many who have chosen not to start evolving yet, and who are seemingly causing mayhem all over the world, the remaining time they have in positions from which they can continue to orchestrate conflict and betrayal is running out very rapidly.

Some of them have finally started questioning their agendas, their motivations, because even they have been infected by Love, mainly for their progeny, which previously they inoculated themselves against so that they would have the strength to bury their true feelings as they drove all those with whom they were involved to sacrifice themselves for “the cause.”  The cause being their own personal agenda to maintain power over others at all costs, even if it meant destroying their loved ones. But then of course their loved ones were merely possessions to be used as circumstances demanded to consolidate or strengthen their positions.

Your history clearly shows that these power-driven dynasties are always defeated eventually, even if they do succeed in the short term in living in great wealth or splendor while doing great damage to others during their time in power.  Your history also shows very clearly that replacing one dynasty with another, as has happened so many times, solves no problems whatsoever in the long term.  Power sought and fought for divides and corrupts totally, while your innate power, which can never be taken from you, your divine inheritance given to you at the moment of your creation is inclusive, accepting, and eternally incorporated within each of you because you are all One perfectly integrated Whole with God.

The power that you can gain on Earth through force of arms, manipulation of others, deceit, or betrayal is but a form of quicksand, a swamp, a whirlpool that sucks you in crushing and smothering you, filling you with fear, and distracting you from your life’s purpose – awakening.  It has always to be protected and defended, and that alone demonstrates that it is not power but weakness.

You do not need and should not seek that kind of power over others, because, apart from the harm you do to them, you do great and lasting damage to yourselves by engaging with it.  It very effectively turns you against yourself in inner conflict because you can never live up to the standards you demand of yourself to prove that you are invincible, which of course you are not.  You become ever more removed from the true You as you avoid loving attitudes or behaviors of any kind in order to remain strong.  Happiness becomes impossible and bitterness and anger rule you as you seek out and destroy any whom you think might deceive or betray you, leaving you apparently alone, isolated, and separated from Love, God, your Source – even while perhaps claiming to do His Will.

But those separated ones are not separated, because separation is not an option, they are merely unaware because they have closed their eyes to His Light, and their hearts to His Love.  When you surrender to the Will of God, which as you well know is also your will, you open yourselves to His Love allowing It to flow through you, thus intensely strengthening your own individual energy fields and encouraging them to join together with those of others bringing you together as one.  And in that surrender lies your eternal power, a power that you can never lose and which makes you as invincible as your Source.

No one will remain forever closed to God, because the Light of His Love burns within each one of you and is, in the end, utterly irresistible.  So send love to those who are lost and shut down, no matter how harshly they are behaving, and thereby intensify the Love burning within you.  As we keep telling you Love, and Love alone, is the answer to every problem.  You have only to allow It to flow freely, without let or hindrance, and all will be eternally well. And there is no way that you can stop It from flowing freely, abundantly, and eternally, because It is All, there is nothing else.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Cameron Day -- The Foundation For All Healing

No technique, no healer, no group and no guru will ever be as powerful of a force in your healing as connecting to your True Self.

It is of the utmost importance that we train ourselves to stop repetitive ego programs from running and relax ourselves into the thoughts that come from our Higher/True/Inner Self.  Those thoughts aren’t small and scared like ego thoughts.  They are expansive and in Love with Source and Universal / Natural Law.

The most direct path to healing is to engage one’s True Self, embrace it fully and work diligently every day to embody that Real Self while undoing the subconscious and ego programming that blocks out awareness of the Self.

Accept Your Self

The Higher Self can be thought of as pure awareness that is not limited by conditioning or illusions.  It is your ultimate guide, and should be your only guide through life.  Understanding and aligning with this aspect of your Self is the most important part of the healing and clearing process.

Many people are angry at their Higher Selves for “allowing” them to be badly harmed in this lifetime, and I understand that.  However, the Higher Self can’t stop bullets, and it can’t stop abusers with a desire to harm others from doing so.

This realm is truly a battleground, and we knew the risks coming into this world.  We knew we would be wounded, guaranteed.  We also knew that we could heal through reconnecting with our True Self.  The enemies of freedom know this as well, so they do everything they can to block us from accessing the Higher Self.

Often times, the closer you get to a breakthrough, the more they attack, because they are afraid of the power and potential that you truly possess.

A Real Breakthrough

Healing and accessing your True Power is not usually easy to do, and it does not happen all at once.  Yet at the same time, a breakthrough is literally a breath away.  It is as subtle as laying down the ego and embracing your Higher Self.  That is the basic foundation for all healing, and it must be done in order for deep healing to occur.

It is not about doing a technique, but about letting go of what you are NOT and accessing what you TRULY are.  It is not complicated, but it also is not easy, and it often requires attempting to do it again and again, in spite of all past failed attempts.

The number one key to “hearing” (more like feeling) your Higher Self is to quiet the ego.  The more you can keep the ego minimized and silent, the more you are able to feel and think via your Higher Self.

The ego is a construct of the left brain, and it tends to be extremely loud and disruptive.  It does not care about your happiness whatsoever, it only wants to be in charge of your mind.  It will constantly replay noise and programming from your past in order to maintain that control.

What is even more ironic is when the ego tries to contact the Higher Self with something like this:

“Ok Higher Self, I want to get some answers from you.  Here are my questions.  I want you to answer them all right now please.  Hello?  Are you hearing me?  I want answers, please.  Go ahead and send me those answers right now, please.  I’m waiting.  Go ahead.  Start now.  I really need these answers.  Go ahead and deliver them right now.  I can’t stand to be this way and have all of these problems.  I need answers so that I can heal, so why aren’t you giving them to me?  Hurry up, dammit!”

and on and on and on…

Obviously, no answers will be heard in that way because the ego is making too much noise, and then triggering feelings of upset that no answers were given.  I have seen this countless times in many people.

So minimizing and taming the ego is really one of the most important aspects in any ongoing spiritual practice.  Notice that it is about taming the ego, NOT destroying it or rendering it totally mute.  The ego is a tool for navigating 3d, and like any tool it must be used wisely.

Comprehending the Higher Self

Your Higher Self is who you truly are beyond the identity of any single lifetime.  It is a vast consciousness that has a very “high” perspective on everything in this level of experience.  It comes into one’s awareness through the right brain and through the heart, which is why the (left brain) ego construct needs to be silent in order to perceive the Higher Self.

The types of thoughts that come from the Higher Self engage both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.  These thoughts put one’s life and circumstances into perspective, giving one a more holistic understanding of reality.

One important thing to keep in mind is that your Higher Self gives one answer at a time, and not in the way that the ego wants it.  The ego wants ALL the answers up front along with a flow chart, syllabus and FAQ provided all at once.  It doesn’t work like that.

The Higher Self can only give us a little bit of information at a time until we build up the “bandwidth capacity” to be able to receive its frequency in larger doses.  An analogy would be how an adult communicates to a 3 year old, but in this instance the Higher Self is 16 Billion years old and the ego is like a teenager that thinks it knows everything, yet still has questions while demanding that the answers comes in the way that it wants.

So the Higher Self will give one answer (with vast implications) that we then incorporate into our awareness.  Later it will give another piece of information that we incorporate, and so on.  In this manner we are able to put together a larger framework of understanding over time.

As your awareness of your True Self grows, it is able to reside more and more within your physical and energy bodies where it belongs.  This is only possible through silencing and taming the ego so that it can be easily set aside when you want to act and think through the greater awareness of your Higher Self.

As we reincorporate the Higher Self back into the body over time, especially into the Heart center, it returns to its true place as our Divine Inner Self.

Much Love,
Cameron Day

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Truthfully Money is Power

What is Power to the Rich? Money. Power at the drop of a whim all things can be done with money, right for them the rich. Now is that SLAVERY wasn't slavery abolished gone, truthfully no it exist that people everywhere have to "earn a living" just for the the right to live, with out money you die get it no food, electricity, no place for them low life's!  The Rich, or just people that knows someone that has friends, or Family in those places of authority. Some at the bottom made there way thur the system and now are being rewarded for being a part of the system. A Slave that is rewarded! That Earn a Living!

Slave = Earn a Living

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