All Posts (221)
This makes my stomach hurt!
At the Solstice, a crowd always gathers at Newgrange, Ireland to view the
sunrise shining through the roof box thence down the hallway, a phenomena
proving that the building is an ancient astrological structure. This year, the Sun
was too far to the south, though the failure was blamed on a cloudy sky. But
photos and videos from the annual affair tell a different story. Note the shadow
across the base of the roof box in 2011 shows that the Sun is too far south. In
2010, the Sun was more directly in front of the roof box.
IMAGE: Newgrange Photos
That the Sun is too far south has been reported on message boards recently
also, the GodlikeProduction board hosting a thread where dozens of people in
the US reported the same aberration during their sunrise. The Earth wobble,
forming a Figure 8, had put the Sun too far south.
IMAGE: Wobble Tilt
I didn't believe the talk about the Sun being out of place. Now I do. This
morning I went out to look and the Sun is rising in the Southeast. My house
faces South. Every morning for years a friend and I would have coffee on my
covered back deck which faces North. Every morning summer or winter, we'd
end up moving our chairs as the sun got higher because it would shine in our
faces. I went out to look. It was nowhere near where it used to be and was not
shining on my deck. I walked around the house and finally there it was in the
Southeast. The Sun's rays are coming through my front door. I'm in shock.
No kidding. I have lived in this home for 23 years. I am an avid observer of
moon and sun and never has the Sun been so far towards the south in the
eastern sky. I have mentioned this many times over the past month to my
In very recent years I have noticed it in an area it has never ever been at
before. Its quite easy as I been sitting in the same kitchen seat for the last 14
years now at the same time frame in the morning. Whatever it may be or the
reason behind it is definitely being ignored by Mainstream Media for a reason.
What the reason is makes me wonder.
I was a skeptic also. But now I know for a fact that it is off. I noticed this
driving to work at the same time every morning on the same highway for 25
years. The sun would blind me going to work this exact time of year. It is rising
a few degrees further to the south now. Who do you believe? Those that say it
is not true or your lying eyes?
I live east of a river and the sun always sets across the river, in the west. I
was driving south around 4:30 pm last night and the sun was setting directly in
front of me, south not west. I looked west across the river and back to the south
where the sun was setting. Can't explain it but know it's true and the old
measures are not working anymore.
President Eisenhower’s second meeting with Visitor’s to our World at Holloman AFB in 1955
Bill Kirklin & Art Campbell - X-Conference 2009 - Washington (HD) 54:00 minute video
From: Dr Michael Salla
Date: 06/15/07 14:11:46
Subject: [exopolitics] President Eisenhower's Meeting at Holloman AFB with Extraterrestrials
Aloha all, I'm delighted to announce that more research has been conducted on President Eisenhower's secret visit to Holloman AFB in 1955 to have a meeting with extraterrestrials. Art Campbell has investigated the case and found documentation to support Eisenhower's plane (Columbine III - aka Airforce One) secretly traveling to Holloman on February 11, 1955 soon after his Feb 10 arrival in Georgia for a 'recreational' trip. He has also interviewed three witnesses to help corroborate this event.
The first is ‘Wilbur’ who was an Air Force medic stationed at Holloman who overheard confidential conversations about Eisenhower’s meeting with ETs and witnessed the some of the events associated with the meeting. I was able to independently confirm that Wilbur did indeed serve at Holloman AFB at the time he claimed through his military records. His testimony and my comments can be read below.
Next is the testimony of a civilian electrician who witnessed a saucer shaped UFO hovering over Holloman AFB on Feb 11. Art was able to confirm that the electrician’s story remained the same over many years. Finally, there is a Secret Service agent who confirmed that the Secret Service detail accompanying Eisenhower for his Georgia visit was standard for a major international meeting, and not the recreational outing that Eisenhower claimed to the media on February 9.
Art Campbell’s investigation is reproduced far below.
This is important corroboration of the secret galactic diplomacy conducted between President Eisenhower and extraterrestrial visitors.
In peace,
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Bill Kirklin
I went through Basic Training and my specialty courses in 1953 and was sent to George AF.B. outside Victorville, California. I served there from late 1953 to 1954. While I was there in 1954 Ike came to California supposedly to rest and play golf at Palm Springs. His plane was to land at Norton A.F.B., San Bernardino, California.
Norton AF.B. was an Air Material Command Base. It was not a large base and requested George AF.B. to send an ambulance to be on the flight line while their personnel were on Parade Duty honoring the President. A fiend of mine, Ben Luth, was sent with the ambulance to Norton for that purpose. When the President landed at Norton, he left immediately for Palmdale aboard a C-45. I did not know what-a C-45 was so I wanted to keep track of this airplane. What I could not understand was why he wanted to go to Palmdale.
There was plenty of room and landing space for any size airplane. I thought the reason he landed at Norton was because the Palm Springs airport was too small for a big airplane. Of course he could have landed at March AF.B. which was at that time a SAC Base. I did not question his not wanting-to land at a SAC Base as no one in their right mind landed at a SAC Base if they had an option not to land there. Later I found out that a C-45 was a twin engine Beechcraft used to transport high raking officers short distances. An ideal plane to take Ike from Norton to Palm Springs. I still couldn't figure out his trip to Palmdale unless it was for a special purpose which was none of my business.
Some time after the New Year in the Spring I was sent to Holloman AF.B., New Mexico. I was at the Aero Medico Laboratory under the direction of Lt. Colonel John Paul Stapp M.D. Lt.
Colonel Stapp was a Flight Surgeon, one of four on the base. After failing to keep some chicken eggs alive at the Aero Medical Research Lab. Office, I was sent to the Base Hospital I worked under the Flight Surgeon, Captain Robert Reiner, one of the best men I have worked for or with in my entire life. I liked him and enjoyed working at the hospital.
In late February of 1955, we heard that the President was coming to Holloman. I knew there was going to be an honor parade for him. Captain Reiner asked me if I wanted to participate in the parade. I said, "No." He said, "Fine. You will be on duty."
The Parade was scheduled for early in the morning. The day before it was to take place it was called off. Not only that, but I heard through the grape vine that the base commander had requested leave covering the time the president was to be visiting. I thought this was unusual. I would have stayed on the base if I was the commanding officer and the President was visiting.
The morning the parade was to take place, I went to work as usual. When I got there the nurse asked me, " Where is Dorsey?" I was about to tell her, "I do not know." When Dorothea Thorensen said,
"He said he had to take his wife to the Commissary this morning. I saw him with her on the way in this morning."
When Dorsey showed up he asked me.
"Kirklin, did you see the disc hovering over the flight line?"
''''No.'' I am thinking something small you hold in your hand like a discus as the only craft I knew capable of hovering were the choppers and the Navy's hovercraft. There weren't that many helicopters around Holloman. "What's it made of?" I am thinking of a wooden disc with a steel edge. "Looks like polished stainless steel or aluminum. You know just bright metallic and shiny."
I asked, "How big is it?"
"Twenty to Thirty feet in diameter. Do you want to see it?"
"Sure. But with my luck it wouldn't be there."
Dorsey replied. "It was there when I took my wife to the Commissary and it was there when we got out thirty minutes later. Go out to the front of the hospital and take a look.”
"I would like to do that." I turned and asked the nurse if I could go to the street and look at the disc. She turned asking the Doctor and then turned to me and said. "No. Stay here." Later on I went to Coffee at the mess hall. On the way back I followed two pilots. The one on the left was in Khakis, the one on the right in winter Blues. I followed them and listened to their conversation.
Left: " Why the Blues?"
Right: "I'm the Officer of the Day, I was at Base Ops when Air Force 1 came in. Did you see it?"
L. "Yes. It's a big bird isn't it?"
R "Yes. They landed and turned around and stayed on the active runway. We turned off the RADAR and waited."
L. "Why did you turn off the RADAR?"
R. "Because we were told to. I think the one at Roswell that came down was hit by Doppler Radar. It was one of the first installations to have it in the U.S. Anyway, they came in low over the mountains, across the Proving Grounds.
Interrupted by L. " I heard there were three and one landed at the Monument."
R "One might have stayed at the Monument. I didn't see it. I only saw two. One hovered over head like it was protecting the other one. The other one landed on the active in front of his plane. He got out of his plane and went towards it. A door opened and he went inside for forty or forty -five minutes."
L. "Could you see? Where they Grays?"
R. "I don't know. They might have been. I couldn't see them. I didn't have binoculars."
L. "Who had them?"
R. " The tower."
L. "Could they see them?"
R. "No, they didn't have the angle."
L. "Do you think these were the same ones that were in Palmdale last year?"
R . "They might have been."
L. "Did you see the autopsy film?"
L. "Do you think it was real?"
R. "It might have been. I just don't know."
L. "Did you see them when he came out?"
R. "No. They stayed inside. He shook hands with them and went back to his plane."
At this point I asked them, "Who did? Are you pilots?"
L. "It's, not important."
They coved their badges and I was not able to see their names. But I did see their wings. They were both pilots.
Later about eleven fifteen I went to pick up mail. A new 2nd.Lt. Supply officer saw me and said, "I've been looking for you. Did you see anything on the flight line?"
I said, "No. Did something happen?" I thought there might have been an accident and, they might want me down there.
"Never mind."
After lunch I returned to work and both Dorthea and the nurse asked if I had seen Dorsey. I told both of them "No. Sometimes he is a little late coming back from lunch if we don't have many physicals." When coffee break came I walked down the hall and saw Dorsey coming in about two thirty. I told him that both Dorthea and the nurse were looking for him and asked him,
"Where have you been?"
He said, "At a meeting."
"Well tell them you're back. I'm off for coffee."
After work I was in my barracks room when I was called out to see Air Force One fly overhead. It flew over the residential area of the base. This is a NO FLYING zone for all military aircraft. Only the President could get away with it. After supper I saw the lights that were still on in the Flight Surgeon's Office and went over to turn them off. I saw Dr Reiner talking to a Lt. Col.. The Colonel was talking: "He was at the supply hanger. I was there in the front with him and some others. I was on the stage. There was standing room only with 225 men in the hanger."
Reiner. "I heard that he was at the base theater."
Lt. Col. "He might have been. He only spoke for a few minutes. Then the base Commander spoke for about twenty minutes. He had plenty of time to go to the base theater and get back."
Dr. R. "How many did he talk to?"
Lt. C. "I was there for two sessions standing room only. 225 each time. There might have been another session but I wasn't there if he spoke then."
I asked, "Who spoke?"
Lt. Col. "The Commander in Chief"
I said, "The President."
Lt. Col. "The Commander in Chief."
I asked, "What did he talk about?"
Lt. Col. "It's classified."
I said, "Oh."
Lt. Col. "What do you mean by 'Oh?'''
"It is none of my business. I am only cleared to secret."
Lt. Col. "I would not say that if l were you."
The next day some friends and I tried to get into the back part of the White Sands Monument. We couldn't go all the way back as there were barriers up. But the next day we could and did drive back there. About three months later just before I went overseas to Japan, I was talking to a bunch of Airmen. I told them, "I have never heard a President talk in person. Had any of them ever heard one?"
One answered, "Yep."
I asked, "Who?"
He said, "Eisenhower."
"Where?" I asked.
"At the Base Theater?" he replied.
I had forgotten this until about eight years ago when I heard Bob O'Day in Kansas City. He gave a talk on UFOs and spoke about a crew member aboard Air Force 1 who said,
"Eisenhower landed at Holloman A.F.B. and went aboard a UFO."
I remembered I was there when he was there. I became a believer.
I have a friend Allen Nathan. His brother is Dr. Robert Nathan. I told Allen about my Holloman experience. HE TOLD HIS BROTHER AND HIS BROTHER CALLED ME. His brother has a PHD. works at JPL and is an image display and special effect expert. He is often used to explain UFO sightings as bunk. He listened and said it was an interesting occurrence. He would find out the base commander's name and what took place in February 1955. Allen told me his brother called the commanding officer and left a message asking about this incident. The Base commander of Holloman A.F.B. in 1955 has never returned the call.
Another friend of mine, Barbara Mehnert, Ph.D., went to Eisenhower's Library in Abilene, Kansas. She talked to the Archivist asking him, "Is there anything here about UFOs?"
"Yes, but it hasn't been released yet."
From this I believe anyone seeing this at Holloman took an oath not to reveal that the ‘President was there' and what they had seen. The information is classified at least as TOP SECRET and possibly higher. This took place in February 1955.
‘Wilbert’ is a pseudonym for the individual who witnessed the above events, and who does not wish for his identity to become public. I first became aware of Wilbert’s testimony in December 2005 when his name and testimony were passed on to me. To substantiate his claims, Wilbert gave me permission to request and receive his entire military service record.
I was therefore able to,
- Verify his time at both Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico and George AFB, California where he officially served at the Air Force Hospital.
- He served at George AFB from November 2, 1953 until February 28, 1954; and at Holloman AFB from March 1, 1954 until August 5, 1955.
- His military record prove that he was cleared up to the level of ‘Secret’ in terms of security classification.
- Additional investigation has also been able to verify his friendship with Ben Luth who claimed to have witnessed President Eisenhower secretly boarding a C-45 Beechcraft twin engine plane to go to Palmdale, CA., which is adjacent to Edwards Air Force Base.
It should be noted that President Eisenhower visited Palms Springs from February 17 to 24, 1954, and went missing on the evening of Feb 20. It was subsequently found that his apparent emergency visit to a dentist was a cover story. [See Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?]
Wilbert’s time at George AFB overlapped with Eisenhower’s visit to Palm Springs, making him privy to information on where Eisenhower traveled to, based directly on his professional medical duties and knowledge of those providing standby medical services for Eisenhower’s secret air flight. The statements made by Wilbert are consistent with his military service records insofar as he was stationed at the places he claims and therefore may have witnessed events associated with President Eisenhower meeting with extraterrestrial visitors both at Edwards AFB in 1954, and Holloman AFB in 1955.
His testimony concerning the Holloman AFB base visit in 1955 is most significant since it is the first case of a witness coming forward to reveal this possible meeting between President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials. Based on documentary evidence and investigations conducted so far Wilbert’s testimony has been corroborated to an extent that his claims are credible. Further investigation is underway to corroborate more of Wilbert’s testimony.
I thank Steve Natale in assisting in investigating Wilbert’s claims, and Arthur Campbell for initially alerting me to this important case.
President Eisenhower at Holloman AFB?
by Art Campbell
from UFOCrashBook Website
On February 9, 1955, Eisenhower announced to the press that he was going to Georgia for a few days. He left on Feb. 10th at 1:00 p.m. from Andrews AFB with a party of six. A chartered planeload of journalists from all major networks accompanied him. The planeload of press was with Ike because of international tensions. The Russians were having a major leadership upheaval and the Red Chinese were making moves towards Formosa.
Ike and party arrived at his destination, Thomasville GA, about 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 10th, hunted quail for an hour, and retired to his guest cottage. Less than 24 hours later, President Eisenhower showed up at Holloman AFB. Ike was out of the press view for some 36 hours. James Hagerty, his press secretary, told the press that Ike and his valet were “treating a case of the sniffles.”
The source of Ike’s visit to Holloman comes from an ex-airman stationed at the base hospital. The airman wrote a seven-page letter to UFO investigator/ speaker Art Campbell, delineating the details of Ike’s visit and some of the activities while there. The Columbine III, Ike’s Air Force One at the time, landed at Holloman around 9:00 a.m. on Feb. 11th.
By previous arrangement, the plane taxied and parked on an active runway. A short time later a UFO was seen to land in front of Air Force One. A man presumed to be Ike left the parked plane and walked to the UFO. A meeting of some 45 minutes took place and then he returned to the plane. Another UFO was seen hovering over the flight line while the meeting was going on.
The details are sketchy, but Ike was at the base until 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. when his plane left. Hundreds saw it (photo above.) Ike and the base commander spoke to several hundred military and civilian workers on the base and at a hangar and in the base theater. The airman listed the names of eight witnesses to this event. Other witnesses are being sought by investigator Art Campbell.
If you know of, or have any information about this event, please contact Art’s e-mail:
Or you can snail mail him at:711 Medford Center, #129 - Medford Or. 97504
More information and additional details on this dramatic event appear below in a series of articles published in a great online magazine, Filers Files. We will try to post these once a week articles here every week also, from about Feb 19th to Mar. 26th 2007
Part 1 - About The Researcher
Art is a nationally known UFO researcher and speaker who has been active in UFO research beginning in Kansas City, Missouri in 1957. Art took time out between 1959 and 1989 for a successful teaching career. In that period of time, he was a teacher, counselor, football coach and high school principal.
Originally, Art was a NICAP investigator working with Donald E. Keyhoe. Art formed a NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) affiliate in Kansas City in 1957, and worked on an important NICAP investigation of George Adamski, who claimed an alien contact in the Kansas City train yard.
Art is also the principle investigator of the UFO Crash at San Augustin, a little known, but highly significant crash of what the USAF referred to (in the famous 1947 Gen. Ramey's telegram) as "SITE TWO SW OF MAGDALEMA NEW MEX."
In the fall of 2006 Art received a 7-page letter from an retired airman who was assigned to the base hospital at Holloman AFB. The airman details what he knew and what he and his friends saw when President Eisenhower visited Holloman in February of 1955. According to the press at the time, Ike was on a hunting trip to Thomasville, Georgia.
In our next installment, we will take you to President Eisenhower's press conference on February 9, 1955, the departure from Andrews AFB the next day, and the reception he received in The Thomasville Area
President Eisenhower met with visitors to our World at least twice … 1954 & 1955
From Luca Scantamburlo : The Return of Planet X - Part 2
Italy, February 2008
LS: And also, [turning page] these two gentlemen here - of course everybody knows him, should know him - is President Dwight Eisenhower. And this gentleman here is James Francis McIntyre, the former Bishop of Los Angeles. And the Jesuit confirmed to Barbato that this gentleman was present at Muroc Airfield in February 1954 because Dwight Eisenhower wanted to have a spiritual support to take an important decision for mankind.
Because there were already rumors about this presumed meeting, occurred in February 1954, between a delegation from Earth and a presumed alien delegation from outside our world. And the Jesuit... This is very important. For the first time we had a deep throat from the Vatican who confirmed: Yes. This meeting happened. Yes, James Francis McIntyre participated.
And moreover, the Jesuit told Barbato that later on, a few days later, James Francis McIntyre broke the rules. Because, of course, the American administration - we’re talking about the leaders who were participants of that meeting - said to the Bishop: Yes, you were present because of Dwight Eisenhower’s desire. You are not allowed to talk about this, even to the Pope.
But McIntyre took another decision, and a few days later took a flight and went to Rome, and told everything to the Pope, who was, of course, shocked. And, according to the Jesuit, this was the first reason for the creation of this presumed secret service, the Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano - SIV.
On the night and early hours of February 20-21, 1954, while on a ‘vacation’ to Palm Springs, California, President Dwight Eisenhower went missing and allegedly was taken to Edwards Air force base for a secret meeting.
When he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist.
The dentist later appeared at a function that evening and presented as the ‘dentist’ who had treated Eisenhower. The missing night and morning has subsequently fueled rumors that Eisenhower was using the alleged dentist visit as a cover story for an extraordinary event.
The event is possibly the most significant that any American President could have conducted: an alleged ‘First Contact’ meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base (previously Muroc Airfield), and the beginning of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a ‘treaty’ that was eventually signed. This astonishing First Contact event, if it occurred, will experience its 50th anniversary on February 20-21, 2004.
This paper explores the evidence that the First Contact meeting had occurred with extraterrestrials with a distinctive ‘Nordic’ appearance, the likelihood of an agreement having been spurned with this ‘Nordic race’, the start of a series of meetings that led to a treaty eventually being signed with a different extraterrestrial race dubbed the ‘Greys’, and the motivations of the different extraterrestrial races involved in these treaty discussions.
The paper will further examine why these events were kept secret for so long, the significance of the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s meeting with extraterrestrials, and whether an official disclosure announcement is likely in the near future.
Circumstantial Evidence Supporting Eisenhower’s ‘First Contact’ Meeting with Extraterrestrials
There is circumstantial and testimonial evidence supporting Eisenhower’s meeting with extraterrestrials and the start of a series of meetings that culminated in the signing of a treaty with a different group of extraterrestrials.
The most intriguing are circumstances surrounding Eisenhower’s alleged winter vacation to Palm Springs, California from February 17-24, 1954. Firstly, the ”vacation for the President” which was announced rather suddenly and came less than a week after Eisenhower’s ‘quail shooting’ vacation in Georgia. According to UFO researcher, William Moore, all this was quite unusual and suggested that there was more to the one week visit to Palm Springs than a simple holiday. [2]
Second, on the Saturday night of February 20, President Eisenhower did go missing fueling press speculation that he had taken ill or even died. In a hastily convened press conference, Eisenhower’s Press Secretary announced that Eisenhower had lost a tooth cap while eating fried chicken and had to be rushed to a local dentist. The local dentist was introduced at an official function on Sunday February 21, as "the dentist who had treated the president". [3]
Moore’s investigation of the incident concluded that the dentist’s visit was being used as a cover story for Eisenhower’s true whereabouts.
Consequently, Eisenhower was missing for an entire evening and could easily have been taken from Palm Springs to the nearby Muroc Airfield, later renamed Edwards Air Force base. The unscheduled nature of the President’s vacation, the missing President and the dentist cover story provide circumstantial evidence that the true purpose of his Palm Springs vacation was for him to attend an event whose importance was such that it could not be disclosed to the general public.
A meeting with extraterrestrials may well have been the true purpose of his visit.
Gerald Light’s Letter That Eisenhower Met With Extraterrestrials
The first public source alleging a meeting with extraterrestrials was Gerald Light who in a letter dated April 16, 1954 to Meade Layne, the then director of Borderland Sciences Research Associates (now Foundation), claimed he was part of a delegation of community leaders to an alleged meeting with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force Base.
In a subsequent article, Meade Layne described Light as a “gifted and highly educated writer and lecturer”, who was skilled both in clairvoyance and the occult. [4] Light was a well-known metaphysical community leader in the Southern California area. The alleged purpose of him and others on the delegation was to test public reaction to the presence of extraterrestrials.
Light described the circumstances of the meeting as follows:
'My dear friends:
I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true -- devastatingly true! I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman's erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please).
When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.
The reality of the ‘other plane’ aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group.
During my two days' visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials -- with the assistance and permission of the Etherians!
I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history. President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various 'authorities' and go directly to the people via radio and television - if the impasse continues much longer.
From what I could gather, an official statement to the country is being prepared for delivery about the middle of May. [5]
Of course no such formal announcement was made, and Light’s supposed meeting has either been the best-kept secret of the twentieth century or the fabrication of an elderly mystic known for out of body experiences.
The events Light describes in his meeting in terms of the panic and confusion of many of those present, the emotional impact of the alleged landing, and the tremendous difference of opinion on what to do in terms of telling the public and responding to the extraterrestrial visitors, are plausible descriptions of what may have occurred.
Indeed, the psychological and emotional impact Light describes for senior national security leaders at the meeting is consistent with what could be expected for such a ‘life changing event’.
A further way of determining Light’s claim is to investigate the figures he named along with himself as part of the community delegation, and whether they could have been plausible candidates for such a meeting.
o Dr Edwin Nourse (1883-1974) was the first chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors to the President (1944-1953) and was President Truman’s chief economic advisor. [6] Nourse officially retired to private life in 1953 and would certainly have been a good choice of someone who could give confidential economic advise to the Eisenhower administration.
If Dr Nourse was present at such a meeting, he did so in order to provide his expertise on the possible economic impact of First Contact with extraterrestrials. Another of the individuals mentioned by Light was Bishop MacIntyre.
o Cardinal James Francis MacIntyre was the bishop and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles (1948-1970) and would have been an important gauge for the possible reaction from religious leaders generally, and in particular from the most influential and powerful religious institution on the planet – the Roman Catholic Church.
In particular, Cardinal MacIntyre would have been a good choice as a representative for the Vatican since he was appointed the first Cardinal of the Western United States by Pope Pius XII in 1952. All Cardinal MacIntyre’s correspondence is closed to researchers thus making it impossible to confirm what impact the visit to Muroc had on him and what he communicated to other church leaders and the Vatican. [7]
Cardinal MacIntyre had sufficient rank and authority to represent the Catholic Church and the religious community in a delegation of community leaders.
o The fourth member of the delegation of community leaders was Franklin Winthrop Allen, a former reporter with the Hearst Newspapers Group. [8]
Allen was 80 years old at the time, author of a book instructing reporters on how to deal with Congressional Committee Hearings, and would have been a good choice for a member of the press who could maintain confidentiality.
The four represented senior leaders of the religious, spiritual, economic and newspaper communities and were well advanced in age and status.
They would certainly have been plausible choices for a community delegation that could provide confidential advise on a possible public response to a First Contact event involving extraterrestrial races. Such a selection would have constituted a ‘wise men’ group that would have been entirely in character for the conservative nature of American society in 1954.
While Light may well contrived such a list in a fabricated account or ‘out of body’ experience as Moore implies in his analysis, there is nothing in Light’s selection that eliminates the possibility that they were plausible members of such a delegation. [9] At face value then, the selection of such a ‘wise men’ group gives some credence to Light’s claim.
It may be concluded then that following items all make up circumstantial evidence that a meeting with extraterrestrials occurred.
o The first is Eisenhower’s missing night.
o The second is the weak ‘cover story’ used for Eisenhower’s absence.
o The third is Light’s description of actual events at the meeting in terms of the psychological and emotional impact of the described meeting which is consistent with what could be anticipated.
o The final is Light’s description of the composition of community leaders or ‘wise men’ at the meeting.
These four items collectively provide circumstantial evidence that a meeting with extraterrestrials occurred and that Eisenhower was present.
Testimonies Supporting Eisenhower’s Meeting With Extraterrestrials
There are a number of other sources alleging an extraterrestrial meeting at Edwards Air force base that corresponded to a formal First Contact event.
These sources are based on testimonies of ‘whistleblowers’ that witnessed documents or learned from their ‘insider contacts’ of such a meeting. These testimonies describe what appears to be two separate sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrial groups who met either with President Eisenhower and/or with Eisenhower administration officials over a short period of time.
The first of these meetings, the actual ‘First Contact’ event, did not lead to an agreement and the extraterrestrials were effectively spurned. The second of these meetings did lead to an agreement, and this has been apparently become the basis of subsequent secret interactions with extraterrestrial races involved in the ‘treaty’ that was signed.
There is some discrepancy in the sequence of meetings and where they were held, but all agree that a ‘First Contact’ meeting involving President Eisenhower did occur, and that one of these meetings occurred with his February 1954 visit to Edwards Air force base.
The first version of Eisenhower’s meeting is described by one of the most ‘controversial’ whistleblowers to ever have come forward into the public arena to describe an extraterrestrial presence.
William Cooper served on the Naval Intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet between 1970-73, and had access to classified documents that he had to review in order to fulfill his briefing duties.
He describes the background and nature of the ‘First contact’ with extraterrestrials as follows:
In 1953 Astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward the Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be Spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communications. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the Equator.
There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this race of space aliens. In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government.
This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other.
This race stated that,
o we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other,
o stop polluting the Earth,
o stop raping the Earth's natural resources,
o and learn to live in harmony.
These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament.
It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States.
The overtures were rejected. [10]
The significant point about Cooper’s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and instead was focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.
Confirmation that the First Contact meeting involved extraterrestrials who were effectively spurned for taking what might be considered a principled stand on technology assistance and nuclear weapons comes from the son of a former Navy Commander who claimed that his father had been present at the First Contact event on February 20-21, 1954.
According to Charles L. Suggs, a retired Sgt from the US Marine Corps, his father Charles L. Suggs, (1909-1987) was a former Commander with the US Navy who attended the meeting at Edwards Air force base with Eisenhower. [11]
Sgt Suggs recounted his father’s experiences from the meeting in a 1991 interview with a prominent UFO researcher:
Charlie's father, Navy Commander Charles Suggs accompanied President Ike along with others on Feb. 20th. They met and spoke with 2 white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and colorless lips. The spokesman stood a number of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any closer.
A second nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip. According to Charlie, there were B-58 Hustlers on the field even though the first one did not fly officially till 1956. These visitors said they came from another solar system.
They posed detailed questions about our nuclear testing. [12]
Another ‘whistleblower’ who confirms that First Contact involved an extraterrestrial race being spurned for their principled stand on technology transfer is the son of the famous creator of the Lear Jet, William Lear.
John Lear is a former Lockheed L-1011 Captain who flew over 150 test aircraft and held 18 world speed records, and during the late 1960's, 1970's and early 1980's was a contract pilot for the CIA. Lear developed a close relationship with CIA Director (DCI) William Colby who was in charge of covert operations in Vietnam before becoming DCI.
According to Lear there had indeed been a warning from another race prior to an agreement being eventually signed, and he claimed they visited Muroc/Edward and the following occurred:
In 1954, President Eisenhower met with a representative of another alien species at Muroc Test Center, which is now called Edwards Airforce Base. This alien suggested that they could help us get rid of the Greys but Eisenhower turned down their offer because they offered no technology. [13]
Cooper’s and Lear’s idea of more than one extraterrestrial race interacting with the Eisenhower administration is supported by other whistleblowers such as former Master Sergeant Robert Dean who like Cooper, had access to top secret documents while working in the intelligence division for the Supreme Commander of a major US military command.
In Dean’s 27 year distinguished military career, he served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe where he witnessed these documents while serving under the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe.
Dean claimed:
The group at the time, there were just four that they knew of for certain and the Greys were one of those groups. There was a group that looked exactly like we do.
There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them, there had been abductions, there had been contacts…
Two other groups, there was a very large group, I say large, they were 6-8 maybe sometimes 9 feet tall and they were humanoid, but they were very pale, very white, didn't have any hair on their bodies at all.
And then there was another group that had sort of a reptilian quality to them. We had encountered them, military people and police officers all over the world have run into these guys. They had vertical pupils in their eyes and their skin seemed to have a quality very much like what you find on the stomach of a lizard.
So those were the four they knew of in 1964. [14]
There is some discrepancy in the testimonials as to which Air force base the spurned extraterrestrials met with President Eisenhower and/or Eisenhower administration officials.
Cooper claims this occurred at Homestead Air force base in Florida, and not Edwards. [15]
On the other hand Lear and Suggs suggest it occurred at Edwards. In his letter, Gerald Light pointed to intense disagreement amongst Eisenhower officials in responding to the extraterrestrials at the Edwards AFB meeting. Such intense disagreement may predictably have occurred if national security officials were responding to an extraterrestrial request to abandon the pursuit of weapons technologies.
Given the intensity of the Cold War, the national security officials present may well have decided it was more prudent to seek better terms before agreeing to the extraterrestrials request. Light’s testimony implies that the meeting at Edwards did not result in an agreement, but instead resulted in intense disagreement between Eisenhower officials.
Consequently, I will conclude that the Lear and Suggs version is more accurate, and that the ‘First Contact’ meeting occurred at Edwards Air force base in February 20-21, 1954.
The Subsequent 1954 Agreement with Extraterrestrials
According to the testimonies examined so far, the February 20-21, 1954 meeting was not successful, and the extraterrestrials were spurned due to their refusal to enter into technology exchanges and insistence on nuclear disarmament by the US and presumably other major world powers.
Cooper describes the circumstances of a subsequent agreement that was reached after the failure of the first meeting. While Cooper has a different version of dates and times for the 1954 meetings, he agrees that there were two sets of meetings involving different extraterrestrials meeting with President Eisenhower and/or Eisenhower administration officials. [16]
Later in 1954 the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base.
A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. [17]
The meeting at Holloman Air force base in New Mexico has reportedly been the site of subsequent extraterrestrial meetings with the same extraterrestrials who it will be shown signed the 1954 treaty. In 1972-73, for example, the producers Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler, had allegedly been offered and witnessed actual Air force film footage of a meeting involving Grey extraterrestrials that occurred at Holloman Air force base in 1971. [18]
Cooper explained the terms of the 1954 treaty reached with the Grey extraterrestrials as follows:
The treaty stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development.
They would not make any treaty with any other Earth nation.
They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish Majesty Twelve (MJ-12) with a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. [19]
Another whistleblower source for a treaty having been signed is Phil Schneider, a former geological engineer that was employed by corporations contracted to build underground bases worked extensively on black projects involving extraterrestrials.
He revealed his own knowledge of the treaty in the following:
Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Grenada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved. [20]
Schneider’s knowledge of the treaty would have come from his familiarity with a range of compartmentalized black projects and interaction with other personnel working with extraterrestrials.
Yet another whistleblower source for an agreement being signed is Dr Michael Wolf, who claims to have served on various policy-making committees responsible for extraterrestrial affairs for twenty five years. [21]
He claims that the Eisenhower administration entered into the treaty with an extraterrestrial race and that this treaty was never ratified as constitutionally required. [22]
Significantly, a number of whistleblowers argue that the treaty that was signed involved some compulsion on the part of the extraterrestrials.
Don Phillips is a former Air force serviceman and employee on clandestine aviation projects who testified having seen documents describing the meeting between President Eisenhower and extraterrestrials, and the background to a subsequent agreement:
We have records from 1954 that were meetings between our own leaders of this country and ET’s here in California. And, as I understand it from the written documentation, we were asked if we would allow them to be here and do research.
I have read that our reply was well, how can we stop you? You are so advanced. And I will say by this camera and this sound, that it was President Eisenhower that had this meeting. [23]
New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
Of all the rumors flying around on the internet, one just refuses to die, and it concerns America's FEMA camps.
In a nutshell, there seems to be a solicitation of bids occurring for the staffing of FEMA camps within 72 hours of implementation by an order from either Homeland Security or the president. This situation begs to be investigated, with special consideration paid to the motives of the present administration.
I went to the source, the, and searched for the solicitation number HSFEHQ-10-R-0027, titled National Responder Support Camp.
A search of the history of the amendments to this Solicitation for Contract showed that it had been modified several times, with the last modification -- number 0008, with an original date of letting out to bid with a synopsis of May 13, 2011 -- occurring on December 16, 2011. This last modification rescinded the solicitation, with said modification's purpose noted as follows:
1. Cancel Solicitation HSFEHQ-10-R-0027.
2. A new draft solicitation will be issued on January 2012 for industry comment.
3. A Pre-Solicitation Conference will be held approximately two week post draft solicitation.
Okay...score one for the internet and the vigilant citizens who perform an invaluable service to our nation by monitoring the actions of our government and its various agencies.
I began the laborious task of reading the Invitation to Bid -- this tome is 116, pages with many canned and boilerplate requirements for doing business with Uncle Sam duly enshrined amongst the pages. The Task Order Request (TOPR) under Scenario I & II under Section J of the Appendix made for another 42 pages. The required size of the camps was fluid, though they had the required capacity of 301 to two thousand, including security and camp cadre.
The staffing requirements or cadre for FEMA personnel for these camps -- which are identified as being located in five (5) distinct regions throughout and within the borders of the USA, with camps located in each and every state -- was three to fifteen each. The size of these camps will vary around 5 acres per 1,000 inhabitants, though they will never be less than 3 acres for populations of 500 or fewer inhabitants within the camps' boundaries.
This requirement also had a minimum square footage for each inhabitant: either the camp's cadre and first responders of 63 square feet, or approximately 8 feet on each side. This is slightly less than current Federal Court(s) requirements for housing prisoners, which is approximately 72 square feet. Perimeter fencing or barricades is required to be six feet high, enclosing the camp, with all traffic in or out to be recorded on a daily log and with security restricting all traffic and access. The contractor shall also provide fencing and barricades around areas which are "off limits" to occupants. ID Badges are required and are either blue or red, depending on the carrier is temporary or considered an occupant of the camp.
The first of several anomalies in the solicitation for bid was in the contractor staffing requirements, which puzzlingly required staff to be fully operational within 72 hours. Furthermore, "[w]henever practical, displaced citizens will be given the first opportunities for employment within the camp, assuming skills and capabilities are pertinent for the open positions."
This led me to question the stated purpose of these camps, considering that the successful contractor would need to have personnel ready to go on such short notice, with notification from FEMA, Homeland Security, or the president within 72 hours. So the question arises: how could the camp utilize "displaced citizens" in the initial staffing unless the contractor knew where and when a disaster, man-made or otherwise would occur beforehand?
Another anomaly was the requirement that the "off limits" area was to be enclosed before anything else:
The contractor shall also provide fencing and barricades around areas which are "off limits" to occupants. Fencing and barricades are required within 36 hours for "phased" setup timeframes, and 72 hours for the rest of the initial setup timeframe.
Next question: just what is this "off limits" area to be used for, since the bid proposal specified only two (2) classes of occupants of the camp -- temporary or occupant as first responder? Furthermore, it indicates that there may be a camp within the camp, or an area that is to be utilized by another group that is not revealed in the bid solicitation...your guess is as good as mine. Most Americans would not like the ambiguity of this area's function!
Another question arose on the Term of the Contract (F.3), which reads as follows:
The contract shall be effective as of the execution date of the base contract, and shall continue up to five years if all four one-year options are exercised, except that delivery orders placed prior to the expiration date shall remain in full force and effect until deliveries have been completed and payments, therefore, have been made. The final delivery order shall not exceed two years.
The nature of the duration seems to belie a long-term use for these camps, which is also not fitting the transitory nature of natural disasters, with most communities being habitable again after a relatively short period of time. We're talking months, not years.
Under the Principal Place of Performance (F.4), this solicitation implies that all of the areas outlined below must be staffed:
The effort required under this contract shall be performed in the United States. Task Orders will designate the exact locations where services will be provided. The five (5) areas of coverage are broken down as follows:
Area 1: Includes the states of CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, PA, VT, NY, WV, VA, RI
Area 2: Includes the states of KY, TN, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, FL
Area 3: Includes the states of CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, OH, SD, UT, WI, WY
Area 4: Includes the states of AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Area 5: Includes the states of AZ, CA, ID, NV, OR, WA
The language is specific in that all requirements are performed in the United States. However, the language does not specify that it would be a phased approach or even a localized area that experiences a natural disaster -- simply the entire nation.
In the Task Order Proposal Request, there is a specific requirement for large vehicle parking:
Special Requirements:
- Outsized Vehicle Parking within Security Area (> 2.5 ton vehicles): Estimate required space and add to acreage requirement.
- Outsized vehicle parking outside security area (> 2.5 ton vehicles): Estimate required space and add to acreage requirement.
- Mission Support Work Area(s): Minimum square footage, Accessibility
These requirements suggest that the type of vehicle(s) will be either solely high-occupancy (i.e., buses) or large trucks or heavy equipment combined with buses. The interesting point about this section is that the authors allude to a "Security Area" and an "Unsecured Area" with no specific requirements coming forth.
To sum up: the solicitation to bid for the staffing of FEMA camps within 72 hours is a curious proposition, since it appears to predict a calamity that will affect the entire nation simultaneously --completely unlike a location-specific natural disaster.
This may be nothing more than a preparedness exercise by Homeland Security to see if anyone besides the military would be able to meet these stringent requirements for rapid deployment. However, what I found most striking was the "off limits" areas within each camp and staffing with "displaced persons" and the "Mission Support Work Area(s)," all undefined. As citizens, we need to know the exact purpose of these camps, given President Obama's propensity to bend our constitutional republic to his own purposes!
(All documents can be found at this website for the GSA Federal Business Opportunities.)
Is the Japanese government and the IAEA protecting
the nuclear industry and not the people of Japan by
claiming that Fukushima is stable when it is not?
Fairewinds' chief engineer Arnie Gundersen outlines
major inconsistencies and double-speak by the IAEA,
Japanese Government, and TEPCO claiming that the
Fukushima accident is over. It is not!
Here he jokes about being born on KYRTON very good video
Interesting news here! ...
Eric J
In a moment of madness, --blame it on the earths decreasing magnetic field--- anyhow i have sent a letter via a email to the director of the Vatican observatory at Mount Graham. There is a saying in the alternative news community, better keeping things out in the open, so, I am doing that right now. There has to be some risk involved, as there is immediate tracking of IP addresses of those who email the institute, so doubtless there may be some surveillance of our activities here. But a risk taken for high ends is a noble risk which is my reason for sending the email.
I have a copy of it and hopefully, will make it available in due course for all who are on this forum, but must first wait to see what reply I receive. If any....
I did send s similar email to the DHS in the US but they have gone silent. No one knocking at my door so far!!! if we wish to look deeper into these matters we must dig deeper and know which avenues to explore and which to leave alone. The Pentagon is one place I would avoid at this juncture as they may have all sorts of traps for those who look too far into there servers. look at Gary Makinnon.
so, fingers crossed,..............
Analysis of information received in response to a series of Freedom of Information requests to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has revealed that around fifty to sixty companies and public bodies per year are being granted “blanket permission” to fly unmanned drones within UK civil airspace. With very few exceptions each flight must remain under 400 feet and within 500 metres of the operator.
While names of companies and institutions who have been granted permission to fly drones has not been revealed, the type of work being undertaken includes aerial photography and filming, surveying of buildings and land, emergency services work, and surveillance in support of law enforcement, data collection, evidence gathering and security.
The Civil Aviation Authority grants three types of ‘permissions’ to fly unmanned aircraft : a) permission for a one-off flight, b) permission for a series of flights in a limited time frame, or c) blanket permission which must be renewed on an annual basis.
The CAA has told Drone Wars UK that out of the 100 applications submitted between January 2010 and September 2011, 98 blanket permissions were issued. With one exception all the applications were for drones weighing less than 20kg. While in the time frame many of the 98 applications will have been renewals a conservative estimate is that around fifty to sixty companies and public bodies are regularly flying unmanned drones in UK civil airspace.
Chris Cole of Drone Wars UK said: “I expected to find that the CAA would have mostly granted one-off permissions to fly drones in UK airspace, with perhaps a handful of blanket permissions granted each year. However around ten times the number of blanket permissions are being granted. Once this blanket permission has been granted, who monitors what these companies are doing with their drones?”
Some work being undertaken by these drones seems fairly innocuous, including application for tasks such as “surveys for geography, environment and archaeological survey” and “data gathering for insurance, building surveys, health and safety etc.“ The majority of applications however, contain little real information about the work being undertaken with “stills & video photography from the air” and “aerial photography & video” being common. Occasionally other types of work are mentioned such as: “evidence gathering, surveillance and search” and “surveillance in support of UK law enforcement.”
While the CAA are responsible for ensuring that these unmanned flights within UK civil airspace are flown safely, who is ensuring that the public’s privacy and civil liberties are protected?
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METEORITE MYSTERY: Earth is mysteriously peppered with fragments of giant asteroid Vesta. (Here's a piece you can have for yourself.) New observations from NASA's Dawn spacecraft suggest an explanation involving one of the tallest mountains in the Solar System. Get the full story from Science@NASA.
NEW YEAR'S FIREBALL: The first bright fireball of the New Year streaked over the southwestern USA on Jan. 1st at 03:15 UT. It was visible from Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. "I was able to see it out my window," reports amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft from his rural observatory outside of Santa Fe. "It was brilliant turquoise blue." Ashcraft operates a combination all-sky camera/forward-scatter meteor radar system, which captured the fireball's flight. Click on the image to play the movie--and don't forget to turn up the volume to hear the ghostly radar echo:
Cameras belonging to NASA's All-Sky Fireball Network also recorded the fireball from multiple locations. An orbit calculated from those data show that the fireball was a random meteoriod hailing from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It hit Earth's atmosphere at 26 km/s (58,000 mph), which is relatively slow compared to other meteoroids, and disintegrated 82 km above Earth's surface.
Mac Slavo
December 30, 2011
It didn’t take long for the See Something, Say Something campaign initiated by the Department of Homeland Security last year to show promising results.
According to a report from St. Paul Minnesota’s KARE11 and NPR, actionable human intelligence is on the rise at the nation’s largest mall, and it’s being cross-referenced with personal information and threat assessments via the recently made public nationwide network of government Fusion centers.
While a mystery to most Americans, the existence of Fusion centers recently made waves when they were brought to the mainstream public’s attention by talk show host Alex Jones and former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura.
As we highlighted in everything you do is monitored, fusion centers are the digital backbone of the modern day domestic spying network and make it possible to track, itemize, aggregate and analyze the personal activities of every American.
Now, those fusion centers have new intelligence assets to draw on for information – your friends, neighbors and fellow citizens – and many of them are delighted to help.
Brad Kleinerman entered the spooky world of homeland security.
As he shopped for a children’s watch inside the sprawling Mall of America, two security guards approached and began questioning him. Although he was not accused of wrongdoing, the guards filed a confidential report about Kleinerman that was forwarded to local police.
The reason: Guards thought he might pose a threat because they believed he had been looking at them in a suspicious way.
Najam Qureshi, owner of a kiosk that sold items from his native Pakistan, also had his own experience with authorities after his father left a cell phone on a table in the food court.
The consequence: An FBI agent showed up at the family’s home, asking if they knew anyone who might want to hurt the United States.
Mall of America officials say their security unit stops and questions on average 1,200 people each year. The interviews at the mall are part of a counterterrorism initiative that acts as the private eyes and ears of law enforcement authorities but has often ensnared innocent people, according to an investigation by the Center for Investigative Reporting and NPR.
In many cases, the written reports were filed without the knowledge of those interviewed by security. Several people named in the reports learned from journalists that their birth dates, race, names of employers and other personal information were compiled along with surveillance images.
There is no way for the public to know exactly how many suspicious activity reports from the Mall of America have ended up with local, state and federal authorities. CIR and NPR asked 29 law enforcement agencies under open government laws for reports on suspicious activities. Only the Bloomington Police Department and Minnesota’s state fusion center have turned over at least a portion of the paperwork.
In 2008, the mall’s security director, Douglas Reynolds, told Congress that the mall was the “No. 1 source of actionable intelligence” provided to the state’s fusion center, an intelligence hub created after 9/11 to pull together reports from an array of law enforcement sources.
Information from the suspicious activity reports generated at the mall has been shared with Bloomington police, the FBI and, in at least four cases, the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.
In early December Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the Department of Homeland Security would begin shifting its focus in the war on terror to lone wolf attackers living in the United States.
Within a couple of weeks of this announcement the US Congress passed legislation that, according to some Senators, citizens and former military leaders, allows for the creation of domestic battlefields and the detainment of American citizens without charge or trial.
The installation of backscatter scanners at airports, train stations and bus depots, roving checkpoints on US highways, and biometric surveillance technology at public events, coupled with revelations that DHS is actively looking to identify those who use cash instead of credit in commerce, purchase survival gear or engage in unpopular speech, suggests that the Fusion centers may only be the beginning.
Once the government identifies all of these persons-of-interest and potential domestic terrorists they’ll have to do something about them; we certainly can’t have enemies of the state running around in the wild. Which brings to mind another Fusion center-like conspiracy theory – FEMA camps. But that’s a whole nother discussion.
The Intel Hub
December 31, 2011
On the eve of 2012, President Obama has, with the stroke of a pen, ended America as we know it.
With the National Defense Authorization Act now signed into law, American citizens can and possibly will be indefinitely detained by the military if they have been “accused” of any terrorist related activity.
In a press release published today, the ACLU further outlined their opposition to this unconstitutional law and highlighted the fact that Obama will now be known as the president who signed indefinite detention of Americans, far from any battlefield, into law.
“President Obama’s action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director.
“The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
“We are incredibly disappointed that President Obama signed this new law even though his administration had already claimed overly broad detention authority in court,” said Romero. “Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back the constitutional excesses of George Bush in the war on terror was extinguished today.
Although the president and the corporate controlled media have tried to pretend that he only signed the bill because Congress took out the indefinite detention provision, the fact remains that this bill DOES give the government the ability to detain any American they claim to be a terrorist without so much as a trial.
Obama’s claim that he had reservations about certain provisions also rings hollow considering the fact that the White House actually asked for the indefinite detention provision to be added to the bill in the first place!
As we all celebrate the new year we must reflect back on 2011 and realize that it is absolutely imperative that we speak out and expose these police state measures like never before.
If we do not, this country will continue on its path towards destruction and before the end of 2012 we could find ourselves in a full scale police state that has completely outlawed the alternative media and free, outside the box thinking.