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The New US Emperor Is Here

This is an interesting video about the Chinese takeover of the USA.

Unfortunately, much of this is also happening in Australia where Chinese and people from other Asian countries are investing heavily in the Australian housing market, industry, mines, infrastructure and farms (dairy, cattle and crops).

When questions have been asked by the public about this unchecked buy-up of Australia both major Australian political parties have given the same excuse, which is - "Australia needs the investment dollars". That would be a little more acceptable in my mind if we had the same reciprocal rights in the Asian countries - which we don't. It is impossible for a foreign investor to buy land or property outright in most (if not all) Asian countries and to invest joint ventures with a national need to be set up.

I think it's called ownership or takeover by stealth!

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Prof. McCanney Update 10/8/13

October 08, 2013 ... be sure to listen to my show this week as i take a new turn on a very important topic ... i will continue to give comet ison updates but i am moving to a new topic of great importance so listen and learn ... jim mccanney

October 08, 2013 ... comet ISON update ... comet ISON remains stable and growing ... it is currently a bright luminous green with a faint sunward spike due to the electrical current passing through the comet after its interaction with the planet mars and is not quiet yet naked eye visible ... you still need the aid of an amateur telescope or good astronomical binoculars to see it ... the disinformation engines are in full force on the internet ... let me explain ... if you search on "comet ISON" the first thing you find are "official" articles saying it will break up and go away ... COMPLETELY FALSE ... comet ISON simply is a small comet and never warranted the "comet of the century" status that NASA gave it ... why all the hype still baffles me ... why NASA created a "dream team" of a dozen of their paid shill scientists to represent and filter information to the public for this comet is still a mystery ... obviously they were very worried the public would see something and i have explained in detail what that is ... secondly ... the nut case internet sites are going at full bore (most created and maintained by the gov disinformation engine) ... this gives the sites like and discover and spaceweather all the ammo they need to discount anything but the standard NASA party line that this is just another harmless little dirty snow ball and do not listen to all the sky is falling chicken little garbage out there ... there is no shortage of nut case predictions of certain death to all and stellar alignments with no significance ... this creates a tremendous cloud of misinformation for the public to sort through ... then throw in the fact that NASA scientists have been locked out (cannot see data or work) during the gov shut down ... and now it may be doubtful if many will ever return to work ... way to go boys and girls at the gov science supported jobs ... no more scientific vacations for you ... that's what you get for being a gov prostitute with your career ... all tier II science was shut down in a day ... but the tier I science is still very active under the Mil umbrella and the bankers have their fleet of scientists and all the facilities and satellites pumping in the data from all fields to make sure they get control of water and space science data ... this keeps the public watching fuzzy out of focus amateur pics on the gov minion web sites of comet ISON ... a well coordinated misinformation campaign ... and in the midst of this my web site and work are the only sane place to get real information ... thus the tremendous internet and email campaigns by select gov supported nut cases pretending to represent me or youtube videos of chopped and created voices similar to mine pretending to predict the end of the world ... wow ... i have never seen things so crazy ... not even in the old hale bopp days which were pretty nutso !!! keep posted as comet ISON continues to approach the sun ... jim mccanney 

NOTE ... there is a youtube video with clips of my voice from a 2002 radio show taken out of context and others with voices created that sound like me which are being passed around where it sounds like i am saying there is a solar system coming into ours at the present time ... this is a planted misinformation piece meant to defame me and my work ... this activity is being promoted and sponsored through youtube and they refuse to remove it ... this is just one of dozens of misdirected attempts to defame me and my work ... i only post on this page [] and in my weekly radio show on in interviews with well known hosts of select radio shows ... clearly my success at informing the public about real issues is taking its toll on the established science industry and these cheap shots are the best they can come up with as NASA and the boys crumble under the weight of their own BS ... jim mccanney

additional announcement about the misinformation campaign raging out there trying to defame me ... with the NASA "dream team" regarding comet ISON out of commission due to the government shutdown the disinfo crew is depending on every past and present misinformation nut case out there to mass email or post false information about me and my work ... simply put ... comet ISON is a NON-ISSUE regarding direct involvement  with earth ... it never was an issue ... listen to my radio show for updates and the possible issues ... the majority of effects that we have and could witness are VISUAL and herein is the entire issue ... you the public has already witnessed events of astronomical and vast historical significance ... the planet Mars went comet this past week and i have received verification from countless listeners who saw it also as i had predicted (not to mention come ISON going "green" and developing a sunward spike as it interacted with mars) ... the powers that run this nut case planet are frothing and as i have stated this is the thing they fear the most ... the public waking up to the REAL nature of the electrical universe and blowing their energy control game ... even the nut case lady that thinks she talks to aliens is being brought in to slam me ... i love it ... the paid disinfo nut case calling me a ex-gov spy ... wow ... they will go to any lengths to defame me ... i have always been independent and NEVER worked for the gov or any of its BS agencies ... that is why i bring you REAL information every week on this page and on my commercial free radio show ... and the people are waking up in droves getting real information that is not available anywhere else ... not only are you learning about the real nature of the solar system ... YOU CAN SEE IT FOR YOURSELVES as my predictions come true time and time again ... jim mccanney

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Did Mars React Electrically To ISON?

In a separate email, from John DiNardo...

Thanks to Sheldon Day for sending this link.

Oct. 3rd: An amateur astronomer photographed Mars, glowing in an electric coma of plasma, apparently absorbed from its electrical flirtation with the highly plasmatic, Sun-drawn Comet ISON.  As I have stated a week ago, this government shutdown conveniently shuts down our eyes in the sky, our tax-paid government telescopes, so that the public will not become alarmed over Comet ISON's approaching perils. JD

Prof. James McCanney announces that has been informed that Mars has recently become engulfed in a comet-like plasma coma, obviously absorbed from the passing, dangerous, government-concealed Comet ISON.

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By John Macone    Staff writer  The Eagle Tribune       Tue Oct 08, 2013, 10:16 AM EDT NEWBURYPORT — Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures. Instead, the Salisbury resident said she and others on her tour bus witnessed an ugly spectacle that made her embarrassed, angry and heartbroken for her country. Vaillancourt was one of thousands of people who found themselves in a national park as the federal government shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1. For many hours her tour group, which included senior citizen visitors from Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States, were locked in a Yellowstone National Park hotel under armed guard. The tourists were treated harshly by armed park employees, she said, so much so that some of the foreign tourists with limited English skills thought they were under arrest. When finally allowed to leave, the bus was not allowed to halt at all along the 2.5-hour trip out of the park, not even to stop at private bathrooms that were open along the route. “We’ve become a country of fear, guns and control,” said Vaillancourt, who grew up in Lawrence. “It was like they brought out the armed forces. Nobody was saying, ‘we’re sorry,’ it was all like — ” as she clenched her fist and banged it against her forearm. Vaillancourt took part in a nine-day tour of western parks and sites along with about four dozen senior citizen tourists. One of the highlights of the tour was to be Yellowstone, where they arrived just as the shutdown went into effect. Rangers systematically sent visitors out of the park, though some groups that had hotel reservations — such as Vaillancourt’s — were allowed to stay for two days. Those two days started out on a sour note, she said. The bus stopped along a road when a large herd of bison passed nearby, and seniors filed out to take photos. Almost immediately, an armed ranger came by and ordered them to get back in, saying they couldn’t “recreate.” The tour guide, who had paid a $300 fee the day before to bring the group into the park, argued that the seniors weren’t “recreating,” just taking photos. “She responded and said, ‘Sir, you are recreating,’ and her tone became very aggressive,” Vaillancourt said. The seniors quickly filed back onboard and the bus went to the Old Faithful Inn, the park’s premier lodge located adjacent to the park’s most famous site, Old Faithful geyser. That was as close as they could get to the famous site — barricades were erected around Old Faithful, and the seniors were locked inside the hotel, where armed rangers stayed at the door. “They looked like Hulk Hogans, armed. They told us you can’t go outside,” she said. “Some of the Asians who were on the tour said, ‘Oh my God, are we under arrest?’ They felt like they were criminals.” By Oct. 3 the park, which sees an average of 4,500 visitors a day, was nearly empty. The remaining hotel visitors were required to leave. As the bus made its 2.5-hour journey out of Yellowstone, the tour guide made arrangements to stop at a full-service bathroom at an in-park dude ranch he had done business with in the past. Though the bus had its own small bathroom, Vaillancourt said seniors were looking for a more comfortable place to stop. But no stop was made — Vaillancourt said the dude ranch had been warned that its license to operate would be revoked if it allowed the bus to stop. So the bus continued on to Livingston, Mont., a gateway city to the park. The bus trip made headlines in Livingston, where the local newspaper Livingston Enterprise interviewed the tour guide, Gordon Hodgson, who accused the park service of “Gestapo tactics.” “The national parks belong to the people,” he told the Enterprise. “This isn’t right.” Calls to Yellowstone’s communications office were not returned, as most of the personnel have been furloughed. Many of the foreign visitors were shocked and dismayed by what had happened and how they were treated, Vaillancourt said. “A lot of people who were foreign said they wouldn’t come back (to America),” she said. The National Parks’ aggressive actions have spawned significant criticism in western states. Governors in park-rich states such as Arizona have been thwarted in their efforts to fund partial reopenings of parks. The Washington Times quoted an unnamed Park Service official who said park law enforcement personnel were instructed to “make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” - See more at:

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Bluebeam Mirage

Not sure if this was posted earlier this year, but it shows that seeing is not always believing.

This type of technology could be used for many things - including false flags IMO!

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