PX? (16)

An email from Andy Lloyd

I present all views possible, pro or con, about the existence of Planet X and its ETA.  This email was posted by David elsewhere and I'm reposting it for your consideration.  I agree about the sun dogs/lens flares.  Second sun sightings these past years in the northern hemisphere while PX was under the ecliptic as said elsewhere wouldn't be possible.  But if a PX-object isn't out there, then the question becomes what is causing the earth changes?  It still could be a PX-object, but it just might be further away than we think?

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Z <andy3751@hotmail.com>
To: yaridanjo <yaridanjo@hotmail.com>; dark-star-planet-x <dark-star-planet-x@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jan 6, 2012 3:19 am
Subject: RE: 2012 IMPACT THREAT UP

Now it's 2012, I'd like to make a general point about the Return of Planet X.  Some years ago I criticised Marshall Masters, Jacco van der Worp and Janice Manning in my book review of their "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide".  They argued that a Nibiru/Planet X/Dark Star object would be 'clearly visible at night as a bright, reddish object' to observers in the southern hemisphere from mid-2009, and would appear more generally as a second sun in 2012.  More specifically, they prophesized that Planet X would be just 6.4AU away by 15th May 2011, and thus by now should be at about the same distance as Jupiter, if not closer.  I disagreed and spelt out my reasons why Planet X was nowhere close to returning.  My 2006 book review (http://www.darkstar1.co.uk/planetxforecast.htm) resulted in an angry reaction from Marshall Masters himself, who has not spoken to me or emailed me since. 
Whether their book was based upon a solid set of scientific assumptions or not, it can now be seen to be seriously flawed.  Videos and other supporting evidence posted on the Internet over the last few years has claimed that images of sundogs and lens flares around the Sun prove that Planet X is upon us.  It does not.  They simply prove that some images taken of the Sun have lens flares and sundogs.   For their book to have been correct, we are now at the stage when a second sun should be clearly visible.  It is not.  There's no getting around this now.  A brown dwarf object closer than Jupiter would be a highly visible night-time object - certainly the brightest object in the night sky after the Moon.  So where is it?
Now is the time for an earnest debate on this subject.  There are many, many people who, influenced by the Planet X Forecast and other similar missives, still believe that the end of the Mayan Calendar augurs the castastrophic return of Nibiru.  They are anxious, even fearful of this outcome.   I want to put their minds at rest.  I don't know what the end of 2012 will bring, but I know what is not going to happen - we will not see catastrophe at the hand of a brown dwarf closing in on perihelion.  Those still arguing that it is, risk creating unnecessary panic and anxiety in a public already rocked by economic turmoil.  They should recognise their error.   The 2012 scenario has, predictably, caused the Planet X debate severe damage.  NASA has been bombarded with questions from fearful members of the public, creating a feeding frenzy of scepticism that has damaged more considered arguments for the existence of another distant planet in our solar system.  The public now perceive the claim for a Planet X body as being the hallmark of cranks.  
I was right to argue against the 2012 scenario back in 2006, and I stand by the criticism I levelled at the Planet X Forecast book back then. That's my opinion as a researcher, but I also recognise that others have differing opinions.  If they want to share them with me then I'm happy to hear them and include their points here on my website.  I want the public to be able to access an honest, open debate on this subject as minds increasingly turn to this year's winter solstice.
Many thanks,

Andy Lloyd

Author and artist,

'The Dark Star Theory'


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Is PX 38 Days Behind Elenin?

Elenin didn't turn out to be a catastrophe, but neither was it wimpy. It did about what I thought... caused solar flares and electrical blackouts.
Do I think PX is 38 days behind? No, not at this time. If it was that close, I think we would be seeing catastrophes all over.
Does that mean stop preparing? Absolutely not!
Even if PX itself turns out to be a pipe dream, there are many threats in today's world for which preparations would be needed. Think about severe climate change, local weather disturbances, collapsed economy, WWIII, as well as grid-killing solar flares and/or celestial events. Don't let down your guard. My senses say Elenin is the beginning of something bigger, partly based on the fact earth changes continue to escalate. Have we explored the concept that the galactic alignment could be causing the earth changes? Maybe some, not all?
Use Elenin as a wake-up call and keep preparing!  And I'll start decorating for the Halloween party.
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Geomagnetic Pinky-Orange Sun

But wait, doesn't the pinky-orange color come from PX's dust tail? You mean things can look pinky-orange from more causes, like magnetic disturbances, than just PX's dust tail? Especially since this was taken in 2010 when PX wasn't near Earth?  Of course they can.  I remember a spectacular sunset in Santa Barbara back in 1991, just as orange-red as could be. 


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More Evidence PX Is Out By Jupiter


This is an image of the newest ring around Saturn, newly discovered and discussed in this October 7, 2009 article.  Could Planet X have played a part in the formation of this ring?


This next image was posted November 5, 2009, but the image itself is undated.  Its focus is on a UFO (the article is worth the read), however, wouldn't you think if an infrared camera was used that it would have picked up the larger ring? 

10957977893?profile=originalThere could be technical reasons why the newest ring isn't in this image, such as it is an older image, or a different or less sensitive camera was used, or the focus was too narrow, etc.  However, it could also mean that the newest ring simply wasn't there (which should be researched to see if an image exists that shows when it did form), but either way it is there now.  The next few images will provide support for the hypothesis of how the newest ring around Saturn came to be.


Next, is an image of Saturn, after it was hit by an object, posted 08/10/2009:


Here is an enlightening quote from the article:  "It's not exactly clear what's going on here, even in this slightly zoomed shot. But it looks for all the world - or worlds -- like some small object on an inclined orbit has punched through Saturn's narrow F ring, bursting out from underneath, and dragging behind it a wake of particles from the rings. The upward-angled structure is definitely real, as witnessed by the shadow it's casting on the ring material to the lower left."  Hmmm, "inclined orbit," "underneath," "upward-angled" all sound like the object came up from below the ecliptic, toward the South Poles of our solar systems' planets.  Is this the work of a loner, or could it be part of an entourage?


Next is an image of Jupiter on the day it was hit in its south polar region by something on 07/19/2009
(top dark spot--camera images are flipped):


So, 07/19/2009, Jupiter is hit by an object in its south polar region, an unusual occurrence.  Then on 08/10/2009, one of Saturn's rings is hit by an object.  Then on 10/07/2009, an article is published about a new ring discovered around Saturn.  Compare that to the sun's quiesence around the time of these events and a marked decrease in earth movements in 2009 (https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/major-earth-rumblings), the jet stream going haywire in 2009, coupled with John DiNardo's theory that Planet X went below Jupiter around that time, turning its energies away from the sun (https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/planet-x-is-now-located and https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/major-earth-rumblings).  Now add to that, John's prediction, in his 03/01/2011 email, that major earthquakes would be starting within a few weeks, and ten days later the Japan earthquake hit on 03/11/2011 (https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/earthbound-planet-x-is-now) makes a compelling case that John's theory is correct.  And Amy Evans and the StarViewer Team have been confirming there is indeed something, several somethings, out around Jupiter. 

In conclusion, with all this evidence it seems reasonable to suggest that Saturn's newest and never-before-seen ring could be the product of a passing brown dwarf.  It could be parts of its debris trail trapped in some sort of a gravitational or magnetic field around Saturn and its rings.  Could it have formed as a result of Saturn's and Planet X's fields co-mingling?  It is thin.  Could it become permanent or will it fade away after PX has moved out of range?  Unknown.  But for now, it looks likely that Planet X has left its calling card.

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Earthbound Planet X Is Now Near Jupiter

From:  John DiNardo

Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 7:44:00 AM
Subject: Earthbound Planet X is Now Near Jupiter
The big earthquakes are coming very soon -- maybe in a few weeks. I am rather sure that Planet X is coming up into the Ecliptic from below the Ecliptic. It should now be shoulder-to-shoulder with Jupiter on one side of it, and the Asteroid Belt on the other side of it. Because X is being gravitationally sucked toward the Sun, this means that Planet X will be traveling over the top of the orbital paths, first, of the Asteroid Belt, then of Mars, then of Earth, then of Venus, then of Mercury, then over the top of the Sun and then back down over the orbital paths of these planets in the reverse order.

Prepare by feeling the presence of God all day, each day. He promises to protect you from this wrecking ball which He has told us is His doing, which He has told us, in ISAIAH 63, in REVELATION, etc., is His plan, to bring people to embrace His invisible presence due to sheer fear. In PROVERBS 9:10, God spoke these words through King Solomon: "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (i.e. faith).        
                     John DiNardo 

{John asks others for information that they may have regarding this suspected position. He says, "I think I had detailed my reasons for this estimation in a previous email which I can look for. There are about four reasons all pointing to this position. It may even be as far as over the orbital path of the Asteroid Belt by now, and I can only surmise that from the recent changes in the jetstream patterns.}


Steve Quayle has picked this up as well:  http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/11_Global/110301.alert.Planet.X.html

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I was pondering on how all things interrelate.  There is a brown dwarf heading toward us which creates a disturbance in our solar system, which has independently (of PX) moved into a busier part of the galaxy (when we entered the age of Aquarius?), and there is a 26,000-year galactic alignment scenario, all going on at the same time.  Imagine the energy involved in all this.

So the question that arose from these musings is:  how can we know if PX will stay in its orbit as it has in prior passages with all that is going on?  The implications are that it could hit Earth or it could pass further away and not create an extinction-level event.  (I would still prepare for a worst-case scenario, no matter what.)

Another source has indicated that PX's influence has pushed Venus out of her orbit and stalled Earth in hers.  That same source says the sun's energy is strong enough to force PX to slow down.  If all that is true, then it would follow that other, stronger forces could push PX out of its orbit.  

What do you think?


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The most credible theory so far seems to be the missile/dead-ship-in-the-water-because-of-a-small-nuclear-detonation/EMP was a warning to Obama just prior to the G-20 summit. However, this author makes an interesting point about the Norwegian Spiral (which we've been told was caused by PX's influence) which happened just prior to Obama visiting Norway. This begs the question: "Was the Norwegian Spiral caused by PX or was it caused by geo-political hijinks? Seems like a pattern is developing.

At http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta551.htm, ZT states, regarding the Norwegian Spiral: "What has occurred over Norway is a neon cloud, a grease cloud, lit by the electrical charge from the tail of Planet X." (Written December 2009.)

So, the tail of PX is implicated. Isn't that the same tail that's supposed to be, at most, 5 million miles wide? Wouldn't that mean that PX would have to practically be on top of us (astronomically speaking) for the tail to be interacting that intimately with Earth's atmosphere?

Further, haven't we already discounted the "winged" object bouncing around out by the sun as the Planet X object, though we were told that it was?

If Planet X were truly between Venus and Earth, wouldn't we be almost at the point of passage and would have been feeling its effects much more violently than we have been feeling them (yes, earth changes are escalating but not to the point of what one would expect if PX were within 46 million miles or so of Earth). That's nearly the point where PX is supposed to latch onto the Atlantic Rift and pull Earth about 30 million miles to within 14 million miles of itself and Earth's rotation would start slowing, going into the final weeks. And, further, if PX isn't in the orbit of Venus then Earth and the Dark Twin are not in the cup at this time (and ZT has stated PX "was not quite at Venus' orbit, midway, or not quite between us and the sun" in 2005, and was "out near" the orbit of Venus in 2007, and is there now in 2010)....and on and on and on it goes. The ball of yarn is starting to unravel.

So, given all that, I'm inclined to believe there is another cause of the Norwegian Spiral, something other than Planet X.

Now, also consider this. Evidence shows the winged thingie that we were told was Planet X is actually a UFO. That being the first domino, the rest are starting to fall, as mentioned in other blogs in the ZT Analysis Series. To quickly recap those, since the winged thingie isn't Planet X, then PX isn't in the orbit of Venus. Then the explanation of "bobbling cameras" to explain the fake PX (which is really a UFO) being all over the camera field (esp. above the ecliptic where PX wasn't supposed to be) is complete and utter crap! So, the sun's quiescent period is likely caused by other-than-PX factors since PX isn't as close as we thought (and this has been going on for the past year or two).
If the 7 of 10 prediction is supposed to happen by the end of 2010 (just 6-1/2 weeks away) why do you suppose we are being focused on that? I think it is a red herring. And it is hard to believe that one would expect their operation to continue if it doesn't happen, as credibility is already damaged from the July 20th non-event. So, could something really bad (solar flare? G1.9 event?) be heading towards us by the end of this year and someone will be heading to the hills, not expecting the operation to continue?

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For those who asked, here is the image with the date and time.The camera is SOHO EIT304. Follow the upcoming news from Amy about wormholes, stargates, and starships on this blog ... https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/is-that-winged-object-really (under Pinned Posts). This blog also has the enlarged and color analyzed versions as well.

This opens a third possibility for the sun's quiescence this solar period...it now appears Sol's turbulence from the inbound dwarf star may have been being calmed by our friends "out there," at least in part.

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From an email from John DiNardo. CN comment: If PX is half billion miles from Earth and still below the ecliptic, it certainly can't be between the Earth and Sun. Also note, many river towns will be destroyed. This is not exclusive to large rivers like the Mississippi, it is many river towns so play it safe and don't be near any river town.

According to John, Al Sutton is reputed to be a good source of information on earth changes.


From Al Sutton's Book, "Plagues of the Revelation," page 6:

So ... where is the Destroyer {a.k.a. Planet X, Red Comet, etc.} now (8/23/10)? The Destroyer is still south of the plane of the planets at 10h 27.6' RA; 42° 53.1' declination; 5.73 AU {over a half billion miles} distant, running weeks ahead of its Herald which is the object actually sighted as the Sign on June 21, 2011 (Model Time), see Figure 2.

3. The Coming War: Nuclear Weapons and Invasions ... There are some effects which either St. John did not observe or didn't write down, but which we still must assume will happen. The most important loss to our current civilization will be the complete destruction of any spacecraft in Earth orbit. Even the smallest pieces of sand and gravel will cause major damage at 42 km/sec relative speeds, and the closing speeds could be higher for an orbiting satellite. [Perhaps the reason why the Envisat orbit was recently lowered, under the pretext of saving fuel and extending the life of its mission?--CN] There's risk of EMP {electromagnetic pulse} from the large impactors {JD: meteors, asteroids} like Wormwood and the unnamed impactor of The Book of Revelation, Chapter 9, and EMP will destroy satellites and ground stations. For those satellites that may be lucky enough to survive physical impact, they will find themselves in a dark envelope of interplanetary dust with their solar electric panels hidden from the sun and therefore dysfunctional.

page 7:
The tidal waves from cosmic impacts and tidal forces around perigee {JD: the comet's closest flyby position from Earth} are going to destroy the entire world's navies, all its coastal cities, all its port facilities, and many of its river towns. If ambitious politicians and militaries are planning intercontinental adventures, say if Russia or China wanted to invade the United States, then they must attempt it well before Destroyer reaches perigee.

{JD: from The Book of Revelation, Chapter 6: "12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was
a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? "}
See Figure 1 again. As the Destroyer slides down its orbit from perihelion {JD: Planet X's closest loop-over point above the Sun's north pole} (Pt. C) toward perigee {JD: Planet X's second close pass by Earth as it exits our Solar System} (Pt. D), the first thing that will happen is that dust, lots of dust, will come between the Earth and the Sun. It may appear a bit like the Sun having a shade pulled across its face or the onset of a solar eclipse. On the night side of earth, the stars will still be bright, and the moon will still be high in the sky, a nearly full moon on 13 Sept 2011, but now it will not be lit by the direct light of the sun, but by the scattered red light that "leaks through" the dust cloud just like the dust of autumn harvesting or the dust of an exploding volcano will cause a red sky at morning or evening, or even like the blood red moon of a lunar eclipse. Then, as earth actually reaches the edge of the envelope itself, the sky will be filled with a meteor storm as the first fine grains of dust come streaking into our atmosphere at 42 km/sec.
About that same time, 1/8 AU {JD: 11.6 million miles; that's really close for an object about a thousand times the mass of Earth} out from perigee, Destroyer's gravitational forces on the Earth will have risen to 4.6% of the Earth-Moon magnitude, and that Force is acting at an angle between 30° and 45° to the ecliptic plane. The tidal force appears too small to be responsible at this point for the great earthquake or major geological or geographical changes of Revelation 6:12-14. However, it is possible that St. John is recording the first major cosmic impact as a large asteroid or moon in the Destroyer's outer shell slams into Earth. And although St. John didn't mention it, modern prophets from Haniel to Apache Grandfather, and ancient sources like the Kolbrin say it ... red dust and red rain fall. Red dust and/or red rain have been reported in connection to meteor falls throughout history, with the most recent, best documented falls in India in 2001 {see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red rain in Kerala}.
Footnotes: 15 Book of HanieI 9-13-04 plus additional undocumented visions provided in private conversation ... Asian troops launch an amphibious invasion of the United States, including incursions across the Mexican border.
Equipment suggests a Chinese force, but that's certainly arguable. ICBM missiles were seen flying "among the stones", and the resulting explosions in the United States were documented separately.
16 Revelation 6:12-14, KJV

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Planet X's Location And Size

Planet X Washington Post p.1.pdf

From today's emails from John DiNardo:
First let's look at the evidence indicating that Planet X is a brown dwarf star, then we will be able to see why it cannot be located between Earth and the Sun. Rather, it must be nearing the Ecliptic at around "the station {orbital path} of Jupiter," as the ancient Mesopotamian records state, according to Zecharia Sitchin in his landmark book, THE TWELFTH PLANET. Planet X, being very large, and on a cometary orbit, always traces the same orbital path every 3,600 years or so. So, if it came into our Ecliptic between Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt in ancient times, then that's where it will come in again. It could not have traveled above Earth's orbital path yet, along its course across the top of the Sun, otherwise we would have seen it in the northern skies, and felt much more powerful effects here on Earth (even if we would have been so fortunate as to be furthest from it in our orbit, as it passed over Earth's orbital path). The reason why we would have seen it and felt such powerful effects is because Planet X is probably at least one thousand Earth masses. Here is some strong, though inconclusive evidence of its mass, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration back in January of 1983 and then again in December of 1983. First, read NASA's report in the New York Times: that it is likely a brown dwarf star,


then read the pdf attachment above from The Washington Post, wherein NASA again says that it is likely a "protostar" -- a forming star or a brown dwarf. In 1991, Dr. Harrington said that it is about five times the size of Earth. I guess he meant "diameter," by which estimation, it would have been 125 times the volume of Earth, since volume is: (4/3 times pi) times [(diameter divided by 2) cubed]. Yet, the volume still does not factor in its mass. Brown dwarf stars are very dense -- much more dense than Earth, so X's mass would have been, by Dr. Harrington's estimation, many times more massive than 125 times that of Earth. That oft-quoted figure from Dr. Harrington -- "125 times Earth's mass" -- somehow got mixed up by the people who first quoted him, because it is X's volume (assuming that Harrington said its diameter is 5 times that of Earth) . . . it is X's volume that is 125 times that of Earth, not its mass.
Dr. Harrington could well have been thereby estimating X's mass to be one thousand Earth masses, if, quite conceivably, X's density is eight times greater than that of Earth: V=125 times greater; D=~8 times greater. 125 times 8 is a thousand.
Now, if you look up the broad estimated mass range of a brown dwarf star, you'll find that even a puny brown dwarf star is about 3 Jupiter masses or nearly one thousand Earth masses.
John DiNardo

From: gil

To: jadinardo
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 16:45:53 -0700


The alignment for Jupiter would work at the beginning of 2008 but not for the end of 2009. Observe: 2008-01-01 with Jupiter just a tick past RA 18.


So when you are using a planet as a position indicator you have to specify a date so that the ephemeris for that date can be determined. Jupiter doesn’t move very fast compared to Earth or Mercury but it does keep moving.

The other problem is that if Wormwood was underneath Jupiter last year (2009) or in 2008 then it would probably already have moved past Earth in its inbound perihelion maneuver. But that hasn’t happened. Another image you might want to consider is attached… just for fun. Compare that with the orbital trace on the website… http://www.millenniumprophecy.com/gallery.html .

As for the Anthony Wesley images of the Jupiter impact, Wormwood could do that from a much greater distance south of the ecliptic plane since it probably has a node ring set that reaches out similar to the Sun... but not quite as far… since it has less mass and EM power. So it can be striking all the planets from quite a distance away. It doesn’t have to get very close to send space junk crashing through to one of the planets in the ecliptic. And it doesn’t have to be sitting underneath Jupiter to slam space junk into Jupiter either. But it helps if Jupiter is close to RA 18 because then it would be in the Solstice Danger zone… like all the other planets.

The comet that hit Jupiter last year probably came from another source since Jupiter had moved away from the RA 18 vicinity. It is possible that Wormwood added some “gravitational influence” to the inbound path of the comet (since WW is an “equal opportunity perturber orbiting bodies in our solar system) but NASA probably would not want to admit that in any public forum. Too bad we can’t be privy to some of the “private memos” inside NASA. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

From: jadinardo

To: gill
Subject: RE: Planet X is Now Located . . .
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:38:33 P.M.

My estimation of Planet X's position below the Ecliptic and relative to Jupiter is inexact, and based upon the comet collisions into Jupiter. I had gone to the Astroviewer last year and had picked up the basics on how to use it. From what I saw, it appeared that, in July 2009, Jupiter was in line with the constellation Scorpius, Scorpius being one point on the straight line and thED Sun as the other point establishing that line. This suggests that Jupiter was passing somewhere over X's field of objects at that time. This does not tell me how far below Jupiter it was. As you know, comet collisions into Jupiter had never been observed until the observation of the collision into Jupiter by comet Shoemaker-Levy, back in the 1990s. My point is that here you have two comets, the first crashing into Jupiter's deep southern hemisphere, and then the second crashing into the upper southern hemisphere, both less than a year apart. So, this rare event now occurs twice in less than a year. Anyway, let us both go to the Astroviewer and try to see if Jupiter was somewhat above X's path in July 2009. Just plug in the date July 20, 2009, and plug in some southern city on Earth at the right time of day that will show the Sun, Jupiter, and the constellation Scorpius or whatever point on the celestial sphere Jupiter and the Sun together form a straight line with that point. Just go to astroviewer.com, click on MORE INFORMATION below Astroviewer 3.1.2, and test it online.

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Here, in this NASA image, is the familiar winged object. It is very close to the Sun, firing what looks like an energy beam toward it. Suddenly, the winged object said to be "Planet X" does not look like a planet surrounded by a dust cloud with moon swirls in its wings and tail. It looks like a starship.

This explains why the object, which many have been led to believe is Planet X, has been seen bouncing all over NASA's images, not limiting its position to 4 o'clock or even staying below the ecliptic at all times.

To explain this object's divergence from the official story, numerous excuses were offered: the cameras were bobbling, Earth was being pushed above and below the ecliptic to simulate seasons, Earth was pushed back in her orbit, Earth was wobbling, and so on.

Something wasn't adding up so we examined the most reasonable excuse, the bobbling cameras, and did not find it to be credible. See https://earthchanges.ning.com/profiles/blogs/bobbling-nasa-cameras?xg_source=activity. Since the most reasonable of the excuses isn't credible one should necessarily be wary of the ones that simply cannot be verified.

So, if it wasn't bobbling cameras causing the winged object to appear where it shouldn't be (otherwise we would already have experienced the passage, according to the story), then what else could it be?

The only reasonable explanation is the winged object is a starship patrolling the neighborhood. That's why it appeared close up, then far away. Sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right. Sometimes at the top, sometimes at the bottom. Why? Simple. Because it is an artificial, self-propelled vehicle. As proof, consider the distances it traveled and how fast it did so, as well as the changes in course. There is no way this object is a planet or a comet. As further proof, you will see a picture in the comments below of an image of the "winged thingy" turned 90 degrees sideways, like a starship maneuvering. Planets and comets don't act like that. Also, on enlargement two separate heat sources are seen, one in the main body and one in the tail. Another indication that this is a self-propelled vehicle. So, let's follow the story to its logical conclusion. Based on the well-known details, if the object is PX and it rose above the ecliptic, solar forces above the ecliptic would have assisted it to jet out of our solar system the first time it crossed the ecliptic and the passage would have already happened.

Further, what we have been led to believe is a "string of pearls" appears to be an energy beam of some sort. The ship is firing on our Sun (or perhaps absorbing energy from the Sun) and it has its shields up, presumably to keep from being fried by the Sun! Notice the distortion waves around the ship, 2 rings: one inner and one outer. Those waves have been misdiagnosed as the signature moons in PX's tail.

What is the significance of this picture? It proves that the object seen on NASA's imaging is NOT Planet X and those saying it is Planet X are in error. It also proves that Planet X is not between the Sun and the Earth.

Ah, but to err is human, is it not?

NOTE:  This means that the alleged second sun sightings are most likely sunlight reflecting off of metallic UFO's, at least in the northern hemisphere. 

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NASA Images August 17, 2010

PX @ 0230

Visitors @ 0830?

What's @ 0500?

What's @ 0300? Part of PX's tail reflecting sunlight?

A "V" (or "checkmark") @ 0100 (faint):

PX @ 0330:

String of Pearls @ 0100:

Strings of Pearls (upper center to left):

What's @ 0330-0400? It wasn't in the frame before or after.

What's at the 08:45 position?

PX @ 1200?

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LASCO 08/19/2010

PX @ 05:00:

PX or Mercury @ 03:00? On enlargement (Ctrl+) it doesn't quite look like PX, yet the object is not in the frames before and after this frame. 17:24 is the last one taken (so far) for today. Maybe someone could get a better enlargment?

10 hours earlier on C3:

What's that @ 06:00 (up close to the occulter):

Moons @ 09:00:

String of Pearls:

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