Ascension Manual updated St Germain
Ascension Manual updated St Germain
Prime Creator and ONE
I just finished the third in the series and the information is all about why we are getting cancer, your immune system and the people who are stopping the cures from going public. how to detox you chemical trash from your body. They are 40 minutes long but relate to your health in a time when a terrible disease is spreading. I just had to share this incredible information with all of you, you will enjoy it. This is an epic undertaking by the person producing this series.
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October 5, 2014 -
The second in a series of panel discussions.
Please find below & enjoy the archive of this incredible second roundtable panel discussion radio show web-casted on Saturday evening, October 4th, 2014 - moderated by Joe Marra of Universal Talk Radio: "The GeoSocial, Societal, Economic, Political & Spiritual Impact of Open ET Contact". Panel guests included: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Simon Parkes, Alfred Webre, Jim Dilettoso & Tolec.
You can find the web link for the complete YouTube archive of this roundtable discussion at:
Tolec concurs with David Wilcox Comments:
Published on Oct 5, 2014
NEW! Peter Slattery: The Shift to New Earth has happened; Some are both on New Earth and exposing Matrix Timeline
VANCOUVER, BC – In this conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Australia-based ET experiencer and author Peter Maxwell Slattery reveals his dimensional contacts have stated that humanity’s planetary shift to a New Earth has happened; Many humans are both on the New Earth (which may be a dimensionally ascended Earth) and on the old Timeline, exposing the Matrix.
Full overt ET contact may take some time, as in decades.
This video has been edited to remove the intrusions by an NSA-like entity that scrambled audio and video tracks as the conversation was being recorded. Please relax and focus on the meaning and communications in the video. Thank you for your patience.
NEW! Peter Slattery: The Shift to New Earth has happened; Some are both on New Earth and exposing Matrix Timeline
I had a thought the other day. It really bothered me that our Secret Service was having so many issues with "protecting our President" at the White House. Why is that? Why was the alarm system turned off, why was a man able to get into the White House, etc..... so many things didn't make sense.
I finally figured it out............ or so I think I did. HE. IS. NOT. THERE. ANYMORE. They have moved him and his family out of the White House to a safe place........................... think about that! :-)
Love & Light
SG This Doc has tried to get this info OUT ,listen to the deaf ears it has fallen on! And let's
do our part ,if you agree get this info out,we have nothing to lose and if ebola is allowed to spread then some will have a chance to live. Also I believe I remember this being the same company who tried to ship this to them & was blocked 3 times.
The story thickens ,keep watching & listen to what floats to it top ,it;s beginning to smell./R