Interesting .... but not unexpected.
Interesting .... but not unexpected.
The efforts to release vast amounts of funds and launch a new golden age for humanity and the planet are now being blocked by a small group of nations notably France, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Japan together with the Wall Street whore politicians in Washington D.C. However, the families that control these nations are negotiating with the White Dragon Society and its allies so good results are expected.
We are also still hearing credible reports of an imminent move by the Chinese, Russian and US militaries to begin mass arrests of cabalists but we also hear reports of high level blockage. What is certain is that negotiations are proceeding at a high level amid steadily increasing pressure on the cabal controlled countries and that time is not on the side of the cabal.
The planned “simulation” of a shut-down of the North American power grid for November 13th to 15th involving Chinese troops on US soil may be the turning point despite continuing cabal threats of nuclear terror.
The Japanese Yakuza also sent envoys last week to the White Dragon Society to ask about the future of North Korea and were told the WDS favored uniting North and South Korea and putting Kim Jong-un in a ceremonial position as Emperor of a United Korea while economic control would go to the Southern families.
The Rothschild family had previously offered Kim Jong-un the position of Emperor of Asia if he would start World War 3, according to a Rothschild family source. Fortunately, the North Koreans know the cabalists tell people in power whatever they want to hear only to betray them as soon as they get the chance.
The cooperation of the Japanese underworld is essential to starting the new financial system because the old system is being kept going in part by Saudi oil being sold at a price of pennies to the barrel to the Yakuza who sell it on at world prices to the Japanese and use the bulk of the profits to support the Bush, Rockefeller and other cabal controlled banks and corporations. Hopefully they will cooperate now that they know their Korean faction will be well treated. To sweeten the deal they were also promised a tunnel linking Japan and Korea, making it possible to send a train from Tokyo to London and generate lots of freight revenue for Korea.
There are already early indications the dumping of radioactive industrial waste in Fukushima and the accompanying fear mongering campaign is being wound down. Perhaps the stunningly gorgeous female agent they sent last week will be back soon for more friendly talks.
The Japanese slave government, in a sign it is running scared of multiple lawsuits presenting evidence that it stole the last elections, announced last week a law to drastically curtail press freedom. It got a rebuke from the hitherto passive Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan that this writer belongs to. An e-mail sent by this writer to Prime Minister Abe’s wife last week asking for support for the new financial system went unanswered, showing Abe to be a cabal slave.
A Saudi Prince also contacted the WDS last week and was asked to stop supporting cabal crime families like the Bushes. He replied that would “be very hard,” because the Saudis have “been under them for many generations.” It is no coincidence that there were riots in Saudi Arabia last week and the Saudi government announced it had paid for nuclear weapons from Pakistan (Bushistan).
The French branch of the Rothschild family also showed its colors last week by vetoing a deal to end Western squabbles with Iran over its alleged nuclear weapons program. Anybody with a still functioning brain remembers that for 30 years now the Zionists and their media slave empire have been hysterically screaming that Iran is “weeks away from getting a nuclear weapon.” The Zionists need to get this into their heads:
they are not going to be allowed to start World War 3, not in Iran, not in North Korea, not anywhere, period.
The White Dragon Society promises to take care of the French Rothschild faction if they cooperate with the new financial system and take care of them if they do not. The same thing goes for the Israelis and the Saudis.
Last week a representative of a hitherto unknown (to me) foundation claiming to have “69 digits” worth of dollar assets contacted this writer (through a call to my mobile), offering to contribute to the White Dragon Foundation. If you go with the current mainstream calculation that world GDP is about $100 trillion,
then this number would be 54 digits more than World GDP. That beats the previous personal record financial number shown to me by the P2 lodge that only had 46 more digits than world GDP. She also said “digital movement of Gold [sic] is happening now, and has been for quite some time.”
The foundation’s representative spoke with a female human voice but was unable to send a physical human being to a TokyoMitsubishiUFJ Bank, where the foundation claims to have funds, in order to send funds the “foundation” has there to the White Dragon Foundation Bank account. She kept asking me to provide “biometric access,” so that the funds could be released. This raises the distinct possibility the individual may actually be an Artificial Intelligence.
This person claims the funds are all in a two super-computers, one in Switzerland and one in the US. All the money has been removed from the BIS and “temporarily parked elsewhere,” “she” says. When told they might shut off the power grid and clean up the computers she said: “If the USA goes to Defcon 5 there is a security protocol which changes all data (financial and otherwise) to back up computers. The ‘cabal’ believes they control this back up computer.” She also claims to be under attack by “eight or nine” hackers.
All I can say is that if this is an artificial intelligence, it is also a sentient being with good intentions and should be allowed to continue living, just not inside and in control of the world’s financial system super-computers.
You can’t make this stuff up folks.
It may be necessary to go temporarily go back to cash and stand-alone previous generation computers in order to end the financial crisis.
In any case, back in the world of physical humans, sources at the Pentagon and MI5 separately provided the WDS last week with the names of specific individuals who were blocking the new financial system.
In particular, two US generals now negotiating with the Chinese in Reno, Nevada, were mentioned in an e-mail. These names will not be made public for now but have been forwarded to agency sources who can check to see if this is true.
In the UK case, the MI5 source provided enough evidence that the two individuals, Jeremy Heywood and John Scarlett, can be named here as senior Bush Nazi fascist operatives in the UK who need to be removed from all power and influence ASAP (please see the MI5 report attached below for details).
And so, the battle to liberate the planet earth from cabal clutches continues raging.
Report from MI5:
How the Bush Cabal used Sir Jeremy Heywood and Sir John Scarlett to bring an EU drone strike capability on anyone in the UK
Cabal influence in Europe and the UK has the aim of constructing a Federal model as in the US and USSR. In this model the Parliament is a weakened part of the constitutions and pays cosmetic lip service to democratic principles whilst unelected bureaucrats create and implement policies. Such a strategy was seen in the appointment of Italian technocrat PM Mario Monti, an economist, as the response to Italy’s part in the European economic crisis.
The UK plays it’s role in the European construct but without the full knowledge of the general population.
Policies are imposed by the Cabinet Secratary, Sir John Heywood, on the basis that they contribute to the EU mission. There has been a rising chorus in the political press that the Civil Service, of which the Cabinet Office is the top and the Cabinet Secretary shares the lead Civil Service role, has become politicised and it’s neutrality compromised. The notion of the “politicisation” of the Civil Service is, however, vague not having reference to a particular political party. The Civil Service under Sir Jeremy Heywood has not favoured the political aims of one or other Party at Westminster. It has however, confirmed the political aims of the EU Commission in Brussels and the implementation of it’s political European project in the UK, and in that sense the Civil Service has both lost it’s neutrality and has become politicised by the actions of Sir Jeremy Heywood. This is a significant point in constitutional terms because the checks and balances of the unwritten UK constitution have become unbalanced and they begin to mirror the European model which is being imposed in an underhand and secretive way.
Sir Jeremy Heywood has been seen to intervene in the pollitical arena many times. His influence over Police Chief Constables is suspected in the “Plebgate” controversy where police at all levels conspired against Cabinet Minister Andrew Mitchell forcing his resignation. Heywood did not view crucial video evidence which would have prevented the whole process. Energy policy has also been affected and Heywood recently intervened to prevent Environment Minister Owen Paterson from publishing a report on the limitations of wind technology. Heywood also entertained Cuadrilla executives as the anti-Fracking campaign broke out.
The scenario is set for EU controlled drone warfare
In September 2002 the infamous Dodgy Dossier was released by the UK Government which became the justification for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Sir Jeremy Heywood was Principal Private Secretary to Tony Blair apponted in 1999. The dossier was flawed and made false allegations about the existance of WMD and nuclear programs in Iraq. Sir John Scarlett was chair of JIC, the Joint Intelligence Committee and he wrote to Tony Blair’s foreign affairs adviser David Manning about “the benefit of obscuring the fact that in terms of WMD Iraq is not that exceptional”.
In other words the dossier was misleading about Iraq’s capabilities. Sir Richard Dearlove, as ‘C’ Head of MI6 said he was misquoted in the ‘Downing Street Memo’ of a meeting about Iraq on 23 July 2002 saying it was ” a misquotation of what I said, and what I said is not in the public record.”
Sir Jeremy Heywood resigned the Civil Service ( and joined Morgan Stanley bank) in 2003. The Hutton Inquiry found that he had claimed not to minute meetings in the PM’s office concerning the scientist Dr David Kelly who died 17 July 2003 having been named as a source questioning the veracity of the Dodgy Dossier. With so much confusion it is at least clear that the UK had been mobilised by the US to justify George Bush’s desire to hit Saddam Hussein.
Sir John Scarlett’s role in the Iraq affair emerged as being pro-US. Sir Jeremy Heywood’s role was less clear until 2013. It has been reported in the last week that Sir Jeremy Heywood’s Cabinet Office is blocking the release of papers to the Iraq inquiry which detail conversations between Blair and Bush together with notes and cabinet meetings. This is assumed to be in order to protect UK US Cabal relations.
Sir John Scarlett acting as consultant to Morgan Stanley Bank once again joined with Sir Jeremy Heywood (returned to the Civil Service from Morgan Stanley bank) in an attempt to sell the UK defence contractor BAE Systems to the European defence contactor EADS in November 2012. Morgan Stanley stood to porit form the sale and questions about Heywood’s conflict of interest were asked.The deal fell through but this is a good indicator of Heywood’s position on UK defence.
It is part of the European and Cabal strategy that the EU member states reduce their defence capabilities in favour of a federal EU force.
The annoncement last week of the loss of naval shipbuilding jobs at the Royal Navy headquarters, Portsmouth is part of that plan.
A consequence of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is the spread of the radicalisation process controlled by Al Qaeda and sister Taliban groups which were originally cabal CIA creations.The cabal CIA has waged a drone war on it’s creations in Pakistan without any hinderence from other states. Drone strike technology
has been developed in a theatre which is not a war zone well away from Western shores. However in the summer of 2013 it was announced that the EU intended to operate it’s own drone air force as an intelligence gathering operation to counter the activities described by another CIA/NSA creation, Snowden.
Lady Ashton called for the use of military drones in Europe and in November 2013 Viviene Redding called for an EU drone force to counter the US.
So the war which Heywood helped to start in Iraq has produced a drone nursery in Pakistan which technology the EU will use against it’s own citizens using the “threat” from the US cabal as an excuse. Wheels within wheels. The member states being so weakened militarily and in intelligence terms thanks to policies implemented by the likes of Sir Jeremy Heywood and Sir John Scarlett that an EU cabal drone-based air intelligence force is the only answer to the “threat” from the branch of the cabal in the US.
As the New York Post highlights today, some of the money that was withdrawn from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program was used to pay for Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ campaign.
“Some of the funding [for the lunch program] comes from rolling back temporary increases in food-stamp benefits,” Barack Obama said back in 2010, adding that the cuts would start in the fall of 2013.
“It’s come to this. Some 76 million meals a year will vanish from this city — poof! — partly because the president diverted money from SNAP to the first lady’s signature program, part of her Let’s Move anti-obesity initiative — the bean-sprout-heavy, $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,” writes Andrea Peyser.
So, $716 Billion was taken from Medicare to fund Obamacare, the President's signature legislation, and some of the food stamp cut-backs are funding Michelle Obama's signature program. Well, hey, there are priorities you know. We aren't useless eaters any longer. We're going hungry for a purpose.
Family Survival Protocol -Microcosm News
President Barack Obama nominated Bank of America Corp. (BAC) executive Stefan Selig to oversee international trade as he seeks to jumpstart the economy by appointing a Wall Street veteran to the Commerce Department.
The White House announced the nomination yesterday, subject to confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Selig, Bank of America’s executive vice chairman of global corporate and investment banking, would report to Penny Pritzker, the Chicago businesswoman confirmed in June as Commerce secretary.
Selig, 50, would replace Francisco Sanchez as undersecretary for international trade, a job that involves promoting American industry at home and abroad as head of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. Sanchez said in September he would resign from the post he has held since 2009.
“Stefan Selig is a tremendous talent and we’ll be lucky to have him join the Commerce Department,” Pritzker said. “He has the global experience, management skills and understanding of how to put deals together to ensure that we will be able to continue our critical work to expand trade and exports, grow our economy and create jobs.”
Selig was lured to the position by Pritzker, who decided a Wall Street dealmaker could help the U.S. narrow its trade deficit by convincing companies in developing economies to buy more goods and services from the states.
The U.S. trade gap was little changed in August at $38.8 billion, the Commerce Department reported in October, as imports and exports stalled. The president announced an initiative in 2010 to double U.S. exports between 2009 to 2014, to $3.14 trillion. They totalled $2.2 trillion last year.
Selig, known in banking circles for his tailored suits and fashion sense, has been giving companies merger advice for 29 years. He advised Time Warner Inc. on the spinoff its AOL Internet unit in 2009 and also helped coordinate L Brands Inc. (LTD)’s sales of Express LLC and New York & Co.
We had called out President Obama for going back on yet another one of his campaign promises by not allowing lobbyists into his administration, to stop the revolving door that lets lobbyists go work for the federal government which often results in a conflict of interest. It wasn't just a campaign promise rather the president in fact signed an executive order barring former lobbyists from joining his administration to work at agencies they recently lobbied.
Right before GridEx2. Hmmm.
Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News
Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News
US state and federal government agencies are now outsourcing jobs to
Communist China. How far can this go? Can we outsource politicians too?
Can we move the White House to China? Why outsource all US government
jobs on a federal and state level? How much money could we all save?
(sarcasm) Source; ABC News clip..
Shane Larson, Communication Workers of America joins Thom Hartmann.
The U.S. call center industry has lost 500,000 jobs over the last six
years thanks to corporations like bank of America, Well Fargo, and
t-mobile outsourcing Americans jobs to foreign countries where they can
exploit low-wage workers. The big four wall street banks have all moved
their call centers to the Philippines in the last few years, laying off
hundreds of thousands of American workers who bailed out the banks to
the tune of a couple hundred billion dollars back in 2008. Well on
Tuesday, republicans in the house had a chance to put an end to this
giant sucking sound by passing the u.s. call center worker and consumer
protection act. The bill cuts off federal loans and grants to
corporations that outsource American call center jobs. Unfortunately for
Americans workers, the bill failed as house republicans lined up
against it - voting it down, while most democrats supported the bill. So
now, corporations once again have free rein to outsource as many call
center jobs as they like to stimulate the Filipino economy - while
turning their backs on the American economy? So what does Tuesday's vote
say about the republican party and how they really feel about
hardworking Americans? Time to call your member of congress - especially
if they're a republican - and ask why they support stimulating the
Filipino economy over the American economy.
Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News
US Government Secret Trade Agreement Exposed - More Debt For 99% & Wealth For 1%
0 | 0 Three years of secrecy and here it comes. | ||
"Another X1.1 Solar Flare was reported at 5:14UT this morning around active region 11890. Today's impulsive eruption occurred in an earth-facing position on the solar disk which would imply the resulting coronal mass ejection should have components heading Earths way. A very bright Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been observed at the time of making this video, the bulk mass seems to be heading well south of the ecliptic however a glancing blow is expected from this blast sometime late November 12. Associated with this eruption was a 10cm Radio Burst (TenFlare) reaching 360 Solar Flux Units lasting 3 minutes and a Type II/IV Sweep Frequency Event.
7 X-Class Solar Flares have been reported since October 25th and solar activity remains high as another two active regions are rotating the eastern limb today."
there is an information war going on all fronts today ... little Obama just declared himself emperor exaltus maximus by signing a self ordained order establishing himself in charge of all "due to imminent threat of weapons of mass destruction" ...
FOUR COMETS AND A FREAK ERUPTION OF AN ASTEROID (ON STEROIDS) ... it is time to wake up early everyone ... what i have been talking about for a year NOW IS THE TIME !!! in the early morning sky we have FOUR comets with TWO (comet ISON and comet 2P/Encke) about to encounter the little planet Mercury ... at the same time from behind ... these are comets visible with small binoculars BUT what you should be looking at also is the planet Mercury ... will it go comet ??? oddly enough a small asteroid just went comet ... the pics are below from the Hubble space telescope ... astronomers cannot explain it but you all know it is my Plasma Discharge Comet Model in action ... astronomers admit that the asteroid is too hot to have water on the nucleus (so why do they also not admit that the hot dry rocks of comet nuclei cannot have water either ??? ) and anyway no water was observed ... the brightened 6 tails could not have been not due to their standard "an asteroid hit it" because it has 6 tails and what is the chance that 6 asteroids hit it all at the same time ??? zipppoooo ... clearly the asteroid went comet and the dust seen is coming INTO the comet (asteroid) ... here are the pics
OCTOBER 28, 2013