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The Vatican turns their heads when a priest abuses a child or is corrupt in some way.  BUT when there is a priest that is extremely gifted in healing for example, they treat them as some type of weirdo and crazy person.  What is up with this?  Only one explanation, again the smoke of evil has infiltrated the vatican.  At least JP II saw the gifts that the Padre had unfortunately the Popes of Padre Pio's time did not.  (BTW JP II met the Padre long before he was Pope)

Awesome video below and testimonies of a few of the many people who were healed due to the intercession of St Padre Pio ;

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A man who claims to be a former member of the Illuminati has come forward with his story about the secret life of the government elite.

In a letter posted on anonymousmags and shared by author Sean Adl-Tabatabai, the ex-Illuminati member has an ominous warning about what’s in store for us in the future, and what’s going on behind the scenes. Get ready to fall down an extremely bizarre rabbit hole with this one.


“I Was in the Illuminati; I’m Going to Tell You Everything”: One Man’s Experience

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I Am Mother Earth or Gaia as I Am known by my soul name

Greetings dear one, I Am Mother Earth or Gaia as I Am known by my soul name, as yes I Am a concious Being just as you are children and I Am aware of all the happenings upon and inside of my Earth.

I Am coming forth with a series of small meditations that are easy to do and that have a very powerful effect. I will call this meditation series “4 Elements of The Mother” as I will bring forth these in a collective to help you work with my 4 main elements, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. I have brought to you Earth and Water already and today will be about Air. So take a seat if you can, if not it is best to return to this when you are able to be seated and relax. Although, once you raise your vibration to a certain extent you should be able to relax anywhere providing you are not in the middle of one of your physical tasks.

As you sit, take a deep breath… connect with the breath as it moves though you and into your lungs, then exhale… feeling the release it provides.

Build up a steady rhythm as you breathe in deep and exhale slowly.

Continue this until you are relaxed…

I now want you to visualize a pink light that flows in and out with your breath…
See this as a beautiful bright pink light that shines as it fills your lungs and as it flows out surrounding you…

As you breathe in see this light filling your body and then filling your aura as you breathe out… Continue this until your body and aura are filled with a beautiful pink light that shimmers and shines…

Now continue this as your aura expands to connect with my glowing pink Heart Centre at the core of my Being, the core of the Earth. Once you feel connected to my core just sit and breathe for a moment…

Now as you feel connected with my core see this connection expanding, growing as a beautiful pink light is now encompassing you and my body.. The Earth below you is now fully immersed in this beautiful pink light, sit with this.. feel this.. how do you feel? Notice and acknowledge the feelings that arise.

Now you are fully connected with my body, see this beautiful pink light expand out into my atmosphere, see it move up above your head until it reaches up above my clouds, see the clouds and the atmosphere bathed in this pink light, breathe…
Now that my body and sky are bathed in this beautiful, bright pink light, see my body, the Earth below you, act as a giant lung as it breathes in this pink light from the atmosphere into my core, see yourself as my core while you inhale this pink light, then as you exhale, this light shoots up through my Earth and out into the atmosphere.. Sit and breathe with this children.. breathe the pink light into my core and then exhale it out into the atmosphere.. See this pink light burning away all pollution and toxins in my air and any sense energy that is blocking the Mothers Tsunami from entering… Continue this until you feel comfortable and have a steady rhythm going, until you feel my air is clean and pure, just as it should be…

See the Air Sylphs and Dragons flying and playing in this pure clean air, they may even have a message for you if you listen, take note to what you may see or hear.

Once you feel you have done this enough and my air is pure and clean, see yourself drifting back into your body, bringing with you this beautiful pink light… Stretch your roots out of your feet and into my core, fully grounding yourself back into this reality.

Thank you children, you are doing a great job at turning the Earth back into the paradise it once was and will be again. I Am Mother Earth and I love you all from the core of my Being to the Heavens and back.

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And so it begins, a mob ruled reign of terror

Antifa is well beyond, indeed was never really under, the Democrat party's influence. They are merely tools and servants to their masters, the globalist elites.

Even though the midterm elections are over, the violence will not only continue but will intensify. Expect it and be prepared.

"Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home"

A self-described left-wing Antifa group posted videos of a mob outside the Washington, D.C., home of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Wednesday evening, chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night.”


And so it begins, a mob ruled reign of terror

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The results below indicate that the elitist attack on the U.S. educational system has been successful.

Our public schools are turning out compliant zombies.

The statistics are sickening.

"America’s public education COLLAPSING as 2018 student test scores the worst in history"
By Lance D Johnson

Eight years after adopting Bill Gate’s common core indoctrination standards, the public education system is reporting the lowest test scores for college readiness. According to the ACT’s annual report, average test scores for mathematics plummeted to their lowest level in two decades.


Common Core has achieved its goal of dumbing down American students.

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The following post discusses further revelations regarding the unholy triple alliance between those in the above photo.

Not only did they work to weaken and eventually destroy America, they meddled in foreign affairs as well. They actively worked to eliminate any remains of European anti-globalism and support of national sovereignty.

Why should we be concerned? Think eventual Leftist takeover of our Congress and the Presidency. The Constitution will be shredded and freedom will fade into the darkness.

A defeated America and a destroyed Europe equals the assent of dystopian globalist domination.

The enemy within never sleeps.

New Federal Documents Confirm More State Dept Ties To George Soros


Uncovered: Chicanery between the State Department and ole' George under the prior adminstration.

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Cultural suicide now mandatory in the EU?

The article below discusses a totalitarian dictum mandated by the European Court of Human Rights upon its citizens.

De facto dhimmitude is now the rule. It is unlawful to criticize Islam.

Perhaps the aforementioned Court should be renamed The Court of Despotism
To say that it is guarding human rights while stifling the free exchange of ideas is irrational to say the least
We are now hearing the death rattle of Western Civilization.

"Now It's Official: Europeans Can't Criticize Islam. The European Court of Human Rights goes full dhimmi."

October 29, 2018
Bruce Bawer


Cultural suicide now mandatory in the EU?

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Beloved ones, we greet you. This is the time for the acceleration of great change on your planet Earth. There has been much transition up to this juncture and Now you open into a tipping point, as you grow closer to the fulfillment of the New Dawning Prophecy. You are on a Destiny Timeline and nothing will stop this process of energetic transmutation of your Earth plane. You have moved into a completion cycle of Earth, which will align you Dimensionally with the rest of the Universe. The repositioning of the Sun on December 31 will set this next destiny cycle in motion for the entire planet — and for all Humanity.

These accelerated energetic openings will create a permanent shift within the illusion as the veils lift. The veils lifting will result in your misperceptions dissolving, allowing you to move into a deeper knowing. The misunderstanding of who you are has created a separation within you. This illusion has limited your perceptions of your own vast potential.

A series of energetic openings have revealed many aspects of the Multidimensional forms within your planet. However, at this juncture you are about to become witness to “another turn of the wheel” within your planet’s evolution. As the veils begin to lift, there will be a domino effect of each veil lifting, and then another veil being able to dissolve. This will bring forth an unveiling of shields, which have been put in place until this moment in time. This action of dissolving will allow you to align to another level of Truth.

This movement will arise from the birthing of a Pure Light, which will come up through the rays of the Sun as it repositions. This is the third repositioning of the Sun and it heralds in another aspect of the New Dawning Prophecy into completion. This third repositioning carries the sacred essence of the Holy Trinity, which opens a new vista, a purest form of Light. A corridor of Light opens and a new doorway of opportunity emerges for the advancement within the Holy Essence of Self.

Through the corridor of Light, openings are revealed to you. These are based on Truth and they have been held within a covenant for all of you. The covenant carries a whole new spectrum of reality for Humanity. This covenant holds an anchor by opening up a collective Frequency of Love, which is designed to support those of you who are ready to gather together and form groups.

As a group, you are destined to birth a collective energetic frequency between you, which you, as a group, will hold steady for all of Humanity. These groups are predestined to complete this process after the New Year. Each one of you on the path are being asked to be conscious of connections to others at this time, in readiness for this important stepping stone. This step is a Self-Realization process. This is you fulfilling an aspect of your mission that you have pre-agreed to be a part of Now.

Some groups are already together and others are needed to join in to complete your group frequency. Be open-minded and encourage others into your group base in order for you to complete your group frequency. These frequency patterns collectively will be birthed together, interweaving on a global scale forming a web around Earth. They will collectively play an integral part of the destiny of your planet’s transformational next step to realign within the Universal Consciousness.

These openings are prophesied to carry a wholeness of light creation energy. The creation essence is destined to be made manifest by your group holding this completed frequency pattern between you. This form of Light will be naturally forged within your expanded conscious state within your Heart structure. This is the opening that will allow you to reconnect and anchor through to the sacred aspect of Self and stabilize within this state.

A call is going out to you from the sacred aspect of your Higher Self to move and align within this new environment within your Heart. Through your Heart you will be able to form these group frequency alignments.

Remember, a group constitutes one or more individuals and you can form groups from a distance connection. You have some time before the New Year to prepare group connections. Many of you have the utilization of communication forms to create group frequency connections within your internet web.

As you unfold within your Heart structure, you will continue to open deeper, which will bring you further opportunities to shift your limited perception within the illusion of time. Each connection within your Heart allows you to realign within the Sacred Truth through to the Multidimensional framework of your Sacred Heart.

As you choose your own Multidimensional path through your Heart, you will be shifting old cycles of limitation within you. Through the group frequency, you will be moving back to your origin state of being. You will naturally anchor beyond the illusion and every cell in your physical body will reflect the Light of your Multidimensional Heart.

This is your time to shine forth, by choosing the Light. Within a single moment you can create a pathway home to Self. We cannot create this path for you, for only you through a conscious choice action can forge this pathway back to Self. We can support you through a witnessing of you choosing to reconnect to this higher path aspect of yourself.

There is a Light that illuminates the way for you. The sun is already holding a steady anchor for you and it will hold further illuminations after the New Year. These rays are designed to guide you deeper within the space of your Multidimensional Heart.

There is much for you to witness at this time within the Human drama on your planet. Do not be sidetracked by all that is taking place within the illusion of your lives. This drama is a form of distraction as the energy on your planet is adjusting, getting ready for the activation of this NEW Paradigm in the New Year.

This is your time to stay focused within your Self through the avenue of your Heart and to prepare for your upcoming accelerated transition.

There are to be no other diversions right now. Let go and open into a deeper focus within your Heart for this is where all things arise within you. Keep breathing and let go, choosing your Heart, choosing the avenue of your Higher Self. Through these series of Multidimensional openings, you can be fulfilled into other aspects of Self-Realization within the vast potential of your Higher Self.

This movement will be accelerated through the group connections. Via your Heart Space you will hold the frequency of the patterning, and through this connection you will be Self-Realized on another level.

What you are actually doing as you choose reconnection is returning and realigning to this sacred state of being, and each one of you is ready for this next step of transition. The profound anchoring of energy at the time of New Year sets in motion this New Level of Creation Energy on the planet, which allows the forging to enable you to Become.

We are now actively bringing the New Dawning frequency to your planet in readiness for this transition. The essence of the “New Dawning” anchors a very specific element, which is created especially to realign you to your inner sacred frequencies. As you align and prepare through your Heart, you will begin to receive vast and deeper understandings that are held collectively within the Universal Consciousness. These energies carry an aspect of your inner connection that naturally aligns you with the rest of the Universal Consciousness.

As this energetic synergy begins to birth through you, it will form a deeper bond to the Universe. There will be a building of momentum within you that will prepare you for these series of upcoming powerful shifts at the end of your planetary year.

These sacred cycles set in motion at the time of New Year are designed to propel you, individually, within a vast Multidimensional cycle of unique sacred reconnections.

As the New Year opens, you will feel a revelation within you on a Physical, Emotional and Energetic level. There will be a shifting of vibration within the Cells, which will anchor a unique energetic patterning within the Cells. There will be a birthing and building of Light within your systems that prepares you to move forward at a very different level beyond the veils of illusion and outwards into the Light.

We, the Pleiadians, will be working in a collective symphony of energy with the Universal community to stabilize you within this transmutation of your physical and energetic systems. We will be also holding the energetic core of your Earth for stabilization until the changeover is complete.

Your role is to open into your Heart and allow this transmutation to complete itself, knowing that this is a natural process. This means you need to be willing to prepare consciously by bringing your focus into your Heart connection. This conscious connection by you will be enough to open up the “doorway,” allowing the development of a Higher Multidimensional reconnection within your Heart space to take place.


Note: This process can be done by physically coming together or you can do this process with your group at a distance. This process will support the building of your group’s synergy.

1. Hold your Heart with both palms resting on the chest.

2. Breathe into this connection and let the connection build as you bring your awareness deeper within the Heart.

3. Use the sound, EESTAHN (pronounced ee starn). Bring the sound into your Heart. Do this nine times. Three rounds of three. Feel the building of the connection.

4. Now open up to the group energy by forming an energetic connection between you. You do this by continuing to focus on your own Heart but use the group sound, THYNAH (pronounced thy nah). Always use the sound three times. You can do as many rounds of the sound as you need between you, as long as it is done in groups of three soundings.

5. Feel an energy, essence or resonance (you may feel, sense or see it) begin to build between your group. It builds within your own Heart so that the energy of the group’s synergy is opening up between you. Feel it within your Heart.


Note: This is an important process for you to receive in preparation for the New levels coming onto the planet at the time of New Year.

1. Hold your Heart with both palms resting on the chest.

2. Breathe into this connection and let the connection build as you bring your awareness deeper within the Heart.

3. Now use the sound, OOSTAH, bring it into your Heart. Use the sound three times. Then use your conscious breath like a soft wind into the Heart. Then repeat this step fully two more times.

4. When you feel a flow within your Heart, then bring this sound, EEE…OOSTAH within the Heart. Use this sound three times only.

5. I AM. EEE….. I AM. EE….. I AM.

Keep letting go and trust. All is in hand!



Channeled through Christine Day <3 <3 <3

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Arcturian Group Message 11/4/18

Dear readers, once again we offer love through these messages of hope and information. You are the way showers and as such, some of you are experiencing criticism from those around you who want you to be more three dimensionally involved and who interpret your "silence" as doing nothing.

Because you are aware of the bigger picture, you are bringing in and holding Light for the collective. It may seem as if you are doing nothing, but in reality you are doing everything. You are the mechanics helping to keep the engine of ascension running, creating a new world consciousness. Never believe that resting in silent awareness of Oneness and truth, is doing nothing.

Be patient dear ones, for there is much more to come. Try not to get emotionally involved in troubling situations, but rather learn to step back as observers, silently and secretly knowing that a spiritual reality always underlies the outer scene. Staying centered and aligned with truth rather than with appearances opens you to receive information from within about what is going on.

Take this understanding with you into the voting booth as it will enable you to intuitively bypass the rhetoric and political bluff towards the candidate most closely aligned with unselfish motives. Spiritual gifts are to be lived and utilized in every moment of ordinary daily living, not to be filed away and called upon only for special occasions.

Be prepared to hear about the exposure of pockets of dense, dark energy. Practices, beliefs, and actions long hidden from the majority are beginning to surface. The Light created by every enlightened consciousness as well as that flowing through now open spiritual gateways is dissolving heretofore closed doors allowing access to hidden places that have served the energetically dark.

Many will be shocked by some exposures, especially those who remain asleep in third dimensional living. They will deny or say that the world has reached a new low, but nothing being exposed is or will be new, rather these things are only now being brought to light and this will continue for some time yet.

Current events are forcing many who have been living comfortably in duality and separation to begin examining their personal belief system which is an important step toward awakening. Moving to a new level of awareness always begins with introspection, a pondering of the aspects of one's life that have begun to feel complete--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Ascension is not a one time event as many believe, but is infinite. As you attain and live from each new level of spiritual understanding, more unfolds that moves you beyond your present level and in into the next. Evolution is the infinite process of remembering one's self to be SELF and all that this means. This is what mankind has been doing in each of their hundreds of lifetimes.

Evolution is slower and more of a process in three dimensional energy because the density of the physical body only allows it to integrate the higher Light frequencies gradually. Each individual's readiness is determined by their Higher Self.

Know that conditions of good human-hood are no more real than bad human-hood. Most religious teachings give you techniques for attaining "good human-hood" and everyone rejoices when a "bad" appearance changes into a "good" appearance. As creators, never forget that if you believe in and seek human good, you are automatically in alignment with human bad for they are simply two ends of the same three dimensional duality stick.

You as spiritually aware individuals, are ready to cease seeking for good appearances while trying to eliminate the bad ones. Your work now is to realize that the Divine Consciousness you are, is already whole and complete. When you attain that state of consciousness, it will automatically manifest outwardly as what appears as human "good" in accord with your individual needs or preferences.

Because there is only ONE, consciousness is always seeking to align with Itself. Each person's consciousness acts like a magnet drawing to them whatever energies are in alignment and then automatically expressing them. THERE IS NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS. This is why it is so important to ask yourselves; "What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?

Because wholeness and completeness are qualities of Divine Consciousness, they are the reality, held infinitely in place by Divine law. At this point your primary goal must become the realization that every quality of God is already fully present within you even if it doesn't seem that way, rather than dillydallying around in third dimensional concepts and beliefs which can only serve to keep you experiencing them.

Truth is infinite and real but for the most part mankind's awareness of it has been blocked because third dimensional energy is unable to align with anything higher. The higher frequencies of Light now flowing to the collective are enabling many to align with and receive information from previously unavailable sources in the higher dimensions. Because of this, many of you are starting to have or are having more psychic experiences.

Lives lived completely in third dimensional energy are like going to a movie where the curtain remains closed. You hear and see bits and pieces, but are unable to actually understand what is really happening and so make up what you think is happening. Every person there will have a different story based on their life experiences and states of consciousness. This is what every life lived fully in dimensional energy has been lifetime after lifetime.

The curtain is opening, the wizard is being exposed as nothingness, and mankind is beginning to see. Some will try and are now attempting to re-close the curtain, because having it remain shut is comfortable and familiar. Others are desperately holding the curtain shut because they do not want you to see the real story. Know that you have the power to choose how you want to view the movie.

As good as things may have seemed in the past, everything still resonating with old energy is quickly becoming obsolete in order to make room for new universal awareness. Always remember that nothing real can ever be lost, but rather simply returns again and again in higher and better forms. Do not grieve the past dear ones, everything real is forever held in place by Divine Law. Relationships may change, but the love the creates them is forever.

Rest when you feel the need, eat lighter and more nutritious foods or don't eat at all if you are guided to. You are experiencing tremendous change on many levels at this time that often leave you feeling tired, sick, and depressed. Try not to immediately run toward three dimensional solutions for your discomfort because drugs alter your energy field. Use natural remedies if you feel the need for relief from "ascension symptoms". It is better to just ride them out in trust, resting often and listening to your intuition.

Some of you continue to struggle in an effort to keep certain parts of your life working the same way they have in the past. In order for anything to "work" (relationships, friends, foods, entertainments etc.) there must be energetic alignment. Your inner work has shifted your frequencies to new levels leaving you out of alignment with many things that up to now have been a big part of your life. This does not mean that any of these things were wrong, it simply means that you have graduated and are no longer in energetic alignment with them.

Because your energy has become more refined, certain foods that you enjoyed in the past have become energetically denser than your personal energy. This is often the point at which some become vegetarian. If you enjoy and want to continue eating meat, choose that which holds clean, healthy, happy energy and not energies of fear and suffering.

We have spoken of all these things before, but it is important to reiterate because many, even those seemingly very awake, continue to resist truth if or when it interferes with their life style, choosing to look first to commonly accepted third dimensional information for answers, rather than going within and allowing their intuition to guide them to what may actually turn out to be a seemingly three dimensional solution.

You are ready, more than ready to be the truth you know. If you choose not to, you align yourselves with much that is rapidly dissolving. Gaia, who is a living soul and not a ball of dirt, is ascending and you can go with her if you choose.

Like it or not, ascension is happening.

Cease from the struggle and rest in what is.

We are the Arcturian Group 11/4/18

Donations are welcomed

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Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, November 3, 2018

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Before you came to earth, you intended to experience life with a spirit of adventure, discovery, and desire. You intended to create joy, seek joy, and share joy, for joy is a celebration of love and love is your natural state of being.

When you do anything with joy, you tune into the pure creative energy of the universe. When you take delight in anything in your present moment, you open to the flows of grace. When you savor a sip of your coffee, delight in the smiles of your children, or simply admire a passing cloud, you are feeling nothing less than the presence of the Divine.

Your joy need not wait for perfect conditions. You can always seek it in the here and now. To feel joy, you don’t require health, wealth, or love. If you are sick you can find joy in the comforting touch of a loved one, in your favorite blanket, or in the sweet peace of sleep. If you feel impoverished you can find joy in the vast abundance of natural delights and the wealth of kind souls. If you are feeling lonely you can savor a perfect moment of smelling a rose, sitting in silence in front of a beautiful piece of art, or listening to the strains of an uplifting song.

Finding joy is simply an act of choosing to focus upon what gives your heart delight. Take a moment. Look around you. Look within you. See what can give your heart delight right here and now. Is it a color? A texture? A piece of furniture or a car you love? The thought of the waves rolling in upon the ocean? The memory of a cool breeze? A loved one? The smile of one you loved a long time ago? Look around and look within. You will discover so many ways to find and acknowledge joy in the here and now.

The heart naturally seeks joy. The mind easily negates it.

The heart says, “What a beautiful day!” The mind yes, “Yes but admiring the sunshine won’t pay the bills!”

The heart says, “I am so blessed. I have loved many times this lifetime!” The mind says, “Yes but there is no one now!”

The heart says, “What an incredibly beautiful color.” The mind says, “Yes, but so what! Admiring beauty won’t change your life.”

These “Yes, but’s…” rob you of an exquisitely joyful experience of life.

Joy will actually help you pay the bills. if you are a positive person, people are inclined to assist you. If you are look for the good others will see good in you. In joy you are more likely to be offered jobs, given promotions, and to be inspired to create work that you love.

Joy will bring wonderful people into your life. You know from your own experience that you are drawn to people who seem to be in love with life. They are captivating, alluring, fascinating, delightful! Love seeks itself in another.

Joy can change your entire life. Joy is your guide and your compass. Joy leads you into circumstances that can give you a whole new understanding of who you are and what you are capable of doing. Seeking your joy can bring you new ideas. Maybe that blue color you admire becomes your new brand color, or maybe you decide to take up painting. Maybe it reminds you of how much you love the night sky, so you take a walk at sunset and meet the love of your life… Joy guides you.

Take your joy seriously dear ones. Look for it in the here and now. What pleases you? What thoughts make you feel the most uplifted and happy?

Don’t wait for circumstances to look right. Don’t wait for others to behave as you wish. Create joy now. Seek joy now. Then you will become a beacon of light in this world and a light that the world wishes to love in return.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

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Insanity on steroids? You cannot make this up.

Actually, it is a clever Leftist ploy to seek a court ordered stay regardless of the fact that America does have the right to guard its borders and has sealed them off in the past.

Until the legalities are settled, this latest law fare harassment will involve endless appeals, and America will be forced to allow endless numbers of migrants to invade the nation.

Just another chapter in the book of planned chaos to bring this nation down.

"Hahaaaaa! Honduran caravaners in Mexico, who have no US Constitutional rights, sue President Trump for violating their US Constitutional rights"
by Thomas Madison


What is behind caravaners, not even yet on American soil, demanding American Contitutional Rights?

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No sane person ever wants to see anarchy and chaos ruling the streets. However, we must be aware that, in today's climate, civilized society may well deteriorate into just that.

At the end of the post, there are helpful tips on how to stay in a state of readiness should the worst come to pass

"11 Places to Avoid Going When SHTF"

by Megan Stewart General Survival

When it comes to being prepared for a SHTF event, preppers are focused on threats from natural disasters to nuclear wars, EMPs, and devastating cosmic events. The situations that people can focus on and become obsessed with preparing for and unpredictable and vary widely. There’s no way that one person or family could be completely prepared for every single type of event. So, most people choose one or several related events they believe are imminent and prepare as best they can for those.


Helpful hints on where NOT to go when the streets are on fire.

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Mueller's list of iniquities continues to grow.

There exists a long history regarding Muller's checkered past. The following three related links are but three of a plethora on the matter.

The 8 dirtiest scandals of Robert Mueller no one is talking about

As he investigates Trump's aides, Robert Mueller's record shows surprising flaws

Robert Mueller’s Sordid History Of Illicitly Targeting Innocent People

Here is a latest possible connection

"Mueller-Connected Boston Mobster Whitey Bulger Killed in Prison… As He Was About to Out FBI Officials"


Mueller's list of iniquities continues to grow.

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