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Financial Reset and Event Update

There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes.

A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:

On the other hand, the Jesuits have infiltrated many agents inside the Eastern Alliance to hijack the process, hoping to create a global centralized financial system after the dollar collapses as a world reserve currency and the Illuminazi faction is removed:

They are entertaining an idea of including Bitcoin in the new centralized system as well.

The Jesuits are hoping to somehow survive the Event untouched by putting the friendly face of master manipulator Pope Francis as their frontman and portraying themselves as the good guys.

To further their goal of a new centralized banking system, the Jesuits have silently teamed up with the Rothschilds in their efforts:

The Rothschilds are doing whatever they can to be as silent and invisible as possible in hopes that people will not remember them when the Event comes. They will try to portray themselves as people who collect art and love good wines and have an investment fund or two by the way.

Meanwhile, the world is preparing for the financial reset. The fact that dollar will lose world reserve currency status and that a new financial system is coming is becoming common knowledge, although interpretations having the Cabal as their intel source might not always be correct:

The collapse of the current financial system is inevitable after the Resistance removed the vast majority of physical gold from the Cabal in early 2012. That gold was underwriting the financial system and after it was gone, a countdown clock for the complete system meltdown was triggered and its collapse is expected soon. Some people expect this to happen as late as 2015:

Some other people much sooner:

It am not at liberty yet to disclose any timeline for those events. The only thing I can say is that the moment of total meltdown of the current financial system is the last possible moment for the Event to occur, regardless of everything.

There have been some drastic developments regarding the Event during the last weekend. Special task force of the Resistance, codenamed RM2m, was within 45 minutes of triggering the Event on Saturday after the Archons (physical and non-physical) went a little bit too far with some of their actions. The Archons backed off at the last moment to prevent the Event from being triggered and were forced to negotiate their own safety and survival. In order to survive a little bit longer, they were forced to deconstruct Dom33, their plan of retaliation when the Event happens.

They were also forced to surrender full protection of the top level people within the Cabal, who were until now able to conduct their deeds with physical Archons covering their backs. As the physical Archons are now more concerned with their own safety than with safety of the Cabal, the Cabal might find out that if they do something negative, strange things might begin happening to them. The old order that worked in their favor for thousands of years has been severely disrupted.

There is a significant number of agents of the Resistance on the surface of the planet now, doing »various things«.

The Archons did not handle those changes easily. An unconfirmed source stated that one senior member of the Orsini family committed suicide in his apartment in Rome this Saturday, while the Farnese are seriously considering their surrender. Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations. That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system. It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena.

Most importantly, the RM2m special task force has proposed a plan to trigger the Event before the non-physical planes are totally cleared. They feel that this wait is simply taking too long to be tolerated and that some risks need to be taken. They are now aligning their plan with the non-terrestrial Light forces.

However, for this plan to be successful, they need our cooperation.

Triggering the Event before the non-physical planes are cleared may result in some additional loss of human lives as some people will become dysfunctional, unable to handle the Event and resort to violence. The Cabal is not so much of a problem as they will be either arrested or stardusted in the first few hours and even initially they will not be able to do that much damage now that their Doom33 plan has been compromised. The Illuminazi faction is now hastily devising their own retaliation plan after they lost support of the Archons for Doom33, but that plan would pose far lesser threat than former Doom33. Here I might need to add that all Jesuit and Illuminazi agents which have infiltrated various militias in the last few decades will be stardusted also if the try anything nasty.

The problem lies within the general population. Some people might get violent in their home situations and their families, old resentments suddenly being triggered and coming out to the surface. Also, violent street gangs might be formed briefly in the initial hours and maybe even days after the Event in some more remote areas without proper law enforcement being present. So I would suggest everybody to avoid violent confrontations in the first hours and days after the Event, regardless of the situation.

The RM2m special task force has asked if we can conduct a poll to determine what the opinion of the surface population is about their plan. The results of that poll will not determine the course of their actions, but will give them priceless feedback for them to be able to adjust their plan to accommodate the needs of the surface population more.

The first option is to trigger the Event as soon as possible, although this might pose a remote but potentially grave risk to life / physical safety of yourself and your loved ones.

The second option is to wait for the safest moment for the Event to occur, even if that means a significantly longer wait.

You can vote on the upper right corner of this blog and I hope that many other blogs and websites will help spreading the word.

The RM2m special task force will give more updates in the near future as the situation unfolds.

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High level negotiations over starting the new financial system and restoring the Republic of the United States of America are proceeding smoothly but there are still a few cockroaches to deal with first.

A hint about how negotiations are progressing came out last week in the form of a Freemason handshake between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. Here is the picture as shown on the official web page of the office of the Prime Minister:

For reference, see here some pictures of freemason handshakes:

According to MI5 and books about Freemasonry, the particular handshake shown in the photo is likely to be something known as the Tubal-cain (two balled cane). The handshake has a multilayered meaning but in this case the message it seems to be conveying is likely to be in the phrase usually associated with this handshake:

The Mason must “follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare.”

Also, according to MI5 the handshake as shown puts the Prime Minister in the ascendancy over Kennedy. There is also a sexual connotation in the two-balled cane meaning.

Furthermore, this handshake is associated with the Pagan god Vulcan. Vulcan is associated with Thunder, Lightning and Fire. In ancient times, tributes to Vulcan included human sacrifices.

Pastor Paolo Izumi, who runs the Tachikawa Church and who helped shelter a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who unwittingly participated in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan alerted this writer to the handshake and noted Japanese national TV broadcasts made a point of zooming in on it.

So, the likely interpretation to this is that the US government is showing itself to be under Asian influence as the passive partner but that it is strong and ready to sacrifice human lives if necessary.

The publication of this photograph follows a week of intensive negotiations in Asia by US Vice President Biden and a visit to China by UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

A CIA source in Asia says Biden returned home from China empty-handed after begging for money. However, the official Chinese Xinhua news agency reported a whole series of deals involving the oil industry and oil extracting technology. In other words, the US government was only able to get money for keeping itself going in exchange for handing over much of its oil business. China also got promises of more US high tech and more opportunities for Chinese companies to operate inside the US.

The main sticking point is that China wants the US to start arresting the people who were behind plans to kill billions of people, notably the Neocon authors of the Project for a New American Century.

Here is what Nelson Mandela, the great man who passed away last week, had to say about the US:

“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings,” Mandela said.

This quote came in reaction to the Iraq invasion by George Bush Jr. who has announced he will go to Mandela’s funeral. Perhaps Bush is hoping for a Mandela inspired peace and reconciliation process instead of the death penalty he deserves. It may be too late for that.

Getting back to Asian diplomacy, the UK Prime Minister’s visit was on the surface all about business. However, Cameron was also told to start arresting UK criminals named as being behind the 311 mass murder, according to MI6 sources. Cameron also visited the central city of Chengdu with James Sassoon on undisclosed business.

The Chinese also sent an agent to visit the White Dragon Society last week. The meeting was friendly and harmonious. An agreement was reached to have complete transparency of information in communications, to promote mutually beneficial relations and to allow both sides freedom to take necessary action. If this sounds vague, that is because it is mean to be vague.

There was also communications between the P2 Freemason lodge and the White Dragon Society last week. According a P2 source, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon had promised last week to hand over $400 billion to save the Italian financial system but that he was unable to produce the money. Also, the P2 want former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconni to return $100 billion of Italian money he has hidden in offshore bank accounts.

If it is true that Ban Ki Moon no longer has access to money, that is big news. Ban Ki Moon’s name came up in the investigation of the Chiasso incident of June 2009 in which two Japanese diplomats were illegally detained and had $134.5 billion dollars’ worth of bonds stolen from them. Moon and the UN then offered the Asians $100 million in exchange for giving ending attempts to cash historical Asian bonds. The Chinese have said in the past they do not trust Moon because his words and actions show he is a cabal stooge. It looks like somebody chucked a Moon.

Also, there are signs the dollar based financial system is headed for some sort of monumental crash.

The situation is one in which impossibly large sums of debt inside the Western central bank computers hang over a world GDP only a tiny fraction of that amount. As the P2 source put it: “The algorithms are broken and it is impossible to restore the old financial system.”

The White Dragon Society has long insisted that the only solution will be to unplug the central and mega bank computers, delete all the funny money and re-input based on paper receipts.

A lobby within the military industrial complex also contacted the WDS last week insisting that China was getting too arrogant and needed to be taught a lesson. The answer given was that China is not the country that has killed tens of millions of people and been constantly at war for the past 60 years.

The best move a hardline nationalist US faction could take would be to declare bankruptcy, repudiate US foreign debt and start issuing a new government controlled currency. The problem with taking such an action is that it would then become impossible to maintain the US international military presence.

The WDS has proposed to the rest of the world that a better alternative would be to hire the US military industrial complex to do good. US special forces could then do things like protect endangered species from poachers instead of stealing oil for robber barons. The freemason handshake mentioned above may be a sign the military industrial complex agrees. In that case, it appears the ball is now in China and the BRICs alliances court.

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Congress will basically start kicking poor people out of their homes early next year. The idea is, if you can't pay for your home without government assistance, you don't deserve to live in one.

More cuts to SNAP (foodstamps).

Cuts to Head Start.

Cutting unemployment.

Social Security cuts.

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Another Take on Ringing In the Ears…

“I don’t know if anyone ever told you this, but the more you meditate and study spiritual things the more the ‘ringing in the ears’ increases. 

Ringing in the Right Ear=Message from the Angelic Kingdom and concerning a healing message for you. 
Ringing in the Left Ear=a message from our Space Allies. 
I have frequent ringing. On the human/physical level I do not understand the message, but my guides assure me that my “soul knows.”  
When the ringing starts I look at the clock and say, “Acknowledging transmission Earth date [such and such] and Earth time [such and such].  
I have a hearing problem with my left ear.  It has been that way since I was in grade school.  When I get my ears examined, I get told I should be totally deaf in that ear because of the scar tissue from the surgery, but I hear fine … more with my spiritual hearing probably than my physical”. 
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Counter - Intelligence



"An extraordinary work by a gifted filmmaker, "Counter-Intelligence" shines sunlight into the darkest crevices of empire run amok. The film vividly exposes a monstrous and unconstitutional "deep state" in which multiple competing chains of command -- all but one illegal -- hijack government capabilities and taxpayer funds to commit crimes against humanity in our name. Anyone who cares about democracy, good government, and the future will want to watch all five segments of this remarkable film." - Robert David STEELE Vivas: CIA, USMC, OSS, Earth Intelligence Network and Founder, Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog

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Washington, DC — At a press conference today, President Obama announced plans for the first ever federally funded Muslim outreach program. The program will be available nationwide for all elementary school students grade K-12 beginning February 1st, 2014. The program is designed to educate children about the fundamentals of the Muslim religion and Islamic belief.

President Obama spoke with reporters to explain why it is so important that these outreach programs exist. “The Muslim community deserves our full understanding and respect,” Obama said. “We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. These folks are not all bad. In fact, most of them are hardworking citizens just like you and me. I encourage every student in America to participate in your school’s Muslim outreach program. Learn about the Muslim community, the beauty of the Sunnah and the magic of the Qur’an.”

35-year-old Paul Horner, a teacher at Starks Elementary School in Louisiana, told MSNBC he is excited about the new program. “I think anything a child can learn is good. Keep Reading

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