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Intel CEO Otellini;_ylt=AtHTjY3eHCak0E20IjmofzqiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTNyZ3BhMDhlBG1pdANGUCBUb3AgU3RvcnkgTGVmdARwa2cDZTgwOWM1NmItMDg3ZS0zYWM5LTg5N2EtMDI1OWZmMjk1ZjBiBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyAzM5MGZlNmEwLTNmZGEtMTFlMi1hYmZmLWJlN2JjMzE0MzM5NA--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

GOP Senator DeMint Surprise Resignation;_ylt=Ai1RbVsBnCZRVLTRK7Yz0OuiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTQ4bjJkODE4BG1pdANDTkJDIFRvcCBTdG9yaWVzBHBrZwMyMTQwZjZmNy03M2Q2LTM1ZDItYmQwYy02MTAyYjk3YzU0ODUEcG9zAzQEc2VjA01lZGlhQkxpc3RNaXhlZExQQ0FUZW1wBHZlcgM4ZWQ3ODk5OS0zZmNhLTExZTItYmJiZi1kMDMzMjk4ZmYyMjE-;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3

Italy's Monti May Resign Today

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News About Drake And Current Happenings

I received this in email.  The link is about Panetta dismantling the CIA, but the author of the rest is unknown, possibly the person who emailed this to me, so, take it FWIW...

Wed Morning News

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Source Says CIA Being Dismantled by Panetta - Intel Gathering Will Belong to the Military
I posted this to the sheeple on my facebook "IMPORTANT INFO FOR EVERYONE!!!!! I have some crazy news from a reliable source I am in personal contact with. This has also been verified to me by another person I am in contact with that is involved in part of this RE-SET. I have no reason not to trust either of these sources and I would like to share this with you my friends. Before I start I would like to clarify a few things about what I personally feel about some of the "sources" I have posted. Ben Fulford is touch and go with his intel but I still think its important to read as there are nuggets of great info from time to time. I have not listened to DRAKE the past few months although I get the transcript of the summary of his info sent to me so I am still very up to date with his intel. His David Wilcock interview is a great listen as explains some of what people are to expect. He was waaaay too early with his date setting and seems to have lost his contacts and is now getting intel from the net which I could even do. Drake has been fed some disinfo about what is happening but did get good intel initially about the plan that is about to be revealed to the planet. Neil Keenan seems to be also a disinfo agent and is NOT in control of the collateral accounts like Fulford and Drake proclaim on a weekly basis. David Wilcock who I questioned in front of 200 people about this months ago seems to have distanced himself from these two and maybe privy to the same info I have recently been told.
All I have now is good news.....We are about to have revealed to us a new financial system and a re-set jubilee once off event. This will be revealed in the next few weeks and what ive been told is they are pushing for Christmas. The Dragons from China ( a combination of ancient secret societies who have been around for thousands of years and who fund other nations like the US when they built their railroads when they were setting up shop for example ) are quarter backing this process of change and they want their money back!!!!!! The transition is done!!!!. The media have not been told yet but there are 30 hours of information ready to be broadcast all over the planet about the new financial system. The broadcast are all ready to go and signed off on.

This event has been meticulously planned for decades. I have no idea if these broadcasts will go into detail about disclosure just yet but they will explain the new law system and the new financial system. We are moving to a COMMON LAW system and away from the admiralty law system. This has massive implications I will not really delve into in this post as there is just so much info and I want to explain what is currently happening. The Hague is on board and are currently doing the filings and rulings. There have already been hundreds arrested and there will be more including the big dogs of the cabal.
USA corp is finished. They borrowed money from the Dragons and the 195 Fed Reserve countries to back the US dollar as the global currency and it is well overdue for return payment. When Japan attacked china in the 1930's the FED picked up their gold for safe keeping and never gave it back. The current FIAT system from 1913 has no substance and is going to be replaced by a precious metals backed currency. The Dragons have sent $350 trillion to the USA in cash and this will say TREASURY and not FEDERAL NOTE. I doubt they will display the Illuminati Masonic pyramid that they currently flaunt in our faces as an insult and a representation of our slavery.

The Rothschild's have paid their debt to the Dragons as they were scared shitless. The military knows exactly what is going on and we will see the 101st on the US streets to make sure this all goes smoothly which it should. The Chinese (Dragons) are in control of the FED right now!!! Jacob Rothschild has signed off of the FED and Prince Harry has supposedly signed off complete British involvement with the USA and Michelle who is a lawyer, was also a signatory!!!!!

I have always said that it resonated with me that Barrack Obama was playing both sides in being a Trojan horse. I never agreed with Drake et al in their condemning of Obama as an illuminat and look forward to his truth being revealed as from what ive heard, people will be shocked. When Obama took power initially he spoke of his first 100 days being vital and him but he and his "handlers" realised they would have to wait due to the strength of the cabal and their persistence in setting up barriers to stall the shift. They have been in power for so long it is not in their nature to give up control but that time has passed. All is done. The delays have included the James Holmes shooting psy-op, Bengazi etc but it seems now we are ready to go. This is the biggest thing ever to happen so the good guys don't mind delaying a few weeks after waiting 20 years. The Dragons backed obama against Romney and are in full control of what is happening. This is the Dragon families and not Communist China we see now. Obama took 24 planes worth of gold and ancient artefacts from and underground base in Texas belonging to George bush Snr and returned it to the Dragon families who were obviously delighted with this indication of loyalty.

Timothy Geithner is a good guy and has been placed in his role as he knows all the secrets and he has been keeping an eye on who has been doing what. I reported earlier in the year he "sang like a bird" when spoken to by the Dragon families representative's. I was shocked by this but it does make sense. Ben Bernanke knows about the transition and wants a job and will be one of the new governors of the IMF. These guys are middle men and will be crucial I assume with revealing the truth which will lead to arrests. There will be interim Governments set up for a few months before the people vote...for real this time.

The new system will include the release of the Prosperity Packages which are massive and will be pumped into projects to benefit humanity!!! These PP's are linked hand in hand to the upcoming currency revalue I am waiting on so once my contact receives his PP he will go dark and I will know we are about to begin. The St Germain trust which is also massive is also ready to go and was scheduled to be released during this shift in consciousness we are currently seeing. 133 currencies or so will be revalued to represent the natural resources of the country in question and will be paired with other currencies to be used on trading platforms Obviously the currencies that have been clearly devalued deliberately by the cabal will appreciate the most so represent a fantastic once in a life time investment for people aware to it. The Iraqi Dinar worth $3 US 20 years ago is now paper and unrealistic to continue at that rate especially if you compare it to the Kuwaiti Dinar which is now trading at over 1 K dinar $3+. I HIGHLY RECOMMENDING ASAP PURCHASING $100 worth online and the actual uncirculated currency will be delivered to you. Chapter7 is a vital part of this revalue as Kuwait have to approve of the lifting of Chapter 7 imposed on Iraq after their invasion of Kuwait and the burning of their oil fields. Ive heard it is just about be lifted which means the RV will be in play as this is a condition of the lifting of chapter 7. Also look at the Vietnamese dong as that is also under pressure by china to be revalued as China cannot trade with such a worthless currency and Vietnam are attracting most of the foreign manufacturing investment so this is about to change to even up the playing field for everyone.
We have been slaves for too long and we are now about to be set free so enjoy every day until the announcements and if anyone would like extra clarification on any point do not hesitate to ask as that time is about to end. Im not giving dates but i have been told weeks not months and there is a big push for a very happy Christmas and a new beginning. I am merely trying to provide people info to help themselves prepare themselves as our media are taking the piss.

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2012: December 12 through 21st

Normally, we post channeled messages in the Channel group, but this one is specific to an upcoming event, December 12th through December 21st, so I want everyone to read it and let's compare notes of our perceptions during that time.  I'll pin this in the top, left module (Pinned Posts).


SaLuSa, December 5, 2012

With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th. and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy. It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11.11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time.

To have Ascension follow on so quickly after 12.12. means that you will have an ongoing experience, that will heighten your senses and leave you in no doubt that you have benefitted from it. It will be a most uplifting occasion and there will be a new mood of happiness and joy within those you meet. You will be able to feel the difference in people around you, and sense a deeper calmness and peace as if suddenly all the darkness has gone. It will show in peoples eyes as after all it is the seat of the soul, and love will beam out more powerfully than you have noticed previously. The stresses of life will diminish to be replaced by a beautiful relaxed feeling, as though you do not have a care in the world and that Dear Ones is how we want you to be. The trouble and strife associated with your normal life, will gradually be eliminated by the changes that are in hand.

If you are one who experiences little change in your self, do not be concerned as according to your metabolism it will affect some people in different ways. From this month onwards your progress will speed up, as the excitement builds up at the prospect of disclosure. It can come in different ways, so expect the unexpected as certain options remain open. We still prefer an organized disclosure, so that it can be made an official occasion that can go world wide. Many countries have already made it known that we will be welcome to visit them, and each one in turn will be paid a visit. Major events such as a flyover will happen a little later when there has already been a general acceptance of our presence. We are always cognizant of the possibility that the fear factor may not have been completely eliminated.

People will soon start talking amongst themselves about the Ascension process, having heard that something major is due to take place. There will be some confusion as they will not know who to turn to for the truth. As Lightworkers you can come into your own and gently spread the word, taking care not to overdo the "end time" scenario. Too many people have latched on to the "end of the world" stories, without being told that the end simply signals a new beginning. The new Earth awaits you and will as previously supply your needs that will be quite different to what you have now. In fact because your needs will be very small, and non-polluting Mother Earth can concentrate on her own requirements.

As you are beginning to understand, love is the key to everything and you will be God's expression of it as incarnate Beings. To be free to share your love with all life, will be a new experience for you. You may have had your moments in duality but in future you will know what it is like as a normal condition. However, remember to love yourself as it is in no way egotistical to acknowledge your godself. Be love and give off love and it will be returned to you tenfold. Imagine not having to question a persons intentions towards you, and being able to trust everyone. You will soon get used to the new conditions which will be more than welcome after your lives in duality.

As your vibrations move higher you will find that you can not only halt the aging process, but also reverse it. That is welcome news for those of you who are amongst the older generations. Eventually all souls will carry bodies that will be crystalline, and in an expression of how you were in your prime. Perfect health will be yours, as disease cannot exist in the higher dimensions. It also means that you cannot carry any infirmity with you, for the same reason. Perfection exists in all higher realms applying to all forms of life, that will have a heightened level of consciousness. Talk to the trees or whatever takes your eye, and you will get a reply.

After all of the variations you get now where your weather is concerned, you will find it very nice in "day to day" temperate conditions. There is no necessity for day and night, as for one thing your need for sleep will be very much less than at present. With a lighter body that to some degree self regenerates, your need for sustenance will also be very slight. Much of your needs will eventually come from the energy around you, but we do still enjoy delicious natural drinks and some food. You will now understand why when we journey through the Universe in our Motherships we are self sufficient, but in any event only have very small needs. Understand that your bodies will be of a different composition, and you will not experience hunger pangs as you do now.

Do not expect the changes to all come at once, as they usually come with your continued evolution and progress through the different dimensions. However, it is nice and comforting to know what lays ahead, and what you will be striving for next. For the time being the most important thing is for you not to relax your concentration on Ascension, and keep out of anything that is still strictly of the lower vibrations. You should be continuing to cleanse your body and releasing anything that is of the 3D world. You are leaving it now and cannot take the old remnants of your attachments to it. That should be easy as they will no longer serve you in any way. You may also find yourself moving from your old crowd of friends, because they do not represent your interests any more.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and with my colleagues of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you success in your personal journey to ascend. Be assured that many higher Beings will accompany you all of the way.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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Voyager 1 Last Steps Of Its Trip

December 04, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Spacecraft Enters Sun's Magnetic Field   

Connected to Milky Way

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

The "magnetic highway" is a place in the far reaches of the solar system where the Sun's magnetic field connects to the magnetic field of our galaxy Milky Way. This connection allows charged particles from inside the heliosphere (the magnetic bubble that surrounds the Sun) to zoom out - and it allows charged particles from outside to stream in. When Voyager 1 is in the magnetic highway, onboard particle sensors can directly sample material from beyond our solar system.




Eleven billion miles from Earth, NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a "magnetic highway" that connects our solar system to interstellar space. This could be one of Voyager 1's last steps on its long journey to the stars.


"Although Voyager 1 is still inside the Sun's environment, we now can taste what it's like on the outside because the particles are zipping in and out on this magnetic highway," said Edward Stone, Voyager project scientist based at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. "We believe this is the last leg of our journey to interstellar space. Our best guess is it's likely just a few months to a couple years away. The new region isn't what we expected, but we've come to expect the unexpected from Voyager."


See related article published Nov. 18th 2012: "Study Shows Black Holes Directed by Magnetic Fields"  



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Part 1:

  In order to show that the following theory merits attention, and that the laws of electricity and magnetism are accurately described herein, I preface this theory with the fact that I spent my civilian career as a high school physics teacher, and later as an electronics engineer, both of which fields involve the principles and applications of electricity and magnetism.

  Imagine that you submerge the candy ball of a lollipop in the center of a cup of coffee, and you slowly spin the lollipop stick between the palms of your hands. In this case, the candy ball rotates, but does not revolve, because it remains centered in the body of liquid. In your mind's eye, notice that the coffee swirls smoothly and evenly around the inside of the cup, without making waves. This analogy of a lollipop rotating, but not revolving, at the center of a cup of coffee, serves as a model of Earth's core, which is comprised of a solid spherical metal inner core rotating at the center of a spherical cavity filled with swirling molten metal, deep within the Earth.

  Now, as with all metals, this molten metal outer core is a good electrical conductor, meaning that the iron atom, and the atom of other combined metals, possesses electrons in the outer valence band of the atom which are loosely bound to the nucleus at the center of the atom. Therefore, these loosely bound outer valence band (orbiting) electrons can easily migrate away from the nucleus, and can be conducted along a pathway within the body of the metal by flowing from atom to atom, sort of like a chain of billiard balls, which, when the first ball is impacted, it receives kinetic energy to impact the next atom in the chain, which then receives kinetic energy to impact the next atom, and so on.

  We see this phenomenon every day, around the world, as electrons flow through conductive copper wires to illuminate light bulbs and to give sparkling life to TVs and all sorts of electronic devices.

  Now, there is a well recognized principle of the field of physics which states that a moving electrically charged particle, such as an electron, will generate an electromagnetic field which encircles the path along which the charged particle is traveling -- sort of like a dog leaping out of a swimming pool and shaking off water as it runs away. The dog is analogous to the electron, and the spray of water encircling the dog's path is analogous to the encircling electromagnetic field generated around the path of the moving electron.

  We see the application of this electromagnetic effect every day, around the world, in the operation of the common electric motor, in which electrons are voltaically energized to flow through a copper wire which is situated near a permanent magnet. In one direction of electron flow through the copper wire, the generated electromagnetic field encircles the length of wire in a specific revolving direction (let's say, in a clockwise direction). As this electrified length of wire is near one of the poles (let's say the north pole) of the permanent magnet, the wire's generated electromagnetic field will joust with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet to either physically pull the wire toward the north pole of the magnet or to physically push the wire away from the north pole of the permanent magnet. By reversing the direction of electron flow back and forth through the wire, there occurs a push-pull action which draws the rotary-mounted electrified wire to the the north pole of the permanent magnet on the rotational approach to the magnet, and then pushes the passing rotary-mounted electrified wire away from the north pole of the permanent magnet on its rotational departure from the magnet. Thus, the rotary-mounted electrified wire rotates the center shaft on which the wire is mounted, and now you have mechanical rotational energy to turn a fan blade, a food blender blade, etc.

  Now, returning to our visualization of Earth's smoothly swirling molten metal outer core, we realize that the free electrons within the metals of the smoothly swirling molten outer core are as the free electrons which are motivated through the pathway inside a length of copper wire. Now, visualize the wire being formed into a horizontal circle, sort of like a hoola-hoop, with the free electrons racing as in a circular racetrack. This same generating of electricity occurs within Earth's swirling molten metal outer core. Naturally, the electrons circulating inside the swirling core generate a powerful electromagnetic field which encircles that molten metal hoola-hoop as if the hoola-hoop were threaded through numerous rings. It is the combined electromagnetic rings encircling the circular swirling molten core, aligned in a north-to-south orientation, which constitutes Earth's magnetosphere.

  I hope to continue with this theory in a day or two.

              John DiNardo

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774 AD "Charlemagne Event"

December 03, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: 774 AD Solar Blast

20x's Larger Than 'Carrington Event'
by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media

A new study just released indicates the June 2012 discovery by a team of Japanese scientists showing a spike in carbon-14 found in tree rings dating between 774-775 AD - was most likely caused by a CME (coronal mass ejection). Until now, the 1859 "Carrington Event" has been documented as the largest solar event to hit Earth ever recorded.




A research team lead by Adrian Melott, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas and Brian Thomas, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Washburn University, have examined the evidence and zeroed in on the likely source of the 774-775 AD carbon-14 event.


It was noted that recent observations of stars similar to the Sun made by the Kepler satellite suggest that they are flaring at levels similar to that which they suggest - and higher - at average intervals of a few hundred to thousand years.




This new discovery has been titled the "Charlemagne Event" - named after Charlemagne's victory over the Lombards during the same period. "What our team concluded was the Charlemagne Event would be 10 or 20 times greater than the Carrington Event of 1859".



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I’m very glad Poof addressed “the incident” with “the interview” (“The Poof Interview of 10-15-12″). First it goes up, then my three posts about it go up, then they all go down. From this end (mine only) I was of the understanding that Poof agreed for “the interview” to go out. At the appropriate time. Which to me would mean, “When Poof says it’s okay.” Guess something about all that was notthe case.

In any event, those I knew who heard it were quite “‘blown away’ in a positive way” by the information. But when Higher Ups (Dragons, anyone??) say “Hold on… Cease… Desist… Pull all of it off the internet”, as I mentioned before (and in this post), I prefer to honor that request. This is not a time of “do whatever you want; dance through the pansies and all will be fine.” And it’s not a time to mess around with those who are doing the tough work that needs to be done on this planet to get the new financial systems and everything else going… in the “right” way and in a way that works for everyone.

As Poof says here, “…time to put your big pants on and be the adult.” That means me. Perhaps that means you, too.

A couple main point(s) I got from this are, “The bad guys in this world are in panic mode so, the venom coming out of their mouths and off their finger tips is at an all time high,” and, “Don’t expect to hear about the guilty and the arrested going out in the daily news, not time yet.”

So everyone who says, “Where is it? Where are the arrests, bank changes, the new financial system with currency backed by stuff (real stuff)? Where are they, dammit?????” might be able to take heart from this report. It IS going on. They (cabal) ARE going down. Whether you “see” it or not. Whether you “hear” it or not.

My own take on the Poof… He is giving us correct data. He gives us what he’s got and he gives us as much as he’s able (allowed) to give us. His contacts are “good”, and he himself is working for “the ‘good’ guys”. So if you don’t like what he says or how he says it, you might just want to read someone else (like this “positive” guy).


  • …the interview that folks heard on the net, I have turned down many interviews in the past, this time I did not know I was being recorded so, I was little ‘blue’ for some listeners.
  • When the info is given to the public, I won’t be one of the people shocked by what is told, I’ll be relieved. And my head won’t be exploding anymore with ‘contained’ intel and info.
  • I know the world you are entering but to explain it in detail, I would fail miserably because it is of something that is far from people’s experience.
  • The bad guys in this world are in panic mode so, the venom coming out of their mouths and off their finger tips is at an all time high.
  • Don’t expect to hear about the guilty and the arrested going out in the daily news, not time yet. Close but, not this instant.
  • The 60 at the us treasury were just snatched in the moment.
  • …the rafters performed some operations to make sure you wouldn’t be going thru a bunch of crap once you went to the banks to access.
  • Love is the most powerful force in the universe… The creative force that causes all to exist.
  • Sometime Truth sounds mean…oh well, get over yourself. The warm and cuddly’s are over, time to put your big pants on and be the adult.
  • All is moving down out of the rafters right now, so chill out and let the screamers scream as you prepare to walk away from them.


Greetings and Salutations;

I must apologize for the interview that folks heard on the net, I have turned down many interviews in the past, this time I did not know I was being recorded so, I was little ‘blue’ for some listeners. Much info I have been sitting on for years and have kept to myself. When you Know the game and the players, you know the lies being perpetrated thru the media. When the info is given to the public, I won’t be one of the people shocked by what is told, I’ll be relieved. And my head won’t be exploding anymore with ‘contained’ intel and info. Just because you know something doesn’t mean you need to speak it out to the uninitiated that have no background in understanding.

I know the world you are entering but to explain it in detail, I would fail miserably because it is of something that is far from people’s experience. What they’ve been taught since youth. So, for some it will be like being a little tyke going to their first day in school. The bad guys in this world are in panic mode so, the venom coming out of their mouths and off their finger tips is at an all time high. They aren’t the first I have ticked off, that honor belongs to my parents. I asked too many unsettling questions, to which they responded by saying, ‘that’s the way it is and why can’t you just leave things alone?’. Now those questions are about to be answered, publicly. That’s why they are in fear of exposure. Don’t cry now, you didn’t cry when you did what you did. Don’t expect to hear about the guilty and the arrested going out in the daily news, not time yet. Close but, not this instant. You can be sure their families know, they haven’t come home from work. Most had no prior knowledge their jobs were in jeopardy. So no chance to ‘set up’ for their terminations. The 60 at the us treasury were just snatched in the moment.

Before this all hits the ground, the rafters performed some operations to make sure you wouldn’t be going thru a bunch of crap once you went to the banks to access. It’s not like folks didn’t have plenty of warning prior to this, they chose to believe… it would never happen or that somehow they could stop it. Study long, study wrong. If your theory is wrong, sooner or later it will prove wrong.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, not all that relative stuff. The creative force that causes all to exist. Pure unaldulterated love. Sometime Truth sounds mean…oh well, get over yourself. The warm and cuddly’s are over, time to put your big pants on and be the adult. Remember: 10,000 may fall on your right side, 10,000 at your left, but, not a hair on your head would be harmed. Could you be loved?

All is moving down out of the rafters right now, so chill out and let the screamers scream as you prepare to walk away from them. I leave you with this ‘tube’ to contemplate.

Consultations until the door bell rings.

Love and Kisses;

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