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Seeking Truths

For a few days now I have been thinking about a blog?! A good wide topic that can cover many subjects.I had a bit of a mental block! So I went away and carried on my way on my path of consciousness! For me I do this by watching a few videos just on YouTube, but you know there are some gems on there, reading ancient/sacred texts, studying numbers, reading blogs and meditating on my chakra.Each day I'm led to something new! Yesterday my study was focused on a report by exopoliticstv dated 30/11, fantastic topic... A time before the moon. Please watch this, do some resaerch and draw your own conclusion!So today, not thinking of much else I watched another few vids, a fantastic series of 10 min episodes called 'infant undoctirinition' excuse my spelling! About kids cartoons from my generation with strong adult messages, symbolism etc etc. Saturn is evil!I next came accross the watchers and after I felt compeled to look at numbers. I poped on here and saw a post about a sink hole in Ohio on route 516...ANGEL NUMBER 516'Number 516 is a blend of the influences and energies of the numbers 5, 1 and 6. Number 5 lends its attributes of free-will and choice, opportunity and resourcefulness, motivation and expansion. Number 1 resonates with the energies of creation, new beginnings, inspiration, insight and initiative. Number 6 lends its vibrations of protection, reliability, home and family, providing and provision, economy and the material and monetary aspects of life.Angel Number 516 is a message from the angels that the changes you are making in your life will ensure that your monetary and financial obligations are met. Call upon the angels for guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need. Trust that they are supporting, encouraging and guiding you through these auspicious changes.The repeating Angel Number 516 is a message to be positive and optimistic about the changes taking place in your life, and trust that they will lead to better in all aspects.Repeating 516 is a message that a positive attitude and outlook will ensure that you will always have plenty in your life'What's new to you? What have you found today? Has anyone seen or are looking for the alignment? It's snowing here :( how fitting! Even my boss said to me at work tonight "It's snowed heavily,the first Monday of every December for three years!"Little gems of knowlege are all around us! Are you picking them up? Researching them and what's your views and opinions on them?!
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"The most specific questions are about this rogue planet Nibiru," he said. "I think, if it were four years ago, you could say, 'maybe.' If it were real at this point, it would be the brightest thing in the sky." 

This next portion shows the danger of irresponsible reporting on end-of-the-world theories:

"But over the past few years, some of the questions he's receiving are increasingly alarming, and include a number of children who, faced with a perceived threat of impending doom, say they are planning their own deaths.

"I get 1-2 a month from a person who self-identifies as 11-12 years old, who is contemplating suicide," he said. "It happens often enough to disturb me … to hear that children are considering ending their lives."

"Morrison said that one letter was from a middle school teacher in Stockton, Calif., who said that the parents of a student said they were planning to kill their kids and themselves. Another was from an elderly person, who said that her best friend was a little dog. The writer asked when the dog should be put to sleep, so it doesn't suffer when the world ends.

"Though he finds these messages alarming, Morrison said that he only has limited information on the people writing in. He said he does whatever he can to soothe their fears, but at the end of the day, people's beliefs and fears are out of his hands.

"I can tell them there is absolutely nothing to be worried about. But I am in no position to provide psychiatric advice," he said."

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Tolec Rebuffs Russian Media 2nd Sun Report

This first video from the Russia Media shows a reported second Sun:

Tolec explains that this is not a second Sun, but a purposeful Andromeda Council exercise to reveal one of their biospheres called "Sarsta". Presumably part of the gradual exposure to humans. For the full explanation go to the FAQ section of the Andromeda Council website (see answer to the first question regarding the 2nd sun):

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