All Posts (280)
While no longer in doom mode, this has to be taken seriously and all precautions put into place whether you are in that area or not. Air travels.
Doomed, I say! Dooooooooooooooooomed! LOL, I'm sorry to say, I'm just not resonating with doom these days.
Sometimes I stop my life for just long enough to step back and appreciate the arcane mysteries of our world, and whenever I lift my nose from the lines of grinded stone (I've set in front of myself) for long enough to smell the wake-up coffee of reality, I start coughing on the kick-in-the-nuts zing it brings to my day: dark, bitter, and strong. So strong, you’ll go crazy if you drink too much at once. And much like the diner where I constantly corner my consciousness with caffeine, no one’s going to put whipped cream on top. I drink to forget. I douse my gullet in happy juice, enough sugar to stand up a spoon. Everything becomes brighter. I catch snatches of whispered conversations inside my head. By the time I kill the second carafe, the walls have started vibrating.
I drink to forget. I drink when I don’t want to think about what I have and have not done, when I want my excuses to be able to beat the Hellfire and Brimstone angel on my shoulder. I drink when I don’t want to think at all because when I think, I see only a perpetual montage of disgrace and tragedy. I think like I’m there in Auschwitz, watching my father help my mother into the shower room to wash the mud off her face. I think like I’m in Rwanda, tripping over the bodies of my friends as I struggle towards the UN forces who will surely put a stop to this carnage. I’m there in Bosnia, picking through pieces of where I live, trying to find enough pieces of my sister to bury. I’m lying in a pool of my own vomit, wishing I’d shared my friend’s courage to jump overboard and drown rather than endure this slaver’s hell. I’m watching my brother’s throat ejaculate a sticky, red sneeze of blood as the Ethnic Cleansers test the sharpness of their knives.
And the funny thing is, as much as this hurts, I wasn't there. I will never feel that pain; I’ll never taste the suffering of a jackboot on my mongrel, subversive, unnatural lips. It’s all based on stories - comics and movies, novels and songs.
I drink to forget the pain of the former Nazi officer, wishing to god that killing himself could even begin to alleviate the crimes of youthful fanaticism; the rapist who’s stopped hurting the one he loves, but can’t find a way to undo what’s already done; the mother who had to smother her infant child when it wouldn't stop crying when Germans were near. I drink to forget that!
Because sometimes, when I climb out of my cozy comforter at 8am, making my way through piles of luxurious crap strewn across the floor, into a room with a bath and hot water and a working toilet; sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I see them. I see a slave, a refugee, and prisoner. I see what they would look like if God hadn't taken a baseball bat to their lives and suddenly the space between us narrows to the width of a lottery ticket. And sometimes the ticket flips over, and I look back into the mirror and I see a young man who so hated the world that he would have given any begotten son or daughter to alleviate his own self-centered anguish. I see a killer who was taught peace; a rapist who was taught respect; a villain who was indoctrinated into the other side. The space that separates us is a lottery ticket. And I drink to forget that.
By the time I kill the second carafe it’s too bright to see the mirror, the voice in my head drown out the pleading in my heart, and in a world where nothing else makes sense, why the hell shouldn't walls vibrate? What I have, it’s called Survivor’s Guilt, and every day I live with the fact that nothing I do will ever be good enough. When you believe in Original Sin, the task of saving the world is a right scary proposition, especially when you know that if anyone else could do it, it would be done already. That’s why I keep my head to the grindstone and my eyes on what’s in front of me. That’s why I drink: to forget…
Benjamin Fulford - February 24, 2014: War in the Ukraine and more banker murders as cabal end-game begins
The Eastern Europeans and Asians are mobilizing for some sort of big global push against the cabal over the coming days, according to Russian and Asian sources. The Russians say the latest shenanigans in the Ukraine meant the cabal had crossed a red line and that Russia was ready for war. The Asians were more secretive but nonetheless made it clear some sort of line had been crossed and that action was imminent.
Meanwhile, the Bush and Rockefeller families are planning to murder 1200 bankers over the coming days in order to hide evidence against them, according to Neil Keenan. The bankers will be young and mostly involved in algorithmic trading and manipulation of various financial markets, it is believed. Also, in a sign of how twisted these people’s minds are, it turns out that each banker death means great derivative profits, according to this article sent to me by alert readers:
In these circumstances, the White Dragon Society is offering protection to any bankers who fear for their lives in exchange for them making public what it is they have done to make them potential targets. Remember, there is no incentive to kill a person in order to silence them once the information is in the public domain. Also, because of all the publicity and suspicion surrounding the recent spate of banker deaths, from now own bankers will simply be disappeared and their bodies will never be found, Keenan says.
The following people will be physically served with a cease and desist order by Keenan and his associates:
Also, last week the WDS had negotiations with the gnostic illuminati about what sort of post cabal regime is likely and desirable.
The gnostic illuminati claimed it was they who ousted the government of Viktor Yanukovych in the Ukraine, according to an illuminati grandmaster going by the name Alexander Romanov. It is true that the Yanukovych regime was overthrown despite an agreement by the governments of the EU and all the major political parties in the Ukraine, indicating the work of non-state actors. Romanov said his group hoped to foment similar regime changes in the rest of Europe as well as oust Vladimir Putin in Russia.
This group is also demanding a 100% inheritance tax in order to permanently end bloodline rule.
The WDS countered that a jubilee, or one time write off of all debts public and private, combined with a redistribution of fraudulently accumulated assets was a more benevolent and practical approach. It was explained that people who earned their money by creating wealth should be allowed to keep it and only those who got rich through depriving others should have their wealth confiscated. The illuminati grandmaster agreed with this approach.
However, they are insisting on criminal punishment for many of the world’s elite, as are Keenan’s group and many others while the WDS still believes justice and forgiveness is wiser than revenge.
In any case, the turmoil caused in the Ukraine is not going to end quietly. Here is what a Russian government source had to say about the situation:
“The Ukraine riots started by the US embassy have openly pissed off the entire world. The initial rioters had American baseball caps and brown shoes with laces. There are no brown shoe laces in Kiev and only I wear a baseball cap. Directly after the Olympics the entire Eastern bloc will be ready to move.”
The Olympics just ended and it is a good bet that the blue part of the Ukraine seen in the maps at this link will become part of Russia when the dust settles:
There is no way the Pentagon is going to start World War 3 with Russia and China over a Nazi/EU organized coup d’etat in the Ukraine and the Europeans alone will have their gas supplies cut off and will face certain defeat if they try any military aggression in the Ukraine.
In any case, the Ukraine may turn out to be a side show soon if the US government goes bankrupt this week as predicted by US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew or next week on March 4th as predicted by Grady Means, former assistant to Nelson Rockefeller.
If this does happen, we can expect all banks and ATMs as well as the internet and all credit cards to be shut down for a period of several days until the fraud can be cleaned out and a new system put online. During that time, emergency broadcast networks will be used to fill in the brainwashed sheeple on what has really been happening over the past 100 years since a small group of gangsters took over the process of creating and distributing money in the US.
This may not come to pass though because the cabal has proven itself to be extremely difficult to dislodge. At their recent G20 meeting held in Australia, and at other meetings they have held, they talk about confiscating money from private bank accounts in order to keep themselves going.
Neil Keenan, for his part, believes the cabal will crash the system just to scare people into obedience and thus strengthen their control. If they try such a thing, it is a pretty sure bet there will be a lot of chaos and a lot of nasty things happening before the dust finally settles into cabal defeat.
In Asia meanwhile, something is being planned but as mentioned above, exactly what remains a mystery. However, in what may have been a cryptic clue, somebody came from Kobe, Japan, home of the headquarters of the Yamaguchi Gumi, to show this writer a video of a man laughing hysterically as he throws a fish into the Pacific Ocean. Also, the pond at Inokashira Park in Tokyo, home to a shrine to the Goddess Benten who, according to legend, tamed the White Dragon and made it protector of the weak, has been drained and all the invasive foreign fish species have been removed. Watch this short Japanese language video to see it being done:
Perhaps it is nothing but if I were a Goldman Sachs gangster in Tokyo, I would be worried and might plan a vacation somewhere else for a while, just in case.
ADD Venezuela to this long list
Feb. 24, 2014
Many people are feeling a pause, like the quiet before the storm. The huge intake of breath that is held in anticipation, with a quickening of the pulse that is the prelude to the adrenaline rush. It feels as if the world is sitting on the blade of a knife, waiting for the slightest flicker of air to ever so gently brush against it and waft it over the edge of Change. Many many people stand watching intently to see which way the breeze will blow....
And there are many people who feel the pause like a deadening emptiness that threatens to swallow them whole. They fear, they doubt, they moan. To believe in the coming winds of Change is to open themselves to the frigid hazard of being let down again, to have freedom yanked away in icy disdain.... to even hope is too much effort at the end of a very long day.
Society drills us with the admonishment that we are not worthy nor capable of freedom. Religion and politics teaches us from birth that the only way forward is to be good boys and girls and to listen to our leaders so as to not be punished. The media surrounds us with propaganda that perpetuates the stereotype of "Normal", and indoctrinates our peers to judge and bully all those in their groups to toe the line, be good, follow the leader, do not question.
But many many many people ARE questioning. They have awoken to the reality of this Matrix like system that controls the populous with fashion, friends, fear, frenzy, factional faith and fornication. They are SEEING the real world and the real world problems and the real world answers and they are standing up and saying "NO MORE!!" At this moment there are literally millions upon millions of people all over this blue planet who are standing up and demanding Truth and Freedom.
One of the things I am told over and over again, is that people are not waking up or not waking up fast enough. Many rage that "Nothing is Happening", even though it is happening right in front of their eyes. Many stomp because "IT" isn't happening the way they want it to happen nor is "IT" following the carefully well thought out schedule that they had arranged. "Nothing is Happening" has become a litany for those that have no wish to accept that it IS happening.
People ARE waking up. People are not just waking up, they are standing up and they are standing in their power and saying "NO MORE!!" The people on this planet are taking up the mantle of NOW and are demanding the truth and demanding their freedom.
No, the Main Stream Media- especially in North America and in Western Europe - are not reporting what is going on all over the world. Oh, they will tell you about those events that they cannot NOT talk about- like what is happening in the Ukraine and in Thailand and Venezuela. Just as they did not report on Occupy until is was blatantly obvious that they were not reporting on it. But for the most part, the media is keeping the truth of what is going on very quiet. The reports are there.... you just have to look for them. It is the same in the world of politics and finance, the truth is getting out to the people and is being laid transparently on the ground for them to see.... BUT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT!!! This is why I began Transpicuous News Updates, so that I could publish daily listings of important pieces of news for people to see.
No, the world is NOT sleeping any more. The alarm clock has gone off, and it's time to get up!
As I said earlier today, "If you want CHANGE then you must be the CHANGE you wish to SEE. Does that mean you have to go out and protest? That you have to burn cars and throw rotten eggs and scream and yell? NO it doesn't. But it DOES mean that you need to take some responsibility for those changes that you want to happen. It DOES mean that you need to be involved- in whatever way resonates with you- to CREATE CHANGE."
People in North America are under a heavy blanket of "See nothing, hear nothing, do nothing".... Yet all around them the world is being taken back by those who are STANDING in their BEing.
The World Is Awake!
Don't believe me? I have spent the past few days compiling this list that shows just how awake the world has become and how many people are Standing Right NOW.
This Is a list of countries that where people are telling the governments "NO MORE". This is a work in process as it is no where near complete, but I felt compelled to get it out there for people to see RIGHT NOW. You will see that many of these places are the most highly controlled military states on the planet... and yet, the people RISE and STAND.
YOU are not alone! All these people in ALL these "nations" are standing right beside you. They are BEing the CHANGE.
Please Share this list and make it viral. Let the people know that they are not alone and that people are standing with them. This list will be available as a separate page on RTS so that it can be easily sent as a link and can be continuously updated.
This is not about fear. It is about Standing Together. It is about kNOWing that NOW is the Time to BE the CHANGE.
I would like to hear from you. Please send me links to news stories covering political protests in your area.
Edited 02/23/14: South America has been updated to the list.
Stop Water Cannons from Being Deployed on the UK’s Austerity Protests-Jan 30/14
Over 1,000 cyclists stage die-in protest outside Transport for London HQ-Dec 1/13
50,000 attend Manchester protest against austerity-Sept 29/13
Thousands Protest the UK Government's Brutal Austerity- Apr 1/13
Thousands attend anti-bedroom tax protest in Glasgow- Jun 1/13
Germany: Riot police and protesters clash big in Hamburg - Dec 21/13
Hamburg: Police Attack Rote Flora demo- Dec 24/13
Thousands in German anti-NSA protest-Sept 8/13
Anti-austerity protests: Spain, Germany, Portugal- June 1/13
Basques march in support of ETA prisoners despite Madrid ban-Jan 12/14
Protesters demonstrate against austerity measures across Spain- Mar 11/13
Mass protest erupts in Portugal against austerity budget- Dec 20/13
Portugal: Anti-austerity protesters occupy government ministries- Nov 26/13
Portugal Lived Today. A Million and a Half People In the Streets Against Austerity.-Mar 3/13
Lisbon: Thousands join anti-austerity march over 2014 budget- Feb 02/14
Italy’s president fears violent insurrection in 2014 but offers no remedy - Dec 17/13
'Pitchfork' protests rattle Italian government - Dec 13/13
Italy anti-austerity protesters clash with police in Rome- Oct 19/13
20,000 Swiss civil servants protest austerity-Mar 16/13
*Police Attack 20,000 French Citizens Protesting Against Airport Notre-Dame-Des-Landes- 02/22/14
Thousands stage anti-government protests in Paris- Jan 26/14
French government suspends ecotax after violent protests - Oct 29/13
Tens of Thousands of French Protesters Reject Austerity- May 5/13
Protests greet Greece's EU presidency - Jan 9/14
Thousands of Greeks mark 40th anniversary of student uprising, protest against austerity-Nov 17/13
Thousands join fresh Greece protests against Golden Dawn- Sept 25/13
Wave of Protests Engulfs Greece- Jun 17/13
Protest wave against new Austrian government rises- Dec 18/13
2014 Hrushevskoho Street riots
Ukraine parliament removes Yanukovich, who flees Kiev in "coup"
Over 300,000 defy protest ban in Ukraine - Dec 2/13
Bosnia's ethnic rivals join forces in protests- Jun 11/13
Scientists in Serbia Protest against Dire Financial Situation - Jul 7/13
Tens of thousands join march for jobs in Poland- Sept 14/14
International protest against criminalization of homelessness in Hungary- Feb 12/14
HUNGARY: Protests against increasing Hungary's nuclear power -Feb 03/14
“Yes, we can say No”- A new chapter in Albania’s protests-Nov 15/14
Belarus Car Owners Flood Into Downtown Minsk to Protest New Tax - Dec 20/14
Bulgarians to Hold 1st Anti-Cabinet Rally for 2014- Jan 3/14
Bulgarian government to resign amid austerity protests- Feb 20/13
Anti-Government Protesters and Police Clash in Montenegro- Feb 15/14
In Denmark, Goldman Sachs Deal Ignites Political Crisis- Feb 6/14
Protests Arson Attacks Against Swedish-Eritreans-Mar 23/13
Thousands take to the streets for anti-racism protest in Sweden after similar rally marred by neo-Nazi attack- Dec 23/13
Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media -
Over Ten Thousand March in Moscow to Support Charged Opposition Activists- Feb 2/14
Russian protesters march as Putin seeks firmer political footing- Jun 12/13
Middle East:
No links necessary: just open any news site.
Clashes, teargas mark third anniversary of Bahrain uprising
Saudi Arabia:
Abu Dhabi buying a new mercenary force to suppress “internal unrest” against petro-monarchies
Iran: Bakhtiaris clashed with security forces in Isfahan
India elections 2014: A look forward
India creates new 29th state amid protests
Political party calls for Karachi shutdown as protest
Nationwide Protests in Pakistan - February & March 2014
Sri Lanka:
Thousands protest against government in Sri Lanka
South Korea:
South Korea: A Thousand Buddhist Monks Join Protests Against Election Manipulation - Nov 28/13
100,000 South Koreans Protest Election Scandal, Labor Clampdown
Afghanistan: Peaceful Protest Suppressed
Uzbek activists detained for backing Ukrainian protests
Bangladesh :
Vietnam deploys dancers to foil protests
Anti-China protesters gather in Vietnam's capital
New protest crackdown in Cambodia Riot police were recently deployed in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to break up anti-government protests. The crackdowns are part of an escalating standoff between officials and those calling for democratic reform.
Cambodia: Security Forces Beat Housing Rights Protesters
Thousands protest price hikes in Malaysia
Rioting In China's Restive Xinjiang Region Kills 16 People, Including 2 Policemen
China places armed police under military control to manage large-scale riots
South Africa--
South Sudan--
March In March Australia 2014: A national protest as a vote of no confidence in the Abbott Government’s policies
North America:
There is no more “News” media: 100,000 people protested on Saturday, and we never heard about it.- Feb 10/14
South America
Malvinas Argentina: Police Repression in the name of Monsanto
Peso panic and rocketing prices shake the throne of Argentina's Queen Cristina
Argentine Default Chaos Relived as Blackouts Follow Looting
Bolivia: children clash with police over child labour
Bolivian protests continue for a 10th day
Rio fare protesters seize main station and let commuters travel free
Brazil-‘Novo Palestina’ land occupation
Brazil's oilfield auction fuels protest in Rio
"Rio, a showcase for the world"-22/10/2013
The people no longer believe this farce! The fight continues, tomorrow it will be even bigger!
Students clash with riot police in Chile- 29/05/13
Trouserless march: Hundreds strip off in Colombia
4:3 Indigenous women from Amazonia protest against oil drilling
Indigenous Women Confront Ecuadorian Government Over Resource Extraction
Protest over wages and salaries continues at the University of Guyana
Thousands Teargassed: Anti-govt protesters clash with Peru polic
Peru police fire tear gas on protesting students, civil servants
Hundreds Protest Against Uruguay's Paper Pulp Plant
Uruguay Protest (Americas)
Dominican Republic:
Protest Against Exploitation of Loma Miranda – Dominican Republic- Feb 1/14
Thousands of Haitian people protest US-backed Martelly government
"Scientists say they have filmed a record-breaking asteroid impact on the Moon so large it would have been visible to the naked eye from earth....."
Read more:
I never have had a dream about PX until this month. I just had a dream where I looked up in the day time and saw the moon in the sky. Next to the moon was a black planet a little larger then the moon with a black object a little smaller eclipsing it. seemed to be circling it. I tried to find my camera. And next to that there seemed to be black almost square object changing shape. It was more like a rip in the sky letting blackness through that seemed to grow.
Last week I dreamed I looked up in the day time to see a black planet the same size as the sun giving off light. The black planet was next to the sun.
Has anyone else had dreams of planet X being black? It seems to me that time is getting short now and we will soon be facing the sight of the arrival! I am spending time dehydrating veggies and think it is time to gather the flock. Call your loved ones and tell them where to gather when TSHTF.
It has been a while and it is time for an update. A major portal has been opened on Maui, the heart chakra of the planet. There have been 20 others. The Earth now is being flooded with light and higher dimensional light beings. Yes this includes their light ships as well. These higher civilizations which we will refer to as the greater family of man rather than ET which has been given a fearful twist by hollywood, the disinformation campaigns, etc. is appearing globally keeping the UFO reporting centers extremely busy. I might add some of the UFO reporting centers are not operating from the highest integrity as many know the ongoing ufo activity at ECETI has virtually been ignored. This is a precursor to what many call the EVENT.
The timing of the event is tied into critical mass, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is now foreseen as spring or early summer. This is not coming without challenges. Whenever a higher consciousness and energy enters a system due to sympathetic resonance the lower consciousness and energy must rise to meet it. This creates chaos yet chaos is the letting go of the old paradigm in order for the new paradigm to take its place. The Intellect and the ego must surrender to the heart. The heart is your soul connection and the soul is the path to God/Creator/Spirit. Sometimes a little prayer and some sleep work the best in adjusting to these new energies.
Many ask about the death of so many top level bankers. The banking system is corrupt, riddled with fraud beyond belief. The treasury has been robbed repeatedly keeping the manufactured lack and enslavement through dependency going. This is coming down. Some bankers know too much, they have been removed do to cooperation with global investigative authorities. Other banksters can’t live with what they have done and know the hammer is about to fall. Only 8 have reached the press yet the true numbers are close to 20 and this will continue.
This entire economic system is not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the Earth. It is completely out of alignment with Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. There are forces beyond the Fallen Annunaki, the regenerate Ets, and demonic realms which were virtually unchecked in the past. Forces beyond the Illuminati, their major corporations and their treasonous political puppet whores. There is a grand awakening on a soul level which was not factored in nor was there awareness of the source of this grand awakening.
The benevolent Annunaki, the bearded Gods of old and the council of 12 now mostly women are back and there is a grand recall, and reconciliation of the fallen ones left to oversee. They are standing before the councils in extreme embarrassment for what they have done outside of Universal Law. The Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyrian, Sirian and Orion Councils of light are also coming into play, ending the prime directive hands off program of the past. The controllers, parasites and predators.”Regenerate Ets, Demonics, Etc.” who have hijacked the Earth’s evolution are being removed, not so gracefully I might add. This is happening for those with eyes to see. The physical effects of this are soon to follow.
We can all do our parts here on Earth by practicing love and kindness, setting boundaries with those who are not and holding space. We can pray to our representative of Source and welcome the benevolent beings, the beautiful many asking for their assistance in our own personal awakening and healing as well as the Earth’s awakening and healing. Stop participating in anything that is enslaving or harmful to humanity and the Earth. Let the beast consume itself as the prophecies foretold. There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good. “ This should apply to our foreign policy as well. We need to be carefull of calling for democracy. Democracy means the corporations can move in and exploit the people, trading one tyrant for corporate tyranny. The republic is a better model with a strong constitution, for the people and by the people. Something that was forgotten in America along with its Bill of Rights. This spring the people will remember. They will come to realize the source of their pain suffering, the war and disease profiteers, the genocidal psychopaths behind the veil of ignorance. Those veils and masks are coming down. Be well, Godspeed, walk with courage and impeccable integrity. There is no security or future without it.
James Gilliland
I never knew Lehman's has so much non electrical stuff in one place. Good video.