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“This is definitely a holocaust… everything’s being swept under the rug” — “Very, very frightening… my family members are brainwashed”

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The crisis that is being deliberately created in your world is also exposing those who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart. There is no mistaking now, who is in the pay of the dark cabal. They are demanding war. I did tell you in the past that the cabal cannot exist without war. You can now plainly see how desperate they are, as they rush from one country to another, pleading for war.

Now that you are awake, you can see exactly what is happening. This scares them, as they have not had to deal with such dissent before. They do not just want war; they need war. But the innocent people of the Ukraine do not deserve what is being visited upon them. They need your support. It is Ukraine, today: it could be you, tomorrow !

The cabal wants to cull the population. They will show no mercy. They want to bring their plans to a conclusion with their New World Order, at any cost. You, mere humans, are in the way. So they want to dispose of you. I implore you, do not kill your own species to enable this cabal to take over Planet Earth. As I have pointed out many times before, they cannot do it without your assistance. This is a critical time for you. Decisions must be made: do you do nothing and wait to be culled, or do you make a stand and support your fellow man. There is no fence to sit on. The time has come for action. You were warned, over and over again, that this time was coming. Now, it is upon you, so serious decisions must be made. You have heard the LIES of the cabal throughout history. “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that NEVER EXISTED: but you fell for it.

Those who stand for TRUTH in this situation deserve your respect. Do not watch their LIES on television or in the newspapers. You KNOW the truth which makes their lies look so pathetic. The planet and humanity need your support. You are many, they are few. Look deeply into their faces as they speak in front of the camera; it is so obvious that they are LYING. Such lies cannot be hidden in the light. Their paymasters do not like the delay, for they do not tolerate failure. So the pathetic puppets are very worried indeed . . . and so they should be !

Do not give your consent to World War III. Nor to the invasion of other countries, no matter what you are told. The cabal cannot do it without your consent. This one FACT, puts all of you in a position of power. This information was kept hidden from you until now. When you vote, you give your power to another person, to act on your behalf. You must now withdraw that power. Believe in yourselves and take back your power from the puppets of the cabal. The sooner you come together, and refuse to kill or invade other countries, the sooner peace will prevail and life on Earth will become a joy, rather than a trial of strength and a struggle to survive. When you LAUGH at the LIES of the puppets, they will know that their game is up. The survival of humanity and Planet Earth is in your hands.

In the past, you have managed to turn a blind eye to so much corruption, pedophilia, and unlawful killing, etc. The abuse of little children continued, because good men failed to protect them. You know enough now to enable you to expose such behaviour. It is time for change. You are the people designated to bring this change about, and it will be easier than you expect.

My dear wife had another severe psychic attack as she got up this morning. It drained her energy and her eyes are very painful. This particular form of attack happens almost every day, but she continues her work. There is also a plan for her to have an “accident”. Should such an incident occur, then know without doubt, that it was not an accident. The cabal really does not want you to wake up and see what they are up to. They will stop at nothing to hold on to power and continue to enjoy the fruits of your labour. They have removed all the joy from living a life on Earth. But you will come through this terrible time.

It is all coming to a head. The cabal wants a war in the Ukraine. SO THEY NEED YOU TO GIVE IT TO THEM.

Send love and light to all the people and countries that suffer at the hands of the cabal. Their chemtrails have become even more lethal, especially in America. They are killing you every day. You may think you are falling ill; when in fact, you are being killed off. This is how bad it is. Please wake up !

Reach out to each other, and help when needed. Be ready to stand together for light and truth. Use the power of meditation, or use your thoughts to bring about the changes necessary for humanity to step into the light. Ask for help. We, and your friends from other planets, cannot intervene unless we are invited.

It would have been my birthday, yesterday, had I survived. Veronica felt sad without me on such a day. I hold the memories of the wonderful birthdays she gave me when I was on Earth.

It is a time of great change. Each one of you chose to be on Earth at this time, to bring about all these changes. Both sides of life will celebrate when peace and harmony are restored.

My love is with you always. Your adoring, Monty.

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The entire article is worth reading.  Here are some excerpts...

Three phases of the Financial Reset

Let’s look at the Financial system which was imported many thousands of years ago from the Orion Star System  ~ for the purpose of enslaving humanity as a tool of control.

People are misinformed regarding the purpose of money.  But we have the power to change the purpose of money.  All the money that goes through our own hands ~ we can change that purpose.

The basic principle of enslaving humanity is Debt Slavery.  The whole system on this planet: the whole employment structure, all trade, all mechanisms of trade have been designed in such a way that do not allow the masses to be free and ensures all finances are in control of the Archons.

So the Archons choose the control over our life prior to our incarnation.  If the Archons chose for us to be born into a wealthy family, we are given more opportunity but only if we follow the system of the cabal.  It does not support talent. It doesn’t support skill.  It supports only the agenda of the cabal.  If the Archons chose for you to be born into a poor family, you have many more challenges in this world.

Most people are not able to earn enough to afford a reasonable lifestyle.  For example, houses are designed to be so expensive that you have to work 20-40 years to purchase the house.  The cabal has designed the prices of housing etc. for you to borrow money from the bank and then get one or two jobs to pay off the bank loan for 20-40 years.  It’s a slavery system.  People believe they are free so they don’t rebel.  Of course the cabal enjoys this set up because “man” works for them to pay all debt.  You pay for rent, food, gas, utilities, transportation most have nothing left over after paying for all of these artificially price-set items.

This is how the system works. The vast majority of people support this every day.  So the financial reset is all about rebooting the system.

There is nothing wrong with the money.

There is nothing wrong with the bank buildings.

There is nothing wrong with the computers or the gold within the banks.

What is wrong is the small group of people who design and support the enslavement of our planet.


Three Phases of the Financial Reset

1st Phase: Energetic Phase~ Ritual Reset of all of our debt.

We have been programed to believe we owe money to the bank.  It is exactly the same principle as the Law of Karma.  We can exit the old belief system of Karma by giving up that belief that does not serve us. The bank wants us to believe we owe them money.  They just have someone punch a few digits on the computer.  It is a few seconds of digital keypunching and then we have to work 10-20 years to pay these electronic keystrokes.  And the sad thing is, we are the ones who are conditioned to believe this and with our free will we agree to this bizarre system.

What would happen if everyone would say “NO, we don’t owe you!”? It is time for people to stand up and say, this is my money, not yours.  But it is hard because the cabal can create repercussions for individuals who stand up against the Financial Cabal.  The Dragon Family has been given the responsibility to checkmate the Cabal.  This is the reason for the BRICS~ the core countries of the Eastern Alliance.  What is behind this is the movement of the Dragon Families to put pressure on the Rothschild’s to stop this slavery.

Eastern Alliance is creating a different Financial System.

They have created a BRICS banking system.

They are creating SWIFT Banking system and an alternative Rating system.

So they are doing this against the Cabal.  The old financial system is working because it is a planetary belief system.  People believe there is still gold in Fort Knox.  The Cabal knows they don’t really need gold ~ because the public believes there is gold and that is enough. The Cabal knows this false, global or universal belief in the USA having gold is enough now.  They don’t need to actually have gold in United States coffers.   Their belief in this false concept is locking in the energy of this debt slavery system.

The Eastern Alliance is putting pressure on the Cabal by exposing this.  The Resistance Movement took the gold away 3 years ago.  The cabal doesn’t have the gold.  But there is a little bit of gold to propagate the illusion. This is why you see storefronts buying and selling gold and silver.  It is just enough to keep the illusion active on this planet.

First phase is Energy Reset: People will say “No” to this system.  If you refuse to pay the money to the bank, the bank will try to crush you.  It is not easy for an individual to go against the system.  But now there is an entire alliance that is working for us.  It will be much easier to bring the cabalist debt slavery system when we have the numbers of the Resistance Movement and the Eastern Alliance.

All debt will be forgiven.  The US government Debt ~ who will collect the US Debt?  The Cabal bankrupted the US in 1934.  Since then they control the entire country.  The cabal controls the US since 1934. They control all elections etc.  The banksters control the system.

One physical house is worth much more than all the money in the Cabal’s bank account, because a house is real.  The Cabal put the gold bonds into the trading system. So they put 100 billion dollars in a trading program and 10 years later they have trillions of dollars.  20 years later they have quadrillions of dollars.  But it is not real money.  It is just numbers on a computer screen.  Nothing more. They cannot even get that out of a bank.  It is the Cabal’s fiction.  It is not real.  You have heard the trillions of “worth” of the Rothschild’s.  It is all fiction.  It is not real.  They created a system we chose to believe.  It is time for this illusion to vanish.

All the wealth on the planet belongs to the people who created their wealth through their work, skills, time and effort.  It does not belong even to the Dragon Families.  After the Event, even the Dragon families will have to give up this gold because it belongs to the people.  After the reset the wealth will be given to the people. Not to the Dragon Families.  All goes to the People.  The gold belongs to humanity.  The Light Forces will not allow the collateral accounts to go to anyone but the people of the world.  At the moment of the Financial Reset the Resistance Movement will take over the financial system.  The Swift system was hacked in 2012 by the Resistance Movement.    The people in the Resistance Movement have their own computer system and they will take control of the financial system at the moment of the Event.  And so at the Event, the Cabal cannot even fly away.  They will not even be able to drive their cars to escape (because their expensive cars are all controlled electronically and via satellite systems which will be under the control of the Resistance Movement).  They will have to walk or ride their bikes (if they have bikes!) to make their get away.

Secondly: Banks will be closed for 2 weeks.  During that time the Cabal will be removed from the planet.  After that two weeks time, the healthy banks will reopen.  Many of the banks will go bankrupt (those banks with enormous derivative debt).  People will be given any of their money that might be left in the bank.  However it is anticipated that prior to the Event, the Cabal will be taking out any available money in everyone’s bank accounts.  People will also receive money from collateral debt.

Thirdly, All debt will be erased except speculative debt.  Example: if you go and buy 10 homes right now, the more the credit you use for plasma TV’s etc. this kind of debt will not be erased.  The Resistance Movement is keeping an eye on this and knows if people are stacking up debt in a dishonest manner.
The Resistance Movement has a message fro the Dragon Family: The Dragon Family will need to release their greed.  The money does not belong to them.  The Dragon Family will be given what is due to them however they will be required to release the money to the people of this planet.

Thirdly: After Event: Many new technologies will be released.  These new technologies will almost cost nothing to build and maintain.  So people will not have the need for money because most things can be made from zero costs. So there will eventually be no need for money.


The Pope is a good Jesuit.  The Pope appears as a good guy- but in reality he could eliminate all poverty in the world by simply selling the land the Vatican owns in some areas of South America. If the Vatican sold some of their land holdings in South America, the profit made is enough to pay off and end world poverty.  Do you see the Pope offering to do this?


Land owned by private citizens will remain in those private citizen’s hands.  The land held by the Cabal and corrupt governmental agencies will be redistributed to the People of this planet.

Question: Will the Pope be arrested?  Answer: “Yes”


Today is a momentous day:  there are elections occurring in Greece.  If the Anti-Capitalist Party wins, it will be a huge thing.  Greece will distance from the Euro and they will walk away from their US debt.  This will create a chain reaction and domino effect.  More countries will walk way from paying their US Debt.  This will enforce the new paradigm of bringing down the illusion of the Fiat – Debt Slavery financial system.


The other very important part of our financial system is to step out of this system.

  1. Pay off as much debt as is possible.   Debt is the highest energy block to our energy.
  2. Use credit card transactions as little as possible.  Because the cabal knows everything we do with our credit cards.  Leave as little of a paper trail as possible.
  3. Take your money out of the bank.  You can have a little bit (few hundred dollars) to keep your bank accounts open, be able to do certain transactions etc.)
  4. Buy something of value.  Invest your money into houses, land, silver and gold.

There are two purposes for this: At the time of the event: banks will be closed.  We need to buy food.  At the Event when banks are closed, people will be at their lowest level of trust in the financial system.  If you go to stores with paper dollars~ paper money is basically worthless.  Initially, some banks might accept paper dollars but there will not be any “plastic card” transactions.  Those systems will be closed.  Because all credit cards are connected to the cabal banking system.  That system will be brought down.  For a short time, some businesses will accept the paper money.  Silver or gold coins will be honored, we can survive with silver and gold currency ~ no problem.  So one purpose of gold and silver is to get by during the Event.

Our purpose is to survive The Event.

It is good to have a little silver and gold.

The second purpose for gold and silver will be for our investment.  So paper money loss is real.  The Swiss bank’s recent move demonstrated that many people lost years and years of net worth of work, perhaps 20 years of their life’s earnings.

Think about the vast amount of net worth in Swiss bank accounts.  Switzerland has about 50 million people.  Imagine what will happen when China pulls what Switzerland just pulled off?

In times like this, the bank will confiscate your bank accounts.  It is actually a strategy of the cabal to empty our bank accounts for various strategies~ wars, national emergencies etc.  The Cabal usually waits 20-30 years between the times they pull money from citizen’s bank accounts.  20-30 years gives people time to rebuild their confidence in the banking system and then in 20-30 more year, they wipe out the bank accounts again.

Take your money out now.  Those of you who live in the USA have a problem because if you take more than $10,000 out you are targeted as “suspicious”. But there are ways to do this and stay under the Cabal’s radar. You can find this information out on the Internet.

Take your money out of the bank and put your money in gold and silver. So those are different steps to get out of the financial system.  The most important thing is to realize is  “worth” and “value” are only found in physical things.


So to rise above the Financial System~ many methods such as:

1. Barter~ exchange for skills, goods, etc.

2. Do financial transactions without system knowing anything about it.
Exchange cash from private individual to private individual.  Then energetically you become invisible from the Rothschild’s Cabal System.   When you will become invisible Energetically you will become freer and you will draw wealth to you.

The Stages of Money Distribution at the time of the Event:

  1. Food Shelter and Clothing
  2. Free Energy
  3. Other priorities

Money will most likely not be distributed in the USA prior to the Event because of the Cabals control in the USA.  Money might likely be released in Russia and China prior to the event, which is a stronger possibility.

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In a recently published study, researchers from Cornell University detail how they developed gold-plated nano-particles that are able to find and destroy cancer cells.

Comparable to nano-scale Navy Seals, Cornell scientists have merged tiny gold and iron oxide particles to work as a team, then added antibody guides to steer the team through the bloodstream toward colorectal cancer cells. And in a nanosecond, the alloyed allies then kill the bad guys – cancer cells – with absorbed infrared heat.

This scenario is not science fiction – welcome to a medical reality.

“It’s a simple concept. It’s colloidal chemistry. By themselves, gold and iron-oxide alloys are benign and inert, and the infrared light is low-power heating,” said Carl Batt, Cornell’s Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Food Science and the senior author on the paper. “But put these inert alloys together, attach an antibody to guide it to the right target, zap it with infrared light and the cancer cells die. The cells only need to be heated up a few degrees to die.”

Batt and his colleagues – Dickson K. Kirui, Ph.D. ’11, a postdoctoral fellow at Houston Methodist Research Institute and the paper’s first author; Ildar Khalidov, radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College; and Yi Wang, biomedical engineering, Cornell.

For cancer therapy, current hyperthermic techniques – applying heat to the whole body – heat up cancer cells and healthy tissue, alike. Thus, healthy tissue tends to get damaged. This study shows that by using gold nano-particles, which amplify the low energy heat source efficiently, cancer cells can be targeted better and heat damage to healthy tissues can be mitigated. By adding the magnetic iron oxide particles to the gold, doctors watching MRI and CT scanners can follow along the trail of this nano-sized crew to its target.

When a near-infrared laser is used, the light penetrates deep into the tissue, heating the nano-particle to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit – an ample temperature to kill many targeted cancer cells. This results in a threefold increase in killing cancer cells and a substantial tumor reduction within 30 days, according to Kirui. “It’s not a complete reduction in the tumor, but doctors can employ other aggressive strategies with success. It also reduces the dosage of highly toxic chemicals and radiation – leading to a better quality of life,” he explained.

The study was funded in part by the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, and Kirui was supported by a Sloan Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

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(Alexandra Meadors runs  This message is consonant with everything else that's going on.)

Incoming Message…Ground Crew Take Heed!

I have just received “word” that I am to alert The Ground Crew with the following notice immediately.

“Please inform The Ground Crew that we are in an “all hands on deck” status. Each of you is being called to hold your position and be ready. We are asking each of The Crew Members to remain calm and balanced, be consistent in this composure, and be vigilant of any triggers that attempt to derail you. You are being called to hold the space of Truth and Light, as these are YOUR encodements, and your time is NOW to show up with on-going stable resonance. This is one of The most important missions thus far, and because of it, things may not be as they appear. Many who we thought we knew will become exposed for what they truly are. Remember that The Light is gloriously abundant and the Truth Always Prevails.”

OK – so even if you are not consciously aware of your participation in this Ground Crew Operation, you are being requested to REMAIN CALM, STAY BALANCED, AND KNOW THAT THE LIGHT IS PROCEEDING AHEAD. Many times, people have written in thinking that they are failing themselves and humanity because they don’t know their own mission or purpose, but the fact of the matter is most do not know all the details due to the technologies such as mind swiping, remote viewing, and deadly vibratory rays that are consistently used by The Dark to extract crucial information. Most will not be given too many details to keep themselves safe and the mission protected. Please know this.

ALL OF US must band together at this time. There is no more time for dissension, accusations, and maligning because those that are not who they present themselves to be, will soon be decloaked and exposed.

I was shocked that this message came in with such urgency. Something is truly in progress and it feels major….all psychics and intuitives are welcome to add your messages to this. I will share them with the world…

Honored to serve you all – and love you,


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