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Sort by  This is an explanation of OPPT.  It appears to have been translated from German, so there are some unclear spots...

Many have heard of it ... not many. As on 25 December 2012 announced publicly, the system of corporative government rule was foreclosed. lawfully foreclosed ... by their own mechanism. The rulers (the powers that be) are now the former rulers (powers that were). All debts have been repaid, and companies - including but not limited to company-controlled governments and banks - are attached.

Sure, they will continue to make us by the nose out in the hope that we play. But thanks to a series of UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) registrations that were made from the One People's Public Trust (OPPT), everyone has a choice. New conditions for social governance are now in force, a fact which has been ratified by the legal framework of corporate controlled "predecessor".

In other words ... WE ARE FREE!

(Make yourself comfortable, folks, this is a long article, but one that you should not miss!)

One People's Public Trust (Trust Fund of the people who are One)
The result of the legally binding acts of OPPT has done has caused a lot of commotion. Right! The potential for positive change that is generated by, is very important!

Before we get closer so I want to show how this situation has developed.

The corporate-controlled governments and corporate-controlled media refuse to disclose its own downfall - for obvious reasons. So, as informed global citizens, I believe that our role is to understand what happened and how it happened so that we can inform others .... and we can finally start to implement global changes, we all wait for the so long.

First - a reality check - let's look at the reality of a closer look at
Before I continue allow me to pre-determine a few facts.

1) governments have been corporations / companies. The corporate governance phenomenon is not only the fact that "governments" as beneficiaries (and not as trustee) of the government trust fund behavior, tracking the documentation proves this even! The United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Africa ... and the list goes on ... are all US-based corporative units, such as in the United States registered with the United States Security & Exchanges Commission (SEC, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for the control of securities trading in the United States), which, as such, is at our cost / expense of people. This "system" is an oligarchy (rule by the few), which is designed to use "select few", while the rest of us have to work for it in order to support this system.

2) People are bodies were: At birth, a birth certificate will be signed by your parents, which is then used by the corporate government to create a trust fund in your name. This Trust Fund is used as a pawn / debt security, and a deposit account is created in your name. You are the beneficiaries of this trust fund ... but nobody tells you that this exists. If you're not at the age of 7 years otherwise explain, you corporative government declared deceased - under Admiralty Law (Maritime Law)! - And the system treats you as someone "who was lost at sea." Seriously. The governing body takes over financial control of your funds and - apart from the fact that most of us are actually far more than seven years to live - they treated us as human slaves. The trust fund, created to fund our lives - use you as a debt security - are lent you when you need financing for a mortgage, etc. You will be forced to work for them to repay this financing the system - plus interest. Rightfully so you have no rights because you were declared at the age of 7 years as "dead." Thus, you are lost.

3) The mass media are a tool of the corporate government propaganda to you to deliver to the house. The propaganda is used to manipulate the public ideas about the action and inaction of the corporate governments to social norms, limits and behavior to solidify. And sell you all sorts of crap by a need / demand is generated, which is accompanied then by providing a product that satisfies this need. This is not confined to the media, the psychology of the "old" paradigm is reinforced by educational and religious institutions as well.

4) It follows that the structure of the world economy, a mechanism of mass slavery is was. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, their purchase or birth, and deprived of their right to cancel or refuse work. You know this situation?

You are born into a system without having someone explain how it works. You will be brought up and it is instilled in you to make your contribution to the system. You work to exhaustion in the system and have to pay on top of that the system still taxes. You have to follow the rules of the system - which relate to property and possessions - or the system punishes you. With the intention of wealth is granted only some select few, and many others get nothing. If you do not like it you can leave the system is not. The system "has" everything, everyone, everywhere. Until now, you had only one option: to participate. It's like living in a casino that has no exit. And the house always wins.

When our governments have been transformed into bodies?
It started with the introduction of the Federal Reserve System. As 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was introduced, has Congressman Charles Lindbergh, the U.S. House of Representatives in a report dated 22 December 1913 (Issue 51) warned that an inevitable consequence of the establishment of a Federal Reserve System would be - by their power could be used to bring about economic inflations and deflations - that companies could take control.

In the words of Mr Lindbergh: "From now on, economic crises (depressions) artificially created."

And here we are. In 1929, the former rulers (the powers that were) have deliberately brought the stock market to fall. How? Fluctuations in the stock market are of emotions driven. The stock market crash of 1929 previously created a stir in the market, which in turn led to inflation. Those who were in control have given their shares at the highest prices in the market and then have created a panic in the market. And crashed when the prices they have their shares repurchased at a book of what they were worth before - and there have also vacated their ailing competitors out of the way.

In short, the Great Depression was artificially created so that large corporations that controlled the stock market, could benefit if governments borrow money, which they need in order to recover from the staged collapse. Sovereign / independent nations were forced strongly to sign debt agreements, which naturally never be paid back. And when the national debt began to pile up, was the paradigm "debt slavery" officially in force ... and the company took control.

Corporative governments are nowadays still as if they were real governments. The system of the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve), which now dominates the western economy, continues in order to produce periods of "market boom" and "economic crises", by strategically attracting the reins of the monetary and credit system or loose leaves. The current global financial crisis is a prime example. And always play the mainstream media play their part by influencing the emotions of the stock market and promote political falsehoods.

But the complexity of the campaign OPPT has brought this system of business there, to be foreclosed. All companies, including governments and banking systems, have contributed through their own mechanism of commercial regulation for its own extinction. In other words, it was a case of "out with the old Trust Fund, in with the new" is!

It is now for the "overthrow of the government"?
No - it is the overthrow of corporations / companies that to this day as a government masks have. If one understands that "governments" are actually corporations that covers the constitutions of independent nations have overwritten, then its demise only as long overdue are considered.

The fraud of the government's real And also, by their inability to refute the UCC claims (filings), total corporation system of government has been guilty of fraud, treason and slavery. Under international law, the OPPT on behalf of the people the right to demand compensation for such crimes. They have decided to impound the responsible companies, banks and governments and dissolve, and collect all of their units and infrastructure of these units - including all the gold and silver, which the banks have possession - and to transform them into people's hands.

Think of it not as a revolution, look at it as a recovery of stolen property. The action of the One People's Public Trust (Trust Fund of the people who are One) is essentially only a recovery of what man - one anyway - the supreme beings on this planet. Universal Law (Universal Law), the common law and the UCC (Universal Commerce Code) are now the prevailing laws on the planet. (I'll describe later in detail the mechanism of the OPPT has begun to replace the necessary management functions.)

UCC (Universal Commerce Code): The Bible of trade
The UCC is the bible of the trade. It decides exactly the nature of the international exchange of goods and services. In fact, the entire trading system revolves around the UCC law. If your mortgage is your car impounded or is withdrawn from your possession the bank used for this purpose, the UCC process.

But the UCC law is not taught in law school. It remains in the territory of the companies and their officers, employees who dedicate their legal departments only in their required UCC laws in order to keep the knowledge of this important mechanism "in the house" ("in house"). Now, however, was one of the OPPT-trustee by profession for a time in the UCC law involved and immediately realized how "are no longer rulers" (powers that were) the UCC have manipulated the financial system of the United States at a very high controlling settled level.

UCC expert, mother and UCC spearhead Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf used the seizure of their own home as a test case. It has provided the means of attachment of the UCC process in question and discovered - to make it short - that the U.S. court system, without exception, the corporate system ( corporate support system).

This is not surprising when you consider that 99 percent of our laws relating to property rights - or with trading.

After careful research, particularly the OPPT has come to the conclusion that the corporations / companies that operate in disguise of governments and financial systems, commit treason against the people, without whose wissentlichem whose willful and deliberate their consent. The final report of the study can be found here (see original article).

Well ... pledge to "the system" the OPPT-trustees have set a trap by taking up the lawful structure, the company offered the "system".

As the Trustees have reached the foreclosures?
One of People's Public Trust is managed by the trustees Caleb Skinner, Hollis Randall Hillner and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. The OPPT was created as the Trustees have agreed to the trust fund obligation, and as a result, the Trust Fund has been set in the original U.S. Constitution of 1776, the Constitution, which was abandoned when the government of the United States was transformed in 1933 in a corporation.

Then the OPPT every individual on this planet justly linked as beneficiaries of the trust fund, known as "the One People, created by The Creator" (created by The Creator "). By doing this, the Trustees have formed a fund that has a superior claim against each other - the trust fund between the Creator and the "modes of being" on the ground. The "modes of being" on the ground, both the beneficiaries of the Creator as well as the asset manager of creative manifestations on earth. Legally, this means that there can be no higher than the claim of the One People's Public Trust ..... except for one that comes from the Creator.

The resources of our planet - the UCC claims (filings) listed as the gold and silver in the world - can therefore be possessed, nor will we sell at a certain price, even in "salary" units are metered to enslave us still be retained to produce poverty or lack. Under the One People's Public Trust we all have value. The planet's resources are now all of us equally. This is our birthright. It is now law .

Between 2011 and 2012, the trustee on behalf of the beneficiaries have filed a comprehensive series of claims (filings) in UCC. Full details of the OPPT-Claims at UCC can be found on its website ( ). Note: It is difficult to read and only for legal notices intended not to explain to the public the impact of OPPT-action. Anyway - the trustees are working directly with the global "alternative media" community together to ensure that the public receives accurate, clear and relevant information.

A summary of the documents:

With the understanding that are corporations / businesses, governments and banks are one and the same, an "order to refute" ("the Order of Finding and Action") for the "debtor" (customer) creates a legal person (entity), that was created on the UCC process, which includes all corporate entities. This order requires that the debtor "knowingly, willfully and intentionally to treason consent" means "the possession, action, assistance and aid to private money systems" and acting "slave systems, the conscious against ... citizens without their knowing, willful and consent can be used " .

The UCC claims (filings) are public documents and follow standardized administrative processes. If a claim is a unit (in this case "the debtor") has the right to beat a rebuttal. If this rebuttal / refutation within a given period is not available, a default action / injunction (default action) is applied, followed by the removal of this unit, in this case on the basis that there was a failure, the accusation of betrayal of "the One People to refute. "

It is now important to understand that a UCC claim as the law applies if it is not rebutted. And in this case ensured the OPPT-trustee that they created a legal situation in which the individuals and units that the " debtor form, " no possibility of refutation have. How can they even? The charges of slavery and fraud are real.

Of course, no rebuttal has been received.

The "debtor" is therefore guilty of treason.

As compensation companies (corporations) seized and recovered their shares.

The prosperity of the planet returns to the people ("the One People").

Any company debts are cleared.

"The system" is broken.

The public records show that.

The UCC claims (filings) are considered international law.

After the native conditions, the system no longer exists.

Click here for the Presser Declaration of 4 Read February 2013 (English).

We are free!

So, what does all this mean?
No one can legitimately as a superior authority between you and your relationship with the Creator are. With the elimination of the control mechanism of the economy and the government dismisses the One People's Public Trust (the Trust Fund of the people who are One) individuals in full ownership , personal responsibility for themselves and with the obligation to protect the rights of free will on the other . There is no longer a structural chain of command. No rules. No more business in order to hide behind. You are - as the Creator intended - one ontological nature and a protector of our planet and its inhabitants.

This is a MASSIVE paradigm shift, and indeed one of the undoubtedly need some time until it is completed. The systematic barriers that have hindered our free will and our choices have been eliminated, what now the way as we ourselves and the way we make decisions in our life with challenges. We are living now - at least on paper - in a system of self-responsibility. The OPPT-laws show that at all times, specifically so that your free will you can never be withdrawn from your informed consent.

Until that time, our existence has been under the former slave system a continuous struggle. A fight between work and family obligations, a struggle to do justice to all, a question of "afford" a habitat to - for a room there .

But in a world of Abundance, designed by the Creator in order to supply us with everything we need, this fight was not a natural condition. It was rather the result of a psychological war that was being waged against us. And it worked! He gave us people kept under control, let us work like good little slaves, and he made sure that the profits for the privileged few, the "power" had could be recouped.

But today, according to the native conditions is this "system" is no longer.

Many of us have "the system" viewed as what it was. Many did not see it. Many have no inkling that "the system" was a system at all. Many will recognize it soon.

Anyway - now that the demise of the old paradigm established itself and is visible in our society, however, a psychological change in us all to take place. It may seem overwhelming, but we humans have overcome earlier paradigm shift, if you think of the inner and psychological changes in the African-American slaves, as the system of forced servitude was abolished .... or if you think of the Germans when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 ..... when one thinks of the former citizens of the Soviet Union in 1991 to its disintegration .... or to the Egyptians, who have deposed their dictator, 2011 .... and when one thinks of the Icelanders, who have expressed their corrupt bankers and politicians to prison in 2012 and have posted their new constitution .....

This kind of psychological revolution is nothing new. But it presents us with many personal challenges.

This is the time to be brave, and to have the courage to be as SELF. Without a control structure, each of us take control of his own fate and the fate of our planet. We must re-learn to make their own decisions, and we need to start creating the world to want to live in the WE.

It's as if you just become parents. We have to accept that life will never be as before ... and without a "rule book" we must attune our instincts and learn to cooperate in a new way - with each other .

Why can I not see the change?
Be patient ... you'll see. First we need to figure out how the actions of the OPPT altered the legal map and what does that have to do with us.

If the old system in the corporate demise fight back? Of course, there is that! Controlled companies do governments continue as if nothing has changed. And if you continue to accept their system of debt slavery, I'm pretty sure that the earlier ruling (the powers that were) are happy to answer your demand.

But let's not deceive you: they know what happened. They know that they have been seized. You know that the game is over. It is now international law.

We have the freedom not to cooperate peacefully with the old system. It is time to apply this freedom.

If it seems strange that the visible "governments" still behave as such, keep in mind .... Visible governments are corporate puppets and do not have the final say. At this point, the former owners want us to believe it "everything as usual" would be "business as usual". You have to rely too heavily on that moment the secrecy. They will do to the end as if nothing happened. So they are even.

OPPT-trustee Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf has recently issued the following statement in an interview with Freedom Radio, summarizing their plan on how to proceed in this matter is:

"To all those who wonder about OPPT's reaction in terms of action or non-action of these people, that are visible to us, it is the sorcerer and the" big shots "behind the curtain, which I address .... and they know that Heather in absolute love and peace, with absolute gratitude and grace ... ".

How to deal with measures of the "old system" is
With the dissolution of Schulden-/Sklavensystems were any fictional debt that you think you owe the system, also disbanded. Think for a minute!

To a gentle transition - get out of the old system - promote you have to know what emergency-Aids you can apply to actions undertaken by the "old system" against you.

In two recent Wake Up World articles, we talked about a pre-OPPT method as you penetrated your authority over the corporate governance mechanism (read Part 1 & Part 2 , in the original article). This method is based on your knowledge, firstly, that the previous governments had company, and second, that the burden of proof lies with those who claim to have the authority of a legitimate government.

You can use these methods in a real case study observed in Scott Bartles documentary " What the FUQ? (Frequently Unanswered Questions of the "Australian Government ") Constantly unanswered questions in the" Australian Government ".

The crux of the challenge was this:

"You have made a claim to me that, with pleasure I would like to meet your needs ... however, I would like to verify that I am dealing with the right people. Please show me that you represent the true government, which was appointed at founding of this country. "

In this situation, after the company's government has failed to prove its legitimacy, you can take control and announce your terms and conditions, which have to take place under any interactions between you and that entity.

In a post-OPPT-world your approach to the authority of the alleged "corporate employees" is (including those who claim to represent the government) essentially:

"I would consider myself lucky to be able to meet your needs ... however, the UCC Act, there is a claim that has not been refuted, in which case your unit (entity), whose representative you claim to be, was seized. They now operate in your own liability. Please submit your claim one of me. Should you choose to continue to assert this claim, and any future interaction will take place between us under the following conditions .... "

Given the fact that these employees no longer represents a business entity, should courtesy notice (Courtesy Notice) will be sent to the individual, including the terms and conditions that describe the conditions under which you would accept future interactions. Both documents inform the other side and gives her the opportunity to withdraw their unlawful demand of you. If this employee then looking out of further contact with you, it triggers thus a personal contract with you because he renewed contact with indicating his consent to your conditions.

If another employee of the same company and share with you in the same matter together, repeat the process with this individual. Remember: companies no longer exist. You negotiate only with other individuals.

For specific instructions about your own courtesy notice (Courtesy Notice) and terms and conditions are to be designed under available. YOU have the power to put them into effect.

Public awareness of the new paradigm needs to manifest its time to get into the company. To the impact of the One People's Public Trust (Trust Fund of the people who are One) became known and accepted in the society, please be respectful towards those who know about it yet. Someday they will wake up as individuals in this new paradigm, and they will just stop in the name of the old company to act. If you have to send in the meantime someone a courtesy notice (Courtesy Notice), acknowledge your superior knowledge and take this opportunity to inform others with respect. Employees who are at the bottom of the previous companies / banks / governments operate, just like you and I, they are also slaves were of the same system. You know the truth just yet, that's all.

In the case of legal settlements, it is not recommended that you give a policeman on one courtesy communication accompanied by conditions that stops you on the road. Again, they're just like us .... and if you look at it realistically, they can lock you up and you "sue" if you approach them in this way. As long as public awareness has not experienced some penetration, give in this situation after (or tell you agree with his actions) and send him then a courtesy notice by fax, e-mail or submission letter ... or pass it to him personally. Should the situation escalate and come to a trial, notify the magistrate or magistrates (or similar) in the same way before the appointed court date! I would not recommend bringing a judge embarrassed by enabling him your terms and conditions in the courtroom vorlegst. If you proceed with respect and the judges allow yourself to read your courtesy notice before the court hearing in private, so you can reach a better outcome for all parties involved in this interaction.

Remember: The process of the courtesy notice (Courtesy Notice) into the game is as a learning experience for those who get them, as it is a solution to your situation for you. Cooperation between individuals is the key to manifest a new paradigm in our society. Without the corporate-controlled media reporting on this issue is public awareness of the One People's Public Trust (Trust Fund of the people who are One) arising solely by means of respectful sharing of information in our communities and networks.

Ultimately, we are all "one" (the One People) "created by the Creator."

What mechanisms will be made available by the OPPT?
With the legitimate resolution of the corporate governance systems is accompanied by the release of a variety of rules and regulations that were created in the legislative and administrative framework. For the beneficiaries of the One People's Public Trust, the UCC, the universal right (Universal Law) and the Common Law are the only rules.

Universal right (Universal Law) is to be controlled mainly by the overarching principle of the behavior between people. Means universal right, "any decision of free will is allowed, unless it interferes with the free will of another person. This is a fundamental OPPT-frame condition.

Common law is based on precedents that have been developed by the Court and Criminal Court judgments over millennia. Common law is based on the principle that it is unfair to apply the same conditions differently on different occasions, as well as on the principle of "Wrong none Inflict no harm".

To accomplish the transition to the post-OPPT-world, the trustees have a new legitimate framework - designed, which allows us to build a new world and as the old one - with the help of the Universal Law (Universal Law) and the Common Law system to dissolve.

Any person, and especially the military personnel whose done oaths upon dissolution of their company for which they worked, were repealed, to "knowingly, voluntarily and knowingly voluntarily" undertake the One People's Public Trust as a public servant ... to the people of the Creator to serve and protect them.

Public servants who wish to be,

"Authorized and instructed the blood and life" to "protect and preserve" all men;
authorized "to arrest all those ... deputies and officials (agents and officers) ... have the private financial systems, legal executions (and) slave systems, operate, support, favor";
authorized "all private money systems, tracking devices (tracking), Transferierungseinrichtungen (transfer ring), taking collection facilities, enforcement bodies to regain possession";
"Empowered, in its discretion (granted due authority of discretion) ... with all (and) all means, force / pressure (force), and strategies .... By completing this mission. "
In fact, members of the military are willing offered legal frameworks leave the company controlled military to be able to get yourself the OPPT Trust Fund to join and to participate actively in the repossession of the shares of the people (One People's).

And as I judge of human nature, an increasing number of employees will be happy about this "jobs"!

However ... the "enforcement" job does not mean that public servants come and arrest the debt collector who call you because of your excessive credit card. It is the responsibility of each of us - as being creatures of the Creator - to help others understand the "lower levels" this change by informing them and give them the courtesy notice. The "enforcement" mandate concerns the owner of the seized corporate governance structures: the 1%.

Support centers for people (Assistance Centers for the One People)
"Community Service" was certainly no motivation of the former owners "of the system." Nevertheless, companies fulfill their important functions for public assistance, such as police and public health services ... although they hoped we would not notice that there are business!

Well, what measures does OPPT before for public service?

Creator's Value Asset Centres (CVAC's) (in German about: creative assets-centers) are a support tool, intended to mankind (the asset manager of the earth) to support and serve. They offer an interconnected network of support erdumfassendes, operated by itself to mandatory public servants who are always full liability. These offer a simple framework of social management comprising eight functional areas.

Knowledge systems
Protection and peacekeeping
Responsibility / accountability (accountability)
Repossession *
* A transfer function for the recovery of resources, infrastructure and wealth of the people of the debtor (the One People), in accordance with the terms of the One People's Public Trust.

Any previous nation on this planet has the reserved access CVAC branch, except the Vatican. CVAC each branch offers the same services and operates in the same manner as the CVAC branches in other regions. Every person on this planet is supported by everyone really CVAC site from, and everyone has access to the same resources and support networks. Each administrative region of each CVAC is operated by a local council and managed by a council representative (steward), the foremost task is the coordination and support of the people (the One People) is in their decision making and problem solving. This structure also allows additional sub CVACs be created to adapt to new circumstances or initiatives. On condition that their functions are for the benefit of all beings, and they do not undermine the free will of others

In an interview with The CrowHouse on 15 February 2013, trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf CVAC has described the structure as "a safe and secure space for you to being and to do as you please ... you can only harm to anyone so".

Our possibilities are literally endless!

By definition the CVAC system of contrast to the corrupt company is "tools" that we called "governments". Liability, measurability and transparency are the cornerstones of the CVAC structure. CVAC is for us the platform to simplify laws and to unify and to ensure that the needs of all are taken into account. It prevents the right to free will of every living being is injured "in any form" and leads to "sustain all creatures and to protect and cherish, and to bring this asset to the center." The local council representatives and the council members are replaced every three months in its function, which is to ensure that public servants remain the people (the One People) required for all time.

For these reasons, the CVACs are the basis for a new type of social administration. The system now serves us and not vice versa. And with increasing awareness and support of the people (the One People), the first step will be to remove the old cabal.

Documentation relating to the design and conditions are available at the CVACs . More information will be released soon.

Go forward as "The people who are One" ("The One People")
One of People's Public Trust represents a massive paradigm shift. It provides a structural change that allows a long overdue energy exchange.

The OPPT confirmed / ratified our freedom as being creatures of the Creator for all time. He corrected the imbalance lawfully poverty, inequality and non-sustainability. It provides a platform through which we can experience all the wonders and resources of our planet. And with the removal of the facade of the business units and the ridiculous transcripts that protected the perpetrators, we will energetically all can bind together again. As being-being. With full responsibility. In equality. Just as we are. Free.

We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation.

I personally think that this transition feels like we're between two worlds. The system-related conditions that have controlled our lives have been eliminated, but the change has not yet been fully manifested in our external world around us. The process of converting former companies worldwide cooperatives will undoubtedly take some time, but we have already rejected the lawful authority to the old system. And yet it has not stopped pretending to be genuine.

But we have to make many decisions! What will we choose, what we want to BE and DO in the new world? What opportunities are we creating with the CVAC skeleton? And really, what do we do with the former ruling class (the powers that were)?

For now it is the duty of every human being, the freedom that has given us the One People's Public Trust paid to manifest in our daily lives, and helping others to understand this freedom to internalize and manifest in their lives also .

Freedom is not free lunch. It is accompanied by responsibility.

The change begins with you.

Doing the right things now.

Hot welcome your responsibility.

Say it on.



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Humor: The Atheist and the Bear

The Atheist and the Bear

An atheist was taking a walk through the woods. 'What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!', he said to himself. 
As he continued walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes. Turning to look, he saw an enormous bear charging towards him. 
He ran as fast as he could up the path. Looking over his shoulder he saw that the bear was closing in on him. His heart was pumping frantically and he tried to run even faster. 
He tripped and fell to the ground. Rolling over, he saw the bear raising his paw.
At that instant the atheist cried out: 'Oh my God!...'
Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
It was then that a bright light shone upon the man and a voice came out of the sky saying:
'You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to a cosmic accident.
Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament? Am I to count you as a believer?'
The atheist looked directly into the light.
'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps, could you make the BEAR a Christian?'
'Very well, 'said the voice. The light went out, and the sounds of the forest resumed.
And then the bear lowered his paw, bowed his head and spoke: 'Lord, bless this food which I am about to receive and for which I am truly thankful, Amen.'
Read more…

Sheldan Nidle’s 2/26/2013 Update

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

These are the last few quiet moments on your world before the exciting times begin, because the process of transforming your world, which includes ending a decades-long 'UFO' cover-up, will truly rattle your present reality.


Ummac Dan

3 Manik, 15 Zac, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come today with some very interesting news! The dark continues in tunnel-vision mode to try desperately to come up with some way to delay what they know is inevitable. Heaven is waiting for the last celestial sign to appear, and once this phenomenon has occurred, we will be expected to act swiftly and sweep the dark's minions into a place where they can do no more harm. This leaves us with a narrow timeframe before this happens, and so we are double-checking with our diverse allies to make sure that what is shortly to occur is all ready to go as quickly as possible. Our liaison personnel are carrying out a very short checklist and are confirming that all groups are fully prepared. In fact, most of them wish that this date were to arrive sooner than later, but despite this frustration the various groups within your major governments are showing great patience with what to them has been a very lengthy wait. Our ships are daily picking up on the dark's increasingly desperate global mischief making, and so we are busy doing remedial work to counter the damage that these misdeeds are designed to effect.

Meanwhile, our Agarthan family is also busy with the daily adjustments needed to update your numerous Light chambers. Our goal is to be ready at a moment's notice to transfer you to your Light-chamber residences in Agartha as soon as Heaven gives us the green light. Until that moment, several preparatory activities are to be carried out by your new governance. These include a startling series of announcements, followed by the instituting of policies that will shake up thoroughly the way your world is run. Most importantly, you will receive a formal proclamation of disclosure which will allow us to begin a series of messages preparing you for our first-contact landings. These are the last few quiet moments on your world before the exciting times begin, because the process of transforming your world, which includes ending a decades-long 'UFO' cover-up, will truly rattle your present reality. Presently, Heaven is setting up the last leg of your journey to full consciousness which will require the services of a personal mentor for each one of you. This is someone you can fully trust to educate you in the myriad truths that run counter to what you have been told since early childhood.

A vital part of your graduation into spiritual adulthood is to understand clearly how the Anunnaki and their well-trained minions deceived you for millennia. They used your then-new state of mortality to create a suffocating web of fear to keep you controlled and pliable. This pliability allowed them to basically run rampant over you and twist your world in any way they pleased. This dark construct is now to end, and in its place you will be able for the first time in 13 millennia to create a world that greatly pleases you. But remember that it is to be only a transitional realm, during which time you will be fully informed about what to expect and how to adapt to full consciousness. It is a huge step! As this interim realm takes shape, you will also take on many responsibilities. These you will also need to be prepared for, as they will rapidly move you into an enlightened way of living which will allow you to experience the true nature of your being and to get a clearer understanding of where you are headed. The mindless meanderings of limited consciousness are to come to a most pleasing conclusion!

This rise into a more uplifted way of life is what the next short period is all about. Also, this improved milieu will be more conducive to absorbing what we have to teach you. Your Ascended Masters are to begin a series of teachings elucidating the very nature of the Soul and how it blossoms when exposed to Light. Our contribution will be to explain to you about full consciousness as you need to be very clear about what lies ahead for you. Becoming a fully conscious Being is a delight that is beyond anything you can imagine at present. Together, the Ascended Masters and we will prepare you for this new life; the Light chambers are just the finishing touch. You are a spiritually oriented being, and we need to integrate your physical with your emotional and mental parts, and that is what these chambers do. Each of you requires unique adjustments of a very complex nature. This task will be a joint effort, and then you are to come under the guidance of your Ascended Masters who have been appointed by Heaven to lead you in your first series of missions to bring a permanent peace to this galaxy.

Blessings! We return with Good News! The great event in the Heavens approaches. This phenomenon is very special and its arrival constitutes the start of a new day for all on this most divine orb. When this event has run its course, you are to be free of the stifling miasmas of the dark. You will have new governance, prosperity, and most importantly, your freedom. Your new governance will make a series of announcements that are to change your world, and it is then that we can begin our new service to humanity. The new reality birthed on that day will accelerate a transformation that is to reintroduce sacredness to your lives, permitting you to witness a time of miracles and wonder. It is when Angels will reappear and the voice of Creation will be heard again throughout the land. And it is when you, at long last, emerge from your long amnesia and remember who and what you truly are.


One aspect of our new service is to teach you about the divine nature of physicality and allow you to remember all the special knowledge that you forgot when you were moved from full to limited consciousness. Your gracious return to your natural state will be celebrated throughout Heaven and will fulfill a prophecy made eons ago by blessed Archangel Michael. This stated that a time of darkness was to befall this realm, from which spiritual prison you would be freed some 13,000 years later by the great works of Heaven. This time is now! It is the moment for liberation and joy! The dark and its minions are to be swept away and a new day is to dawn upon Earth. Rejoice, my Sisters and Brothers! Shortly, the great horn of deliverance shall sound; Heaven's Light shall shine forth, and time for true wonder shall begin!

Your deliverance marks the beginning of new service for all. We have much to teach you and you have much to learn. Breaking out of this long sojourn through amnesia may mean some amount of distress for many of you, as full realization of what you have believed, and what you have done in the name of these beliefs, is likely to cause some anguish. Consequently, we the Ascended Masters are to take up a great wave of forgiveness and grace, and sweep it across all the lands of Earth and into the corners of all hearts that suffer. Draw this healing Light into you and allow it to reconcile the horrors foisted on you by the dark. Then from your heart's heart let it go with Love. Allow a new Light of joy and oneness to envelop you all, as in this miracle comes the sacred way to tread the final steps of your journey back to the wonder that is full consciousness. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we continued our weekly messages to you. We have reached a special point where great miracles can finally take place. We come to a pivotal stage of this long journey that began for us, then we were instructed to prepare for a mass first contact. Now comes the joy of actually coming forth and walking together to your sacred destinations! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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FEBRUARY 24, 2013

Greetings dear ones.  We come again to encourage and advise you regarding the current state many of you  find yourselves in.  There are huge changes taking place within the  physical, emotional, and mental bodies of every evolving individual.  Old energy from eons of time that were and still are stored within cellular memory is releasing.  This process uses a lot of  energy, often  leaving you  feeling depleted and wondering if there is a physical problem.  Honor this process--on the days you feel depleted, lay down and just rest if you can. Try to do less of the physical if you must be at your job. This depletion will pass and often varies from day to day. 
This is also a time when many are feeling anxious, confused, and concerned regarding what their next step is to be.  Do not try to figure this out. You have been trained to plan and use the mind for a solution to every situation.  That is not the way it is to be in the future.  You are learning to let go of the need to know everything and instead to  listen,  trusting your increasingly powerful intuition while not trying to figure everything out with the mind.  Mind in its purest sense, is an avenue of awareness.  If you have chosen ascension and are working to understand the deeper truths, then all is proceeding according to plan  regardless of how it seems nothing is happening.  You don't need to know exactly what is coming for the world and for yourselves personally, for it is still unfolding.  Your job is to allow that by staying  centered in truth through meditation and practice while  not getting energetically  involved in the negative appearances around you.  The world is shifting to a higher resonance and every bit of truth you know adds to it, helping to bring about the shift.
When you find you not longer enjoy certain foods in the amounts you used to, then just don't eat them any longer--foods or amounts.  If you discover that those entertainments  you always enjoyed no longer resonate with you, then don't keep trying to revive them--for in most cases, they are  finished.  Massive changes are taking place on all levels dear ones; friends, family, likes, and dislikes, concepts and beliefs are all finding  a new place within your consciousness.  The only error is in trying to hold on to what is finished.  "Go with the flow" as it is said, honor your intuition,  and do those things you are being guided to do in each moment even if it means laying down doing nothing. 
Mankind has been taught to keep physically and mentally busy in every moment which worked and was frequently necessary in  many very physical past lifetimes, but in the new energy "busyness" of mind and body can simply be a distraction  which at times can actually cause you to feel ill.  A constant barrage of noise  through 24/7 use of  phones,  media, electronic games etc. can be very off centering and discordant to the higher frequencies and simply serves to hold you in the old.  Release the hold  these things may have on you regardless of how much the world tells you they are "must haves".  We are not saying that you need to   give up  the things  or games you still enjoy,  but we are  saying that they need to take their proper place  through the realization that they are not a necessity.
We wish to speak today of energy which is  a topic you have all have read or heard about and often discuss yet many do not fully understand.  Energy is the vibration or  essence of  Divine Consciousness and is therefore the substance of all that is and the connection binding  all living things which you call Love.  Energy when interpreted by a consciousness that is not very evolved and is filled with false concepts and beliefs will appear and feel very dense and heavy.  Energy appears lighter and lighter as levels of awareness evolve and is pure Light in the higher dimensions. A person's aura is the energy resonance they are manifesting at a particular time.  The colors making up  an individual's aura are facets of this pure light.  The ever changing qualities of beliefs, past life experiences, talents, health etc. are all reflected in this diffusion of pure white light.  An individual's state of consciousness appears as their aura and is their personal energy field.    
You are often told to sent light to someone who having a hard time.  This means to see pure white or gold Light flowing to and surrounding them.  This will help to lift them into this higher, lighter frequency if they allow it .  Sometimes a person will refuse the Light  and you will experience this as  a blocking of the flow. If this happens, you simply give the Light  to the person's Higher Self to be released when it will be accepted. 
Colors  are simply facets or qualities broken out from  pure consciousness which is seen as white.  Many healing modalities teach you that one color is for this, or another color is for that which is true because each color has its own "job" so to speak, each a facet of that completeness that is Divine Consciousness.  However, when you send light to someone just send pure white or gold light because Light is consciousness and It knows far better than the human what the other person needs.   If you are given a certain color when doing this,  then you are being guided to include this ray when sending light.  The violet flame of St. Germain carries the energy of transmutation  and  is why you so often hear references to the violet flame. The violet ray is a powerful energy you can use for yourselves.  Picture yourself standing in the violet temple standing in the violet flame itself while holding  the intention that it  transmute all that is old and finished  into the new and higher.
Energy is frequency and can be used or  ms-used in the third dimension.  You use energy as electricity but it can kill.   Some try and use energy for  selfish ends  which is the essence of  the dark arts.   Right now you are feeling the  intensity of new and higher energies as they become the new you. This  is why you are experiencing buzzing noises in your head, ears ringing, dizziness, heart flutterings and so many other odd physical symptoms that would scare you if you did not understand what was happening. 
The  energy  making up the  whole you is changing in multitudinous ways you are not even aware of and  has never been done before while individuals remained in their physical bodies. Because of this you are presenting a whole new scenario to the many closely monitoring  this process from other planets.   Try not to fear with regard to  whatever you are experiencing at this time dear ones, but simply allow the process to unfold and do what you are guided to do even if or when  it is nothing. 
Please know that if you are experiencing intense physical issues that concern you,  it is entirely appropriate for you to go to your doctor, but also  understand that often  these issues will turn out to be your experience of the release of old injuries, memories, vows,  or anything from the  past or present  intense enough to be stored in cellular or emotional  memory. 
All is well dear ones, all is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group
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Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide


Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms


Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens' Arrests


Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today's historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens' arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.

The verdict read in part,

"We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy"

The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.

The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,

"The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.

"The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International will be issued against these Defendants".

The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).

The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.

These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants' institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.

None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.

"Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn't innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?" commented one Juror, based in England.

"These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren't Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it".

The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.

To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.

"This sentence gives a and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world" commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor's Office, who presented its case to the world. (see, November 6 and January 30 postings)

"The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily."

Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.

The citizens' arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.

These actions will be filmed and posted at here in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.

Please see the accompanying you tube video.

Issued by the Central Office,
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

25 February, 2013


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High level geopolitical horse trading going on around right now appears to be headed towards historical changes in how the world is managed will become visible in March. Big diplomatic moves have been seen with Japan, Russia, Europe, South America, Africa and the US during the past week, although with few public announcements. These talks are in preparation for big moves expected after a new Pope and a new Chinese government, formally take the reins of power in March.

As the horse trading continues, the following potential geopolitical chess moves have been hinted at by the various factions: the Pentagon would seize Nigeria’s oil fields, North Korea would attack Beijing and Shanghai with nukes, China would start a war with India, Japan would team up with Russia, the US and India to tame China, South America would link itself to Africa etc. etc.

What all this really amounts to is the various factions showing their strengths in preparations for replacing the Western dominated world system of governance with something more representative of the actual people of the planet.

There were also responses last week from MI5 and from the Vatican P2 about the attacks on the Queen and the papacy.

Here is the MI5 response to the accusations against the Queen made by US agency types and mentioned in last week’s issue of this newsletter:

This is linked to previous reports that the Monarchy is ‘owned’ by Rome and this is also presumably behind the current thinking that the Queen will be deposed because of the paedophile scandal which will hit the Vatican. First point about the handshake…the nearest likeness is the Lion’s Paw of the Master Mason. It is however very questionable whether HMQ is a Freemason and therefore whether the handshake can be interpreted as being Masonic. The most senior Freemason in England is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, who is first cousin to the Queen and Grand Master of Freemasons in England and Wales. If HMQ were a Mason she would be lower in rank than the Prince, leave alone the Pope.

Officially the Pope is not a Freemason either, as Masonry is prohibited by the Catholic Church, as is paedophilia. However Zagami says there are four Lodges inside the Vatican which are run by the administration for Satanic rituals below ground. Where, incidentally the CIA says that the remains of Jesus are buried, unascended.

A member of the P2 Freemason Lodge said only that the Queen used to be subordinate to the Pope in matters of doctrine “long ago.” This same source, a member of the Italian nobility, said the Pope announced his resignation because he was threatened with the murder of millions of Catholics, probably in Beirut, if he did not resign.

In any case last week there was a major, and under-reported, split between the UK and the cabal that controls the US and Europe. Essentially, the UK government announced that it was becoming the first major Western nation to directly trade its currency for Chinese Renminbi. This was followed by an announcement by the totally disgraced cabal “credit rating agency” Moody’s that Britain’s credit rating had been reduced. The British withdrawal from the US dollar/Euro group and move to direct forex dealing with China is a major blow to the cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European central bank. Australia has also already switched to direct dealings with the Renminbi, joining such powers as Japan, Russia and India and much of the rest of the world.

It is no coincidence this move comes a week before the new Chinese government formally takes over the reins of power in March.

Asia, as well, was the center of lots of jockeying for position last week. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan in particular has been trying to show himself to be a macho man. When he went to Washington last weekend, he asked the Americans to allow him to stay in power for his full term (4 years) and promised he obey them in exchange, according to Japanese military intelligence. Abe also apologized for being “too close to China” last time he was Prime Minister.

However, the Americans were having no part of any talk of allying with Japan against China since without Chinese money, the US would have become bankrupt a long time ago. The Japanese establishment, to hedge their bets, have also been making secret proposals to Russia to join them in a move to encircle China.

The Japanese also pulled out an ace from their sleeve last week when the North Koreans, who are secret allies of Japan, told the Chinese they had nuclear missiles aimed at Beijing and Shanghai, Japanese military intelligence said.

The Chinese, for their part, have agreed with the Taiwanese and with many Japanese factions that the solution to the territorial dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands would be to make Okinawa an independent kingdom again like it was until the cabal took over Japan in the Meiji era. In such a scenario the Chinese and Japanese would split the costs of US bases there in exchange for them becoming a neutral police force.

The Chinese war-mongering faction has now decided that if they need to start a war to strengthen internal Chinese unity that India would make a better target. The death of 100 million people would be “considered acceptable,” in such a war, according to a senior Chinese military source linked to an Asian secret society. This of course, is just a way of saying “do not under-estimate China.”

The US military industrial complex, for its part, showed off its likely strategy for dealing with imminent bankruptcy: the use of armed force. In particular, the US has begun to build up a major base in the African country of Niger, the only likely strategic aim of which would be to seize the rich oil fields of next door Nigeria. This is the pentagon’s way of saying they will do what is necessary to make sure they can keep filling their gas tanks no matter what happens in the financial world.

US Secretary of State John Kerry flew off to Europe and the Middle East last week to try to convince the Europeans, Russians and Sunni Muslims to unite behind dictator Obama.

However, the United States, a nation that has been constantly at war for most of the past 70 years, will find it now considered to be a friendless rogue nation. The momentum is with the 180 nation BRICS alliance. They wish to improve the environment and living standards of the planet. Their motto is simple: “make love, not war.”


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I though the last time I saw this/these things that they were gone ... but they came back yesterday again!
UFOS Fly Past SOHO Satellite Camera Today. HD.
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"You Do Not Communicate With Words"

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of communication. There are many at this time who have great difficulty communicating their true beliefs, thoughts and feelings with those they are closest too. Many believe that in order to communicate they must use words. You have been taught that in order to understand another you must listen, but really you must feel in order to understand. It is our intention today to help shed light on this topic and discuss some of the misconceptions about how one can communicate.

The use of language through words has been used on your planet for thousands upon thousands of years, however know that this was not always the case; nor is it necessary for communication to take place. You may look to the animal kingdom who have not developed a spoken language such as your own, and yet you can watch a flock of birds take off in sync, fish swerve and maneuver through water as one unit, and elephants who communicate their location to others miles away. Many may argue that animals do communicate through sounds that are natural to them; and we would agree that yes, animals do use sound as one form of communication, however what we are suggesting is that vocal sounds are not a necessary part of communication. Communication is shared through energy, through frequency.

Regardless of whether you intend to or not, all beings share their energy with others. The thoughts that you have create a vibration, a specific frequency which is then perceived by others around you. This is also why you are able to detect if someone is being genuine and authentic in the words they speak, you instinctually pick up on the thoughts and vibrations which the other person is giving off. When a person’s words and their thoughts do not match, you can perceive this. This intricate process of translation is all done subconsciously. Just as you do not have to give your heart specific instructions on how to pump blood through your body, you do not have to consciously know how to translate another’s frequency in order for you to feel their energy.

Another example of your ability to translate energy is the communication that is made between humans and animals. You do not speak the same language and yet there is a common understanding between a human and their pet. Not because the animal has learned your language but because animals and humans alike are skilled at perceiving and interpreting the energy around them. However, because the animals have not become reliant upon a spoken language to communicate, their ability to interpret others thoughts is much more precise.

When we send information to our messenger, we are not speaking any particular language and yet our energy is being translated into the English language. We are simply sending energy and it is being translated by the pineal gland in the brain into the English language because that is the language that our messenger speaks. However it is the heart center that is responsible for perceiving the energy of others. The mind can only translate the energy into the available words that exist within the person’s conscious mind; however the heart can “speak” all languages. This is what all of you do when you are “communicating” with another being. In many cases two humans who do not speak the same language can decipher the overall message that is being “communicated”. Not because they can understand the language that is being spoken, but because the words are not what is actually used to communicate. It’s the energy that is carried in the words.

You do not actually communicate with words, they are simply the vessel you are using to send and receive messages. Words are simply the carrier of energy; they are not the message themselves. This goes for both written and spoken words; both simply carry energy. Words in and of themselves are neutral; it is only the energy which you give them that determines the meaning behind them.

In the higher realms there is no need for a language to be spoken. Our thoughts are shared instantly with others. We do not choose to remain in a physical reality, and therefore we do not have a physical voice to speak with nor do we have physical ears to “hear” with. We perceive our reality in non-physicality. The five physical senses are something that humans often take for granted, however when you return to the higher realms you will no longer have a physical body beyond the 5th dimension.

Without the use of a spoken language, we do not experience the misunderstandings that take place when relying so heavily on a spoken language to deliver our messages. The limits that exist in a spoken language are not able to fully convey all that the heart feels. Many arguments ensue on your world, not necessarily because of the differing of opinions but rather it is the strong desire of each person to be “heard” and understood. When everyone can truly understand everyone else on your planet, you will no longer experience the “need” for war on your world.

Your reliance on a spoken language will slowly be replaced by the ability to once again fully communicate through thoughts alone. We find the spoken language to be very constricting, as there are often times no words available that will properly communicate the magnitude of some emotions. The wide depth and array of emotions that you are able to experience in your world cannot be expressed through your words but rather through the strong energy which you feel and therefore emit for others to perceive. For instance, words cannot truly describe the love that you feel for your child; instead the child feels the love that you have for them. Thoughts are felt, not heard.

The spoken language is in many ways limiting for that very reason; it is difficult to fully convey your true feelings with just words. In the higher realms, although there are still different opinions, you are able to fully understand the depth of another’s opinion and why they have come to that conclusion. We see the differing of opinions as simply another way to perceive the reality we share. Another’s opinion does not negate the validity of our perspective, it simply adds to it. When you no longer rely on a spoken language to communicate, you will actually communicate with one another far more than you ever have before.

Humans have long since revered themselves as being more intelligent than other beings. The development of the spoken and written language has been used many times to solidify this argument; however in developing and relying so heavily on the use of language, you have allowed your natural ability to fully communicate telepathically to deteriorate. Animals, although many have not developed a spoken language, they have maintained their innate ability to communicate their exact emotion and thoughts with one another in an instant. Societies of whales, dolphins, apes and elephants are just some of the animals who have developed a form of vocal language however it is never a necessity for them in order to communicate; rather it is simply a preference that they can use at will.

Each human is born with the ability to fully communicate their every thought and feeling without the use of a spoken language; just as each human is also born with the innate ability to perceive the thoughts and feelings of others around them. This ability is usually not cultivated and over time with the introduction of spoken language which they then become so heavily reliant on for all means of communication; the ability fades. However know that it never fully goes away, it simply weakens because it is not used. Although few have kept the conscious ability to communicate telepathically in its fullest capacity, all of you have the ability to detect the energy in another being. A person does not need to speak for you to perceive that they are angry, sad, happy or at peace. You are able to discern another’s overall emotion simply by being in their presence. There will once again come a time when humans will not “need” to speak to one another to convey their thoughts; rather it will simply be a preference that they will sometimes partake in, yet it will no longer be a necessity.

As you continue to expand your consciousness and regain your abilities which have lied dormant within you, we ask you to remember that words are not the message; they are simply just the vessel which is used to carry the message. To listen is to simply hear the words which one speaks, yet to understand another you must open your heart. That is where true communication lies.

We hope that this message has in some way served you,

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.

Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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