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There have been certain developments behind the scenes which I am finally allowed to speak about.
The Resistance has also blocked a certain technology that the etheric Archons had through which they could manifest their minions on the physical plane. All apparitions of Greys and Reptilians have thus ended.
Shades of "Day After Tomorrow"
From his website:
So, is this just to discredit him, or do the disinformers want to get people distracted with another Planet X false alarm?
February 27, 2013 posting ... !!!!!!!!!!!!! EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT ... DISINFORMATION UPDATE !!!! THE DISINFO CREW IS AT IT AGAIN ... AT LEAST 2 YOUTUBE POSTINGS ARE TRYING TO IMPERSONATE ME AND PASS FALSE INFORMATION ... there are at least 2 youtube videos posted recently by nameless disinformation agents placing my voice making it look like i am saying that a planet X object is coming into the solar system at this time ... THIS IS NOT TRUE ... I AM NOT SAYING ANY SUCH THING ... AND THIS IS WHY I NEVER POST ON YOUTUBE OR ANY OTHER MEDIUM EXCEPT MY OWN WEB PAGE ... what they have done is chopped segments of a 2004 program of mine and posted a february 2013 date on the face and posted on youtube under 2 different names making it sound like i am stating planet X object is now in the solar system ... then in the listener comments they of course post many slams trying to make me look like a nut case making false predictions of planet X ... I AM CURRENTLY WORKING WITH YOUTUBE TO HAVE THESE POSTINGS REMOVED ... this should show you that i am succeeding in informing the public of REAL events and exposing the government bogus tier II science for what it is ... this type of misinformation is their form of damage control as we head into this year of GREAT COMETs in which NASA and their fairy tale science will be exposed worldwide for the garbage that it is and my Plasma Discharge Comet Model will become the clear truth on the topic of comets and the electrical nature of our solar system ... this comes also as i am about the release my latest book (see the next posting) ... it seems someone is afraid of my success ... jim mccanney
To Protect Solar System Detailed By Dr. Richard Boylan
Old-timers here remember "The Shadow." For everyone else, Shadow is a galactically smart guy with lots of great insights, who has been missed since he got out of the "doom and gloom" business. He knows a lot about Nostradamus and prophecies. And he's going to be in Rome in a few weeks when the new Pope is chosen. As he said, "how's that for being the end-of-the-world Johnny-on-the-spot"? Anyway, heeeeeeeeere's Shadow......
As you probably know, the Pope to be elected is going to be the final Pope of the Catholic Church according to the predictions of the Irish prophet St. Malachai. Malachai foresaw something like 112 Popes from his own time and accurately described each of them. The last Pope is to oversee a time of great tribulation (the end times) after which there is no more Catholic Church.
Now, according to Nostradamus a la Dolores Cannon, this last Pope is, in fact, to become the tool of the Antichrist. The idea is that the Pope will leak information from the secret Vatican archives that will destroy the church from within, thereby making people everywhere doubt organized religions. As a result, many will turn to the Antichrist and follow him instead.
Nostradamus gives the following additional pieces of information about this Pope: (1) Born April 4. (2) French, possibly born in Burgundy. (3) Physically deformed or otherwise debilitated in some way.
Putting all this information together, I looked through the list of cardinals and found that a man named Jean-Louis Tauran, age 69, fits the bill rather nicely. French, yes. Born April 3 or 5 depending on the source. And the man formerly worked as overseer of the Vatican secret archives. Also, he suffers from Parkinson's disease, which is why most people don't think he'll be elected. (According to one online article, he's otherwise, on paper, the most likely candidate.)
But, events of late in the Catholic church may suggest otherwise. For whatever strange reason, 3 cardinals did some sort of investigation this past year, which supposedly turned up massive corruption within the church: banking scandals, pedophile stuff, gay priest clubs, infighting of all sorts, etc. The resulting report is deemed so explosive that even the cardinals who are picking the new Pope aren't going to be allowed to see it. Only the new Pope is.
Interestingly enough, Tauran himself is the one cardinal who I keep finding in news articles as demanding the release of the information and the naming of names.
So, here's what I think. I think that the report in question was instigated somehow behind the scenes by the Antichrist. I think he used the information in the report to get the current Pope to step down (many others online have speculated that the current Pope's decision grew out of blackmail).
I think that Tauran will be elected and that when he is, he will release the report even though he promises in advance not to do so. This fits Nostradamus's prediction that the last Pope will excommunicate several cardinals when he first gets into office.
Anyway, that's the basic idea. If it happens, world war 3 may not be far behind according to Nostradamus.
UPDATE 3/4/13:
One of the main links that Nostradamus makes regarding the last Pope is that he is deeply involved in Vatican banking. This is where a lot of the Vatican's dirtiest dirt can be found and no doubt it will be of great use for blackmail and financing purposes by the Antichrist.
Anyway, it didn't look like my pick for Pope (Jean-Louis Tauran) had any such connection even though he fit so many other criteria. But then, yesterday, I discovered something quite extraordinary. You see, the Vatican Bank is actually called "The Institute for the Works of Religion". Ha ha, what a ridiculous euphemism. That's why I missed it when I was looking through Tauran's bio.
But guess what? Tauran has been one of the three cardinals who oversee the Vatican Bank since 2003. And in a recent shakeup of the oversight of this institution that happened in 2008, he was one of the only cardinals not to get sacked. In fact, it's worth noting that Tauran became a cardinal in 2003 and was immediately appointed to oversee the Vatican secret archives and appointed to this banking post. That is an astounding "coincidence" as those are precisely the two arenas that Nostradamus specifies for the last Pope, keys by which the Antichrist brings down the Catholic Church.
And while that may be of little interest to most non-Catholics, remember that there are over a billion Catholics in the world. That's a pretty big pool of people that will be fishing around for a new religion. Who better to guide them than the man who showed them the truth of their old religion?