It is therefore of utmost importance to stop fighting against or run "anti" campaigns, movements or aggressive revolutions against whatever it is you don't want to see or experience in your world. The more you counter what you don't like or even loathe, the more you help perpetuate it. You do this by lending your energy, your emotional reactions, your precious life force and your free will towards prolonging the very issue you seek to stop. This is why the only winners in any war are ever the international banksters who finance and encourage both sides of any conflict, because they know that it is the biggest money and energy generating business of all time! But among the fighting parties, there is only ever loss. So what do I do, you ask! Should I just stay on the sidelines and let things that are so obviously wrong go unnoticed and let them continue unchecked?! No. Of course not. You can put a stop to anything that needs stopping. As a matter of fact, your integrity and sense of truth, won't let you do otherwise. But you must never forget that the true enemy who lives in each of our contaminated minds, isn't after anything other than complete control over human consciousness. And it attempts doing so by plunging us into fear, aggression and separation of all kinds. So when you fight against or put all your emotional and life force energy behind a cause that is anti anything, you are feeding your enemy's very goal. You say energetically: I am this but not that other. Kind of like George W. Bush spouting that now infamous line: "You are either with us or you are with the terrorists!" at every opportunity. And look where this one single artificially created separation of our collective consciousness has led ever since! And that's only one of many such separations, we can either choose to buy into with our free will, or discard as simply not being our choice to participate in. I cannot stress enough the importance of correct use of our human free will. We each have it. And we each are fully responsible for where we place it and how we use it. So to stop what you don't like, stop participating in campaigns that tie up your precious energy and life into endless fighting and practice what you wish to see instead. If you hate war, practice peace. Within you, in your family unit, in your community. Be a conscious peace maker. Be a Lover not a fighter. You will quickly create a pool of pure light within you and all around you. One person can affect millions of lives. If you are upset at the ruthlessness and greed of a corporation, don't go fighting them in court. Simply stop buying any of their products and start a campaign to educate others in doing the same. Corporations need buyers. If you stop giving your energy and money which is another form of energy away to them, they will feel it where it hurts them the most, their pockets. And they will then have a choice to either change or go under. The same applies to tyrannical government. Educate your opponents by practicing what you wish to see in the world. By giving your energy and time towards positive change for the Highest Greatest Good of Everyone! Stop fighting and practice your truth in every action, thought and feeling. And watch yourself and your world change as a result all around you, just like magic. Because this is what Love truly is. The only magical solution anyone of us will ever need!
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Meditation with Action! Step by step instructions to create a joyful life! |
APRIL 8,2018 Dear readers, we greet you with love and gratitude for your hard work and continuing efforts to bring more Light and awareness to a world in chaos.. Present times are intense in many ways for everyone, both those who have awakened to truth and those who have not. You are wayshowers, the ones bringing Light into the minds of so many feeling confused and lost as much that has constituted foundational belief systems begins to crumble. You are bringing the energy of truth to mass consciousness simply by living from your own highest level of awareness. Ascension simply means shifting fully into a new and higher level of spiritual consciousness. Never believe that you are doing nothing as you go about your day, no matter how ordinary it may seem, for your very presence can lift someone receptive. Your consciousness and energy field goes with you wherever you go. There remain many rites and rituals taught as requirements for assisting others, but at some point a state of consciousness is attained that realizes nothing needs healing, changing, or fixing. Once this state of consciousness is attained it can shift the consciousness of those receptive because the seeker has aligned himself with the higher energy field. This is how master Jesus healed. His consciousness contained no beliefs of discord or disease, and so when anyone seeking healing came to him they automatically entered into his consciousness where disease did not exist. However, he always reminded them not to go back to their old state of consciousness where they would simply re-create the situation, which is true today. You are consciousness, and not the physical body/vehicle necessary for living in earth's energies. It is your attained level of consciousness, your energy field, that helps awaken those ready for more rather than any forms of preaching, proselytizing, or demanding. You have all experienced people or places that you prefer to avoid, ones that leave you feeling drained and heavy. This is because there is only ONE, and when you align with lower resonating energies, they becomes yours and you feel them. Everyone carries a personal energy field/aura reflective of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of consciousness. Some are able to see this energy, but everyone can sense or feel it. Those living from an evolved level awareness soon find that denser energies no longer affect them as they once did. This is because slow/lower resonating energies cannot to enter into the higher/lighter. Aligning with denser energies frequently happens without conscious awareness through engaged interactions with certain people, places, or things, and often simply through well meaning attempts to help someone. We are not saying that you must never be in the presence of the denser energies, for that would be impossible and does not constitute alignment with them. Many of you are engaged in employment that requires you to be around denser energies, and most visit a bar now and then. Avoiding "occasions of evil" is an old religious teaching that may help children, but not evolving adults. What we are saying is that when you find yourself in the presence of people or places of lower resonating energy, simply stay centered and alert. Let your interactions with others who may be seeking advice flow from the level of compassion (staying in your Light) rather than sympathy (aligning with the problem). You will know when you have aligned with lower resonating energy because it leaves you feeling drained. We wish to speak of peace. In the third dimension, peace is something to be attained between individuals or countries. In reality, peace is simply the manifestation of Oneness. Peace has always been and forever will be, because it IS. Only the conscious realization of oneness in universal consciousness will manifest as permanent world peace because consciousness is the substance of everything. A consciousness of Oneness holds nothing to interfere with or block omnipresent Divine balance and harmony, whether it be between humans, countries, or nature. Peace is the only interaction possible within ONE. Peace, being the essence of Source, must therefore be a facet of everyone's consciousness, never needing to be attained or sought after, but rather recognized. Consciousness is always expressing itself. If those directing peace efforts have not attained a consciousness of peace, they have nothing with which to create real peace. You cannot make something out of nothing. As more and more souls awaken into the truth of oneness, peace of all areas of life will begin to manifest. Peace created out of duality and separation can never be permanent because it is built on a foundation of sand--illusion. Peace, like everything else in the three dimensional world, is the material sense of a deeper spiritual reality (ONEness) and must be known and integrated by individuals and countries before it can manifest. This is evolution. The world hungers for peace, but the already present peace within everyone lies buried under layers of ignorance. Every soul innately knows that peace is their birthright, but does not realize that their belief system limits access to it. Couples seek peace in relationships, parents seek peace with their children, governments seek peace with other countries and their own citizens, but all continue to seek it in the wrong places. The third dimension always attempts to change bad appearances into good appearances, representing duality at its finest. Both are simply two ends of the same stick. Good human appearances are no more real than bad human appearances. Harmony only becomes permanent when one or a majority are able to see through appearances to the reality that exists behind them. At this time, most so called "leaders" are simply shoving game pieces around on a giant world game board, using illusion and false beliefs to bring about what they personally want. The reality is that everything anyone or any country could ever have need of is already fully present awaiting recognition. New and more evolved leaders are waiting on the side lines. We do not say that you must never see a good marriage or family counselor if that is your need. Nor are we saying that laws and jails are not important, because there are many still in need the three dimensional tools. Valuable assistance is provided for all levels of awareness. When you feel the need for some outside help, allow yourself to be intuitively guided to those working from a higher and more enlightened level. Never believe that finding yourself in some sort of difficult three dimensional situation is spiritual failure on your part, because it is often a graduation, the very experience necessary to clear some old concept or belief. When an individual seriously begins inner work, there are very few "accidents". True, and lasting peace can only happen when mankind is willing and able to leave behind the false and limiting beliefs of duality and separation. This is what ascension is, the evolution out of illusion and into reality--a consciousness of Oneness. This is what you are witnessing in the world right now and what is causing the chaos, confusion, violence, protests, etc.-- the old does not give up its hold easily. As you attain a consciousness of peace, it automatically manifests as you go about your day, no matter how seemingly ordinary. It is your state of consciousness appearing AS the person who holds the door for you, AS the dog who runs up to you wagging his tail with love, AS a hug from someone when you most need it. AS the person in a long check-out line that offers you his place. Harmony, abundance, peace etc. never comes from another, but rather through them, manifestations of your own attained state of consciousness. Ponder this. Peace is a consciousness able to experience the harmony, balance, cooperation etc. embodied within the ONE--a peace that can effect everyone within range of that consciousness with no personal effort. This does not mean that once this awareness is attained there will never again be situations in which you may be required to take some firm action as a parent, teacher, law enforcement officer, or even military, but you now do what is necessary from a consciousness of peace allowing those words and actions to flow on energies able to uplift, help, and perhaps even awaken the other. True peace is coming dear ones, but because it is a state of consciousness, it needs time to birth and mature. Allow the illusions of obsolete world beliefs to kick and scream as much they want as they dissolve, for they hold only the power they are given, having none of their own. Never forget that as the Divine in expression you are creators, and in the increasingly intense energies of ascension, you are creating much more quickly. BE the peace you seek and BE the love you have looked to others for. It is a new time, a time in which you are ready to know, accept, realize, and integrate; "Everything I have been seeking, lifetime after lifetime, I already am." We are the Arcturian Group 4/8/18 |
This is probably the most important invention of our lifetime and I am going to try and find one.
Dr Robert Bob Beck Lecture - Suppressed Medical Discovery To Treat All Disease
Beloved Nada says “It is an Honor, My Dear Ones, to be given the Trust by Life, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” to guard a Focus of the Ascended Masters’ Activity, and to guard the Gift They have given to be used in the Service of the Light.”
It is an Honor; and I would like everyone under this Radiation to understand that each one, because of the Truth you have been given and the Assistance that has come to you from the Ascended Host in this Activity of the “I AM,” each of you is a Guardian of the Gift that has been given to you, and through which you have received the Blessings that you have thus far.
So whether you are in a so-called position of authority or not does not mean that you’re not a Guardian of this “I AM” Activity, to hold It Sacred and untouched by the depraved forces of the outer world. Each one who has been blessed by the Mighty Saint Germain through the Knowledge He has given is Honor-bound unto the Law of Life to be a Guardian of the Trust that Life has given – when It has poured forth the Truth of the Cosmic Law and the Radiation of Love and Purity and Power from the Ascended Masters by which the individual may attain His Ascension, and be the Channel to carry this Light to help others be Free in the Ascension also. So everyone who has the Knowledge and has been blessed by having the Love and Assistance of the Ascended Host is automatically expected to honor the Trust of knowing this Law and using Its Power in the physical octave to become Free.
So don’t let anyone take the stand, “Well, I haven’t been appointed, or I haven’t been the one who is supposed to have the authority - somebody else has got the authority . I’m not, and so on!” Well, let Me tell you, everyone is entrusted by Life, the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended Host, with the Trust of guarding the divinest of things that Life can give in the Universe, and that’s the Knowledge of the “Beloved I AM Presence”!
Vol. 15 – Ascended Masters Speak on Angels, p. 67
Saint Germain Press.
This is an excerpt on the resurrection flame is from the 1991 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 34 No. 12 – Lady Master Nada's dictation A Purging Love.
The resurrection flame does flush out, does consume, does carry away, does refine before it comes to the final work upon your soul, clothing you in garments of the Sixth Ray, clothing you in that Light of Christhood.
Thus the resurrection flame brings to the fore all of the Good, all of the attainment, all that you have won as victory lifetime after lifetime, which the fallen angels have denied and taken from you, mounting upon you again and again the condemnation of Death and Hell itself.
Resurrection’s fire brings now new life, the green of springtime, the new shoots. And all that is less, all that is not to be preserved is taken away as you yourself reject it. Keep this. Reject that. It is a sorting process.
The resurrection flame sorts for you but you have free will. You must be able to look at things, records, people, situations, longings, unfulfilled expectations and say to them all:
“I am a God-free being complete in myself in the heart of God. I do not need this. I do not need that. I do not need the next thing. Others may need my belongings. Let them have them. I am a being of Love and Love’s resurrection. I will give Love and all else I have I shall give away.”
Be God-free, beloved, for in the way of life in this decade you may more easily meet an angel or an Ascended Master walking down the street than a discarnate entity–if you keep the ring of fire round about you. Let your presence be fierce in Divine Love, perpetually repelling negative forces! They come to steal your Light. Do not be entertained by them nor entertain them.
Move with definiteness of purpose! Move with the inner vision. Move with the awareness that you are a sphere of Light, you are a compartment of God’s consciousness and we use you twenty-four hours a day to bring Light, Light, Light–Light of the Central Sun, Light of the Sacred Heart, Light of your Holy Christ Self [to all servants of God in the earth].
Be a sending and receiving station. Be a beacon in the night. Be a pillar of fire and a lighthouse on the rock! Many have need of your heart’s love.
I call you to the role of angel, of Ascended Master and of teacher. I call you, beloved. For I present to you another vision, not that which you see on television as role models of glamour pass before you, as the soap operas play on and on out of the astral realm, those patterns insidiously entering the lives of many [who, by their attention on them,] are consigned to such a narrow band of this physical octave, such a narrow [space between] top and bottom.
Consciousness is narrow on this platform called planet earth. Have none of it! Expand into the third and fourth dimensions, beloved. Move in the earth as you are in what you are: the Great God Self in the process of merging with your soul, your soul in the process of becoming the bride of the Lamb.
Think big, beloved! Your Causal Body is vast, yet you use but a trickle of it. Your Mighty I AM Presence is all the Power, all the Wisdom, all the Love of a cosmos, yet somehow [your] threefold flame does not grow proportionately. It will in answer to your call but you must have the vision! You must have the understanding of just how mighty is the Lord and how much of that Lord can manifest through you daily.
O the Love of the heavenly hosts! O the divine pity for all upon earth! O the sense of joy, of hope, of courage we bring! These are days of golden sunshine, of hours infilled with the finest perceptions: a sense of co-measurement of who you are, who you have been for a million years and more, where you are surely going on the path of your ascension. With your determination fixed on the goal, blessed ones, by the grace of God you will not fail.…/