Try to feel that We are close to you every day. We’re no farther away from you than your own Heart’s Love and your attention to Us, because Our Life is One with yours. And Our Life, being the Master Life that has mastered conditions in this world, now is ready to forever strengthen and expand and protect all that is of the Light in you. Every desire you have for Perfection is an Expansion of that Light; and if you so desire It, if you so command It, We shall be Its Invincible Protection about that which you want to manifest until the hordes of the shadows are consumed, and mankind is no longer allowed to create discord to desecrate God’s Universe.
Excerpt from the Beloved Jesus the Christ from Volume 17
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All Posts (53)
SitRep on the Reval
Steve Beckow: Sheldon Nidle says any remaining obstacles [to the Reval] will be quickly passed so the process is expected to begin shortly. (1)
Is it going to happen very soon?
Archangel Michael: That is correct.
Steve: So not to pack our bags, but to start to think about where our bags are, that kind of thing?
AAM: Yes, to know where your bags are and what you would pack.
Understand this is a multi-phase project and it is already underway.
The Process Involved
Steve: Can we talk a little bit about that?
It’s a multi-phase project. It’s a multidimensional, multi-civilizational project. Could you please describe just how big this is or how complex it is in a general way so that we can understand?
Rather than us waiting every day and saying, “Well, it didn’t come today" or "it is going to come tomorrow because the French election was held.”
AAM: And that is absurd.
As human beings involved in this process, and we understand your eagerness, etc., but what you do and what many of those involved do is mine the news for various events and then you attach all kinds of significance to what we would call everyday events.
I’m going to explain this so buckle up, sweet one!
You attach significance, which may or may not be true, to everyday events and in so doing you are living in tomorrow and you’re living in yesterday rather than in your current reality of the gift of each and every moment of the day.
So you are always looking forward and you are always looking back and what you are saying is, “Oh this is the reason why it has or has not happened.”
We truly would guide you, we would even plead and beg with you, to stop it.
The Team via Peggy Black, May 16th, 2017
Realize that you are part of an amazing network of conscious multidimensional beings who know who they are and know the work they came here to do. This network is available to you at all times. You are not alone in your efforts, quite the contrary. The connection to this network is your intention. The doorway or portal is your imagination.
Remember that you are pure energy and where you place your focus is where that energy goes. So focus on connecting to this invisible network of other conscious beings of pure energy. If it assists you, envision or imagine a sacred place to which you go to connect. Create that space or alchemical chamber. See, feel or imagine others of pure energy joining you. Practice this; make this a daily focus. It does not need to take a lot of time in your busy life. Remember, it is the willingness, the intention and allowing.
Imagine, sense or feel yourself joining other conscious beings in this higher realm. Know that you are a significant part of the many millions who are also creating this energy network of love and light. Surround your beloved planet earth. Breathe life into your intention as you focus and offer your own clear vibrations to this amazing field that is being created moment to moment in the higher dimensions.
It takes courage to stand for truth and to do what is right for humanity. Watch how these people attack those who try to prepare you for the Event. They pathetically attack what they once stood for. They are to be pitied as they are in fear. Soon it will not be possible to keep a foot in both camps. Much is being blocked and problems are created where none had existed. Try not to let it get to you. Rise above it, as it is temporary and it will not last. You know that the Cabal will fail.
The Universal Reset, NESARA, S.O.U.L
Greetings Divine Creators! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. Continue reading
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 12 May 2017
It seems that the negative forces are being driven out of their underground bases and unable to maintain global control. The cleansing will continue until they no longer represent a threat to Humanity, allowing greater control by the Forces of Light. It can only be a matter of time before their control over your news sources is released, and enable the real news to be given. Up to now you have to scan the Internet for the truth when many websites feed you false information. However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, you will at least have a reasonable idea of what is really happening.
The Freemasons have a stranglehold on Ireland. They keep it down and prevent it from flourishing as it should. If the people of Ireland ever took the time to understand who they are, and what made Ireland what it is, they would remove all freemasons and all representatives of the Vatican from that sacred land. Release the sacred energy from all the sacred places and ley lines and you will help humanity to be released from bondage.
Call It Your Bow Wave – The Council
Judas Iscariot
Sunday, April 30th, 2017
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I have come to today to calm you all. It might seem as if nothing is happening, but much is happening behind the scene. The world is on fire dear friends. The world is on fire with light. It is a beautiful fire that sweeps over Earth today. It is a fire that unstoppably penetrates everywhere and loosens up even the worst of blockages. There is nowhere to hide now, my dear friends. Follow the light or remain in the darkness. The choice is yours, you have your free will and it can never be taken away from you. My advice is to follow the light. All of you who are tired of the dark seek the light in your heart. You can find it there and it has always been there. It has waited and waited for you to one day open the door so that it could come out and begin to shine inside you. It is your helper and companion and leads you home – Home to the beautiful abode of light and love from where you once came. So, hurry up now dear children on Earth, the door is open, you just have to step in.
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 5 May 2017
Each day you are getting closer to the point when the dark Ones will have been sufficiently subdued to allow welcome changes in your currencies. Currently much activity is taking place to remove those that hide within the Earth, who are being told to surrender or face annihilation. This leaves the changes to be taken to clear their weaponisation of Space, making it safe for welcome visiting craft to land on Earth. All these are necessary to allow the New Age to be safely introduced and without delay. Be assured that preparations for this time have been going on for quite a long time, and as soon as the “obstructions” have been removed events will go speeding ahead. The changes are overdue and inevitable and within a few years will have already started to transform your society.
You are now in a time when you must keep control of your emotions and not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind. It cannot be sufficiently emphasised how important it is to maintain a calm approach to earthly matters, that at times may be disturbing. These will be the last signs of any significance in the reactions of those who do not understand that a cleansing has to take place before the new can be introduced. The change in vibrations will unsettle those who cannot accept them as they will be unable to comprehend what is taking place. Until there is a free Press it is difficult to convey the truth to all people, as those still under the control of the Illuminati will continue to be confused.
The Best Scenarios
Heavenletter #6007 Published on: May 6, 2017
Rather, fantasize a future rich with what you desire. Surely, the difference between worry and fantasy are not far apart. Invite that which you desire. Make your will known loud and clear. Give the Universe no doubt about what you want to have.
You never conceded that you were someone who threatens yourself. Tell Me, what can all your worry be but ominous dire prediction? Drop worry like a hot potato. Kick worry away. Be done with exploring what you see as the worst that could befall a nice person like you.