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Tolec Interview 5/17/13

Tolec Interview - with Mark Kimmel during the last 20 minutes.

[Tolec] A discussion & review of:

...the fact that not only is this planet changing... this whole solar system is changing. We discuss the upcoming near term earth changes, including a singular global earth change event... that will likely trigger a cascade of additional - truly earth changing - events; some of which will also likely expose the remaining Reptilians on/in this planet. This will also likely include their plans for an overt revealing of themselves, as well as a likely possible attempted take-over of parts of this planet by this malevolent race. If this occurs... expect the people of the Andromeda Council to 'step in' and remove once & for all... this malicious Reptilian menace.

Important note: my strongest recommendation - stay calm & patient during this time of massive change.

And, know that we will welcome a far more beautiful, higher dimensional world in January 2014.

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Poofness Update 5-20-13

Victory is here!.....Beyond a shadow of doubt!
Are we there yet!.....Yes!
My "Missouri Hat" has been pulled down pretty tight recently not from disbelief in our mission, more a matter of when. Well, I have now raised my "Missouri Hat" a bit and here's what I emergency meeting of the G-7 finance ministers going on in Europe......IRS seems to be having a meltdown......many global currencies have revalued showing up in Europe. As positive change abounds for the masses it appears the PTB have become deathly ill. Their arrogance was unbelievable, those folks in circles that believe in their 'right' to lord it over everybody else who couldn't see the truth when it was right at the end of their noses. Games over, the planet is not yours, to do as you wish. "What goes around comes around" or as the folks in the East say: "Karma is a bitch."
This type of public forum restricts what I can say but here are a few facts you may find interesting as we are now enter the "final countdown"; ....internal banking system ready to switch over officially with announcements "check"......people are in place around the world to begin wealth redistribution "check".....increased security in banks "check"......RV rates locked in "check".....the countdown progresses very quickly and smoothly. Unprecedented events are about to unfold, that will shock the world and especially americans. The meaning of true freedom will be one of them. The work is done and it's all over but the shouting. A harvest for the world is at hand.
As I've said before.....True independence is coming to a town near you. It'll start small, then become huge. One foot in front of the other, walk into the future and don't look back, or you'll get turned into a pillar of salt...lololol. 'It's all over but the shoutin' , don't know the exact 'moment' it all flips on it's head but it's close enough to smell. Be well and take care of yourselves, be good to one another.
This has been Poofness, over and out. Broadcasting from a "time and space beyond!"
Love and kisses,
From the office of Poofness 
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Sheldan Nidle’s Update 5/21/13

We shall see...

There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead.

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you.

9 Batz, 19 Moan, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again with more to tell you. Your world continues to fluctuate between the attempts of the West to spark a conflict capable of stemming the global changes which threaten the powerbase of the dark cabal, and the intent of Russia to force a new reality upon the West. This dynamic has ebbed and flowed during the whole of the last decade. And yet even when this strange power game approaches a point reminiscent of the start of World War I, it then recedes from this dire eventuality. The Agarthan's liaison teams have also been very successful in defusing the situation in the Middle East. Nevertheless, this ongoing process of brinkmanship demonstrates the importance of bringing this volatile situation to a close. Heaven assures us that this constant political bickering is simply the last throes of a type of diplomacy long used by the Western states and that no conflict is to result from it. Indeed, the coming divine intervention is going to transform this whole sorry mess. Meanwhile, more legal ammunition continues to be gathered for use against the cabal in the World Courts. The momentum for 'accountability' accelerates by the day, increasing the numbers of those already, and about to be, arrested.

Your reality is dying as the economic system it is founded upon grinds to a halt. It is similar to a huge mill which is dependent on a river that is rapidly drying up. The owners, the dark cabal, comprehend what is happening and are intent on getting the last bit of work out of their flagging equipment. The cabal is hunting desperately for a solution to restore the falling levels of the river, but despite its best efforts no solution is found. We have informed the cabal on innumerable occasions what it would take to solve their dilemma and its response has been to proceed doggedly upon the same course. We have therefore moved forward with what Heaven has directed us to do. The cabal is fully aware that its time is up and still it increases its determination to pull some unrealizable miracle out of the air. We watch and marvel at its inane reaction to the inevitability bearing down on it. It is time for these dark-controlled governments to quit and disclose the truth to their beleaguered populations.

Our liaison personnel have just completed a series of information exchanges with several Western governments, in which we clearly showed them that their dilemmas are endemic to the entire global economic structure which is now falling down around them. The practical solution is to allow new governance to introduce the range of new economic and abundance programs, including the formal disclosure of our existence. We are therefore awaiting the time chosen by Heaven to act and reveal ourselves to you. This will also be the moment for the series of announcements by both the Agarthans and the Ascended Masters, who will be divulging what you need to know to get a reasonable grasp on what is truly happening in your world. These swathes of information will trigger a rapid change in your consciousness and introduce new ways for you to change your societies, enabling them to work creatively with each other. We clearly perceive the labyrinthine problems created by your present governments, which is why an entirely new structure has been agreed upon which can be relied upon to promote your new prosperity and your new realities.

We stand on the brink of the grand intervention decreed by Heaven. This will open the door to first contact and a new relationship between you and Agartha. The extent of the upcoming technology transfer will astound you! Your world is due to absorb a leap in capabilities that is greater by far than the advent of the laptop computer with its many offshoots such as tablets and smart phones. As an aside, these came with some serious health concerns! By contrast, some of the new technology can boost not only your general health and vitality but also your levels of consciousness while connecting you more easily and effectively with your world. You will begin to view technology in general as 'consciousness tools' and will begin to use your time to absorb knowledge, to meditate, and to ponder on the coming miracle of full consciousness. As your mentors we will show you the immense significance of the abilities still largely dormant within you, as this is central to your comprehension of the next phase of your journey to your divine destiny.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this auspicious day to make some important announcements. First, let us bless our space and Inner Earth families. They come now to set the stage for the next steps on your journey to full consciousness.


Heaven decrees that each of you now needs to become aware that you are not alone in this magnificent, vast Universe. There will shortly be demonstrations in the daylight skies by some of the huge fleets that are to land when the Divine gives the sacred go-ahead. Second, we are to be able to manifest among you in great numbers to begin our teaching schedule. These teachings will show you how and why the Anunnaki purposely jumbled up the wisdom teachings given to you by some of our most respected grand masters. These messages will finally allow you to discover the truth about your origins and what Heaven expects of you.

QuanYin & St.Germain

Further, we are going to tell our secret sacred societies to release the prosperity funds that Count Saint Germain and Quan Yin so graciously set aside for you. This constitutes the beginning of the new financial system which will institute debt forgiveness as a means to level the world's financial structures. Newly chartered banks will temporarily distribute and somewhat regulate these funds. Once the Federation fleet lands, these banks, the accompanying financial system, and your perceived need for 'money' as such, will be subsumed into a type of precursor of your new galactic society. The intention, dear blessed Ones, is to use physical abundance for a short time to heal the dark manipulations which twisted you into believing in want and limitation rather than adhering to your divine responsibilities. The mass influx into your lives of your individual mentors will change all that immediately! We are then to introduce you to the responsibilities that come with higher consciousness and assist you to understand their significance.

Your primary responsibility is to become effective overseers of your precious home world. Mother Earth is gleefully looking forward to your wonderful ministrations. New technologies are to heal the surface world and prepare her for her grand transition to a fully unified, fully conscious globe. You are to play a major role in these initial proceedings, after which it will be time for the culmination of your auspicious return to full consciousness via the use of your Light chambers. Then, once you are acclimatized to the joys and powers of full consciousness, you will be ready to work together with us. We have joyously anticipated this most special time as we are destined to create a most heavenly star-nation together. Heaven informs us that what we have been told about is then to manifest and our long sojourn on this planet takes on a new and gracious path. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we brought you another message about transforming the old and bringing in the new. It is the magic time when the dark leaves your world and a bright, fully conscious one begins to manifest. It is when the wonders and exaltation of freedom and prosperity return! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Signs of end game in Washington D.C. proliferate, end of cold war in North East Asia also coming

One of the most frustrating but necessary things for journalists is to hold information on embargo until a go ahead is given for publishing. This is one of those frustrating times. Embargoes are needed to ensure plans are not sabotaged and lives are not endangered.

However, there are enough hints available in the public domain for us to put some dots together. What is clear is that there is a lot of hysteria in Washington D.C. (IRS, Benghazi etc.) and London, England (pedophilia, gold market). It is also clear that for at least six months public statements by the US State Department repeated in the Zionist media have been regularly contradicted by the Pentagon. There are also proliferating signs of a breakdown in the financial system. All of this points to some sort of dramatic black swan incident soon. We will talk more about this below.

In Asia as well, secret negotiations with North Korea and among Asian powers are clearly preparations for a change in the post-war global power structure. The visit to North Korea last week by Isao Iijima, special envoy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was a case in point. We got four different versions of what was talked about, two Japanese, one North Korean and one Chinese. Like the Sufi story of the blind men and the elephant (an elephant is big and flat, it is like a hose, it is like a tree trunk etc.) you need to piece the different versions together to figure out what is really going on. What the stories all agree upon though is that the visit was a best a fishing expedition, at worst a failure.

A source in the Japanese imperial family had the most interesting take on what Iijima had to say to the North Koreans. According to this source, Iijima asked the North Koreans if they would be willing to host 1 million Sabbatean refugees expected to want to leave Europe and the United States soon and was told no. This story about 1 million refugees looking for a place to go after leaving the United States has propped up repeatedly and from enough different sources that it seems to stem from a genuine belief that 1 million people will be asked to leave the US once the truth about what has been done by them to the American people is made public. My sources say they will not be allowed to leave but will have to face the music (ie be sent to the Fema camps they prepared for others).

The Chinese government source had a different angle on what went on during this visit. According to him, Iijima was told very clearly that North Korea was not willing to negotiate through the Japanese Foreign Ministry because it was staffed with Zionist slaves who have twice sabotaged deals reached between Japan and North Korea to normalize relations. This was in line with what a source in the Japanese public security police heard too.

The North Korean source also said the Japanese Foreign Ministry was not to be trusted. North Korea has made a very friendly and detailed proposal to deal with all outstanding issues preventing resumption of friendly diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan. We know the details but have been asked to keep them secret for now.

The Japanese official also pointed out that countries like Germany, France and the UK already have extensive relations with North Korea that they were not talking about. British Tobacco, for example, sells North Korean Tobacco labeled as British, he said.

There is also something going on under the surface in South Korea that is related to this issue somehow. South Korean conglomerates are desperate to get their hands on South Korean Won and have been offering to trade them for yen at a two to one rate compared to the official exchange rate. They are also trying to sell old imperial South Korean gold (although they have not yet provided satisfactory proof of its existence).

This is related to a major attack on control of the South Korean banking system by Goldman Sachs, according to an executive at a Japanese securities company. It is also related, as reported in previous issues, to plans to tax the assets of South Korean residents of Japan who wish to take their yen to Korea before tax officials seize them.

The Asians all seem to be waiting for some sort of major event in the United States that will allow the map of North East Asia to be fundamentally redrawn.

The question everybody who is not brain dead or bribed is asking, of course, is when the crooks on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. will finally be rounded up and put in jail where they belong.
Some sources say the takedown has already begun. The firing of 26 generals was a start. Now the Internal Revenue Service is being taken down, they say.

The real question, of course, is when the elders of Zion are rounded up and put in jail. Never mind the debate over whether or not the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a racist forgery. The fact of the matter is that Zionism exists, it is not (but pretends to be) Judaism, and it is guilty of massive crimes against humanity.

Here is a link for those of you who still have heads in the sand over this issue:

The Zionists must have leaders who could be labeled “Elders of Zion.” A senior member of the Italian P2 lodge says two names in particular are now blocking the start of the new financial system: Cohen and Levi. Chinese sources have already identified a Jean Cohen of the Hoche Group in France as having paid Chinese demonstrators 1200 yuan a day to stage anti-Japanese riots. The Levi name is more mysterious but they will be flushed out of the woodwork sooner rather than later.

When this high level crime syndicate is finally brought down, a redistribution of criminally obtained assets (think hedge fund, offshore, 100 times leverage, insider trading etc.) is certain to follow.

That is probably why many of the richest Americans are in a panic to take their fraudulently earned fiat dollars and turn them into hard assets as quickly as possible. That is why there is frantic buying of gold, art, real estate and anything else that actually exists in reality and not just in a bank computer.

What we are about to witness is the unraveling of a giant apparatus of lies, bribery, murder and illusion that has fooled us into wars and out of our money for centuries. The repercussions will be historical. Imagine the fall of the Soviet Union on steroids.

~ Benjamin Fulford – May 20, 2013

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Posted by purpleurial - March 12th, 2009

Some time ago we asked Wendelle Stevens to make a list of planets or star systems he was aware of through contacts made. The following list is the result with a couple John Parker and I added.

Planet Acali Antonio Tasca, Brazil
Planet Acart Artur Berlet, Brazil
Star System Betelguese SMS Charles Moody, USA
Star System Centaurus A. Horst, Bolivia
Star System Coma Berenices – Apolinar Villa, USA
Star System Cygnus Eduard Meier, Switzerland
DAL Universe Eduard Meier, Switzerland

DALs: Origin unknown? A very advanced race; by the name of the Timors; human type; Nordic in appearance. Can breathe our air, etc. The Dals assist all others with the ERRA-Plejarans. The Plejarans are affected by our air pollutants with sinus problems. They mature at 10 years, attend schooling until 70 years and marry at 110 years. Lifespan over 1,000 years.

Star System Deneb
Planet Epsilon Eridani Brian Scott, USA

EPSILON ERIDANIS: (20 LIGHT YEARS AWAY) is A G-5 TYPE sun (like earth) 82 ERIDANI, creatures seven feet tall, croc-wrinkled skin, large mouths and ears, three fat fingers.

Planet Koldas Carl van Vlierden, Union of South Africa
Planet Korendor Bob Renaud, USA
Planet Koshnak Rev. David Melindez, Puerto Rico
Star System Lyra Eduard Meier, Switzerland

LYRIANS: Started evacuating their planet 22,000,000 years ago with advanced space travel. Settled on planet Earth which was a single land mass. It was called HYPERBORIA. Mixed with its inhabitants. Also settled on a fifthy earthly solar planet from our Sun calling it MALONA and mixed there with its inhabitants. They also settled later on ERRA, a planet of the Pleiades (Plejarans) and HYADES. They had conflicts (wars inbetween settlements. Atlantis – Lemuria, etc. were colonies namedby those earthly settlers.

Constellation Orion Raphael Chacon, Costa Rica
Planet Zeti
Constellation Pleiades Eduard Meier

PLEAIDIANS: (Plejarans) Cousins to Lyrians and Earthly humans. They are visiting Earth along with their Vegan cousins having kinship to earthly beings. Other races are also visiting earth having no kinship to humans.

Constellation Pleiades Enrique Carlos Rincon, Colombia
” ” Charles A. Silva, Peru
” ” Lloyd Zirbes, USA
Planet Alcyone
Constellation Reticulum William Herrmann, USA
Constellation Reticulum Betty and Barney Hill, USA
Zeta Reticula John Salter

ZETA 1 & ZETA 2 RETICULA: Twin SUNS. A race with domed heads, hairless, with skin, four feet tall large orb eyes. Origin unknown, have been studying earth for decades.

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La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south.

According to witnesses who were in contact with Pericú Collective writing, there was a light on the horizon between red and white combined with a trail.

He fell into the San Pedro, seconds later esuchó strong explosion that rocked the walls of several homes shortly after four in the afternoon. This intensely felt what those living in the south of the city.

At present public safety elements, both State and municipal head to the area where you raised a great dust cloud to find out what exactly happened.

The explosion was heard up to the center of the capital city.

Pericú Collective via Reporters Without Borders continues to oversee the development of the news.

Police looking for traces of meteorite
Posted on May 18, 2013 | 49 comments
     Brigades go towards Chametla
     Civil Protection in the area also

La Paz, BCS-The fall of a mysterious object that occurred at 4:08 pm today and caused a loud explosion was heard in the capital city, has originated and mobilization of elements of the Municipal Police and Protective Civil Chametla area and El Centenario.

Still others have been admitted to San Pedro gaps, however from there report that the giant dust cloud that was lifted by the tide of Chametla-El Centenario.

Camino Real, Progress, October Eight, Villas del Encanto, Santa Fe, Fidepaz, Guaycure Pueblo Nuevo, Fovissste, Bellavista, are part of the colonies which are calling emergency services to know what had really happened.

Witnesses report that a ball of white / red that left a trail, crossed the horizon and seconds later heard a loud explosion.

At the time the National Weather Service has not deployed any information regarding earthquake.

Reporters Without Borders is the slope and any news they will tell you in the same way.

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Alaska – 142 EQ’s in the last 30 days

Earth Watch Report  -  Earthquakes

photo Alaska-16EQsMay15-16-172013_zps6508cf9e.jpg

Photo of   EQ’s  for the last   7 days


photo Alaska-16EQsMay15-16-172013PhotoofEQslast30days_zps5243d422.jpg

Alaska – 16 EQs  May 15-16-17  2013  Photo of EQs last  30 days


M3.1 – 60km SSE of Cantwell, Alaska

 2013-05-15 06:45:32 UTC


Earthquake location 62.858°N, 148.700°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 06:45:32 UTC
  2. 2013-05-14 22:45:32 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 01:45:32 UTC-05:00 system time


62.858°N 148.700°W depth=61.2km (38.0mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 60km (37mi) SSE of Cantwell, Alaska
  2. 157km (98mi) NNE of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  3. 193km (120mi) NNE of Anchorage, Alaska
  4. 223km (139mi) SSW of Badger, Alaska
  5. 756km (470mi) WNW of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.8 – 86km E of Old Iliamna, Alaska

 2013-05-15 07:19:17 UTC


Earthquake location 59.779°N, 153.386°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 07:19:17 UTC
  2. 2013-05-14 23:19:17 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 02:19:17 UTC-05:00 system time


59.779°N 153.386°W depth=130.8km (81.3mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 86km (53mi) E of Old Iliamna, Alaska
  2. 249km (155mi) SW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 283km (176mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 635km (395mi) SSW of Fairbanks, Alaska
  5. 1017km (632mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.5 – 33km SE of King Salmon, Alaska

 2013-05-15 10:09:49 UTC

Earthquake location 58.456°N, 156.301°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 10:09:49 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 02:09:49 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 05:09:49 UTC-05:00 system time


58.456°N 156.301°W depth=197.0km (122.4mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 33km (21mi) SE of King Salmon, Alaska
  2. 472km (293mi) SW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 505km (314mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 841km (523mi) SW of College, Alaska
  5. 1220km (758mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.5 – 63km ENE of Sand Point, Alaska

 2013-05-15 12:04:01 UTC

Earthquake location 55.505°N, 159.549°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 12:04:01 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 04:04:01 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 07:04:01 UTC-05:00 system time


55.505°N 159.549°W depth=65.6km (40.8mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 63km (39mi) ENE of Sand Point, Alaska
  2. 849km (528mi) SW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 883km (549mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 1224km (761mi) SW of College, Alaska
  5. 1544km (959mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.7 – 18km SE of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska

 2013-05-15 12:41:48 UTC

Earthquake location 60.387°N, 152.464°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 12:41:48 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 04:41:48 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 07:41:48 UTC-05:00 system time


60.387°N 152.464°W depth=96.7km (60.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 18km (11mi) SE of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
  2. 167km (104mi) WSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 199km (124mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 552km (343mi) SSW of Fairbanks, Alaska
  5. 953km (592mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.7 – 63km SE of Adak, Alaska

 2013-05-15 13:26:55 UTC

Earthquake location 51.490°N, 175.997°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 13:26:55 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 01:26:55 UTC-12:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 08:26:55 UTC-05:00 system time


51.490°N 175.997°W depth=23.6km (14.7mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 63km (39mi) SE of Adak, Alaska
  2. 1524km (947mi) SSE of Anadyr’, Russia
  3. 1730km (1075mi) E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia
  4. 1747km (1086mi) E of Yelizovo, Russia
  5. 2692km (1673mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.7 – 95km N of Kodiak, Alaska

 2013-05-15 15:16:55 UTC


Earthquake location 58.648°N, 152.537°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 15:16:55 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 07:16:55 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 10:16:55 UTC-05:00 system time


58.648°N 152.537°W depth=4.7km (2.9mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 95km (59mi) N of Kodiak, Alaska
  2. 321km (199mi) SSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 358km (222mi) SSW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 734km (456mi) SSW of Fairbanks, Alaska
  5. 1008km (626mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.7 – 112km ESE of Akutan, Alaska

 2013-05-15 20:28:28 UTC

Earthquake location 53.833°N, 164.138°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 20:28:28 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 09:28:28 UTC-11:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 15:28:28 UTC-05:00 system time


53.833°N 164.138°W depth=41.1km (25.5mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 112km (70mi) ESE of Akutan, Alaska
  2. 1180km (733mi) SW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 1213km (754mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 1530km (951mi) SW of College, Alaska
  5. 1894km (1177mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M3.4 – 209km SSE of Akutan, Alaska

 2013-05-15 23:48:07 UTC

Earthquake location 52.401°N, 164.556°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 23:48:07 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 12:48:07 UTC-11:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 18:48:07 UTC-05:00 system time


52.401°N 164.556°W depth=25.5km (15.8mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 209km (130mi) SSE of Akutan, Alaska
  2. 1322km (821mi) SW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 1356km (843mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 1683km (1046mi) SW of College, Alaska
  5. 2001km (1243mi) W of Juneau, Alaska



M2.7 – 45km SSE of Adak, Alaska

 2013-05-16 06:10:42 UTC

Earthquake location 51.515°N, 176.360°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 06:10:42 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 18:10:42 UTC-12:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 01:10:42 UTC-05:00 system time


51.515°N 176.360°W depth=31.4km (19.5mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 45km (28mi) SSE of Adak, Alaska
  2. 1516km (942mi) SSE of Anadyr’, Russia
  3. 1705km (1059mi) E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia
  4. 1722km (1070mi) E of Yelizovo, Russia
  5. 2710km (1684mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M4.3 – 10km ESE of Nikolski, Alaska

 2013-05-16 10:58:56 UTC

Earthquake location 52.890°N, 168.728°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 10:58:56 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 01:58:56 UTC-09:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 05:58:56 UTC-05:00 system time


52.890°N 168.728°W depth=45.8km (28.5mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 10km (6mi) ESE of Nikolski, Alaska
  2. 1462km (908mi) WSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 1493km (928mi) WSW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 1535km (954mi) SE of Anadyr’, Russia
  5. 2203km (1369mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.5 – 17km WNW of Willow, Alaska

 2013-05-16 21:48:30 UTC

Earthquake location 61.780°N, 150.364°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 21:48:30 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 13:48:30 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 16:48:30 UTC-05:00 system time


61.780°N 150.364°W depth=8.5km (5.3mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 17km (11mi) WNW of Willow, Alaska
  2. 50km (31mi) NW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  3. 67km (42mi) NNW of Anchorage, Alaska
  4. 365km (227mi) SSW of Fairbanks, Alaska
  5. 828km (514mi) WNW of Whitehorse, Canada



M4.3 – 44km SW of Homer, Alaska

 2013-05-17 05:24:55 UTC


Earthquake location 59.309°N, 151.993°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 05:24:55 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 21:24:55 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 00:24:55 UTC-05:00 system time


59.309°N 151.993°W depth=54.4km (33.8mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 44km (27mi) SW of Homer, Alaska
  2. 242km (150mi) SSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 278km (173mi) SSW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 654km (406mi) SSW of Badger, Alaska
  5. 954km (593mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



Instrumental Intensity

ShakeMap Intensity Image




M3.5 – 176km SE of Chirikof Island, Alaska

 2013-05-17 15:43:24 UTC


Earthquake location 54.668°N, 153.735°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 15:43:24 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 05:43:24 UTC-10:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 10:43:24 UTC-05:00 system time


54.668°N 153.735°W depth=9.8km (6.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 176km (109mi) SE of Chirikof Island, Alaska
  2. 763km (474mi) SSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 799km (496mi) SSW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 1180km (733mi) SSW of Badger, Alaska
  5. 1251km (777mi) W of Juneau, Alaska



M2.5 – 39km SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska

 2013-05-17 23:58:06 UTC

Earthquake location 60.162°N, 153.031°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 23:58:06 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 15:58:06 UTC-08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 18:58:06 UTC-05:00 system time


60.162°N 153.031°W depth=121.9km (75.7mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 39km (24mi) SSW of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
  2. 207km (129mi) WSW of Anchorage, Alaska
  3. 239km (149mi) SW of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 588km (365mi) SSW of Fairbanks, Alaska
  5. 988km (614mi) W of Whitehorse, Canada



M2.6 – 186km NNE of Cape Yakataga, Alaska

2013-05-18 01:59:14 UTC

Earthquake location 61.504°N, 140.689°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-18 01:59:14 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 18:59:14 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 20:59:14 UTC-05:00 system time


61.504°N 140.689°W depth=0.1km (0.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 186km (116mi) NNE of Cape Yakataga, Alaska
  2. 316km (196mi) WNW of Whitehorse, Canada
  3. 474km (295mi) E of Knik-Fairview, Alaska
  4. 493km (306mi) E of Anchorage, Alaska
  5. 499km (310mi) NW of Juneau, Alaska



Tectonic Summary

Seismotectonics of Alaska


The Aleutian arc extends approximately 3,000 km from the Gulf of Alaska in the east to the Kamchatka Peninsula in the west. It marks the region where the Pacific plate subducts into the mantle beneath the North America plate. This subduction is responsible for the generation of the Aleutian Islands and the deep offshore Aleutian Trench.


The curvature of the arc results in a westward transition of relative plate motion from trench-normal (i.e., compressional) in the east to trench-parallel (i.e., translational) in the west, accompanied by westward variations in seismic activity, volcanism, and overriding plate composition. The Aleutian arc is generally divided into three regions: the western, central, and eastern Aleutians. Relative to a fixed North America plate, the Pacific plate is moving northwest at a rate that increases from roughly 60 mm/yr at the arc’s eastern edge to 76 mm/yr near its western terminus. The eastern Aleutian arc extends from the Alaskan Peninsula in the east to the Fox Islands in the west. Motion along this section of the arc is characterized by arc-perpendicular convergence and Pacific plate subduction beneath thick continental lithosphere. This region exhibits intense volcanic activity and has a history of megathrust earthquakes.


The central Aleutian arc extends from the Andreanof Islands in the east to the Rat Islands in the west. Here, motion is characterized by westward-increasing oblique convergence and Pacific plate subduction beneath thin oceanic lithosphere. Along this portion of the arc, the Wadati-Benioff zone is well defined to depths of approximately 200 km. Despite the obliquity of convergence, active volcanism and megathrust earthquakes are also present along this margin.


The western Aleutians, stretching from the western end of the Rat Islands in the east to the Commander Islands, Russia, in the west, is tectonically different from the central and eastern portions of the arc. The increasing component of transform motion between the Pacific and North America plates is evidenced by diminishing active volcanism; the last active volcano is located on Buldir Island, in the far western portion of the Rat Island chain. Additionally, this portion of the subduction zone has not hosted large earthquakes or megathrust events in recorded history. Instead, the largest earthquakes in this region are generally shallow, predominantly strike-slip events with magnitudes between M5-6. Deeper earthquakes do occur, albeit rather scarcely and with small magnitudes (M<4), down to approximately 50 km.


Most of the seismicity along the Aleutian arc results from thrust faulting that occurs along the interface between the Pacific and North America plates, extending from near the base of the trench to depths of 40 to 60 km. Slip along this interface is responsible for generating devastating earthquakes. Deformation also occurs within the subducting slab in the form of intermediate-depth earthquakes that can reach depths of 250 km. Normal faulting events occur in the outer rise region of the Aleutian arc resulting from the bending of the oceanic Pacific plate as it enters the Aleutian trench. Additionally, deformation of the overriding North America plate generates shallow crustal earthquakes.


The Aleutian arc is a seismically active region, evidenced by the many moderate to large earthquakes occurring each year. Since 1900, this region has hosted twelve large earthquakes (M>7.5) including the May 7, 1986 M8.0 Andreanof Islands, the June 10, 1996 M7.9 Andreanof Islands, and the November 17, 2003 M7.8 Rat Islands earthquakes. Six of these great earthquakes (M8.3 or larger) have occurred along the Aleutian arc that together have ruptured almost the entire shallow megathrust contact. The first of these major earthquakes occurred on August 17, 1906 near the island of Amchitka (M8.3) in the western Aleutian arc. However, unlike the other megathrust earthquakes along the arc, this event is thought to have been an intraplate event occurring in the shallow slab beneath the subduction zone interface.


The first megathrust event along the arc during the 20th century was the November 10, 1938 M8.6 Shumagin Island earthquake. This event ruptured an approximately 300 km long stretch of the arc from the southern end of Kodiak Island to the northern end of the Shumagin Islands and generated a small tsunami that was recorded as far south as Hawaii.





Alaska – 5 Earthquakes , 4.5  to 2.6  Magnitude May 14th, 2013 : Total of 126 EQ’s in the last 27 days


Alaska – 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake, 46km W of Amukta Island. Total of 122 EQ’s in 27 days



Alaska  -  2  Earthquakes ,  4.8  to 4.2  Magnitude    May 10th,  2013  :  Total of  121 EQ’s in the last  26  days


Alaska  -  16  Earthquakes Ranging from 4.5  to 2.5  Magnitude  in  the  last  3 days  May 7th – 9th,  2013  :  Total of  119 EQ’s in the last  25  days

Alaska  -  8 Earthquakes Ranging From 3.6 to 2.6 Magnitude  May 3rd, 4th and 5th 2013  :  Total of  103 EQ’s in the  last  22  days

Alaska  -  6 Earthquakes Ranging From 4.5 to 2.5 Magnitude  May 2nd, 2013  :  Total of  95 EQ’s in the  last  19  days

Alaska  -  6 Earthquakes Ranging From 3.2 to 2.5 Magnitude  :  Total of  89 EQ’s in the  last  18  days

Alaska – 8 EQ’s ranging from 3.2 to2.6 magnitude April 30th, 2013 : Total of 83 Earthquakes in the last 17 days

Alaska – Nineteen Earthquakes Ranging From 5.1 to 2.5 Magnitude April 22nd and 23rd , 2013. A Total of 75 EQ’s in the last 10 days

Alaska – Three Earthquakes Ranging From 5.7 to 2.5 Magnitude April 21st , 2013. A Total of 56 EQ’s in the last 8 days

Alaska : Earthquake swarm. 12 earthquakes within the range of 2.5 to 4.5 Magnitude registered April 13th and 14th, 2013

Read more…

Earth Watch Report  -  Earthquakes

photo California-12EQsMay15-16-172013_zps16676c84.jpg


photo California-12EQsMay15-16-172013photoofEQsinthelast30days_zpsf56593f8.jpg

California – 12 EQs May 15-16-17 2013  photo of  EQs  in the  last  30 days


M3.0 – 6km NW of The Geysers, California

 2013-05-15 06:11:55 UTC


Earthquake location 38.819°N, 122.804°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 06:11:55 UTC
  2. 2013-05-14 23:11:55 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 01:11:55 UTC-05:00 system time


38.819°N 122.804°W depth=4.0km (2.5mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 6km (4mi) NW of The Geysers, California
  2. 21km (13mi) SW of Clearlake, California
  3. 23km (14mi) NNE of Healdsburg, California
  4. 30km (19mi) N of Windsor, California
  5. 116km (72mi) WNW of Sacramento, California



M3.1 – 7km NNE of Cabazon, California

 2013-05-15 16:20:05 UTC


Earthquake location 33.980°N, 116.767°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 16:20:05 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 09:20:05 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 11:20:05 UTC-05:00 system time


33.980°N 116.767°W depth=17.9km (11.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 7km (4mi) NNE of Cabazon, California
  2. 11km (7mi) ENE of Banning, California
  3. 20km (12mi) ENE of Beaumont, California
  4. 24km (15mi) W of Desert Hot Springs, California
  5. 438km (272mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona



M4.0 – 10km S of Rancho Palos Verdes, California

 2013-05-15 20:00:06 UTC


Earthquake location 33.658°N, 118.372°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 20:00:06 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 13:00:06 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 15:00:06 UTC-05:00 system time


33.658°N 118.372°W depth=1.2km (0.7mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 10km (6mi) S of Rancho Palos Verdes, California
  2. 12km (7mi) SW of San Pedro, California
  3. 16km (10mi) SSW of Lomita, California
  4. 16km (10mi) S of Palos Verdes Estates, California
  5. 586km (364mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona



Instrumental Intensity

ShakeMap Intensity Image




M2.6 – 17km E of Willows, California

 2013-05-15 22:15:50 UTC


Earthquake location 39.508°N, 121.988°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 22:15:50 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 15:15:50 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 17:15:50 UTC-05:00 system time


39.508°N 121.988°W depth=22.6km (14.0mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 17km (11mi) E of Willows, California
  2. 27km (17mi) SSW of Chico, California
  3. 37km (23mi) W of Oroville, California
  4. 42km (26mi) SW of Paradise, California
  5. 111km (69mi) NNW of Sacramento, California



M2.9 – 8km SSE of Aguanga, California

 2013-05-16 00:30:33 UTC


Earthquake location 33.373°N, 116.841°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 00:30:33 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 17:30:33 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 19:30:33 UTC-05:00 system time


33.373°N 116.841°W depth=6.6km (4.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 8km (5mi) SSE of Aguanga, California
  2. 31km (19mi) ESE of Temecula, California
  3. 36km (22mi) NE of Escondido, California
  4. 36km (22mi) N of Ramona, California
  5. 443km (275mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona



M3.2 – 7km W of Pine Mountain Club, California

 2013-05-16 10:04:58 UTC


Earthquake location 34.858°N, 119.239°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 10:04:58 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 03:04:58 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 05:04:58 UTC-05:00 system time


34.858°N 119.239°W depth=12.7km (7.9mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 7km (4mi) W of Pine Mountain Club, California
  2. 53km (33mi) SSW of Lamont, California
  3. 54km (34mi) SW of Arvin, California
  4. 57km (35mi) NNE of Carpinteria, California
  5. 459km (285mi) SSE of Sacramento, California



M2.6 – 8km NW of Kettleman City, California

 2013-05-17 02:39:50 UTC

Earthquake location 36.068°N, 120.012°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 02:39:50 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 19:39:50 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 21:39:50 UTC-05:00 system time


36.068°N 120.012°W depth=62.0km (38.5mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 8km (5mi) NW of Kettleman City, California
  2. 12km (7mi) NE of Avenal, California
  3. 32km (20mi) ESE of Coalinga, California
  4. 33km (21mi) SW of Lemoore, California
  5. 308km (191mi) SSE of Sacramento, California



M3.5 – 5km SW of Niland, California

 2013-05-17 03:07:52 UTC


Earthquake location 33.203°N, 115.550°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 03:07:52 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 20:07:52 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 22:07:52 UTC-05:00 system time


33.203°N 115.550°W depth=1.9km (1.2mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 5km (3mi) SW of Niland, California
  2. 24km (15mi) N of Brawley, California
  3. 39km (24mi) N of Imperial, California
  4. 45km (28mi) N of El Centro, California
  5. 324km (201mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona






M3.1 – 4km SW of Niland, California

 2013-05-17 04:38:13 UTC


Earthquake location 33.212°N, 115.552°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 04:38:13 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 21:38:13 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 23:38:13 UTC-05:00 system time


33.212°N 115.552°W depth=1.8km (1.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 4km (2mi) SW of Niland, California
  2. 26km (16mi) N of Brawley, California
  3. 40km (25mi) N of Imperial, California
  4. 46km (29mi) N of El Centro, California
  5. 324km (201mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona



M2.7 – 4km SW of Niland, California

 2013-05-17 05:18:29 UTC


Earthquake location 33.208°N, 115.546°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 05:18:29 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 22:18:29 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 00:18:29 UTC-05:00 system time


33.208°N 115.546°W depth=0.0km (0.0mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 4km (2mi) SW of Niland, California
  2. 25km (16mi) N of Brawley, California
  3. 40km (25mi) N of Imperial, California
  4. 46km (29mi) N of El Centro, California
  5. 324km (201mi) W of Phoenix, Arizona



M3.0 – 30km S of Mammoth Lakes, California

 2013-05-17 18:53:20 UTC

Earthquake location 37.378°N, 119.038°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 18:53:20 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 11:53:20 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 13:53:20 UTC-05:00 system time


37.378°N 119.038°W depth=10.8km (6.7mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 30km (19mi) S of Mammoth Lakes, California
  2. 85km (53mi) NE of Clovis, California
  3. 87km (54mi) NNE of Sanger, California
  4. 94km (58mi) NNE of Reedley, California
  5. 208km (129mi) SSE of Carson City, Nevada



M2.6 – 4km NW of The Geysers, California

2013-05-18 00:11:00 UTC


Earthquake location 38.806°N, 122.791°W

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-18 00:11:00 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 17:11:00 UTC-07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 19:11:00 UTC-05:00 system time


38.806°N 122.791°W depth=1.3km (0.8mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 4km (2mi) NW of The Geysers, California
  2. 22km (14mi) SW of Clearlake, California
  3. 22km (14mi) NNE of Healdsburg, California
  4. 28km (17mi) N of Windsor, California
  5. 115km (71mi) WNW of Sacramento, California




California – 2 Earthquakes Ranging From 2.6 to 2.5 Magnitude May 13th – 14th 2013 : Total of 44 EQ’s in the last 18 days.




California – 5 Earthquakes Ranging From 3.5 to 2.5 Magnitude May 10th 2013 : Total of 42 EQ’s in the last 15 days.


California  -  12 Earthquakes  Ranging From 3.6 to 2.5  Magnitude  May 5th to 9th , 2013 :  Total of  37 EQ’s in the  last  14  days. 

California  -  5 Earthquakes  Ranging From 3.2 to 2.5  Magnitude  May 3rd , 2013 :  Total of  25 EQ’s in the  last  six  days.  None were  registered for May 4th, 2013

California  -  3 Low Intensity Earthquakes  Ranging From 2.5 to 2.8  Magnitude  May 2nd , 2013 :  Total of  20 EQ’s in the  last  four  days

California -   5  Earthquakes Ranging from 3.9 to 2.5 Magnitude  May 1st ,  2013.  : Total  of  17 EQ’s in the last  three days

California – 10 Earthquakes Ranging Between 2.5 and 3.0 Registered April 29th,2013

California 2 Earthquakes 2.5 and a 3.0 Magnitude : Total of 12 EQ’s in the last 2 days

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Indonesia - 25 EQ’s in the last 12 days

Earth Watch Report  -  Earthquakes

photo Indonesia-7EQsMay15-172013_zps95055260.jpg


M4.8 – 167km WSW of Sibolga, Indonesia

2013-05-15 10:22:17 UTC


Earthquake location 1.059°N, 97.440°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 10:22:17 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 17:22:17 UTC+07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 05:22:17 UTC-05:00 system time


1.059°N 97.440°E depth=41.7km (25.9mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 167km (104mi) WSW of Sibolga, Indonesia
  2. 196km (122mi) SE of Sinabang, Indonesia
  3. 206km (128mi) W of Padangsidempuan, Indonesia
  4. 254km (158mi) SSW of Kabanjahe, Indonesia
  5. 525km (326mi) WSW of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



M4.6 – 255km S of Sidorukun, Indonesia

2013-05-15 14:24:00 UTC


Earthquake location 10.880°S, 113.842°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-15 14:24:00 UTC
  2. 2013-05-15 22:24:00 UTC+08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 09:24:00 UTC-05:00 system time


10.880°S 113.842°E depth=10.0km (6.2mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 255km (158mi) S of Sidorukun, Indonesia
  2. 275km (171mi) S of Muncar, Indonesia
  3. 277km (172mi) S of Gambiran Satu, Indonesia
  4. 278km (173mi) S of Srono, Indonesia
  5. 927km (576mi) SE of Jakarta, Indonesia



M4.7 – 19km ENE of Bonjol, Indonesia

2013-05-16 01:11:28 UTC


Earthquake location 0.041°N, 100.393°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 01:11:28 UTC
  2. 2013-05-16 08:11:28 UTC+07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-15 20:11:28 UTC-05:00 system time


0.041°N 100.393°E depth=157.2km (97.7mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 19km (12mi) ENE of Bonjol, Indonesia
  2. 38km (24mi) N of Bukittinggi, Indonesia
  3. 39km (24mi) NW of Payakumbuh, Indonesia
  4. 79km (49mi) NNE of Pariaman, Indonesia
  5. 371km (231mi) SSW of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



M4.4 – South of Java, Indonesia

2013-05-16 16:26:55 UTC


Earthquake location 11.601°S, 113.644°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-16 16:26:55 UTC
  2. 2013-05-17 00:26:55 UTC+08:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-16 11:26:55 UTC-05:00 system time


11.601°S 113.644°E depth=4.9km (3.1mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 337km (209mi) S of Sidorukun, Indonesia
  2. 358km (222mi) SSW of Muncar, Indonesia
  3. 358km (222mi) S of Gambiran Satu, Indonesia
  4. 359km (223mi) SSW of Kuta, Indonesia
  5. 955km (593mi) SE of Jakarta, Indonesia



M4.2 – 35km W of Padangsidempuan, Indonesia

 2013-05-17 21:27:56 UTC


Earthquake location 1.359°N, 98.946°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-17 21:27:56 UTC
  2. 2013-05-18 04:27:56 UTC+07:00 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-17 16:27:56 UTC-05:00 system time


1.359°N 98.946°E depth=115.8km (72.0mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 35km (22mi) W of Padangsidempuan, Indonesia
  2. 46km (29mi) SSE of Sibolga, Indonesia
  3. 117km (73mi) SW of Bandar, Indonesia
  4. 128km (80mi) SW of Rantauprapat, Indonesia
  5. 363km (226mi) WSW of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Indonesia  – 8  Earthquakes 5.7  to 4.2 Magnitude  May 12th -14th , 2013.  Total of 25 EQ’s in the last 12 days  ….



Indonesia – 2 Earthquakes 5.0 to 4.4 Magnitude May 10th and 11th , 2013. Total of 17 EQ’s in the last 9 days .


Indonesia  -  6  Earthquakes  Ranging From  5.0 to 4.4 Magnitude  May 8th to 9th , 2013.   Total of 15 EQ’s in the last 7 days


Indonesia- 6 Earthquakes Ranging From 5.0 to 4.5 Magnitude May 3rd and 4th , 2013. Total of 9 EQ’s in the last 3 days


Indonesia- 3 Earthquakes Ranging From 5.3 to 4.3 Magnitude May 2nd , 2013


Read more…

Andre Heath


Published on May 18, 2013

The CELESTIAL Convergence | http://thecelestialconvergence.blogsp…

May 18, 2013 – CHILE – Chilean Navy discovers more than 600 dead animals in Punta de Choros, a small fishing town north of La Serena.

The bodies of sea lions, cormorants and penguins littered a seven mile stretch of beach in Punta de Choros, northern Chile on Sunday. The crime scene is in close proximity to the Humboldt Penguin Nature Reserve.

Two days prior the Movement in Defense of the Environment (MODEMA) reported a band of ten fishing boats off the coastline of Punta de Choros. MODEMA and other environmental groups accused the boats of blast fishing — using explosives to catch mass quantities of fish.

Sernapesca, Chile’s National Fishing Service, investigated the scene and determined that all the animals were killed by the same incident. Autopsies report animales with fractured skulls, missing rib cages and multiple abrasions.

Local authorities promptly called in the Investigative Police’s (PDI) Environmental Crime Brigade for further investigation. Microbiological and chemical analysis tests are currently being run to determine if blast fishing is the cause of death.

In Chile, blast fishing is illegal. Companies caught fishing in this manner face prison time and fines. The monetary amount depends on the damage to the ecosystem. However, causing the death of penguins during commercial activities is a jailable offense. Officials from Sernapesca told The Santiago Times that the combined offenses amount to a “serious crime.”

“This situation is quite complicated because of the crime scene’s location near the penguin reserve,” Cristián Felmer, an environmental expert, stated to the press. “This is one of the most important environmental incidents we’ve had in recent memory.”

This isn’t the first environmental calamity at Punta de Choros. In April of last year, 350 Guayano cormorants washed up on the beach. The next month, Sernapesca reported the deaths of more than 80 sea lions.

In light of the most recent crime, the international marine conservation group Oceana is pushing to have Punta de Choros made a Marine and Coastal Protected Area (AMCP). The proposal would limit human activity along the more than 175-mile coastline to eco-friendly tourism.

“While there are two marine reserves in the area, this ecosystem is much larger and has little protection from threats such as those that apparently killed all these birds,” Alex Muñoz, executive director of Oceana, told press.

Oceana filed a joint proposal with scientists from Universidad Católica and the Center for Advanced Studies in Dry Areas (CEAZA) to make Punta de Choros a AMCP in 2010. The proposal came amid plans to build a thermoelectric power plant in the area. The highly controversial plan was scrapped after generating a wave of protests.

Punta de Choros is a small fishing village of 320 people. It is home to the largest population of Humboldt penguins in the world. The site attracts thousands of tourists annually.

The CELESTIAL Convergence | http://thecelestialconvergence.blogsp…

Read more…

Earth Watch Report  -  Earthquakes


photo Iran-3EQsMay18th2013jpg1_zps60491102.jpg

3 EQs  May  18t,  2013


photo Iran-3EQsMay18th2013_zps9af97cb8.jpg

Registered  Earthquakes last  30 days



M5.6 – 88km SE of Minab, Iran

 2013-05-18 10:03:18 UTC

Earthquake location 26.688°N, 57.811°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-18 10:03:18 UTC
  2. 2013-05-18 14:33:18 UTC+04:30 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-18 05:03:18 UTC-05:00 system time


26.688°N 57.811°E depth=9.9km (6.2mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 88km (55mi) SE of Minab, Iran
  2. 155km (96mi) E of Qeshm, Iran
  3. 161km (100mi) ESE of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran
  4. 165km (103mi) ENE of Khasab, Oman
  5. 349km (217mi) NNW of Muscat, Oman



Instrumental Intensity

ShakeMap Intensity Image




M5.5 – 81km ESE of Minab, Iran

 2013-05-18 10:57:50 UTC

Earthquake location 26.768°N, 57.778°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-18 10:57:50 UTC
  2. 2013-05-18 15:27:50 UTC+04:30 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-18 05:57:50 UTC-05:00 system time


26.768°N 57.778°E depth=9.7km (6.0mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 81km (50mi) ESE of Minab, Iran
  2. 151km (94mi) E of Qeshm, Iran
  3. 155km (96mi) ESE of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran
  4. 165km (103mi) ENE of Khasab, Oman
  5. 358km (222mi) NNW of Muscat, Oman



Instrumental Intensity

ShakeMap Intensity Image




M4.4 – 94km SE of Minab, Iran

 2013-05-18 12:09:42 UTC

Earthquake location 26.570°N, 57.779°E

Event Time

  1. 2013-05-18 12:09:42 UTC
  2. 2013-05-18 16:39:42 UTC+04:30 at epicenter
  3. 2013-05-18 07:09:42 UTC-05:00 system time


26.570°N 57.779°E depth=10.0km (6.2mi)

Nearby Cities

  1. 94km (58mi) SE of Minab, Iran
  2. 155km (96mi) ESE of Qeshm, Iran
  3. 158km (98mi) ENE of Khasab, Oman
  4. 163km (101mi) ESE of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran
  5. 337km (209mi) NNW of Muscat, Oman







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Earth Watch Report  -  Epidemic  Hazards


New case of SARS-like virus detected in Saudi Arabia (© Reuters)

Riyadh: A new case of deadly coronavirus has been detected in Saudi Arabia where 15 people have already died after contracting it, the Health Ministry announced today on its Internet Web site. “One new case of novel coronavirus was recorded in the eastern region” where most of the kingdom’s cases have been registered, the Ministry said, which had this week created a special web page dedicated to the outbreak.

MSN News


19 19.05.2013 Epidemic Hazard Saudi Arabia Eastern Province, Al-hasa Damage level Details


Epidemic Hazard in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, 02 May, 2013 at 07:12 (07:12 AM) UTC.


Updated: Sunday, 19 May, 2013 at 04:49 UTC
A new case of the deadly coronavirus has been detected in the Kingdom, where 15 people have already died after contracting it, the Health Ministry announced on Saturday on its website. One new case of the novel coronavirus has been recorded in the Eastern Province, where most of the Kingdom’s cases have been registered, said the Ministry, which this week created a special web page dedicated to the outbreak. “One case of coronavirus has been recorded in the Eastern Region, and he is now under the medical healthcare receiving the proper treatment,” the web page in English reported. The latest case takes to 31 the number of officially recorded cases of the virus in Saudi Arabia since September. Fifteen of those have died.


New case of coronavirus in EP: Health Ministry

Last updated: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:10 PM


RIYADH — A new case of the deadly coronavirus has been detected in the Kingdom, where 15 people have already died after contracting it, the Health Ministry announced on Saturday on its website.


One new case of the novel coronavirus has been recorded in the Eastern Province, where most of the Kingdom’s cases have been registered, said the Ministry, which this week created a special web page dedicated to the outbreak.
“One case of coronavirus has been recorded in the Eastern Region, and he is now under the medical healthcare receiving the proper treatment,” the web page in English reported.
The latest case takes to 31 the number of officially recorded cases of the virus in Saudi Arabia since September. Fifteen of those have died.

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