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here's a few things to ponder.
1) if they use nukes in the gulf of mexico, it could disturb all the other rigs. that area would become a dead zone for thousands of years. if it blows the methan it could create the wobble, it could always blow a large chunk out of the seabed.
In the cosmology of many of our ET visitors we continue to be educated on this concept of orientation, the STO/STS bend of approaching our learning experiences. My understanding of this is that it is not a black/white, good/bad value choice, but rather a preference, hence the word "orientation" that our soul, not our personalities, but our souls, deem to be the pathway in which they choose to learn the lessons of compassion, wisdom, truth, oneness and all that jazz. At my personality level, I'm not really too certain how much control I have over my soul. My experience is that I have much input and my perspective is valued, but "Dinny" me, little me, is not in control of that vast being that expresses and explores life through me.
From what I can gather, one of things that happens when a person begins to grow spiritually, that is to become a larger vessel of spiritual expression, regardless of their orientation, is that a balancing force greets that person, in an invitation to play, so to speak. In an STS orientation the invitation to play would resemble a battle, a clashing of the wills, since that orientation is exploring universal oneness from the perspective of separation. In an STO orientation the invitation to play would resemble a collaboration, people coming together to work together for a common cause, this sort of thing. A side note is that an example of a perfectly balanced orientation is nature in its pristine state.
Now this invitation to play does not necessarily come from a person, or even many people. It seems to me that it depends on what level of reality the invitation comes from as to the form the invitation comes takes.
When these greetings come into our lives, if we don't understand what is happening, we can get confused, we may take things personal, when in reality it is a negative greeting, being expressed in the form of a person, event, many people, whatever, from a force much larger than that event.
In the background of both the Pole Shift Ning, and the Earth Changes Central Ning, there has been an ongoing dialogue, that many of you may, or may not know about, that very often raises lots of emotions. I've decided to bring this issue to the foreground because of what I suspect may be going on, and to hopefully offer the pathway of grace to all involved.
When I first became aware of the growing concerns in the background of the Pole Shift NIng I mentioned to Nancy and Gerard that I felt there was much more going on than meets the eye. I suggested that we all work closely together in grace, to walk carefully forward together because I felt the mission and purpose of the Ning were too important to let matters devolve. To be honest, I have no idea of what Nancy, or Gerard, thought of my statement because I never received a response.
Now the way I see it is that when people begin to come together the combined energy of the unique souls are in a certain way a new soul. This is where we may get the phrase the soul of a nation, or the soul of a city, or the soul of a land, that sort of idea.
It is my humble opinion that when the members of the Pole Shift Ning began to coalesce in a way that began to increase the spiritual energy of the soul being of the Pole Shift Ning, this increased energy of the Ning attracted the balancing forces that we may associate with high density STS, they saw us as equals, and invited us to play. Now, if you don't know what is going on,you may not know you've just been invited to play a very rough game, that if you knew what was going on, you wouldn't want to play at all. Sort of the difference between touch football, and tackle football. Or, suddenly you find yourself in a high drama, and you're thinking what just happened? If you are of a STO/postive bend and you suddenly find yourself in a relationship with the STS/negative bend, or your a young soul, this can be overwhelmingly confusing.
All your attempts to play nice, won't work, you need to know this. All your attempts to make peace, and to work with someone will fail. Because this is not the game that force wants you to play.
In the future, it is going to be very important for us to get a real handle on this. Lots of good people get derailed, lots of communities for good get "hijacked", because they do not recognise the negativegreeting for what it is and instead take it as a personal attack from the person, or people, through which the greeting gets expressed. I feel it is important to remember that stronger minds can, often will, and do, overpower weaker minds. And there are very few human beings on the planet with minds as strong as a 5D STS mind. Mine included, I will never actively engage with such a mind, I would lose. I continually examine my own mind,and heart to to ensure I do not become an unaware vehicle for a such a mind force. To me this subject falls under mental preparations for the Pole Shift, when you consider the PEMS model, (Physical, Emotional,Mental and Spiritual) which is something I had hoped to explore more in the emotions and survival group discussions later on.
I believe that if you are here with a mission, and it is a positive mission, as you begin to grow into your mission, just before your about to step in to the full power of it, you are very likely to receive a negative invitation. It's not personal, it's just the way it happens. It's good to be aware of this possibility,
Knowledge protects, not knowing endangers.
From a higher perspective this is not a problem to be solved, it becomes your next opportunity to express from the orientation you choose to express. Lots of uncanny, miraculously creative things happen at this point. In permaculture one of the principles is that life happens at the edges. These greetings are our human edges.
The key to living most creatively through this sort of situation is to align ourselves with the Highest intention we know, for the benefit of all involved. My understanding is that this is the action of Grace. Grace is the Aspect of the Creative Forces, or of the One BEING, of which we are all a part of, that draws all together for the good of all involved. Then, if you are of an STO bend, try to be as open, genuine, and as natural to yourself as you can be, and let this highest intention guide your actions. You may be led to do nothing, you may be led to wait. My feeling is that if you invite Grace and stay open you will always take the most graceful action in any given situation. I am always surprised at how creative the Creative Forces can be. :D
It appears to me in this situation that the negative greeting here is set up to prevent our combined cohesiveness from fully developing, and by "our", I'm including the past, present and future souls of both the Pole Shift Ning, the Earth Changes Central Ning, and any other Nings that may grow and evolve from our collaborate and highly creative spirits.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but my stand on this is that I'm not going to accept the negative greeting. I believe in my heart that we, both Nings, are complementary partners in a larger mission to serve all of humanity. We are meant to develop this way, to grow, together. And, this is where I take my stand. I will not allow the mindforce of a 5D STS to succeed in setting me against my friends. I invite the activity and action of all that is good, kind, compassionate and graceful to enter into this situation so that we, all of us may meet our destiny hand in hand, arm in arm, heart to heart. This is the True Spirit of who we are.
Now, I want to clarify this, I do not believe that Nancy, or Cheryl, or others mentioned is this mess are STS, or any of the other hurtful names being bantered about. Humanity is just now awakening to the awareness that we are part of a larger community of which we are only beginning to get the tiniest glimmer. These other civilisations' intellect, social structure, mental bodies, and so on, are far more cohesive than we are. It is very important that we continue to build our cohesiveness to in order to meet the demands of our future. To me it is a telling sign that our Nings. would receive a negative greeting such as the one we have received. It reinforces my belief and understanding of how strong a force of good we can be.
For the record, this is pretty much the way everyone in the ECC ning talks, at least, so far. ;D
I invite any others who also wish to make this stand with me, to also invite the Action of Grace, here, and now.
I would post this on both nings but for now I cannot post to the Pole Shift Ning.
I give anyone permission to share this with anyone they want, and if anyone can get in touch with Hairy Derriere, please let him know that I apologise that I could not answer his honest question, in an honest way. And for anyone who may have been hurt because I tried to answer Hairy's honest question, I apologise, I did not know the new rule when I had answered that question. In fact, I'm concerned because that new rule has not been updated to the Pole Shift Premise and Rules, and any newby on the Pole Shift Ning may be subjected to experience what I did, I would not want that to happen to anyone else.
May Grace be with us all. e
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nasa's solar dynamics observatory is beaming back images of unprecedented clarity.scarcely wider than california, thetubular structure holds millions of tons of relatively cool and dense solar plasma.