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I started following this story yesterday when the Christian village was being attacked and thought their fate was going to be the same as the other Christian villages, My thought on this is that international support was needed and by killing more Christians would hamper that and Al Caeda was told to hold off and give them a rain check, Now their only way to survive is to escape the country because Al Caeda will be back for them after Assad is gone.
Al-Qaeda Vows To Slaughter Christians After U.S. ‘Liberates’ Syria From Assad
Related: Al-Qaeda-Linked Syrian Rebels Attack Christian Village Excerpted from Raymond Ibrahim: While U.S. leaders continue pushing for war against the Syrian government, today “Al-Qaeda-linked rebels,” reports AP, “launched an assault on a regime-held Christian mountain village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus, on Wednesday… In the attack on the village of Maaloula, rebels commandeered a mountaintop hotel and nearby caves and shelled the community below, said a nun, speaking by phone from a convent in the village. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.”
Arabic news agency Al Hadath gives more information concerning this latest terror attack on Syria’s Christians, specifically how the al-Qaeda linked rebels “terrorized the Christians, threatening to be avenged on them after the triumph of the revolution.”
Thus al-Qaeda terrorists eagerly await U.S. assistance against the Syrian government, so they can subjugate if not slaughter Syria’s Christians, secularists, and non-Muslims — even as the Obama administration tries to justify war on Syria by absurdly evoking the “human rights” of Syrians on the one hand, and lying about al-Qaeda’s presence in Syria on the other.
IMO, this is where our focus should be - finding and using natural solutions.
I believe this Planet provides to all living beings on it all that is required to live a long, healthy life - all we have to do is find it and use it accordingly!
Imaging if all our energies were focused on such things - what a wonderful planet this would be - once again!
The article is worth a read and the video is definitely worth a viewing:
Obama auctioning off all marijuana seized in drug raids since 2008.
78 Children Under Government “Protection” Disappear in Oklahoma, Agency Blames the Children
78 Children who were taken from their parents are now missing and the government agency in charge is claiming that the children “probably just ran away because they didn’t want to follow the rules”

(Photo: Photo: Wikimedia Commons) Oklahoma state welcome sign on the west edge of the Oklahoma panhandle.
By JG Vibes August 13, 2013
For years Intellihub has covered countless stories of abuse and neglect at the hands of CPS and the entire so called “child protection” racket. Just this week we re-posted “10 Shocking CPS Videos You Need To Watch” and reported on a toddler who was killed by her foster mom, after being taken from her peaceful birth parents because they used cannabis.
Now it has been reported that 78 children in the state of Oklahoma under government “protection” have gone missing in just the past few months, and are still gone.
Millie Carpenter, DHS’s (Oklahoma Department of Human Services) permanency and well-being program administrator, and Melissa Jones, a DHS program supervisor, insist there is accountability, but say preventing children from running away is not as easy as it might sound. Carpenter said staff members believe all 78 children who are currently missing are runaways and not children who have been abducted. There are more than 10,000 children in state custody. Most live in foster homes, while many others stay in shelters and group homes. Many of the children want more independence and some choose to run away, she said.
Some children run away to reunite with parents that state officials have deemed unsuitable, but “I’ve had just as many run just because they didn’t want to follow rules,” Jones said.
“For the most part, we don’t put children who are in DHS custody in a lock up facility,” Jones said. “They are in facilities where they can walk away.”
“That is ridiculous,” said Michelle Zettee, of Midwest City, a former volunteer with the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. “There needs to be some accountability here … When DHS has a child removed from his or her parents — especially when the reason for the removal stems from allegations of neglect rather than abuse — I feel that DHS should have as much responsibility to provide adequate supervision and ensure the child’s safety as they are attempting to require from the child’s parents.”
It is important to mention that this large number of children missing is just in one state and in a very small window of time, it is hard to imagine how many children go missing through these programs nationwide and what happens to them.
This is very concerning - to say the least!