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We are the Arcturian Group 4/24/22

Greetings dear readers.

Know that both personally and globally all is proceeding according to plan, the Divine plan for earth's ascension. It is a time for courage but also for hope and joy because that which you came to witness and be a part of (the ascension process) is exactly what you are now doing.

It has become very easy and popular to compare today's world with imagined concepts of how wonderful things used to be. Do not allow yourselves to get trapped in this thinking for you did not choose to incarnate simply to live a happy three dimensional life although that can and will be part of it. As spiritually evolved individuals you volunteered to be a part of the ascension process because you knew that an increased presence of evolved states of consciousness would add Light to the collective consciousness allowing increasingly more individuals to awaken.

Three dimensional energy presently vibrates at a low, slow, and dense frequency. What is seen with physical eyes is not God's perfect Idea earth but as with all material form, is a three dimensional concept of God's perfect creation. Earth's three dimensional form began as a jewel of beauty and life reflecting God's infinite creativity and perfection until ignorant hypnotized minds conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation began to plunder earth's gifts selfishly with no regard for her as a living being. They began destroying earth's perfect three dimensional form and the result over time is the world you see now. However, all Divine Ideas remain intact as facets of God and earth will once again manifest at a higher frequency as mankind awakens.

Earth is a living Divine being, as is every person and life form. Everything that exists expresses the vast infinity of Divine Consciousness for nothing else exists. Matter is simply the mind interpretation of a Divine idea through collective and personal states of consciousness. The underlying reality of everything expressing materially remains forever in Divine Mind as an indestructible Divine Idea.

When you are centered in truth it allows the Light of your consciousness to flow and align with those receptive wherever they may be in the world because of Oneness. Remember, you are not here to fix, heal, and correct the three dimensional world. There are those whose work on earth is to assist on a three dimensional level, but the work of those awake to higher truth, is to BE a light in the presence of darkness. Your awareness of the reality underlying every appearance in the material world helps awaken others and adds truth to collective consciousness.

Old cellular memory and obsolete third dimensional beliefs continue to surface personally and globally in order to be recognized and cleared. Low resonating energy is unable to align with the higher dimensional frequencies pouring to earth and being integrated by individuals at this time. Old energy still active in cellular memory is rising to conscious awareness and being experienced physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by many as part of their clearing process.

Consciousness vibrates at varying rates of Light or density. This is energy. Everyone is aware of it, but most do not really understand what it is they feel. Certain places like some bars, junk stores, old and unkempt neighborhoods, prisons, closed down psychiatric hospitals, and places of past violence and suffering continue to hold energy that vibrates with a heaviness that can still be felt. Places simply manifest the energy of the consciousnesses that formed and may still support them. There are individuals as well as earth herself working to clear and replace areas of dense energy with Light.

The energetic vibrations you experience in certain situations is how intuition works to guide you away from experiences of low and perhaps a dangerous resonance. Trust your intuition always for it is a facet of your reality as Consciousness rather than a human mind with only a limited three dimensional belief system for guidance.

Every individual has a permanent real body, a Light body that the majority cannot see and knows nothing about. Your light body is you as an individualized expression of Source. You have had a Light body since your beginning. You had it before entering the lower dimensional energies of earth, continue to have it while utilizing a material body, and will have it when you no longer need a physical vehicle and
return home.

Your Light body is simply God's perfect expression of ITself individualized as you. The reason there are so many diseases and health issues on earth is simply because at this time most states of consciousness remain conditioned with beliefs of good/bad and separation from God and the real Self. Because the outer manifests the inner, human health issues of infinite variety and form reflect the world's belief in duality (sick/well) and separation.

Because mind is the interpreter of both individual and collective states of consciousness, there really are no victims, but you cannot say that to those who are suffering because most are not yet be able to comprehend spiritual truth and live lives fully under the influence of the three dimensional belief system. Know that there is always more going on behind the scene in every situation other than what appearances would seem.

Every person is on earth to learn and spiritually evolve through the experiences they need, are spiritually prepared for, and have chosen before incarnating. Many appear to be learning absolutely nothing, but that too is part of their learning. When a person "dies" and returns home, with the loving help of their Guides they go over the details of their most recent life and evaluate how well they achieved the goals and choices they had set for themselves.

A returning soul is never blamed for their actions on earth and suicides are not condemned as many believe. Rather every soul is helped to see and learn from their choices and experiences even to the point of planning their next life on earth which may include a re-do of certain experiences. Suicides are required to once again get to the point at which they gave up and then move through it which may not be in their next life but after more evolution has taken place.

Hundreds of years of false doctrine and teachings about heaven and hell, a punishing God, and sin, originally for the purpose of control over others, has caused and continues to cause many to live with a fear of death and the harsh punishing god awaiting them instead of realizing that God knows only ITself as them which is love and oneness.

Being an expression of God, man also creates. Some who have lived very un-evolved and self serving lives while on earth will after passing on unknowingly create similar situations for themselves while others may drop into the heavy energy of self hatred and remorse. Both create for themselves a hell of sorts. Guidance and love are always available just awaiting every soul's receptivity regardless of how they lived on earth. This does not mean they will avoid the lessons and experiences necessary for them to learn and spiritually evolve beyond their present state of consciousness, but know that there is no such place as "hell" for God can only express ITself--love and oneness.

There is NO DEATH, never doubt this. Everyone's home is the higher dimensions and not earth. At some point everyone chooses to go home which is nothing more than a change of location. No one is meant to stay forever in the low resonating energy of the third dimension. At this time earth is a school of learning. As earth's frequency rises, life spans will automatically be longer if desired because beliefs of disease, aging, and deterioration, etc. will no longer exist as reality.

The war activities taking place at this time will cease in a month or two. These activities represent an intense clearing of the "power over" energies that have remained alive and well on earth for eons. Throughout the ages man's ignorance has increased and added energy to "power over" beliefs as a way to feel complete which in reality is nothing more than the false belief of separation.

Every soul seeks to experience its innate Divine completeness but those not yet spiritually evolved enough to understand this, seek completeness in the outer through various forms of power, sex, and money. Throughout the ages, those governed by ego and a sense of separation have sought satisfaction and their sense of completeness through power over those they believe to be less valuable or deserving than themselves. This belief in personal superiority and separation has allowed them to do and take what they want from others without regret because they believe they are entitled to it.

Tremendous pockets of "power over" energy are now manifesting but rather than being met with general acceptance by the majority as in the past, "power over" is being recognized and met with rejection by a world that is evolving beyond beliefs of separation. A new and higher collective consciousness that no longer supports "power over" people, leaders, governments, countries, religions, laws, teachings, etc. is being born. Mankind is awakening.

Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence of all kinds leaves an energetic imprint until cleared. You will not know exactly what old energy may be surfacing because some are very ancient, but many of you will feel their energy as they clear. Never accept some negative or dense energy you may experience as being personally yours. Do not resist it but rather simply acknowledge and allow the unwanted energy to flow through, recognizing it for what it is and giving it no power.

Your Light is assisting these clearings to take place. Dark energy which is not God ordained and sustained but rather is simply formed from beliefs, cannot exist the in the presence of highly evolved states of consciousness. As increasingly more awaken and begin live truth, that which is false must automatically dissolve.

Cease giving power to all appearances--this is good, but that is bad, the flowers are good, but bugs are bad, the air here is good, but there it is bad, a particular food is good but that one is not. Follow your intuition because even the simplest things can reinforce the energy of duality if believed.

We understand that on earth some things really do act as good or bad and that practical human actions are often necessary. However you who are awake must first bring to conscious awareness whatever truth is underlying the appearance before taking the human steps needed.

Attempting to live and depend on absolute truth before attaining the consciousness of it is not wise nor spiritual and has resulted in disaster for many sincere students of truth. However, the absolute must first be intellectually known and practiced in order for it to eventually become an attained state of consciousness that will then manifest outwardly in, as, and through the individual.

Everything IS--neither good nor bad but just IS.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/24/22

​Donations are welcomed

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22nd April 2022. Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey

David Wilcock is a respected Author and Speaker who has stood up against the efforts of the Illuminati to block his videos that align with the aims of the Alliance. He is extremely intuitive and for this reason I have no hesitation in quoting from his message “End Times” given in 2020 as hereunder.

“The present period will be the last time our civilisation that will be in the third dimension. The World goes through a holographic transformation caused by a wave of Light. A city will materialise above Earth in the sky that has already been seen by Man many times, it is on a different level of vibration.

There will be a 21 degree pole shift and it is the times' end and there will be a spiritual transformation as predicted in the Bible, see Matthew 13:12.43. It will be the day of enlightenment. You will have a luminous body and experience the Resurrection. It is predicted exactly the same in the Muslim Book”.

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Linda Li
USA has arrived on new earth. New Dawn for USA and the world.
April 15th, 2022
Linda Li
Dear family of love and light, the Divine wants to share good news with you. Today, on Good Friday afternoon, the Divine and the company of heaven have successfully brought souls in the United States to new earth. The process was very smooth and now all souls in America have arrived on new earth.
The Divine and the company of heaven are very pleased with the success. Souls in America have now arrived on new earth and all is well. So the Ascension of the souls in America has been accomplished. The Divine has informed the souls that they have arrived on new earth. The new earth is their new home. From now on, the old systems will no longer be supported. All souls will start the new earth systems and new earth living. Souls will adjust and the adjustment time will be Divinely arranged. Souls will have guidance and souls ascended are very pleased on new earth.
Gaia and the Divine have congratulated souls in America for the successful ascension. The Divine is also very pleased with the result. And the Divine wants to share the good news with light workers. All is well indeed. Divine blessings to you. Linda Li. So it is.
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Greetings to all Lightworkers and souled ones on Earth at this ending time.  It is with great concern that I give you my words of wisdom at this time, for the ending time presents much more difficult soul lessons to be made of which you need to accomplish.

My word to the souled ones the great Masters, who still slumber in darkness of the Lie is to awaken. I cannot do it for you nor force you to realize that you have and are still living under the great LIE that the Satanian Empire has put upon you.    It has to be you and each of you that must awaken to the Truth.  Mother Earth has prayed for you, and has waited far longer than normal to tip on her axis for you to awaken.   

If you do not awaken, you shall continue on in 3D for millennias of years to get back where you are at this point.  I can do no more than pray and ask for you to awaken, but it is your freewill to do so.


At this point I shall address my remarks to those of you, who have awakened to the Truth.  I call you Sananda’s Flock.  I never said that the road of enlightenment was an easy one, but I did say that you are never alone in your struggle to accomplish your lessons with greatness and honor.  This Flock of Truthbringers is minuscule compared to the entire population and as St. Michael said the number of those enlightened [Sananda's Flock]  is like a drop of the ocean waters.

The latest battle the Lightworkers had to deal with was with the Niburian Empire which has worked along side the Satanian Empire to accomplish their evil goals. The Lightworkers have done well in disseminating the evil plans of a tall building on Lake Cour ‘de Alene, which would match other structures worldwide to form an evil grid across this beloved planet .  You had dealt thus far with the evil of your own government which is wonderful, but far above that is the Niburians that have been on Mother Earth since the time of Sumaria.

These ones to whom I mention, are the controllers.  Yes, they are above the Rockefellers, and other top families and have been thus since the first civilization upon Earth Shan.  Their plans with the Moon have been taken care of by the Lightworkers with our help, but it is still not time to ask to come home.

Mother Earth has said that there are more things that need urgent attention, and that a little more time is needed to accomplish these last missions to clear the evil from Mother Earth.   When you are connected to the Lighted Reams and have cleared yourself of all negative things, you will know in your heart what needs to be done quickly.

The dark ones or minions, as I call them are totally evil and love to work under cover or secretly, so no one knows their plans.   They still have a devious plan they think no one knows.  They think the Lightworkers are a group of fools and that they, alone, are the greatest of all humans living upon Mother Earth.

They cannot conceive of your Great God Spirit within, which is the Power of Creation.  It  is beyond their thoughts.  As I told you before you can destroy their plans, but they go to plan B, C and on.  I say to you at this time, you have, with our help, rendered useless their plans on the Moon, and can stop any further evil plans!

Also, this morning, Creator Source has revealed to you that these ones still have horrible plans ahead, and they must be rendered transmuted and uncreated by St. Germain’s Violet Ray of Transmutation. 

Stay focused, centered, balanced and calm.   When you are in that mode of goodness, you must ask for our help to deal with this evil, Then you can render the evil to begone and uncreated by St. Germain’s Violet Ray of Transmutation,even at these last days and hours, before Mother Earth’s transition to a higher dimension that prohibits any evil from attacking her ever again.  That time is coming quickly, but the remaining Empire from Nibiru has to be dealt with by the Lightworkers with our help.

You must understand that we cannot be the first ones to lay out these evil plans.  The discovery of such HAS to come from 3D and THEN ask for our help.  That is the Great Law of Non-Intervention.   Here is the procedure to follow

Clear yourself of all negativity.  Make a list of such or make a personal petition.  Again, I tell you to stay focused, calm, centered, balanced, and have asked to be the best that you can.   Then ask us for our help and what procedure to follow, and we help all we can.

Some of you Lightworkers hear very well what I have to say, and have asked about further missions.  Because you have asked, we shall tell you what needs to be done to complete your mission.  You have been told what to do, so let’s get these last moves by those of the Dark to have their plans vanish.

I leave you with this thought.  You are never alone.  Ask, and it shall be revealed to you.   We walk the Read Road of Truth together.



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SANANDA: We of the Lighted Realms have given these Petitions to the Lightworkers.   However, at this time the Lighted Realms have asked for these to be posted on this website for all souled ones on Earth and in the Cosmos to say daily or several times a day!

May it create a great UNENDING WAVE of GOODNESS, LOVE AND LIGHT to flow back and forth across from Mother Earth to the entire Cosmos, NOT UNLIKE A GREAT A MIGHTY UNENDING WAVE OF THE OCEAN.

You must clear yourself first and then say the beginning prayer given to you by El Morya, the first Ray of the Cohans.  Also, you may use the following “clearing” given to you by the Lighted Realms.

NOTE:  The word “Chalice” means your SOUL and ”WHITE” means Heavenly.

***************************8\ CLEARING PRAYER  

I petition by my Mighty God Spirit within and for a great, great Love of our Creator, all the Lighted Masters and all of Creation.

By my I AM Presence, I ask that all negative feelings of emotions, deeds, actions, words, all addictions, all anxety, aguish, any procrastination and distractions, all physical, mental and emotional illnesses, being unfocused, unbalanced, unhappy, being off centered, all regrets, self-humiliation, all evil and darkness, all ego and alter ego, condemning, all crosses of selfishness and self-indulgence, all black goo that I bear within myself, and within every being and creation on and within Mother Earth Shan that is, also, within every being of Creation in the entire Cosmos, be cleared away immediately and transmuted by the Violet Flame of St Germain from this Lower [3D] Octave to the Higher Octaves to be uncreated!

 I ask for complete protection for every creation in the entire Cosmos from all evil and evil technologies.  I ask for all the Lighted Masters and our Creator to right the chalices within all souls, and fill them with Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, Healing, totality, and centralization.

 I petition for all our harmonic frequencies be continuously raised to 169443.  I ask for Divine humility and purity of thought.  I ask to keep us all centered, focused and calm within this Lower Octave of illusion at this ending time, and to keep our emotions and energy in the Higher Octaves of the Cosmic Consciousness which will help us master our freewill.  Remember, there is only goodness in reality, and evil is of the illusion like this low 3D octive in which we live on this planet.

Please surround and infuse us all with the White Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael.

 I ask this to be done in Sananda’s name.  AMEN! 


We ask for humility, and to hear the bell tolling, calling us forth.  We ask for the Will of God Aton, and for Love to surround all beings in the cosmos.  We are his humble servants, and we draw from his well-spring (Creator Source) of the Living Flame within our hearts!  We transmute away sin, disease and death, for they are of this illusion.  We transmute away this quasi (seems like) reality, in order to invoke (call on) our Sacred Spirit within to allow us to strip away the darkness from the molecules of light. We shall then have full memory once again, as the illusion falls away and is uncreated.  We ask for the thrust of thought, beyond the plane of consciousness into the entire Cosmos, and protection for all we petition!!



We petition by our mighty God spirit within and with great love, to set ourselves and all living beings in the entire cosmos, whether it be person, plant, animal, mineral or element, free of any mental or physical pain! We refuse the sentence of pain and pronounce all to have served the warden long enough! We remove the binding shackles that have bound all and ask that they be released through the transmutation ray of St Germain to a higher octave to be cast into the ethers and uncreated!!! We ask this in Esu Sananda's name! Amen! Please surround us all with the white light of God Aton and the blue light of Saint Michael!! Please return to all in the cosmos to fill their voided spaces with love, healing and light! Please right the chalices of all beings and fill them with love healing and light of the 7 Great Masters and the white light of God Aton. We ask this in Sananda's name! Amen!



We humbly ask to send all of Creation, our Creator, and the Great Lighted Masters all our Love, so they can return it to fill all chalices with Wisdom and Love.  We ask for St Germain’s Transmutation Ray to transmute all the Wisdom and Knowledge from all of the Great Lighted Masters through this Petition.  We humbly ask all the Lighted Masters help keep this Petition in the lower octaves, so it may heal and bring much Love to all.  We, also, humbly ask for the Violet Transmutation Flame of St Germain to transmute all debris and darkness out of our pathway, as we ascend on the spiral of enlightenment, and to transmute all darkness away for which we petition.

 We humbly ask for Divine humility and innocence like a small child, and to be open and remember again when we played with and loved all beings and creations.  We humbly ask for mastery of our pearls of the Cosmic Consciousness, and for the discipline to withdraw our energy from the dense matter of this octave and to bring it into the higher consciousness.  We petition for us to have the discipline to master freewill here in this octave, so that our Creator’s Divine Plan, and what each of us agreed to do, is revealed to us so we may fulfill it.

 We humbly ask for protection of our electric bodies that have been given to us for our soul growth and lessons, and to work with God Aton to find our cornucopia ever flowing with treasures of Wisdom, Abundance, Light and Divine Love.  We ask to experience the healing salve that comes from wonderful beauty, so that we remain inside the calm and harmonious whole.  We ask to become warriors of the Spirit, so we can move forward in our lives, right now, because we have full understanding of God Aton and ask for healing of our hearts!

We petition by our Mighty God Spirit within, and for a great, great Love for all that there is in the Creation, and of our Creator.  We humbly ask for all of us to have clarity of thought consciousness of our souls, and centralization of our beings.  We ask for our chalices to be righted and filled with healing rays of all the Masters and Love of the White Light of God Aton.  We humbly ask to uncreate all our crosses that we bear of selfishness and self-indulgence, freeing us of this lower octave’s chains.  This shall enable our Petition to ring true with Light, Love and Healing!

We petition for all the Lighted Great Masters Knowledge and Wisdom to be transmuted through the Violet Flame of St Germain to all of creation!  We petition that man once again will hear and understand the eighteen Laws of God and Creation.  We petition that all Alter Egos, sexual perversion, sexual confusion, selfishness and self-indulgence crosses that all people, souled, un-souled, cloned and all races of beings on the entire planet of Mother Earth Shan within and without have and bear, be uncreated immediately.

We, also, ask all addictions of all beings souled, un-souled, cloned,  and all races and animals on Mother Earth Shan, within and without, be uncreated immediately.   We ask that all Satanic cults, O cults, secret societies, witch craft, demon worshiping, religions, organizations, groups, gatherings or self-proclaimed gurus of all races in and on Mother Earth Shan, be rendered useless.  We petition for all of their evil teachings, books, war, hate mongering, lies, mind control, sacrificing, chanting, and complete 3D nonsense be transmuted away by St Germain’s Violet Flame to the higher octaves, be uncreated immediately to help all to awaken.

 We ask to transmute all chemicals and vaccinations that are being used to harm or destroy any races, animals, plants, trees, water or any creation in the atmosphere, on or within Mother Earth Shan, to a higher octave through the Violet Flame of St Germain  to be made into healing Gans water for all!

We ask for healing of all the hearts of all beings in and on Mother Earth Shan, so that all can give Love to then receive Love from the Infinite One.  We empty all chalices [souls] of darkness and fill them with Healing and Love from God Aton, and all the Masters.  We humbly ask all chalices within every Creation in and on Mother Earth Shan to bring back balance and light, so all will know and remember our Creator God Aton!

 We ask for all beings in and on Mother Earth Shan to have their electrical meters be brought back to center and be given that moment of stillness within,  so they remember, who they are.  May they remember the innocence they had as a child.  We ask for all the Lighted Realms to summon all the Mighty Arch Angles to go forth with their Legions of energy to cut free those souls, who are bound of nightmares, demons and discarnates  that pray upon their mind and body.   We petition for all to understand what the Light is, so the shackles of darkness that bind them in this octave fall away.  May all step into the beam when it is time for lift-off.

 We ask that all children be loved and protected, nurtured and cared for by all the legions of Angels of the Angelic Realms until lift-off.  We, also, humbly ask God Aton to help all souls to find their cornucopia.  We peititon for all the doorways, pathways, ribbons, wheels and roads of Light that have been created for the transcending of all trapped souls of all races of people, children, all water life, all animals, birds, bugs and insects from every civilization to present, that have left this lower octave on Earth and the Moon, to be protected by the Angelic Realms and kept open until lift-off.

We empty Mother Earth’s Chalice of darkness and fill it to over- flowing with Love from all the great Masters and God Aton, in order to heal her, all of the elements, and to ease her pain.  This shall help give Mother Earth Shan a wonderful and happy transition.  We thank her for sustaining us and loving us for all the long millennias, for she is a precious gem for placement and atunement.  We unshackle her chains and release her from her bondage, and transmute away man’s great confusion of turmoil and hatred in order to calm, heal and send love to all the elements.  Then he can become One again with his Creator for balance. He shall be able to understand and know he is never alone in this octave, in all octaves, and shall forever more be connected to the Great White [Lighted] Brotherhood.

We send love and healing to the entire Cosmos, and ask for the un- creation of all the selfishness, self-indulgence crosses, addictions, sexual perversions, and all Alter Egos that every being and creation have in the entire Cosmos in the lower octaves.  We, again, ask for the Violet Ray of Transmutation of St Germain to transmute all the darkness away, and to affirm the unreality of sin, disease, and death.  We invoke the Sacred Spirit, the cause and effect, record and memory of illusion that must submit on Earth Shan and all the planets in the lower octaves in the entire cosmos!   We send Love to all of Creation, and fill the chalices in the entire Cosmos in all dimensions with Love and the Light of all the Great Masters!   We send Love and Light of all the Great Masters, and fill the chalices of our Creator and Creation!!

God Aton’s will is our will in his Mighty I Am Presence, for I Am the Way, I Am the Truth and the Life.  We are all one in the end!  We ask this to be done in Esu Sananda’s name Amen! 

Please surround all of Creation in the Cosmos with the White [Heavenly] Light of God Aton and the Blue Light of St. Michael!AMEN!!! It is time for Mother Earth to come home! The Golden

Helmets [Arch Angels] surround her with love!!!!



Please send all we petition for, out to the cosmos, with all the energy of thought, Our Creator will allow, so we can ALL come into total fullness of faith, hope, charity and love; the greatest being love!!! Amen!!!

Please send energy through all we petition, continuously in a rhythm of light and love so the rhythm of the darkness is overridden completely and uncreated for all eternity!!! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!!

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Hello people of an outrageously Shining Light!!
Here is the latest conversation with the 'Ones elsewhere.' Trusting you will Enjoy.
Hoping to get a video up for Easter ... if all is in alignment to do so!
Meantime ... BE the best you are able to BE in any given moment. If Being miserable is the best you can BE today ... BE miserable. If Being Happy is the best you can BE today ... exude Happiness to counteract the ones who can't quite make 'Happy' today. Swings and roundabouts, my friends. Swings and roundabouts!
DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks!

How to navigate my site and find what you are looking for.
THE CHANNELLING TOPICS OF INTEREST can be found under The Federation Of Light menu.
An UPDATED document on all VISUALISING suggestions from The Federation Of Light is offered to you by the same gentleman who created the Topics list. He has also compiled another document from the channelings on 'TIPS TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION'. Thanks so much, Xavier!

In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.
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We are the Arcturian Group 4/10/22


APRIL 10, 2022

Welcome to our message dear readers. Always know that it is our privilege and joy to bring these messages to you who bravely chose to serve and play an important role in earth's ascension journey, a choice not for the fainthearted.

As a spiritually aware individuals you were allowed to incarnate because you were evolved enough to assist in moving a hypnotized world above its long established illusory belief system. Because you are aware that there is no time or space and only ONE Consciousness, you knew that your attained consciousness of oneness could serve to automatically draw and lift those spiritually ready into a more evolved state of consciousness regardless of where they lived in the world.

Do not allow yourselves to become overwhelmed by the pain and suffering you hear about and see through the media which is very easy to do. However, by doing this you add this low resonating energy to the collective and give power and substance to the illusion. We know that it is often difficult and exhausting to remain neutral and hold the Light of truth in the presence of all that is going on in the world at this time, but you were chosen out of many to be here at this time because you were deemed strong and evolved enough to do it.

You who have attained a consciousness of truth serve as Light in these times turmoil because one with God is a majority. One highly evolved consciousness can dissolve and lift others up and out of their false creations of separation, duality, and two powers where there is alignment. When you are tempted to indulge in anger, disgust, revenge, despair etc. all of which are easily felt at this time, stop and ask yourself; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way? Is it true?" This will redirect your thought to truth and allow you to clear and shift away from adding power to appearances.

Love is oneness. Those who have attained conscious awareness of oneness and know that the true identity of every life is in and of that ONE, lift and serve by virtue of their understanding that love is the interconnecting energy existing between all expressions of that ONE Divine Consciousness manifesting as many.

On earth love has been and continues to be interpreted in hundreds of ways according to the state of consciousness of those doing the interpreting. Always remember that because you are expressions of God, you are creators and your consciousness is the substance from which you create.

Love continues to be preached from many sources but usually consists of three dimensional concepts about love which in most cases means attraction to another or emotions. Love can and frequently does include feelings and emotion, but love in its purest and unconditional form is the energetic connection between the infinite expressions of ONE Divine Consciousness.

God infinitely sustains and maintains ITself, not Joe, Mary, or the dog. ITself, One Divine Consciousness and One Divine Mind individualized as Joe, Mary, and the dog. It does no good to pray that God protect this one or that one, but not this other one deemed to be bad or to beg God to please give me this or that. God is, always has been, and will continue infinitely to be and express ITself in fullness and without limitation because God IS all that is, knowing only ITself in and as infinite form and variety.

Everyone at some point must accept that their true identity is Divine Consciousness with a Divine Mind individualized and that therefore they embody all the qualities of this Divine Consciousness rather than that they are weak and vulnerable human beings controlled and governed by outside forces formed of beliefs in duality, separation, and two powers.

When you feel yourself slipping into old habits of self judgement and criticism, pause and call to mind; "I AM the fullness of all the one I AM is" or whatever words resonate with you that will clear and shift you into a higher state of consciousness. Do not judge yourself or feel that you have failed when you feel anger and frustration at what you are witnessing in the world but rather use these emotions to remind yourself that God alone is, and that anything formed from beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers is illusory in spite of its seeming reality.

Many wonder about the presence of so many seemingly lower resonating people on earth at this powerful time. Some of the less evolved who carried the energetic potential for actions of violence and separation were allowed to incarnate during earth's ascension time not only for their own evolutionary process but also because their state of consciousness could lead to the activation and exposure of dense agendas needing to be seen and recognized in order to be eliminated.

Earth is ascending, even though it may not look that way judging by appearances. Heavy ancient energies formed from ego based "power over" beliefs that have been active for eons are surfacing in order to be seen clearly for what they represent and for the first time are being rejected by the majority. It is happening.

It is Easter season for Christians, a time in which the story of the death, resurrection, and ascension of the master Jesus is told and celebrated. However as with the Christmas story, the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is not just one man's story, but is everyone's.

Easter experiences are not just one time events, but are part of every soul's evolutionary journey through lifetimes in order for them to shift from a comfortable state of consciousness long outgrown that they refuse to move on from.

A major Easter experience which you may have had, will have, or may be now experiencing is when everything previously believed and has served well up to a point either gradually or suddenly collapses and drops away. The person's long held foundational belief system crumbles leaving them panicked, confused, and in a state of mental turmoil, even questioning whether God exists. Sometimes physically but more often emotionally, mentally, and spiritually there is a period of deep inner suffering as long held beliefs about relationship, love, spirituality, religion, God etc. come into question. (the agony and loneliness in the garden)

The crucifixion of one's old state of consciousness is followed by a period of emptiness--the tomb--a time of forced resting in nothingness because the person's previously held three dimensional foundation is gone. He/she feels bereft and empty of almost all feeling even though the experience is always accompanied by tremendous Light and Love from the higher dimensions.

After a short period of time depending upon one's resistance and struggle to bring back the old, the soul finally surrenders and emerges from their tomb of nothingness imbued with a deeper and higher awareness able to see and understand self and others through more evolved eyes. He/she has ascended into the new and more evolved state of consciousness they were ready for but resisting. The old person has died but a new person is born.

At some point as determined by the Higher Self, every person will or may even now be having a deep profound Easter experience because earth energies have become intense and a great deal of high resonating frequencies are now pouring in clearing, shifting, and forcing those ready out of a comfortable dream that has become obsolete. Easter is not a failure, but is a graduation.

ONE omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Consciousness as YOU.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/10/22

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Greetings Beloved Ones,


WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss radiating Divine Love.


Divine Love is a frequency that comes from the Creator. It surpasses all other levels of vibration. It is all-encompassing and permeates the multidimensions. It includes highest good for all Beings and all of Creation.


Divine Love is a frequency that is available to anyone who wishes to carry this level of vibration.


When you attune to this frequency, you rise to a higher level, and you are able to be of even greater service for highest good.


Radiating Divine Love greatly benefits humanity and all of Creation.


It contains many higher level qualities such as compassion and kindness, and it encompasses Oneness.


Compassion shows that you understand a person and want the best for them, even if you do not agree with their actions. You are connecting with them at a heart level through their Divine Spark.


Kindness is part of your thoughts, words, and actions. Greeting someone with a smile and pleasant words is part of building a bridge of understanding with others. You are radiating Divine Love.


When you feel Divine Love in your heart center, it reaches out to all Beings and promotes a state of Oneness. You realize that all of Creation is part of the One.


Therefore, the process of radiating Divine Love begins with feeling this compassion and Love for yourself.


Being compassionate with yourself in the same way you would be for others helps you to connect with the Creator and feel the Oneness with all of humanity and Creation. The more compassion you have for yourself, the more you can share this with others.


Part of being compassionate toward yourself and radiating Divine Love includes clearing your energy field.


You may wish to forgive yourself for any occasions where you felt you were less than positive. You can view the situation as a detached observer, be aware of the lessons learned, and know how you would change the situation.


Then, you can surround your energy field with the Violet Flame and transmute and transform any less than positive energy into beautiful, sparkling white Light.


Now, let your attention rest on your heart center and your Divine Spark that connects you to All That Is. You can feel the Divine Love as you focus on it. The more you continue this focus, the stronger the connection of Divine Love will be. It will flow through every part of you, and you will know that you are a Being of Divine Light and Love.


You are now shining your Divine Light from every part of your Being. The longer you focus on it, the stronger and more brilliant it becomes. Divine Love radiates from every part of you.


As this occurs, you are likely to have a desire to share this Divine Love with all of humanity and Creation. You can have a conscious intention to radiate this out to all Beings. You do not need to approve of their actions. You are simply radiating Divine Love to those around you. You are connecting with their Divine Spark and inviting them to experience the Divine Love and Light and the Oneness of Creation.


Your Divine Love radiates wherever you are, and it ripples throughout the multidimensions.


You are offering Divine Love as a gift for the highest good of all.


You are remaining centered in Divine Love, and your intent is for highest good. You are an instrument of Divine Love, Light, and Peace.


Beloveds, we are happy that you are radiating Divine Love. We are with you on this marvelous journey.


Know that you are greatly loved.


WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst,

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.



Copyright © 2022 Linda M. Robinson, All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given.  Linda M. Robinson,

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