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Sandy Leaves Death, Damp and Darkness


Seawater floods Ground Zero.

"The storm that made landfall in New Jersey on Monday evening with 80 mph sustained winds killed at least 16 people in seven states, cut power to more than 7.4 million homes and businesses from the Carolinas to Ohio, caused scares at two nuclear power plants and stopped the presidential campaign cold.

"The massive storm reached well into the Midwest: Chicago officials warned residents to stay away from the Lake Michigan shore as the city prepares for winds of up to 60 mph and waves exceeding 24 feet well into Wednesday."

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I Hate to Say It- PERMANENT Climate Destruction Has Started.

Update with Hurricane- Super Storm -Perfect Storm Sandy

Follow the youtube link below to watch the BBC TV Prime Time Special, featuring Doug Copp predicting these (now common) unprecedented weather events (10 years ago).

Watch this Video and understand the floods ravaging the USA and Canada, were predicted. Doug Copp, in this Award Winning BBC Special, is featured along with 3 of the world’s leading scientists explaining your present and YOUR FUTURE with these ‘soon to be’ normal events. Get used to destructive weather.

This video is a mock-up of the evening news, from 2050. It is a 2050 Evening TV NEWS special/ documentary explaining what happened in the world from 2000 to 2050. This BBC program was the ‘biggest budget special’ when it was produced. In spite of money invested, Political Pressure ‘squashed the program’ for fear of people rioting for reform.

Hurricane Sandy, type of events, will be occurring on a routine basis; as part of, nature’s rebellion to man’s unquenchable greed.

Title Posted on another Doug Copp Blog during September, 2012

I hate to say it but ‘all the doom and gloom’ folks are right.

Latest Fact:

Last night, on Canadian TV they showed a map of the Arctic Ice disappearing. The ice cap shrank 50% this year and is projected to be entirely disappeared in 2 YEARS.

Personally, I went sailing, with a friend,  last week. It was too hot. It felt like the Caribbean. I wore a short sleeve t shirt.


We are experiencing a massively life threatening..permanent heat wave.

The famous ..but historically non existent northwest passage, searched for, by the world’s explorers, as a route to China, for hundreds of NOW OPEN!

Canada is rushing to build naval ships to protect it’s sovereignty . The Prime Minister is going there create Inuit ( old name Eskimo)  police Forces…and much more…like planned ports and cities.

Not only is there NO ICE across the top of the world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific; but Cruise Liners are going thru. Even private sailboats are going thru. It is now a sailing destination.

Cities are planned on the new beaches.

Can you believe that the SAME  Prime Minister (Stephen Harper) who is preparing to protect this OIL RICH AREA ; who comes from a dried up, drought ridden, crop destroyed part of the NEW DESERT Central North America.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mitt Romney are STILL DENYING CLIMATE CHANGE!

 Harper IS A CONSERVATIVE OIL MAN (just like George Bush. OIL COMPANIES  hired HIM, AS THEIR MAN, 15 YEARS AGO when they started paying him as their lobbyist.).. Greed for OIL $$$ at the point of destroying all forms of life, on this planet.


Where do these greedy bastards plan to live? What are they going to drink? What are they going to eat? What are they going to breathe? Where are they going to get their servants?

They might have fortunes but they are among the stupidest, greediest bastards, who ever terrorized the earth,

Palm trees in the ARTIC? Massive and total migration of people’s from most of the USA?

Interdependent species (like us all) are going extinct and have gone extinct..disease from insects is spreading to warmer areas to kill plants, trees and people (West Nile). I have documented hundreds of cases of supporting evidence; since, I was featured in the BBC Network, Prime Time, feature TV program. ( see the previous blog on Hurricane Isaac being predicted 10 years ago, by myself.)

Last week, on local TV, a shocked and stunned tidal fisherman asked: “What will the fishermen do, for lobster bait. ” He was standing in front of his exposed (low tide) 300 ft long net fence. He said that he normally had thousands of herring. Now, he has NONE. NOT A SINGLE FISH! (His herring are sold to Lobstermen, for trap bait).

What he didn’t comprehend is the big picture:

“Lobsters feed on dead fish. They are the vultures of the oceans. They have been thriving.

Now, with no more herring or other fish to die, for their food, then they will die too.”

We are at the point that the vultures are about to starve to death..

I never thought I would think this; but, as I come to an end of my struggling to stay alive with my 911 injuries:

I remember a childhood Quote from Long John Silver, the pirate:

“Them that dies are the lucky ones!”.

All attacks should be directed at: Doug Copp, personally

563 Charlotte St, Sydney, Nova Scotia,Canada (H)

1-902-567-1227 (H) (H)

The stupidity is utterly amazing. It is ONLY surpassed by the level of greed required by someone who would  destroy their own planet, for profit.

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10958026469?profile=originalOctober 28, 2012 - 7:15p EDT

Readings continue in the Northeast with a start longwave time on October 19th, peaking a few days ago. The white shade has not been seen before in this project and we suspect it is a reading that is over 10. Unknown at the time.

Western USA signals are sustained at around a 5.6 and have been for a couple days now, after having grown from a 3.0 yesterday morning.
Cause: Unknown

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According to the Keshe Foundation's principle of transferring its technologies to every country on earth, we are proud to announce the nation and government of Italy has accepted the transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the keshe Foundation.

On the 26.10.2012 at 4 pm as per pre-agreed appointment with the officials of the Italian embassy in Brussels in Belgium, The Director of the Keshe Foundation M T Keshe handed over to the officials of the Italian government, the representative scientific attaché, all full patents (public and hidden patents) of the Keshe Foundation, the blueprint of space reactor, the assembly unit of the reactor and the design of the space craft.

The transfer of technology as with the government of Sierra Leone was in the format of electronic data saved on a USB stick.

The official of the embassy immediately checked the content of the USB stick and confirmed that patent files and blueprints drawings are fully on the USB stick which they have recived.

The session was video recorded and according to diplomatic protocol, as the video was taken within the premises of the Italian nation territory, it will be archived and will not be shown in public unless otherwise instructed by the Italian embassy and government.

Now the nation of Italy has become the first nation in Europe which has accepted the full transfer of technology of the spaceship program of the Keshe Foundation for bringing peace and prosperity to the nations of the world.

We welcome the scientists and officials of the Italian government and the nation of Italy to the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.

We have offered our full expertise and technical support to the nation of Italy representatives in the meeting, if they call upon the Keshe Foundation to see this development through.

As per previous discussions, we will bring all nations joining the spaceship program soon together that they can exchange know-how and knowledge on equal bases and scientific grounds.

We would like to thank all the Italian people and internet community groups which encouraged their government representative to attend the 6.9.2012 meeting at the Keshe Foundation center for the world government ambassadors, and now we see the fruit of your hard work.

The knowledge transfer has been done on no economical charge bases and it has been freely given to the nation of Italy by the Keshe Foundation as we have done with nations of Iran and Sierra Leone.

We will announce names of more nations as they will become part of the spaceship program in the coming weeks.

We welcome the Nation of Italy to the most advanced space program at the present, which will allow this nation to be able to put men in space before the end of the 2013.

The Keshe Foundation welcomes fellow Italian scientists to peaceful open spaces of the universe and to our space program.

Surely in the coming weeks and months your nation and the Keshe Foundation will make ground breaking technologies for the prosperity of your nation and mankind.

M T Keshe

Director of the Keshe Foundation

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Storm preparations have prevented me from to studying the cause of this storm vis-a-vis solar activity and what I believe is such activity's impact upon Earth's core. However, I have long suspected that Earth's solid inner core -- normally centered within the molten outer core (like one of those chocolate cordials, with a cherry surrounded by syrup, all within a chocolate outer shell) . . .


. . . that cherry, Earth's solid inner core, has been dislodged away from the center of the Earth. When this dislodging of Earths' solid inner core began to occur, about eight years ago, I surmise it was causing the jetstream patterns to change, from rather smooth and flowing horizontally across the map, to the take on a north-south undulating component, sort of like a capital "W" sliding west to east from the Pacific ocean and across the United States. Over the past eight years, that W-shaped jetstream has enlarged both latitudinally and longitudinally, so that the jetstream pattern appears as vast capital "U" whose trough extends very deeply south into Florida (as it resides now), and into Mexico (as it resided during this past extremely hot and dry summer in the lower midwest). And now, the north-south undulation has become so accentuated that the leading edge of the "U" (the arm on the right side) is folding backward from east to west. This eight year chronology of an increasingly accentuated north-south undulation in the jetstream is indicating that the mysterious underlying (pun intended) cause of this increasing undulation is the increasing off-center shift of Earth's solid inner core away and toward the outer edges of the outer molten core. Now, we believe that Earth's magnetic field is created by the smooth circulation (in times of normalcy) of the molten outer core, due the the centrifugal (center-fleeing) force caused by Earth's daily rotations. In normal times, the molten outer core swirls smoothly, like a bowl of liquid spinning on a potter's wheel. However, if that potter's rotating platform gets bumped or jostled, the liquid in the bowl sloshes up and down, as well as swirls. Now, visualize the sloshing waves of the liquid in the bowl. The outline of the sloshing wave approximates and describes the outline of the jetstream, both in the times of normalcy when the jetstream flows smoothly from east to west, and in the time of abnormalcy when the jetstream begins to slosh up and down as it swirls across the Northern Hemisphere. The reason why the jetstream pattern approximates the swirling pattern of Earth's molten outer core is that that swirling liquid consists of magnetic (not necessarily magnetized, but magnetic) metals whose free electrons (such as freely exist in electrical conductors such as copper and iron) . . . the swirling *action* of this molten mass of free electrons within molten metallic elements actually constitutes electric charge flow, or what is known as electric current. Now, it is a well known principle that electric charge in motion actually generates a magnetic field which billows out from and encircles the path of that stream of electric charge, sort of like a chemtrail would billow out from the moving path of an airplane. Another visual analogy would be a fish swimming underwater. All around the traveling fish a wake of water would be generated by the motion of the fish. The fish is like the flowing electric charge, and the wake around the fish is like the encircling magnetic field around the path of the streaming electricity. Now, Earth's surrounding magnetic field is the created consequence of the electric charge swirling of around within Earth's molten outer core, as water in a bowl on a potter's wheel swirls. Someone or some thing has jostled Planet Earth's potter's wheel. And the culprit is likely solar hyperactivity over the past decade, except for about eighteen months of extreme solar quiescence. But it has been the long term strong waves of solar winds, solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the Sun, whose own streams of electric charge pierced Earth's surrounding magnetosphere like a porcupine shooting its needles at an enemy. As those needle-like streams of solar electricity penetrated Earth's vertical rotating birdcage bars, those solar electrical streams generated there own billowing encircling magnetic fields, which jousted with, and which continue to joust with, those vertical birdcage bars of magnetospheric lines of force. What results from the long term jousting between two magnetic opponents (solar electromagnetic vs. geomagnetic)? To fully understand the answer to that question, let us study the theory of operation of the commonly used electrical transformer. Simplifying its principles by uncoiling the two adjacent wound wires of a transformer, and making these two coils straight adjacent wires, we can see that when a voltage is applied to the straight wire on the left, electric charge flows through that left wire. This charge flow (current) generates an encircling billowing electromagnetic field around the left wire. Now, this encircling billowing electromagnetic field . . . . I had better send this email before my power flickers and I lose everything I have written. Call this part 1. John DiNardo

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It's Snowing!

Looks like this storm is just clipping us.  Nothing predicted out of the ordinary for a winter storm.  The snowflakes are big, wet and plumpy.  Snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow, too.  1-2 inches forecast for today, little to no accumulation tonight.  New accumulation tomorrow, less than one inch.  Right now, wind is out of the west, from that other system.  Gusts today as high as 41 mph, tonight as high as 55 mph.  Tomorrow about the same, a little less. 

So, we'll see how it plays out...

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Frankenstorm: It's A Worst Case Scenario


"I got a call from a friend of mine from Florida last night who said, `Mark, get out! If it's not the storm, it'll be the aftermath. People are going to be fighting in the streets over gasoline and food.'"

"Louis Uccellini, environmental prediction chief for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told The Associated Press that given Sandy's east-to-west track into New Jersey, the worst of the storm surge could be just to the north, in New York City, on Long Island and in northern New Jersey.

"Forecasters said that because of giant waves and high tides made worse by a full moon, the metropolitan area of about 20 million people could get hit with an 11-foot wall of water.

"This is the worst-case scenario," Uccellini said."

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